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Have we lost Dad to Thailand ?

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Lets pretend for a moment this is a serious question.


On one side there is an argument, he's a grown adult and he's action rationally and just needs a family chat to make sure he's okay, happy and put some of the family concerns to rest once you understand its part of his self exploration cycle.


The other side is that it is something that verges into the realms of addiction, like drugs or gambling where he has changed his view of the world that there's nothing wrong, everything is good yet at the same time become blind and vulnerable to potential downsides.


Addictions come in all forms, I'm a strong advocate for example that gambling addiction should be given the same warnings and treatment as crack addicts. The impact on their life, there finances and the families can be just as devastating.


Putting those two together in same risk category is hard for many people particularly fun gamblers who may not have the preposition at all of becoming the addict that others become, alongside this its legal for most countries so support groups are voluntary and in some countries no support exists, the reality is when it is an addiction the impacts and risks are the same and should be treated accordingly.


If some struggle to put those two in the same category its going to be a massive jump for many to put Thailand visits into the same category for the same reasons. 


Addicts though are often the same no matter what. 


When I had a family member go on a gambling addiction run due to trauma, it was acceptance of harm they could potentially do to people they loved alongside the transfer of all finances to control of the matriarch that got them back. Each case will be different but transfer of finance control away from someone if they are believed to be caught in the throws of an addiction is key and something to consider.


Lets hope though in this case its on the one side rather than the other. 

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Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Bangel72 said:

Addictions come in all forms

Let's look at addictions...... some examples of, let's say types of addictions. 


Generally, throughout marriage the woman loses none of her addictions, the marriage just ticks over for her, year after year she continues shopping, eating out (restaurants), hair and beauty salons etc but the man most times loses an addiction (sexual addiction). 


If the wife no longer puts out or reduces output the poor guy has to go without. 


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1 hour ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Your poor dad may have had to spin the wheel each night.

In Thailand there are no spin the wheels. 






Thai wives are no different from western wives. The sex stops after marriage. 


But at least there are plenty of hookers nearby

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

Thai wives are no different from western wives. The sex stops after marriage

You have a spinning wheel. 😂 Oh dear, sorry to hear. 


BTW, why has your sex stopped? 

Has your wife stopped shopping, eating out, spending money? 


You've stopped having sex with your wife, what enjoyment has your wife lost?

Maybe she has found someone younger, better looking. 

Has Mrs FruitPudding found a young Pavlova for her enjoyment? 



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1 hour ago, Bangel72 said:

The other side is that it is something that verges into the realms of addiction, like drugs or gambling where he has changed his view of the world that there's nothing wrong, everything is good yet at the same time become blind and vulnerable to potential downsides.

Men wanting sex is the same as men wanting food, a poop, a pee. It's not an addiction but a biological imperative.

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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

most western  women resort to calling those lighter than themselves unhealthy, or even anorexic.   You should avoid cake and of course pies especially fish pie, remember a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, but you don't need me to tell you that, I'm sure  Or are you just unfortunate to be cursed with "big bones"  Must be difficult shopping for clothes as a larger woman in Thailand, you could try some of the markets in Pattaya, its a long time since I've been there but I remember some of the vendors catered for the XXXXL western women. Might even find yourself some dungarees and Doc martins you could slip into

63kgs is malnourished for a male over 175cm. Unhealthy. About 20kgs below average.

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4 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

You have a spinning wheel. 😂 Oh dear, sorry to hear. 


BTW, why has your sex stopped? 

Has your wife stopped shopping, eating out, spending money? 



I am single.


But it's obvious Thai women are no different from any other.


People talk about Thai women like their are horny nymphs and somehow different to other women.


No, there are a lot of hookers here who will service you for a price. Big difference. 

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Men wanting sex is the same as men wanting food, a poop, a pee. It's not an addiction but a biological imperative.


   You can survive without having sex , you cannot survive without doing the other three things listed

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On 5/6/2024 at 3:22 PM, BritManToo said:

All my pals in the UK had the same problem.

Most of my colleagues at work in the UK had the same problem.

All the guys I met in Thailand had the same problem.


Guessing you've never had a 40+ year old western wife. Can't say I'm that surprised, you don't seem to be the kind of guy western women would want.


   All the people that you knew were not having sex , well the only two people whom you knew who were having sex kept it a secret from you , your Wife and your gardener 

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On 5/6/2024 at 10:37 AM, JimTripper said:

He could be hiring the services of prostitutes. Thus the need for a lot of money and keeping quiet about his travels.

what wonderful insight you have...i bet she never thought of that

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On 5/6/2024 at 9:59 AM, The Cobra said:

Came across this on a different platform and wondered what you guys make of this ? I told the guy I would repost it here to get some insight from others for him.


I'm reaching out because I'm really worried about my dad. He's been travelling to Thailand for a while now, and lately, his behavior has been really strange.

First off, he's been making frequent trips to Thailand without telling us much about why he's going or what he's doing there. It's not like him at all. And on top of that, he's been sending a lot of money there every month, but whenever my mom asks him about it, he just brushes it off like it's no big deal.

My mom is understandably upset and confused, and so am I. Dad used to be such a reliable and involved guy, but now it feels like he's keeping secrets from us.

Even our neighbours have noticed a change in him. He used to be so active in our community back home, but now he's keeping to himself alot.

I just want to make sure my dad is okay and that there's nothing seriously wrong. Has anyone else experienced something similar with a family member going abroad?

Any advice on how to approach this situation would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance for your help.


I put this question to Google Gimini. Here are the results. Gemini thinks he might be involved in real estate investments!!!!  


Sending money to Thailand, specifically Bangkok, could point to a few different possibilities, but it's difficult to say for sure without more information. Here's why location might be relevant:

Travel Expenses: Bangkok is a popular tourist destination. Regular transfers could be for legitimate travel expenses like accommodation, food, or activities.

Investments: Thailand does have some foreign investment opportunities, particularly in real estate. The money transfers could be for such purposes.

Family or Friends: Perhaps your dad has relatives or friends living in Bangkok who he financially supports.

Less Likely Scenarios: In some cases, Bangkok can be associated with scams or retirement communities where people might send larger sums. However, these are less likely explanations without further signs of trouble.

Here's what the location doesn't necessarily tell us:

Legitimacy of Purpose: Just because the money goes to Bangkok doesn't automatically mean it's for something negative.

Amount of Money: The amount being sent could be a bigger indicator of potential issues. Large sums with no explanation might raise more red flags.


While the location provides some context, it's best to focus on the bigger picture: your dad's secretive behavior and the drastic change in personality. The money transfers are just one piece of the puzzle.


The best course of action is to follow the previous advice of having a calm conversation with your dad and expressing your concern. If his explanations are vague or don't sit right, consider seeking professional help or advice from a trusted family member or friend.


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This is really not your dad’s problem, but your families problem.


The old boy’s Libido is still ticking at 75% or more.

The old “round-eye, western hag" he married is more interested in hanging pictures in the hallway and knitting doilies for the table.   She has no interest in doing the ol-boy and by now he has no interest in porking her.


So fast-ward to some cute Thai babe, half his old “round-eye, western hag” age,  bouncing up and down on him while screaming delightful obscenities.  Not to mention the food and environment.   Also, her friends like him and all promise to “love him long-time”.  Not like your mom’s family or social group who all hate him.


The fact that his pension will stretch three times more than the Western World, may also be a factor.


So, have you lost your Dad to Thailand.  Hell no, he lost your mom and her lawyer for reality.

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On 5/6/2024 at 6:54 AM, BritManToo said:

Not sure it's about younger, generally women 40+ in the UK start refusing sex to their husbands.

Going by the sort of men you often see in Thailand , I think a lot of women are breathing a sigh of relief that they’ve gone . 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, geisha said:

Going by the sort of men you often see in Thailand , I think a lot of women are breathing a sigh of relief that they’ve gone . 

Most of them appear to be perfectly nice guys that have either been mistreated or ignored by western women.


When the influx of Muslim men into our home countries reaches tipping point you'll find out your real place in life!

Edited by BritManToo
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Sounds Ike he conformed to societies dictates until his dick couldn't take it anymore.   His eyes are opened.

Sad he has a wife but nothing is forever.  

Whats worse is my single 60+ friends who refuse to consider women outside of societies norms, they even refuse to sign up for a dating site or watch any videos about Thailand.   

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I had a customer who said her husband likes to go on golf trips to Pattaya.   Lol.  

Since my thai wife is my helper, talk with the customer usually gets around to  love of thai food or trips to Thailand, etc   

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Please...if he is sending money and it's not in his own bank account..even a 15 year old would suspect the cash is perhaps for a fine young Thai lady who could have a few such sponsors in the wings ? But I may consider on a personnal basis, that if you are not happy in your couple, leave. Divorce and leave,  but don't make people suffer. Unfortunately, many think wrongfully that by comming over to Thailand they can fill the gaps of what's lacking back home. Maybe for sex but rarely for the rest. The point here is come, have fun, spend within your means, save,  but never, never buy. Always rent no matter what we could be talking about here.

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On 5/7/2024 at 9:39 AM, Bday Prang said:

Those who die alone in the UK are not normally discovered by "the maid"   normally the stench of a rotting corpse is noticed by either a neighbour, the post man, or the bin men, and reported to the police

I think the guys you refer to lead a similar life here to what they would back home , most have few friends or family left after the messy  divorce, most are too old to work or would have their benefits stopped if they did . and whilst I quite like Wetherspoons, it doesn't compare very well to some of the bars one could sit in over here, not that there would be much money left for beer in the UK after paying the gas and leccy bills

Let's hope the new tax rules will not kill them before all the bad food and booze consumed in Thailand

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2 hours ago, Sigmund said:

Let's hope the new tax rules will not kill them before all the bad food and booze consumed in Thailand

no way they don't have that much income 

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On 5/6/2024 at 3:38 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Smile at him, ask him if you can bring him a beer and maybe some BBQ ribs.

I heard God can make a woman from a rib.  Not sure about the BBQ sauce though.

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On 5/6/2024 at 12:15 AM, impulse said:

Amassing 800K baht, a few GBP at a time.


Then, it's GO TIME.


"...be right back...gotta run down to the corner for a pack of smokes"

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