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British men's assault complaint awaited by Pattaya police


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No one knows the 3 lads' names. If they lodge a formal complaint then everyone will know their names and that they paid for the company of prostitutes. 


Imagine someone doing a Google search on your name and the first thing that comes up is a Daily Mail article about you getting your ass kicked after a night out drinking and whoring.


Perhaps the Thai police are counting on this.

Edited by zakalwe
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7 hours ago, webfact said:



Three British men faced a brutal attack in Pattaya on Friday, May 24, outside the Helicopter Bar on Soi 6. The incident was sparked by a disputed bar bill. Police say they cannot proceed without an official complaint from the victims.


The altercation began when a bar hostess informed the men about their outstanding bill. Their refusal to settle the payment led to a confrontation with the bar's security staff. CCTV footage shows that even after the men eventually paid, a violent brawl ensued outside. One of the guards delivered a powerful kick to the head of one man, rendering him unconscious.


Despite the severity of the assault, Pattaya police have not detained the security guards involved. Sergeant Major Arthon of the Pattaya City Police Station explained, “We can only pursue a case if a complaint is filed. Efforts to locate the victims are ongoing, and CCTV footage is being reviewed to ascertain their whereabouts.”





The guard who delivered the kick expressed regret in a video statement, attributing his actions to the heat of the moment and apologizing for overreacting.


Samorn, a bar hostess, revealed that the men had hired sex workers and disputed the charges for these services. She claimed the altercation began when one of the men refused to pay his bill and accused the bar of scamming them.


Police Colonel Nawin Thirawit, Superintendent of the Pattaya Police Station, condemned the actions of the security staff, stressing the need for professionalism to protect the city’s reputation.


Despite efforts to obtain a comment from Helicopter Bar, owned by British nationals, the establishment has remained silent on the matter.



Picture courtesy: Pattaya News



-- 2024-05-28


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Typical bar owner & english shat house won't get involved 

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31 minutes ago, LS24 said:

The video I saw from starting in the bar shows some 4th guy getting pushed down the stair and onto the soi. Don't think he was actually involved. Then white shirt arcs up and gets pushy with pudgy guard. White shirt fires one off at guard. White shirt gets pushed/punched and loses balance and regains balance on the soi. Then it got busier.


Grey shirt was still trying to keep the peace at this stage. The pudgy guard started throwing fairly ordinary overhands but kept advancing. A straight left or right would have nailed him when the fight got outside (as the video in portrait mode earlier on this page shows). Old grey shirt got a bit of a touch up and white shirt owes him big time. If white shirt hadn't lost his cool, everyone would have had less bruises.


White shirt was drunk on the fuel that the bar willingly sold him.   It's the job of security to de-escalate not start launching punches of their own when he is already outside the bar after squaring the bill and not the job of the drunkard.  I am somewhat of an expert on this kind of thing as I saw the movie "RoadHouse" when I was younger and if security had heeded the advice of Swayze then no-one would have ended up with blood on their hands:


"If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal."

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6 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

So video footage, witness statements, global viral news coverage about the tourism impact for the country not enough to get them going eh?

Hmmm... you know dead men don't tend to complain... so... if they were killed... no complaint... would not be able to pursue charges...

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6 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

So video footage, witness statements, global viral news coverage about the tourism impact for the country not enough to get them going eh?

Absolutely correct 💯 all the evidence on CCTV but no investigations what does this tell you as for the rse hole Thais saying they regret it 😆 as if because they don't have to pay a single baht Pattaya is now a cesspit to what it was and the rse hole English bar owner shat scared to talk 

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35 minutes ago, zakalwe said:

No one knows the 3 lads' names. If they lodge a formal complaint then everyone will know their names and that they paid for the company of prostitutes. 


Imagine someone doing a Google search on your name and the first thing that comes up is a Daily Mail article about you getting your ass kicked after a night out drinking and whoring.


Perhaps the Thai police are counting on this.

Or all 3 told their wives it was just a culture holiday

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6 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


Unfortunately, nothing can happen unless someone makes a complaint. This is the law in Thailand. 


Looks like these thugs will walk, and we know what happens then... they will be free to hurt and probably kill someone else in the future. 

Yes these rse holes will do it again they need a good slapping pity all the nice divvy falangs nonces in Soi disease all had phones but not 1 divvy records the proof but as the bib say no complaints no further action bring covid back to that place 

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1 hour ago, dingdongrb said:

Here's what I do:


Pay each and every time I order  drink....  Never have a bill.....  

pay every drink bill shows regular experienced ‘been there and done that ’ expat and not a 2 weeks millionaire that can be bill padding. Bad for male ego and ladies business.. 😄

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15 minutes ago, fulhamster said:

Or all 3 told their wives it was just a culture holiday

Yes, immerged into the essence of Thai culture while imbibing their nectar… 

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And their we have it, done & dusted, see you all next year & be sure to bring a bigger wad. We don't want you refusing to pay bills even though it was for a bit of totty do we now.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

 Is there any evidence that they're in ICU?

The guy who got soccer kicked is thought to be in ICU as the Sun and Mail UK newspapers 

OK, but why has the Thai police and Media not stated his or there Locations also with the mandatory whah and fingerprinting.

The guy in the white shirt would not be fit to go anywhere.


Edited by Jiggo
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"If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal."

problem with these scenario is that Thai security quality other than using off duty policemen is left much to be desired. I don’t think these unprofessional enforcers are trained to look after customer’s well being but rather the bar’s profit. They are basically thugs with a ‘license’ . Anger management not one of their virtue. 

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4 hours ago, kevin612 said:

I don’t think soi 6 scammed them. Just check your bill each time when you order something. Too many cheap Charlie in Thailand. 

Maybe there is nobody there to explain the mechanism of bar girls and drinks. Maybe they even ring the bell like some tourist who create a ruckus upon bill presentation after ringing the bell and buying everyone present a drink on him. 

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‘According to Rattana, the conflict began when Sarawut, a close friend of the victim, arrived and asked Nirun for 20 baht. Nirun’s refusal, accompanied by questions regarding the reasoning for the money enraged Sarawut.

A physical altercation ensued, during which Sarawut, unable to overpower Nirun, instead drew a knife and stabbed him once before fleeing towards the end of the alley.  ‘  THIS ,OVER A 20Tb ALTERCATION.!!


you can never win a fight in Thailand. The Brit’s got it lucky even if injured on the head. You never know if Thais ,being  thin skinned ,would draw a dagger or machete if they lose the fight. There is never a happy ending like a gentlemen duel with Thais. They fight to win regardless. It either ended with somebody dead or greviously hurt and it won’t be the Thais. There is no need for such drama during your holiday. My take. 

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Look at these guys.  Britains finest.


It’s all fun and games, party hard until you see your bin.  I’ve seen guys getting drunk, buying drinks left and right and then bitch to management when they see the bin.  


Refusal to pay won’t end well, as seen.


Thai security went overboard when the threat no longer justified the violence.


Both parties wrong.


I never have those problems those fools have.





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5 hours ago, Pattaya57 said:

I'm just wondering that since all Thai news has reported the foreigner hit the security guard first that if he reports to police they will charge him with assault?


Even though cctv showed the guard threw the first punch I'd be concerned about that

The unknown foreign tourist:They drew the first blood. Not me.

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3 hours ago, LennyW said:

Nobody in ICU, nobody dead, the three of them walked away from the melee under their own steam! 


Which is surprising given the force of that kick...    I hope he was able to go to hospital... the consequences of an impact such as that are regularly fatal.



IMO - the security guard should be charged with attempted Manslaughter at the very least, there is no way he 'wasn't' trying to kill the guy with a kick to the head like that.


The violence exampled here is far more significant than a Swiss-man kicking a doctor...  I'm not condoning that, or the actions of the Brits which led up to this fight - but IF that security guard is not charged with a serious crime such, at the very least asault, GBH etc....  then Thailands legal system is disgusting - (which we know it is), and the double standards on display, outrageous.





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1 hour ago, Ctkong said:

pay every drink bill shows regular experienced ‘been there and done that ’ expat and not a 2 weeks millionaire that can be bill padding. Bad for male ego and ladies business.. 😄

My ego has never needed stroked.......   and FWIW, I've paid many rounds of 'ladies' drinks' and having done so successfully without a single whimper using cash when the drinks arrived.

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9 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

So video footage, witness statements, global viral news coverage about the tourism impact for the country not enough to get them going eh?

Whilst the Police (aka Comedy Capers) may do nothing and wait an official complaint of the English guy(s) at their office, the Public Prosecutor my start an official case because of the reputation of Thailand has been harmed by this case.

The case is not over until the fat lady sings ...

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25 minutes ago, bbko said:

Both of them?

According to British press only one, if so the guy who's head was used as a football.

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A video of the attack has been removed, please do not post this video as ASEAN Now get penalized for it

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Nothing will happen to these Idiot Security guards. Law is always on their side. Even if you complain simply a Sorry you can expect. But if was a Foreigner did that to any thai. that would be all over the news and regardless of what the fact is, its the foreigners to be blamed for.

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6 hours ago, bob smith said:

I want clarification.


Is the white shirted Brit in ICU or did he get up and walk away?


there are conflicting reports..


But yeah, what a total shambles.

but of course TIT,

I expect nothing else.



He walked back to his hotel.

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