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Trump to Virtually Attend Pre-Sentencing Interview for Hush-Money Conviction

Social Media

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6 hours ago, Social Media said:

though the virtual format in this case has been adopted for security reasons.

No, for health reasons. It was instituted during the covid pandemic and the judiciary is just continuing using the electronic setup.

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6 hours ago, Social Media said:

This too is an anomaly, as these interviews are usually conducted without the presence of the defendant's lawyers.

Special treatment. Thanks for nothing.

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1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

That's Ok. I voted against Trump for President twice. Who did you vote for?


The old saying goes, "you can fool some people some of the time...."

Though some folks are deluded enough to think "...all people all the time."


1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:


- I am not sufficiently anti-Trump to be genuinely anti-Trump.


Here comes the trademark "double-speak..."


3 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:


Widespread gloating over his felony conviction, maybe does.



Oh, thanks for the reminder, let me go back and "wide-spread gloating over his felony conviction." In the meantime, have some sour grapes, that might help with the stomach bloating, "maybe does."

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3 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

As with the old spiritual: Keep your eyes on the Prize.


To me, the prize is that Trump is not again elected President.


His felony conviction, for whatever charge, likely does not help him.


Widespread gloating over his felony conviction, maybe does.

According to my bookmaker Trump has increased his lead over Biden to over 5% in opinion polls. However, opinion polls have hardly proved reliable in recent times.

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28 minutes ago, watthong said:
1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

That's Ok. I voted against Trump for President twice. Who did you vote for?


The old saying goes, "you can fool some people some of the time...."

Well OK I was fooled in voting for Hillary '16 and then Joe '20 but I won't get fooled this time 'cause -- for the first time since 1972 -- I will not be registered to vote in a Presidential election.


NB I voted for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Florida primary.

Edited by jerrymahoney
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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

Oh god not this again.

Gas was cheap because Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine at the time (nothing to do with Trump or Biden).
Inflations became high due to logistical problems from Covid - a worldwide problem where the US (under Biden) brought it down quicker than most if not all G7 countries.
Housing was affordable? - depends where you were buying.
Mortgage rates are again a worldwide problem not particularly about whoever is POTUS as it's governed by the Federal Reserve.
No wars happening - apart from Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria (predominately to fight to fight ISIS).

People seemed happier - anecdotal but I suppose it's who you hang out with. Certainly not those that died of Covid. 



Tell the Democrats to take all that BS to the voters. I am sure they will do well....welcome to being the minority in Congress for 4 looong years.


And more Covid deaths under Biden. If you really want to use that as a measure of a presidency. 

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Just now, Hanaguma said:

Tell the Democrats to take all that BS to the voters. I am sure they will do well....welcome to being the minority in Congress for 4 looong years.


And more Covid deaths under Biden. If you really want to use that as a measure of a presidency. 

It's not BS, it's facts but if you don't want to acknowledge them, prefering to call it BS and relying on your crystal ball to predict the outcome of the next election, then that's your prerogative.


Kinda stifles the debate but whatever.

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5 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

It's not BS, it's facts but if you don't want to acknowledge them, prefering to call it BS and relying on your crystal ball to predict the outcome of the next election, then that's your prerogative.


Kinda stifles the debate but whatever.

Not at all. You claimed that "nothing was better under Trump".  I disagreed and provided true examples. Gas WAS cheaper, housing WAS more affordable, etc.  You agreed. Now, you may disagree about the person to give credit for those examples, but they are facts. 


And voters are generally not going to play the mental gymnastics necessary to follow your logic about them.  They will simply compare 2019 and 2023, and see that the former was demonstrably better.

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New York State Law
Penal Law

Consolidated Laws of New York's Penal code


Offense: E Non-Violent Felony:  Sentence: No Jail, Probation, 1 1/3 to 4 years


The following felony class chart is a general sentence classification it does not account for prior criminal history. One with prior felony convictions are treated with an increased minimum and maximum sentence.


This is general information only and should be considered a ROUGH GUIDE.




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1 hour ago, Purdey said:

Wouldn't be surprised if he was put on probation only.

I’m looking forward to hearing what penalty the Prosecution requests and what supporting arguments they attached to their filing.


I expect baseball bats hovering over the head of Alvin Brag to feature along with the Convicted Felon’s behavior that lead to a partial gage being required in order to protect the jury, the court staff the prosecution and members of their families from Trump inciting his base against them.


Oh, and of course the complete lack of contrition for 34 felony crimes of which Trump was convicted.



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34 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Trump is the first ex President ever convicted of a felony. And for what? A book keeping error. That he is the frontrunner for the Presidency in November and that his trial took place in a kangaroo court does not improve the look. 


You've opened a can of worms that you're not going to enjoy. 

He’s not even a candidate yet.

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Trump has no prior criminal record, and while that's often the case with white-collar defendants, the lack of a rap sheet could help Trump avoid jail time.


Even if Trump doesn’t avoid a jail sentence, Trump’s seemingly endless stamina for legal appeals, coupled with New York’s bail laws, could keep him free while the appellate process plays out.


Due to New York’s bail laws, it is almost certain that Donald Trump will remain free on bail pending appeal while all of his various appeals go through various courts. The idea that if Merchan sends him to jail, he’s going to spend the Republican National Convention behind bars is not plausible.

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

Perhaps your typical Trump supporter is stupid enough to think 'gas was cheaper under Trump...that's good enough for me!' but I think for every one of these brain dead idiots there's many more who go into their deliberations with much more detail - remembering he added $8 trillion to the national debt, or his laughable handling of the pandemic or his refusal to acknowledge defeat leading to the storming of The Capitol. Oh and there's also abortion rights and the fact he's promised all these billionaires already that he'll lower their taxes (again) and do away with environmental protections. 




Why any of you think Trump is for the people is beyond me. He's for himself (even going as far as to threaten political vengeance on the justice department) and for his rich mates and sees his supporters as useful fools to get what HE wants. But yeah Biden's old.  

...and that is why you will lose. If you think the other side is all stupid and brain dead idiots, you are misunderestimating them at your peril. Plus AFAIK Biden added more to the debt than Trump, and is projecting trillion dollar deficits into the forseeable future.  

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:


It's old already and it's only been a week.


Can you imagine how lame it's going to sound by November? 😃

Oh yes. When the really serious charges are laid before the jurors and public for Trump's (alleged) election interference and more, the "lame sound" of Trump's guilt in the New York warm up trials will sound erm.... lame.

Good try at defending the indefensible though.

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36 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not underestimating the voting public, there was after all 74 million of them at the last count but before you go down the 'don't call us deplorables' usual route, this still doesn't excuse people for literally voting aginst their own interests and why in your eloquent way they are indeed 'stupid and brain dead idiots'. Trump is very good at getting mainstream voters all riled up about immigration or gender identity or some other hot button topic that has very little bearing on the average man on the street other than to play to their base fears. It's the oldest trick in the book; look over there simple people whilst we do real damage over here. But what about medical coverage or infrastructure or the environment or USA jobs? Things that ACTUALLY matter to most people but for which Trump did absolutely nothing when he was POTUS.


And the only reason Biden national debt contributions are more is he had a whole country to drag out of a pandemic whereas Trump just spent his $8 trillion on tax cuts for himself and his cronies.  



Nice try.  Trump's pre covid deficits were all less than the Trillion that Biden has been spending post covid, and will continue to spend.  As for the tax cuts, the CBO (do you know what that is?) estimated the cost at less than 2 trillion over 10 years.  


And it is the height of foolishness to put immigration and gender in the same category of seriousness as 'hot button topics'. The former is far more important and deserves serious consideration. 

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8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Here’s the example I refer to.


Pure Convicted Felon Trump messaging.


And of course I’ve addressed the Convicted Felon Trump as a Convicted Felon, that’s what he is. 


Why does that bother someone who’s not a supporter?



Probably because he'll be the next POTUS. You're  welcome.

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14 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Tell the Democrats to take all that BS to the voters. I am sure they will do well....welcome to being the minority in Congress for 4 looong years.


And more Covid deaths under Biden. If you really want to use that as a measure of a presidency. 

Who denied covid? Masks? Vaccines? Trump is personally responsible for thousands of deaths. Not very smart people

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little donnie needs his lawyer with him to try and keep him from sticking his foot in his mouth ranting about the jurors and the witnessess that took an oath and honored it...something donnie boy did not do...


rant away enough , show zero remorse, encourage your maga thugs to attack jurors etc,  be an idiot jerk as usual and just maybe the good judge will defy expectations and treat donnie like anyone else that behaved this way and lock his fatt butt up for a while...anyone else would have been locked up for repeated violations of the gag order....two tier justice for you trumpers who whine that dear leader is treated so unfairly....

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12 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:
12 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Probably because he'll be the next POTUS. You're  welcome.

Do you have any stock prices for November?

Eh Tu? Starting at 


JM So seeing justice is done means he is convicted. OK.
The damage the guy could do in the US and world even on a daily basis is more than I care to contemplate.


CH Trump is damaging democracy right now.
He’s continually attacking Democracy and the institutions of Democracy.
He’s already convinced millions of Americans that Justice is corrupt, he’s holding the torch for despots and tyrants the world over.

On the upside he’s destroying the GOP.


JM Great. so think what more he could do as President. 


CH He’s not going to be President.
He’s headed to prison.



Edited by jerrymahoney
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