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Florida Bill Threatens to Out and Endanger Transgender People

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A bill recently approved by the Florida House Select Committee on Health Innovation has sparked outrage and concern among transgender rights advocates and allies. The bill, if passed, would require driver's licenses in the state to display the licensee's sex assigned at birth rather than their gender identity. This policy change has been met with widespread criticism, with opponents arguing that it would out transgender people, endanger their safety, and violate their basic human rights.


A Needless Intrusion on Personal Identity

Opponents of the bill point out that requiring driver's licenses to display sex assigned at birth does not serve any legitimate purpose. Driver's licenses are already used for identification purposes, and there is no evidence that transgender people are more likely to commit fraud than anyone else. In fact, many transgender people already have their gender identity reflected on their driver's licenses, and there have been no reported issues with this practice.


Increased Risk of Discrimination and Violence

Critics argue that the real purpose of the bill is to discriminate against transgender people and make their lives more difficult. By forcing transgender people to display their sex assigned at birth on their driver's licenses, the bill would make it easier for them to be outed and discriminated against. This could lead to increased harassment, violence, and even job loss.


Violation of Basic Human Rights

Many legal experts argue that the bill violates the privacy rights and equal protection rights of transgender people. They point out that the bill is based on the false premise that gender identity is not real, and that it singles out transgender people for unfair treatment.


The Fight for Equality Continues

Transgender rights advocates and allies are vowing to fight the bill every step of the way. They are planning protests, lobbying efforts, and legal challenges. They are also urging Floridians to contact their state representatives and senators and urge them to vote against the bill.


The Importance of Transgender Rights

The fight for transgender rights is part of a larger struggle for equality and justice for all. Transgender people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and they should have the same rights as everyone else. The Florida bill is a dangerous and discriminatory measure that should be defeated.


The bill is part of a larger trend of anti-transgender legislation that has been sweeping across the country in recent months.





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It makes perfect sense to state their actual sex rather than their desired sex.


For example, if a transgender woman is arrested she should not be put into a holidng cell containing a woman. That could result in sexual assault etc.


I don't really see how it causes an issue. Most transgenders are easily spotted as transgender (especially in the West), you don't need to see the drivers licence to reach this conclusion. 


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24 minutes ago, James105 said:

So the complaint here is that a legal document states facts rather than aspirations?  I would very much like my Passport to reflect how I feel about myself which is at least 10 years younger than I am but I appreciate that would not be factual and be misleading to anyone that is required to check it.   


Also "sex assigned at birth".  This gaslighting needs to stop.  Sex observed at birth would be a more appropriate term (if we really have to have one) as let's not pretend that Doctors are choosing what to put on birth certificates based on anything other than the scientific fact that the newly produced offspring has a penis or otherwise.  


"Transgender people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and they should have the same rights as everyone else."


I agree.  But what rights do non-transgender people have that we need to give to transgender people they do not already have, that does not take away the rights of another group (let's call them women), and their rights to have safe single sex spaces and sports?


Maybe we need 2 categories on the ID. Actual and identified.


For example.


Actual sex; Male

identified Sex; Female


They could expand it to things like height, age, race, occupation. So my Filipino friend who wants to be Michael Jordan could be something like...


Actual height; 164cm

identified height; 198cm


Actual age; 46

identified age; 23


Actual race; Asian

identified race; African American


Actual occupation; Chef

identified occupation; Basketball player/businessman


That way we can keep the document factually correct and avoid any awkward conversations about fake ID's.

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Before photo ID's it made sense to put the gender on your DL.  Nowadays?  Not so much.  Especially with REAL ID.


This is yet another much ado about nothing...  SJW's marching off to war with anyone and anything that doesn't toe their line.


Edited by impulse
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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Since transgender people proudly serve in the military, ‘marching off to war’ seems a fitting term for you to choose.


This is a war against making your birth certificate match your DL.  Brave indeed...


As if that's a bigger privacy and personal security issue than having your current address on your DL, for anyone that wants to stalk you.  


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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s culture wars.


Make right-wingers’ sorry lives feel a bit more bearable by stroking their hatred for transgender people.


So help me out here...  How does having the wrong gender on a DL "Threaten(s) to Out and Endanger Transgender People", any more than the wrong hair color or the wrong weight?  


Just another excuse to get together, work up a frenzy, and hate on conservatives...


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1 minute ago, impulse said:


So help me out here...  How does having the wrong gender on a DL "Threaten(s) to Out and Endanger Transgender People", any more than the wrong hair color or the wrong weight?  


Just another excuse to get together, work up a frenzy, and hate on conservatives...


You are referring to the most wide used and accepted form of ID used in the U.S.

The hate here is clear, hence the support for the policy from the usual quarter.

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26 minutes ago, novacova said:

Put them on the endangered species list 


As if requiring their DL match their birth certificate represents some kind of existential threat to their safety. 


Must have been a quiet week on the picket lines.  Time to drum up some more publicity.


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How is it going to out anyone ?


Only person going to see one's DL is the person YOU show it to.  Usually a police officer.   Who, if you are involved in an accident, and unresponsive, letting the hospital/ambulance know your 'sex' may help in saving your life.


Crying about nothing ... AGAIN

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You are referring to the most wide used and accepted form of ID used in the U.S.

The hate here is clear, hence the support for the policy from the usual quarter.

Hatred? From who exactly?  I'm generally farther to the right than Attila the Hun, and I have yet to hear any of my fellow card-carrying members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ever express hatred of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community.  

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32 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

There are plenty of transphobes on this site trying to identify as something else.  


So how, exactly, does having the wrong gender on their DL put anyone at risk?


Look at the title on the OP video and it reveals this to be just another attempt to discredit Florida and hurt Florida tourism.  Mostly to hurt DeSantis.  Which, if they succeed, will hurt thousands of innocent people in the Florida tourism business.


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20 minutes ago, impulse said:


So how, exactly, does having the wrong gender on their DL put anyone at risk?


Look at the title on the OP video and it reveals this to be just another attempt to discredit Florida and hurt Florida tourism.  Mostly to hurt DeSantis.  Which, if they succeed, will hurt thousands of innocent people in the Florida tourism business.


Well, I never said that did I? 


Nevertheless, fine, we'll change the gender on your drivers license and passport to female. It shouldn't be a problem for you, eh?


As for your last point, I'd like to think that the "innocent" people in the tourism industry would take a stand for equality. Maybe not though. 


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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Because of course Transgender people are all sex attackers targeting women.


Possibly the greatest strawman of all time. Well done. You've excelled yourself.


No they are not all sex attackers. But some are.




Either way, women have a right not to be locked in jail cells with biological men pretending to be women. It's a completely unnecessary risk, especially when the reason for taking that risk is to not upset someone's feelings by acknowledging biological reality.

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10 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

Well, I never said that did I? 


Nevertheless, fine, we'll change the gender on your drivers license and passport to female. It shouldn't be a problem for you, eh?


As for your last point, I'd like to think that the "innocent" people in the tourism industry would take a stand for equality. Maybe not though. 


No, you didn't say that.  It was worse.  You accused people who disagreed "transphobes".  As if disagreeing with someone constitutes being afraid of (or hating) them.


Personally, I didn't even look at my DL to see if they got it right.  Until today.  It was that important to me.  Not at all a matter of endangering me.


These folks don't seem to want equality.  They want special treatment.  Ever since driver's licenses and birth certificates existed, the gender on one matched the other.  That's been fine for decades and decades, and for hundreds of millions of people.  But not for these folks.  They want the rules written the way they want the rules written.  That's not equality.


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25 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Possibly the greatest strawman of all time. Well done. You've excelled yourself.


No they are not all sex attackers. But some are.




Either way, women have a right not to be locked in jail cells with biological men pretending to be women. It's a completely unnecessary risk, especially when the reason for taking that risk is to not upset someone's feelings by acknowledging biological reality.

This being locked in a jail cell with a transgender person, it’s an odd leap to make from Drivers License data, is it something you wish to discuss?



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5 hours ago, impulse said:

Before photo ID's it made sense to put the gender on your DL.  Nowadays?  Not so much.  Especially with REAL ID.


This is yet another much ado about nothing...  SJW's marching off to war with anyone and anything that doesn't toe their line.


So if it doesn't make sense, why change the current situation and pass a new bill? It seems DeSantis needs publicity after his recent fail...

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52 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

This being locked in a jail cell with a transgender person, it’s an odd leap to make from Drivers License data, is it something you wish to discuss?



Meet ma friend Ben 


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Identifying a person's gender by any one particular body part when another more important body part counters that claim reveals less about the person's sexuality being so gender identified and more about the identifier's lack of intelligence because if you place more importance on the imagined meaning of a penis than on the physical reality of a brain, well, what can I say but...



And don't use their penis either.


Because while it's wonderful for you that you enjoy your physical penis so much that you think it is the measure of everyone else, for someone whose physical brain (as proven by autopsies of post and pre-op trans people) does not match the penis (or vagina) attached to them at birth, wouldn't that be like defining a guy born without legs by, what, their chair? So according to the idiots, this is not a male athlete, this is an athletic chair...


Stop dehumanizing people. Because trans people are not the only people who go through life with their lower body not matching their upper body the way others think they should be matched.


His lower body doesn't match what someone else might imagine to be his athleticism. And a trans person's lower body doesn't match their brain. And not even just their psychology, but their physiology, the physical make-up of their brains. Don't use your penis for a brain.

Edited by thaicurious
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9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

How is it going to out anyone ?


Only person going to see one's DL is the person YOU show it to.  Usually a police officer.   Who, if you are involved in an accident, and unresponsive, letting the hospital/ambulance know your 'sex' may help in saving your life.


Crying about nothing ... AGAIN


Most times a DL is shown it is usually NOT to a police officer.

It is shown much more often at a bar, at a liquor store, to buy tobacco, to rent a car, check into a hotel, to check in at an airport etc.

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