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Thai's Cutting In Line

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5 hours ago, pluto_manibo said:

Don't get frustrated! Just dump all your items on the counter and walk out! They will catch the drift.

So I was behind a woman with all her purchases still to go through the checkout, she muttered something to the assistant and walked back into the store, I think she had forgotten something, so I started removing her purchases back out the way and put mine in it's place. Come on posters, let's now see all the saddo emo's mounting up.:laugh:

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1 hour ago, bbko said:

Used to happen to me, usually in the 7-11, now when I'm standing there and I see someone trying to jump ahead of me, I simply step even closer to the person in front of me, problem solved.

How close you like to go?

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18 hours ago, JimTripper said:

Is this getting worse or am I just noticing it more?


Counted 3x so far today buying something or service oriented interactions where my transaction is already in process and someone (Thai) walks up, orders or requests while I'm standing there, and the person I'm with immediately serves them first and ignores me, sometimes with a drawn out conversation before they conclude, while I'm standing there waiting.


Is this disrespectful here in Thailand? I thought it was 🤷🏻‍♂️. Feels like a racist Thai first thing.


Try living in Germany.....555


In the opticians.....I was the only customer, and I was leaning against the counter talking to the optician........a little German guy came in and physically tried to get between me and the desk......WT?


I nearly tw****d him.

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5 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

You must go to a different France than I go to, I’ve never had any problems with line cutters there. In my experience, most French people are actually very polite and helpful.


I was there three weeks ago (alps), the line cutting was so outrageous both my Wife and Son noticed it and became annoyed by it. 


In my experience too, most French people are polite and helpful (as are the majority of the population in many nations) but that was contrasted by the noticeable extent of middle aged French women pushing through in the queues which made a number of situations less than relaxing.


5 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Maybe you are one of those people who loves France, but thinks it’s a pity that so many French people live there?


Maybe, you are are one of those people who make dumb assumptions in an attempt to point score ??...  well, not maybe at all... but, 'actually'.... because you have 'actually' proven in your statement above that you are one of  'those dumb assumption people'...  :whistling:


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Yep very common and extremely rude. A very Chinese thing and WAY worse there, but inconsiderate and ignorant Thais do it frequently too. Japanese...never.


As @stoner said...I (usually) look directly at them and tell them nicely but assertively, that the queue is behind me. Common courtesy isn't a thing here. Most "FRussians" haven't any either.

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Confirmation you do not take responsibility for your actions. I was questioning the act of leaving goods taken from a freezer, and left to thaw, remember?

You may think that's OK if someone pushes in front of you. I regard it as vandalism.


To be fair... It could also be regarded as 'point made' or even 'cutting ones nose of to spite their face'...  But to regard it as vandalism is over egging it somewhat don't you think ??... 


The staff won't have left the items there to thaw, they'd have returned them, thus, no damage done - the Vandalism argument you present is over the top and rather ridiculous and does have rather a 'virtue signalling' whiff about it.


The staff may also have learned from the encounter and then 'said mini-protest' will have paved the way for the rest of us not to encounter similar issue.








Edited by richard_smith237
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I was approaching the check out counter in Big C once at about the sake time as a Thai woman.  I graciously indicated that she should go ahead of me.  Instead of just moving forward so I could fall in line behinds her, she pushed her cart Infront of me and started calling over several friends and waived them all ahead of her and in turn me.  I laughed.  Animals gonna be animals. Same happens every day at the vegetable weigh station in Makro when somehow the Thais never see my items on the counter when they put there things in front of mine.  Most of the time I let it go but sometimes for fun I'll ask them in their native tongue when they lost their sight. Then the jaws all hit the floor. 😂

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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


To be fair... It could also be regarded as 'point made' or even 'cutting ones nose of to spite their face'...  But to regard it as vandalism is over egging it somewhat don't you think ??... 


The staff won't have left the items there to thaw, they'd have returned them, thus, no damage done - the Vandalism argument you present is over the top and rather ridiculous and does have rather a 'virtue signalling' whiff about it.


The staff may also have learned from the encounter and then 'said mini-protest' will have paved the way for the rest of us not to encounter similar issue.








Doesn't it depend on how long it is before the staff notices the goods, and takes action to return them to proper storage?  How do you know another customer won't get food poisoning from thawed goods being returned to a freezer? How do you know regulations don't compel them to be thrown out?

I wasn't aware I was virtue signalling, that's your opinion. We all know what they say about opinions.

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6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:
19 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


To be fair... It could also be regarded as 'point made' or even 'cutting ones nose of to spite their face'...  But to regard it as vandalism is over egging it somewhat don't you think ??... 


The staff won't have left the items there to thaw, they'd have returned them, thus, no damage done - the Vandalism argument you present is over the top and rather ridiculous and does have rather a 'virtue signalling' whiff about it.


The staff may also have learned from the encounter and then 'said mini-protest' will have paved the way for the rest of us not to encounter similar issue.









Doesn't it depend on how long it is before the staff notices the goods, and takes action to return them to proper storage?  How do you know another customer won't get food poisoning from thawed goods being returned to a freezer? How do you know regulations don't compel them to be thrown out?

I wasn't aware I was virtue signalling, that's your opinion. We all know what they say about opinions.


Grade A1 'Whatifery'   !!!...

If the food were placed on the counter in front of the Shop Assistant, they'd notice it pretty quickly I imagine.



This whole idea of 'vandalism' of yours is a hyperbolic exaggeration and rather ridiculous and now your exaggeration leaps to customers getting food poisoning...    Your reductio ad absurdum is preposterous. 








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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Grade A1 'Whatifery'   !!!...

If the food were placed on the counter in front of the Shop Assistant, they'd notice it pretty quickly I imagine.



This whole idea of 'vandalism' of yours is a hyperbolic exaggeration and rather ridiculous and now your exaggeration leaps to customers getting food poisoning...    Your reductio ad absurdum is preposterous. 








You are assuming the Shop Assistant would do something about it immediately.


Having had a quite violent case of food poisoning from a frozen meal I bought in Tops, I have experience in my corner.

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20 hours ago, JimTripper said:

Is this getting worse or am I just noticing it more?


Counted 3x so far today buying something or service oriented interactions where my transaction is already in process and someone (Thai) walks up, orders or requests while I'm standing there, and the person I'm with immediately serves them first and ignores me, sometimes with a drawn out conversation before they conclude, while I'm standing there waiting.


Is this disrespectful here in Thailand? I thought it was 🤷🏻‍♂️. Feels like a racist Thai first thing.

I seldom is ever have this issue.  Someone cuts in front of me, by Thai is good enough to tell both the cashier and the person cutting line that I'm first.  It happened my last visit at Makro.  I was in line, someone cut in line, I walked right around them and told them I'm first and the line is behind me.  And Thais will do it to other Thais.  It's not just you farangs. But overall it doesn't happen very often.

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21 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You are assuming the Shop Assistant would do something about it immediately.


Having had a quite violent case of food poisoning from a frozen meal I bought in Tops, I have experience in my corner.


You think your food poisoning came from a guy who decided not to go through with their frozen food purchase and left it on the counter because he was upset at someone queue jumping ???? - thats your whole basis for your repetitive virtue signalling ?


You do have 'something' in your corner - but its exaggeration, not experience. 


You have also 'jumped to the conclusion' that your food poisoning was from frozen food, there is a higher probability it was from anything other than... including not properly washing hands to a virus...   


So.... you also have 'jumping to conclusions' in your corner to accompany exaggeration....  


Now... you could make up that you also had proof it was from the frozen food, or are certain is wasn't a virus etc... and we could add 'making s#it up'.....   and you'd then have the trifecta....  Exaggeration, jumping to conclusions and making s#it up !!!... 




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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


To be fair... It could also be regarded as 'point made' or even 'cutting ones nose of to spite their face'...  But to regard it as vandalism is over egging it somewhat don't you think ??... 


The staff won't have left the items there to thaw, they'd have returned them, thus, no damage done - the Vandalism argument you present is over the top and rather ridiculous and does have rather a 'virtue signalling' whiff about it.


The staff may also have learned from the encounter and then 'said mini-protest' will have paved the way for the rest of us not to encounter similar issue.



I would not argue it is vandalism, but it is absolutely stealing. The staff putting your things away, even if not damaged, has a cost. 


That said, I have been angry when one register was open, the line was twenty deep, and the staff was standing around. I love to set my ice-creme bar on the counter on the way out. 


They stole from me first. 

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


You think your food poisoning came from a guy who decided not to go through with their frozen food purchase and left it on the counter because he was upset at someone queue jumping ???? - thats your whole basis for your repetitive virtue signalling ?


You do have 'something' in your corner - but its exaggeration, not experience. 


You have also 'jumped to the conclusion' that your food poisoning was from frozen food, there is a higher probability it was from anything other than... including not properly washing hands to a virus...   


So.... you also have 'jumping to conclusions' in your corner to accompany exaggeration....  


Now... you could make up that you also had proof it was from the frozen food, or are certain is wasn't a virus etc... and we could add 'making s#it up'.....   and you'd then have the trifecta....  Exaggeration, jumping to conclusions and making s#it up !!!... 




I don't know the circumstances behind my food poisoning. It may be someone who left food to thaw. Or something else.

Simple logic tells me it was most probably store-related. If it was a batch manufacturing problem, it would have come to the attention of the authorities as a mass event. Ditto with a refrigeration failure.

A virus takes time to multiply. The effect of voiding from both ends for 12 hours occurred 2 hours after consumption of the food.

I am scrupulous with food, washing my hands every time before handling. I have better hygiene standards than many of your countrymen, judging by my olfactory experience on the London Tube.


People leaving food  behind because they have a hissy fit over slow service, or someone pushing in front of them, IMO are petty and childish. It's no surprise you are in their ranks, without any consideration of possible consequences.


Troll someone else.



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In a somewhat similar vein, recently in Lotus's, I queued behind a woman with a trolley full of sugar. Must have been 100bags+ I thought "this will be quick" But not. She wanted 10 bags to be checked out separately and repeatedly, and paid on her phone by QR code, which she did not understand and needed cashier help.  I gave up, but not before voicing my disgust very loudly -in Thai -  for all around to hear!

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10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I don't know the circumstances behind my food poisoning. It may be someone who left food to thaw. Or something else.

Simple logic tells me it was most probably store-related. If it was a batch manufacturing problem, it would have come to the attention of the authorities as a mass event. Ditto with a refrigeration failure.

A virus takes time to multiply. The effect of voiding from both ends for 12 hours occurred 2 hours after consumption of the food.

I am scrupulous with food, washing my hands every time before handling.


So, admittedly you don't know, you couldn't possibly know for sure, but have a 'layman's guess' which you've incorrectly used as some form of proof to justify your comments - rather flawed really.


10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have better hygiene standards than many of your countrymen, judging by my olfactory experience on the London Tube.


Attempt to trigger a response based on a national insult duly ignored - flawed debating methods !!... particularly when you consider over 40% of London's population is not British !!!....  



10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

People leaving food  behind because they have a hissy fit over slow service, or someone pushing in front of them, IMO are petty and childish.


Agreed, its an over  reaction....    they'd do better to just speak up at the time.



10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's no surprise you are in their ranks, without any consideration of possible consequences.


I don't agree with that behavior...   But find your over-egged response quite ridiculous...

So, no, I'm not in 'their ranks'... I am in the 'ranks' (whatever you mean by that) of calling out a hyperbolic and ridiculous point you made.


10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Troll someone else.


I'm not trolling you or targeting 'you' specifically...   I'm targeting the comments you make (in this thread, not other threads) because of how ridiculous they are.


I agree with you that the response to walk away is a childish over reaction.... but also point out that your accusation of vandalism and that the actions of leaving food at the checkout could lead to food poisoning as being completely over the top and utterly preposterous to such a degree I question the sanity of someone who'd make such a claim... 


Instead of stepping back and realising the ridiculousness of your comment you have instead doubled-down and blamed 'frozen food' for making you unwell when you couldn't possible know what it really was..   thus making your comments even more ridiculous... 


So no.. not trolling - but I do call out completely ridiculous comments when I see them - I could of course take the high ground and just ignore such stupidity, however, this is a forum for discussion, so such responses can be highlighted, discussed, debated, agreed with, disagreed with etc... 








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7 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:

In a somewhat similar vein, recently in Lotus's, I queued behind a woman with a trolley full of sugar. Must have been 100bags+ I thought "this will be quick" But not. She wanted 10 bags to be checked out separately and repeatedly, and paid on her phone by QR code, which she did not understand and needed cashier help.  I gave up, but not before voicing my disgust very loudly -in Thai -  for all around to hear!


Thats just like getting stuck behind one person at an ATM thinking it'll be quick only wait as they carry out multiple transactions in a row.....



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3 hours ago, Felton Jarvis said:

I have never had a Thai person cut in line ahead of me. The Chinese tourists do it all the time. I refuse to get bent out of shape over Chinese rudeness.


the most common one is when someone comes into a 7/11 for cigarettes, bizarrely they seem to think because they only want cigarettes they can jump to the front of the queue.


and whats with this QR payment system, it's using technology to make a transaction slower, it seems a mad system.

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12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Thats just like getting stuck behind one person at an ATM thinking it'll be quick only wait as they carry out multiple transactions in a row.....



Even worse, had it happen twice in Makro ,  customer in front - almost finished checking out, bill 3,000THB+, fishes out bags full of 5 and 10bahts!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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1 minute ago, it is what it is said:


the most common one is when someone comes into a 7/11 for cigarettes, bizarrely they seem to think because they only want cigarettes they can jump to the front of the queue.


Yup... seen that happen... 



1 minute ago, it is what it is said:

and whats with this QR payment system, it's using technology to make a transaction slower, it seems a mad system.


This has been debated quite a lot on this forum...  Its not any slower at all... Give it a try, once you are familiar with such payment methods you'll see how convenient it is.


Some will use the excuse, that it takes longer, but that just an exaggeration from those who don't like digital payments, perhaps because they don't like change or are uncomfortable with change.

... the reality is for most people, the phone is in hand and the App us running ready for the cashier to scan - its not slower than cash or credit card payment....  


Where it may be slower for people who are just disorganised and not ready to make the payment at the right time...  but, this kind of person is also the kind who doesn't have their wallet ready at the right time either and spends time digging for cash.


So no... Its not a 'mad' system.. its incredibly convenient...  




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