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Met facing calls to cancel notorious pro-Iran Islamist Quds Days rally in London

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London Counter-Protesters Vow to Stand Firm Against Al Quds Day March


In anticipation of the annual Al Quds Day march in London, members of the Jewish community and their allies are gearing up for a counter-protest, denouncing the event's anti-Israel sentiments and ties to the Iranian regime.


The Metropolitan Police are facing calls to ban the notorious annual Al Quds Day march as the government’s adviser on political violence warns it could provoke “serious disorder” and fan the flames of antisemitism.  Politicians from both sides of the house said that Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley should crack down on the “Iran-inspired” event, scheduled for Friday.




Both main parties’ London mayoral candidates also expressed deep concern. Speaking at the Jewish community centre JW3 on Tuesday, London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed he had asked then home secretary Amber Rudd to ban the annual march back in 2017.




Organized by a coalition of concerned British residents and citizens from diverse faith backgrounds, the counter-demonstration aims to push back against the Al Quds Day march, known for its pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist rhetoric, which originates from Iran and often aligns itself with groups supported by the Islamic Republic.




"It's the same money funding them, it's the same fundamental jihadist sentiment," remarked counter-protest organizer Itai Galmudy, highlighting the consistent anti-Israel narrative funded by Iran over the past four decades. Galmudy emphasized that their demonstration aims to confront hate speech and uphold the right to peaceful protest.


Scheduled to commence outside the Home Office, the Al Quds Day march has drawn criticism for its choice of speakers, including former Church of England vicar Stephen Sizer, who previously shared conspiracy theories linking Israel to 9/11, and former Labour MP Chris Williamson, now a deputy leader of George Galloway's Workers Party of Britain.


Safety concerns loom over the counter-protest, but Galmudy asserts their commitment to standing firm and refusing to be silenced. He expects a significant turnout and calls for the police to ensure their right to protest peacefully.


The Al Quds Day march, inspired by the Iranian government, has faced calls for its ban due to its history of promoting anti-Israel sentiments and overt support for terrorist groups like Hezbollah. Despite warnings of potential disorder and antisemitism, the Metropolitan Police have allowed the event to proceed, prompting organizations like Campaign Against Antisemitism to closely monitor the situation and take action against any unlawful behavior.


As tensions mount ahead of the march, the clash between opposing viewpoints underscores the broader debate surrounding Israel-Palestine relations and the challenge of addressing extremism while upholding free speech and peaceful protest rights in a diverse society like London.



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FFS.... what would happen if a white police officer on duty, at for example an EDL protest started joining in the chanting....farcebook and twatter would explode with calls for his job... what will happen to the officer in the clip shown... probably bugger all....

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15 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

The Met are more likely to join in than cancel it.


Welcome to Khan's London. What a time to be alive!




This is the Conservative governments fault. 

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8 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

This is the Conservative governments fault. 


How exactly does this situation improve when Labour gets in though?  Are they going to stop appeasing and bending the knee to the hate mobs like this and BLM etc when they get in?  I have not seen any evidence of this and my current assumption is that as bad as things are now, it will get significantly worse under Labour.   Perhaps you have some insight I am unaware of you can share?

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:



Maybe it's Tory Britain that's the problem here?






3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

This is the Conservative governments fault. 


2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Khan tried to kick the can down the road and then reluctantly wrote to Rudd after immense pressure to do so.


His request was to ban Hezbollah flags, not the whole march.






Khan is now trying to rewrite history, in keeping with his consistently dishonest nature. 






The Tory government, with a firm mandate to govern and a strong majority, stood back clutching their pearls and swooning whilst the Metropolitan Police played their part in holding the windows open for the political defenestration of Boris Johnson - it suited the ambitions of their parliamentary hierarchy.


Now the Met Police seem to have effectively declared independence, and rather than policing and enforcing the law "without fear or favour" reserve the right to vary their response, and ignore open criminality, and it rather seems their political masters for "operational reasons"!

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5 hours ago, James105 said:


How exactly does this situation improve when Labour gets in though?  Are they going to stop appeasing and bending the knee to the hate mobs like this and BLM etc when they get in?  I have not seen any evidence of this and my current assumption is that as bad as things are now, it will get significantly worse under Labour.   Perhaps you have some insight I am unaware of you can share?

So you happy with the UK under the current government. They promised us if we left the EU we would be able to contol the immigration.  Under this government...and they have been there a long time now....the immigration is the worst it's ever been. 


If u keep them you think the situation will improve? 


I'm not labour or conservative BTW, but you would be made to jeek the current lot and things getting wosse just for imagined fear it will get worse under another government. 


Something now working you have to fix it. They have had plenty of time to fix it...

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

The Met are more likely to join in than cancel it.


Welcome to Khan's London. What a time to be alive!



Khan claims he doesn't have the authority to ban the parade. IMO it should be as Quds are an enemy organisation. I guess over to the Home Office...



Edited by simple1
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36 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Khan doesn't have permission/approval for a lot of things. 


Like the pro EU fireworks display at new year post Brexit.


He chooses when he wants to break the laws and when he wants to pass the buck to the government so he can avoid doing things he doesn't want to do. 


He is a charlatan and a liar. Londoners have got what they deserve by voting him in. It's a cesspit. That's why educated high earners are leaving for the surrounding counties. Let them sink in their own swill. 

The EU is considered as a terrorist organisation now? 😀

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8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

The Met are more likely to join in than cancel it.


Welcome to Khan's London. What a time to be alive!





Well, I stand with the West.


Whatever that means anymore.

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9 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

It really is quite heartening to see such an ethnically diverse and vibrant group demonstrating with such conviction for freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and tolerance.


A tad unfortunate that the camera captured the gentleman on the left hand edge of the picture just as the waistband of his trousers gave way, but as there are for some reason absolutely no women in the crowd I doubt if anyone was offended!


Probably a Jewish plot to sabotage the elastic - Mossad will stop at nothing you know!

According to the OP the 2 sources came from Jane Prinsley and were published by "the JC" Having done an internet search for "the JC" or "JC", and getting no useful information, I then did a search for Jane Prinsley.


I found her, and what a surprise, it seems as though she is a reporter for "the JC", which is actually "the Jewish Chronicle".

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Just now, billd766 said:

According to the OP the 2 sources came from Jane Prinsley and were published by "the JC" Having done an internet search for "the JC" or "JC", and getting no useful information, I then did a search for Jane Prinsley.


I found her, and what a surprise, it seems as though she is a reporter for "the JC", which is actually "the Jewish Chronicle".

"the Jewish Chronicle".


Yes and? What is wrong with that? Would you prefer a link from the Met?


Met sets out policing plan for Al Quds Day march and counter protest

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Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters march through London for Al Quds Day - as Israel supporters stage a counter rally outside of Parliament

The Metropolitan Police said it made ten arrests during the protests on Friday, with one man arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred after an Israeli flag was burned near the stage in Richmond Terrace. 

Another man was also arrested after he was heard making a homophobic remark, while another man was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker.

The annual Al Quds Day rally - organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in support of Palestine - has been criticised in the past after participants flew flags of the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group and brandished signs with allegedly antisemitic messages.



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12 hours ago, candide said:

The EU is considered as a terrorist organisation now? 😀

I dont believe so. 


Who claimed that?


Please post links if you have evidence to support such a claim.

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12 hours ago, RayC said:


What law did the pro-EU fireworks display break? What other laws has Khan broken?


London's population is increasing on an annual basis. Where's the evidence that "educated high earners" are deserting the capital?


Never let the facts get in the way of anti- Labour rant, eh.



I didnt mention Labour.


Yes the population is increasing as low numbers of middle class high earners are replaced by high numbers of low earning illegal/legal immigrants.


The place is a toilet. Actually a toilet is probably better as there is a lower chance of being stabbed (unless you're in a public toilet in London). What a dump.


When I was a student in London my housemates/friends all aspired to working and living there after graduation. They achieved that but within the last 10 years nearly all of them returned to their homes towns or moved to the home counties.


Most of them are lefties as well, but at a certain point the safety of your kids is more important than virtue signalling. These are high earning, educated, law abiding people. They are being replaced. And the people replacing them are not improving London.

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10 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Can you explain the one sideness? What side is missing?


A response from the organisers of the rally to the claims made about them in the article.

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54 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


A response from the organisers of the rally to the claims made about them in the article.


Ah yes Al Quds Day march inspired by the government of Iran, with all the extremism and antisemitism that entails.


From the OP


"Politicians from both sides of the house said that Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley should crack down on the “Iran-inspired” event, scheduled for next Friday. In previous years, it has seen demands for Israel’s destruction and open support for terror groups supported by the Islamic Republic.

Lord Walney, the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption, said that allowing the “notorious anti-Israel jamboree” to go ahead would risk “serious disorder and antisemitic hatred” after October 7."


Or perhaps one of the speakers from last year "Church of England vicar Stephen Sizer, who has previously admitted sharing a post online that suggested Israel was behind 9/11"


Perhaps journalists in the article felt the above was enough for most people without the need to contact directly  the Islamic Human Rights Commission a group that Jeremy Corbyn claimed “represents all that’s best in Islam” is permeated “at every level” by “extremism, support for overseas terror groups and extreme anti-Semitism” and should be probed by counter-terror police, according to a think tank report. 


Just a thought. 

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