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It’s their country, their rules?

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16 hours ago, bob smith said:

define berserk. 


Most if not all western countries have huge problems now with mass migration, and many immigrants have committed far worse crimes in the west than kicking a doctor in the back.




Damn right, 


The West should use Thailand's immigration model as a blueprint. 


Take care of their country

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1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

I used to have that opinion mainly coming in contact with village / lay about type males but after 10 years have some very close Thai male friends...middle class, better educated.  Certainly smart, great sense of humor, trustworthy, helpful...love a bbq and a drink. Very respectful intelligent caring family guys.

But you speak Thai, I suppose... Anyhow I makes you one of that tiny minority. Also retirees don't have the same opportunities as blokes who are in a job.

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18 hours ago, bob smith said:

I keep seeing this time and time again,

both here and on social media.


I would like to ask those that believe this,

do you also have the same attitude about your home country?

is it your country your rules as well?

also, when foreigners misbehave or slightly transgress in your country, do you think that a trial by social media and a revocation of their visa is an appropriate response?

I personally believe the world belongs to all of us and nation states are a figment of humans imaginations, but hey ho…


Did any brits see the video at the london train station with the chinese guy shouting and balling at the piano guy recently, just for filming in public?

did you feel any degree of anger towards that? should the chinese guy have his visa revoked because the video got millions of hits on YT?


We all know that there are millions of migrants living in western countries and they transgress the law just as the natives do, yet we have due process and do the right thing by putting them through the legal system and trying them in a court of law! Will Mr. Swiss be afforded the same luxury here?? I kinda doubt it.


all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss.


The precedent this sets for all farangs staying here long term is rather worrying to say the least.



I agree with you to a certain extent.

Every country got their own laws and rules but also customs and values.

Steeling will be punished by cut off your hand, in other countries you'll get a warning, fine, or probation.

So, here in Thailand the respect is important, based on Buddhism. We all know many crimes are induced by taking drugs or alcohol. 

And here we come to "losing face", what is most important issue in Asian. Many Thai's wouldn't tell you what they really think of you. But you, as a farang, would tell them bluntly to be an 'idiot"?

I think we should change our attitudes and behaviour when we are here in Thailand. We are not here to change Thai people. So more tolerance would cause less clashes.

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7 minutes ago, DUNROAMIN said:

Agree with OP regarding swiss men, I do not condone what they did, however, there are 70 million plus Thais in Thailand, with assalts, bashings, rapes, murders by Thais everyday in Thailand. Do you see the media covering those cases, no, because nobody cares, better story if 'farang' involved. Media BS at its best.

this is an excellent point you have made!


sadly, it is lost on many AN members.



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The only thing here is the Swiss that attacked the woman in the supermarket goes to court who will decide his fate and then a decision will be made on his visa extension status.


By the photographs, this was a particularly brutal and nasty attack. You would rate this higher in the violence index than the kick-in-the-back steps assault.


The other Swiss, who I have no time for and think is an absolute <deleted> BTW, already has had the visa revoked.


The only thing here is, is dual standards.


The Elephant Man, who is a repeat offender of minor nuisance and transgressions, but has not been convicted of any of this, has been Judged, tried and deported by the Media. Now, even the national government is involved, so he has no chance.


His Ambulance middle finger escapade has only attracted 5,000 baht in fines. So, it wasn't high up on the serious crimes list.


There are complaints daily regarding Thais not giving way to Ambulances or altercations caused by an Ambulance ' tooting his horn ' to get through, thereby upsetting someone's fragile ego.


I have NEVER in all these years, seen the speed, acted upon by local government at which those steps up to the Villa on public land have been removed. Normally, it's backwards and forwards for years.


Now, after an inspection of 30-plus villas ( I might be wrong on the number) 20-plus have been deemed to have been built illegally.  Well, who takes responsibility for signing off on that? Or is it the same as they do with the Police and move them to an inactive post within local government until it all dies down?

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1 hour ago, DUNROAMIN said:

Agree with OP regarding swiss men, I do not condone what they did, however, there are 70 million plus Thais in Thailand, with assalts, bashings, rapes, murders by Thais everyday in Thailand. Do you see the media covering those cases, no, because nobody cares, better story if 'farang' involved. Media BS at its best.


Spot on, but it doesn't whip up Nationalistic furore the same as a White foreigner being involved, no matter how minor the offence such as visa overstays, or theft from a 7-11, take your pick.


If the culprit had been Chinese would it have drawn the same attention or would mediators have been flown in to sort out the ' misunderstanding '


Anyway, the Elephant man's ' goose has already been cooked ' as far as Thai Law is concerned, trial by media.


That is unless it applies to something the Thais themselves have done wrong, then they expect compromise and to mediate and sort things out quietly for the good of the nation.







Edited by Scouse123
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19 hours ago, bob smith said:

what happens if a Thai upsets us first?


do we have the right to defend ourselves or will we be deported for that too?



You got the right to Defend yourself, But that doesn't mean that that is the Law in the land where you reside/visitLaws and rules are different in all Countries and Races.

Like they say :When you in Rome do as the Romans.

In some countries you can get the same Judicial Treatment as in ones own country just don't count on that this will happen.

It would be nice ,same crime/mistake/trouble .and all the same Penalties in all countries .

Not going to happen Khun Bob.

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20 hours ago, bob smith said:

I keep seeing this time and time again,

both here and on social media.


I would like to ask those that believe this,

do you also have the same attitude about your home country?

is it your country your rules as well?

also, when foreigners misbehave or slightly transgress in your country, do you think that a trial by social media and a revocation of their visa is an appropriate response?

I personally believe the world belongs to all of us and nation states are a figment of humans imaginations, but hey ho…


Did any brits see the video at the london train station with the chinese guy shouting and balling at the piano guy recently, just for filming in public?

did you feel any degree of anger towards that? should the chinese guy have his visa revoked because the video got millions of hits on YT?


We all know that there are millions of migrants living in western countries and they transgress the law just as the natives do, yet we have due process and do the right thing by putting them through the legal system and trying them in a court of law! Will Mr. Swiss be afforded the same luxury here?? I kinda doubt it.


all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss.


The precedent this sets for all farangs staying here long term is rather worrying to say the least.




Generally, you come off as a complete asshat, a character to troll the board. This outpouring of common sense rather confirms that troll character/hypothesis. you have outed yourself.



The precedent this sets for all farangs staying here long term is rather worrying to say the least.


Yet folks here think it's delightful and revel in the schadenfreude.


All pogroms and witch hunts begin with a mob and without due process.  We are already seeing the fallout online.

Edited by n00dle
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1 minute ago, n00dle said:


Genrerally you come off as a complete asshat,  a character to troll the board.  This outpouring of common sense rather  confirms it.



Yet folks here think it's delightful and revel in the schadenfreude.


All pogroms and witch hunts begin with a mob and without due process.  We are already seeing the fallout online.

All that is just your opinion, you have done similar to me this morning.............:whistling:


May I suggest you have a look in your own backyard.............😉................🤭

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1 minute ago, transam said:

All that is just your opinion, you have done similar to me this morning.............:whistling:




Similar to you, I think not.  I have suspected there is someone with intelligence and purpose behind Bob's role-playing. 

Be assured I don't think the same of you.  

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1 minute ago, n00dle said:


Similar to you, I think not.  I have suspected there is someone with intelligence and purpose behind Bob's role-playing. 

Be assured I don't think the same of you.  

Your actions are the same, it's your trait......................:coffee1:

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Thailand has 2 major negatives. Pollution and visas not good. Otherwise it's great. I love driving there. I love the food. I love the women. Most things are cheap.

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20 hours ago, bob smith said:

is it your country your rules as well?

When I am in my country, because it is my country, I can complain about rules I don't like and actively try to change them.

When I am a guest in another country I have to accept that I should live by the rules of that country and not try to judge them using the values I derive from "my country".

We are not like the "Christion Missionaries" tryng to convert the locals to our way of thinking - If you can't accept that don't be here -

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20 hours ago, bob smith said:

I keep seeing this time and time again,

both here and on social media.


I would like to ask those that believe this,

do you also have the same attitude about your home country?

is it your country your rules as well?

also, when foreigners misbehave or slightly transgress in your country, do you think that a trial by social media and a revocation of their visa is an appropriate response?

I personally believe the world belongs to all of us and nation states are a figment of humans imaginations, but hey ho…


Did any brits see the video at the london train station with the chinese guy shouting and balling at the piano guy recently, just for filming in public?

did you feel any degree of anger towards that? should the chinese guy have his visa revoked because the video got millions of hits on YT?


We all know that there are millions of migrants living in western countries and they transgress the law just as the natives do, yet we have due process and do the right thing by putting them through the legal system and trying them in a court of law! Will Mr. Swiss be afforded the same luxury here?? I kinda doubt it.


all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss.


The precedent this sets for all farangs staying here long term is rather worrying to say the least.



I don't agree. By choosing to stay in a country other than your own you also choose to accept the way they do things. If you don't/cannot accept that, leave.

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6 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

The "country" is Thailand and only Thailand. And when it comes to adaptation you are talking to an expert. 


Dad was a French Jew, Mum a surviving German. So my mother tongue was German until the age or 4 where I had to adjust to the French school system. After 1967 my Dad couldn't forgive De Gaulle's treason and decided to move to the homeland, so I had to adapt to school in Tel Aviv. (3rd language). In 1981 I emigrated to Australia and blended in effortlessly, mostly thanks to the Sydney community and Australia's true immigration policy.


How about Thailand? IMHO out of 300000  western expats there is a tiny minority who have truly integrated, kudos. There is the tonal language, I am tone death, the abysmal work ethics mother of corruption, the xenophobia that is a key element of the local culture and the gender gap. I just feel I am on a different planet here. Fortunately I have a nice family here. So I avoid the Thai males altogether while I feel that the females a more approachable and respectable.

Tone "deaf"....yes, otherwise true I used wrong word also...not integrate....comprehend from a distance would have been better.

I rarely found any common ground with males in Thailand except may be younger uni guys - a slightly different outlook than most out there.

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23 hours ago, bob smith said:

I keep seeing this time and time again,

both here and on social media.


You are spending too much time on both.

It has done your head in.

Go for a walk and get out in the real world and stop endlessly complaining. 

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23 hours ago, bob smith said:

all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss.


I agree with an aspect of your sentiment, but given your posting history I disagree with bias with which you present your argument. 


In this case (of the Swiss man who kicked the Dr getting his visa revolked) the issues is not as black and white as you argue Bob Smith. 


The Swiss mans visa is not being revoked because he kicked a woman. The Swiss mans visa is being revoked because of his illegal business dealings - he drew attention to himself and his illegal activity. 


What is concerning though is the amount of attention, protests and media frenzy all this story generated... the comparison is when the same think happens and a Thai Kicks someone, or even shoots someone because the must was too loud etc the attention generated is tiny in comparison. 

... Recently we've had stories of women sunbathing on the grass in a temple grounds in Chiang Mai (wearing shorts and a tank top) and there was outrage, we've had women sunbathing on the grass in Sanam Luang in Bangkok, and there was outrage.


We've had numerous stories whereby IF it were a Thai involve it would have been a 'non-event' or a non-story.... BUT, because a foreigner is involved the story is bigger, the outrage is greater and more wide spread....   The media is feeding on these issues and is potentially perpetuating a degree of 'Thai's good / Foreigners bad' xenophobia... 


Of course, what the foreigners have done is inexcusable.... But, I also consider a degree of unequal attention and unequal penalty also inexcusable. 


That said: Neither any foreigner, or Thai is going to miss such people - so good riddance to them. 



Personally - I see the 'revoking the visa' and kicking them out of Thailand response the lazy option - go through the legal process and give them the same penalty a Thai would receive in the same circumstances, and then, if their business is also illegal, then deal with them with appropriate penalties for that too. 


A year or two ago we saw an Indian Guy get fined 200,000 baht for 'sexually assaulting' / grabbing a Thai woman's bottom while walking down Walking Street in Pattaya... Fair enough, a fine for sexual assault... OK... thats the precedent - So why is no Thai ever fined for doing the same thing to a foreigner ??



SO...  the single facet of your point Bob, the 'unequal treatment' is one I agree with, but not something that concerns me until I have a car accident and they want to 'deport me' because the person I crashed into is a Doctor who garners sympathy of the media and there is then mass outrage at the foreigner who crashed, but I still can't say that concerns me much...  







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23 hours ago, bob smith said:

what happens if a Thai upsets us first?


do we have the right to defend ourselves or will we be deported for that too?




What if a Thai does upset you first.....  


...  are you not capable of walking away and not allowing a situation to escalate ??



Do you have the right to defend yourself ?... Of course do you ?...   So if a Thai is a attacking you for no reason, sure defend yourself ?

But... why is a Thai attacking you for no reason ?  usually, there is a transgression....








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On 3/7/2024 at 9:57 AM, bob smith said:

I would like to ask those that believe this,

do you also have the same attitude about your home country?

is it your country your rules as well?

also, when foreigners misbehave or slightly transgress in your country, do you think that a trial by social media and a revocation of their visa is an appropriate response?

Yes, I do...:thumbsup: – and numerous of my home country fellows think the same...:whistling:

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On 3/7/2024 at 4:11 PM, bob smith said:

what happens if a Thai upsets us first?


do we have the right to defend ourselves or will we be deported for that too?



If the Thai physically attacks you, you can defend yourself. If he just annoys or upsets you, and if you hit him/her, you should be deported. Some people get very upset when Thais refer to them (when talking to other Thais) as "farang." I've never understood why.

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On 3/7/2024 at 4:07 PM, worgeordie said:

Thailand is special , so it is their country ,their rules , I thought you would know that Bob,

and it's not going to change anytime soon.


regards worgeordie


Ahh  but its the foreignors money they want to go in a local thai bank account that in reality proves nothing butbone sided extortion or should the wording be a ransom bank account to get a annual visa thats why zero hi tech companies want to invest in thailand for the beginning reason of thailands department of immigration current annual visa policy since it first started in march of 2018/ and since thenthailands has been spiralling downward in torism and its economy and the covid 19 pandemic did not cause this but europe and the united statrs tourisms are all booming with foriegnors just thailand now starts to relize what the past greed has done to the country and immigration in annual vida's is a the current center of the problem since march 2018  and the filed crimminal corruption case against the deparment of immigration regarding annual visa's goes forward since filed on june ,24, 2022 yes i am the filed complaintant and the National Anti Corruption Commission is handling the entire case and i have lived in thailand since september 2006

Edited by The Patriat
Fix a mispelled word
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On 3/7/2024 at 4:14 PM, bob smith said:

if the doctor is claiming he assaulted her then he should be tried in a court of law and all of the evidence examined to discern what actually happened.


but as of yet he hasn’t had his day in court. His visa has been revoked on the back of public outcry and a video that was posted online.


don’t you see how that could be problematic?


I think your facts aren't 100% correct. It's his work permit has been revoked, NOT his permission to stay. Also he has already been charged by the police and is waiting for his court case.

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