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Maybe Thailand should follow Korea and be more selective of expats/tourists


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38 minutes ago, milesinnz said:

is this a load of hypocritical BS ??.. if I married a Thai girl and she came to my country she could get residency in 2 years, and a path to full citizenship. She would have all the facilities of fellow people from my country. There would be NO 90 day reporting or this sort of nonsense.. do why not the same if I decided to stay with the girl in Thailand... 2 years to get residence and a path to citizenship ?.. lets throw out all the Thai's residing overseas and cancel their residency status and citizenship..

however, you neglected to mention that those coming in illegally over the past x number of years totalling by estimates well over 1

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Thai men are bashed constantly on Thailand-based foreign social media. This legitimizes and normalizes dehumanizing and disrespectful treatment of Thai men by foreigners in real life. Posts promulgating horrible and false stereotypes that they are lazy, shiftless, undependable, unfaithful man-children, etc., who are best to be avoided and deserving of contempt, are commonplace.


Reading between the lines of who the author is directing his anger towards (visa-running, draft dodging, racist, mysoginistic sexpats), he's really talking about foreign men who don't respect Thai men. I doubt he has experienced these negative interactions with very many foreign women. 


It would probably be in all of our best interests if we individually and collectively made more of an effort to show Thai men more respect, courtesy, and kindness. It might also behoove us to remember that when immigration policies are tweaked, it is usually Thai men who are doing the fine tuning.  


This would be an excellent place to start for anyone interested in working towards defusing the resentments towards foreign men which were voiced in this editorial. I don't think the resentment voiced is felt just by those who have been denied entry visas to Korea.


Edited by Gecko123
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However, you forgot to mention that those coming in illegally over the past x number of years totalling by estimates well over 10 million and with the shortage of immigration judges/courts to hear their asylum cases, are now being told it will probably be 2030 before many of them are ever heard.  Meantime, "progressive"

states/cities provide free food, housing, schooling, medical for them and their families and they can work and roam around the US as much as they can afford.  Those progressive states are experiencing a flight of their own citizens who can no longer afford to pay the increasing taxes to care for these immigrants.  Open borders just doesn't work, competent immigrants are needed in the work force, not only the US but in many countries as the birth rates are falling drastically.  Japan as a perfect example have had to resort recalling retirees to come back into the work force.  China and Korea both report falling numbers of citizens due to a lower birth rate that reportedly will drastically affect the work place in the coming years unless the falling birthrate is fixed.  Even read in the Thai news lately that the birthrate here is falling too.  Immigrants are necessary for most developing or developed countries in my opinion, but not open borders.

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2 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

Looks like you’re jealous of retired people, who aren’t constrained by the amount of annual leave they’re permitted to take for their leisure travel.

Agree, also, many people, myself included, don't work for companies or are constrained by such outdated "rules" Before retirement I regularly worked (self employed) for 6 months in the year and travelled the other 6.

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3 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

Looks like you’re jealous of retired people, who aren’t constrained by the amount of annual leave they’re permitted to take for their leisure travel.

:cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy: I am here on a 10 years LTR/WP visa. I am totally supporting "The right visa for the right purpose"..

Edited by Ben Zioner
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8 hours ago, H1w4yR1da said:

That's hilarious. Korea is one of the most racist and misogynistic places on Earth. LOL!

How can a Korean (Asian) be racist toward a Thai (Asian).


Has the definition of "racist" changed?



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6 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

I am here on a 10 years LTR/WP visa. I am totally supporting "The right visa for the right purpose"..

Since you don’t seem too fond of long stay tourists, what do you think of my 20 year elite TOURIST visa?

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1 minute ago, CygnusX1 said:

Since you don’t seem too fond of long stay tourists, what do you think of my 20 year elite TOURIST visa?

Well that's your problem, if you want to call it a tourist visa. 



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1 minute ago, Ben Zioner said:

Well that's your problem, if you want to call it a tourist visa. 

While I’m not an expert on the technicalities, posters on this forum have stressed that it is indeed a tourist visa, as it forbids any kind of employment, and is useless for anyone aspiring to achieve residency in Thailand.

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6 minutes ago, CygnusX1 said:

While I’m not an expert on the technicalities, posters on this forum have stressed that it is indeed a tourist visa, as it forbids any kind of employment, and is useless for anyone aspiring to achieve residency in Thailand.


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

more selective of the visa-running, draft dodging, racist, mysoginistic sexpats we let in. 

I've been saying this for years. 


Start soi Buakaow, loads of trash there. 



I was down there late this morning, what looked like 3 Scandinavians (one with a prosthetic leg) walking down soi Buakaow in the middle of road, harassing road users. 


Another guy, elderly, no helmet riding his pcx yelling out yeehaaa. 

Happy chappy but surely affected by drugs. 


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10 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

I think the rules should rely on the definition of tourism. Authorities should systematically questions tays longer than the duration of normal annual leave in the country of origin of the so called tourist. 

What about retired tourists as myself ? Should I be subject to interrogation or refusal of entry because I want to stay 2 months or more legally ? 

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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Yes, it was, and you should delete what you wrote because it doesn't look good to other farangs when you want less of them here.

NO I won't delete it, you delete it. I do want many fewer farangs. I find them most of them hypocritical, bigoted know-alls. And apparently the vast majority of posters on here want far less farangs. Go read the racist crap about Russians on the Bob Smith post on the topic of noisy Russians....Russians are farangs too, you know....and then tell me that everyone wants more farangs. 

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1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:


So, do you object to my presence as a long stay tourist, given that you’ve said tourists shouldn’t be staying in Thailand for much longer than the typical period of annual leave given to workers?

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2 minutes ago, retarius said:

NO I won't delete it, you delete it. I do want many fewer farangs. I find them most of them hypocritical, bigoted know-alls. And apparently the vast majority of posters on here want far less farangs. Go read the racist crap about Russians on the Bob Smith post on the topic of noisy Russians....Russians are farangs too, you know....and then tell me that everyone wants more farangs. 

The farangs I know here aren't what you describe but I know some are. Going by what you read here isn't a good idea. Many are liars,hypocrites and prejudiced yes, but that's still a minority compared to the amount of farangs that live here. There are many many locals that act the same way but I know a few personally that are good down to earth people. Really doesn't matter because what you want won't happen. People are here for many reasons, and as it is in all other countries, some are here to hurt and some are here to love. Prejudice never is a good idea,nor is racism. Only one life to live and wasting your time hating for no reason only hurts yourself. No shortage of maniacs on earth. Just look at the world leaders we have.

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4 hours ago, retarius said:

I would certainly like to see far fewer farangs here. Maybe they could jack up the 800K in the bank for inflation over the past 20 years....it might make it 2 million and jack up the income required to 200K per month, and then treat the people here much better than now and stop this vile overcharging for farangs. 

My only suggestion is for you to change your name to retard.

Good luck with your wishes

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9 hours ago, tgw said:

I'm a bit surprised an anonymous website gets such coverage.

Who is behind the "Thai Enquirer" ?

Are there any other articles on the internet written in perfect English by "Wanchai Vatanakool" ?

You're right. I had to go back and read the article. The author articulates their thoughts very well, better than most Thais. Better than many westerners too. Interesting to think about

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As many posters have already noted, Thailand has opened the flood gates to tourism in a effort to prop up the economy.  For those who of us who do retire here, there is a rigorous process in applying for such a visa that requires a background check in the applicant's home country. But the real issue is that everything is for sale in Thailand.  Corruption is rampant and a visa, work permit, etc, is available for all at the 'right' price.  And it is downright discouraging for those of us who followed the rules, no matter how nonsensical or completely worthless - like mandatory health insurance for retirees, learn the language, care about the culture and are good human beings.  Our reward is the excruciating trip to Chaeng Wattana every year to be scrutinized in a way that no other person who enters Thailand is and we will never be eligible for residency.  And what about double pricing? How many countries outside of Thailand practice such an overt form of racism?

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The United Nations (UN) does not define "racism"; however, it does define "racial discrimination" and this point is debatable.

Ιn other hand Thailand ought to change the current immigration rules who allow Indian or African civilians to reside permanently in Thailand without official declare any yearly income.

We want deracialization of our communities but we do not want "free meals" to illegals who find their "kingdom" in Thailand.

Racial descrimination is common characteristic in European -American -Britain States particularly against Asian civilians who work hard enouth in their daily activities and this point is like a "shadow" unofficial daily whispering among westerners.

Personally I think the dispute point is focused :

Today we dont know actually if we say Asia actually we mean China and opposite in discussions when we are talking about China actually we mean Asia.

About of misogynic behaviour of course you are right to blame western civilians because if you read media news and official reports you can realize that in northern European States mainly Austria -Germany -Belgium e.v.e.r.y month 30 -32 women are killied or raped and this is official figures from these States because in unofficial figures the numbers are doubled (women who were raped and do not declare to Police Authorities or they are hospitalized after each incidence occured). 

Our social system suffers from discrimination against females and not from skin color or your origin!


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11 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

Japan is worst. They've actually suffered stagnation to their economy for decades, an ageing population, but they refuse to let any immigrants in. 


Absolute nonsense. It's actually easy to immigrate to Japan if you are skilled and/or speak Japanese. I've lived and studied there and have hundreds of people I know who are recent immigrants. Japan is desperate for immigrants to fill the aging population gaps. The problem is that in order for immigrants to work in fields like construction, hospice, or most other fields where there are shortages - they need to speak Japanese. There are many Filipino who study Japanese enough to work there, some Chinese, and Koreans - but we're talking hundreds of thousands - they need millions.

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It's alarming to see blatant racism out in the open. There's no other word to describe this opinion piece: it's clear that the author hates and looks down on foreigners. Probably some educated posh **** that will have no sweat off his back if the country loses all it's tourists - while millions of his "brothers and sisters" suffer in poverty. Next.

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49 minutes ago, curlylekan said:

You're right. I had to go back and read the article. The author articulates their thoughts very well, better than most Thais. Better than many westerners too. Interesting to think about

Yeah, it could very well be a foreigner pretending to be Thai. It is indeed written too well. Would not be surprised as the level of self-hate and "I'm better than you" attitude with so many expats is off the roof.

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3 hours ago, geisha said:

What about retired tourists as myself ? Should I be subject to interrogation or refusal of entry because I want to stay 2 months or more legally ? 

Nope, just get a 3 months Non-O, easy-peasy.

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2 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

So, do you object to my presence as a long stay tourist, given that you’ve said tourists shouldn’t be staying in Thailand for much longer than the typical period of annual leave given to workers?

Why would I object? Since you have a 20 years Elite visa. 


Yes I don't see the point of tourist visas for more than 30 days stays and 3 months cumulative in any given years. Especially in Thailand where there is a multitude of other visas to chose from for longer stays.

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