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Thailand Refuses To Sign Document Of The Swiss 'Peace' Summit

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5 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 Thousands of videos show Ukrainians doing the same - most are now taken down by MSM to protect your sensitive eyes. Personally, I condemn all violence on either side - peace NOW!

The "peace NOW!" crowd is 100% pro-Russian.

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45 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

You MUST BE joking.   Do you know so LITTLE about this conflict that you don't even know the Donbas majority is Russian? 

The ignorance on here is astounding... it really is.

Yeah, Russian majority because flooded with Russian émigrés. Read your history. That's how they take over, then claim they're going in to rescue the Russian immigrants. And Russian taught in schools etc etc. So you didn't know Russia was once a colonial power? Russification all over Central Asia.

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3 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Yeah, Russian majority because flooded with Russian émigrés. Read your history. That's how they take over, then claim they're going in to rescue the Russian immigrants. And Russian taught in schools etc etc. So you didn't know Russia was once a colonial power? Russification all over Central Asia.

100% same as the Sudetenland.  And yes, Russia is probably the biggest colonial power in history, by landmass anyway.

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3 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Yeah, Russian majority because flooded with Russian émigrés. Read your history. That's how they take over, then claim they're going in to rescue the Russian immigrants. And Russian taught in schools etc etc. So you didn't know Russia was once a colonial power? Russification all over Central Asia.

 Yes, I agree that is true it was Russian emigres - but they have been there a long time and deserve a peaceful life as much as anyone does. Having been to Ukraine and Russia many times, I have always experienced them as much the same - Slavs together, look the same, think the same, kiss the same. It's a tragedy. 

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9 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Unfortunately the registration wall went up before I could get a good look at the article.  It might be the Brits -- I'm certain they win by population.  But I doubt Russia was considered under the Nat Geo rubric, which I'm guessing was looking exclusively at European powers, versus straight out land grabs (colonialism or no?  I guess it depends) over 11 time zones and the deliberate Soviet policy of settling Russians all throughout the SSRs to, yes, colonize them.

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32 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 Thousands of videos show Ukrainians doing the same - most are now taken down by MSM to protect your sensitive eyes. Personally, I condemn all violence on either side - peace NOW!

You wish. There are no comparisons to Bucha and Mariupol

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7 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

I can only congratulate Thailand for the refusal to sign anything. 

How on Earth can you host a peace conference at CHF 30 million Swiss taxpayers money (THB 1.2 billion) between two fighting parties and NOT INVITE one of those parties? 
The lame Swiss excuse later on (a blunt lie if you ask me) was that "Russia would not have attended anyhow". How about letting Russia decide, if, which, where, when and who attends what kind of event in the first place?

It was the most embarrassing and ridiculous proof of ignorant arrogance by the sitting Swiss government. Switzerland has always been (notice "past tense") the ultimate negotiation table of Planet Earth. So many conflicts were eventually streamlined, some with lasting, some with less than lasting effect but there was ultimately always a peace-focussed result. Present Swiss president Viola Amherd should be sent back to her native Brig in Valais scraping Raclette cheese. The present sitting Swiss foreign minister Ignazio Cassis is an equal joke and should return to his native Biasca in Ticino to savour some Merlot; he might be more competent on that. An absolute embarrassing incompetence on the entire front. 

Such an important conference should take place in Geneva - to start with - where the entire infrastructure is there with all the facilities of simultaneous translation, meeting venues, accommodation, airport - the full nine yards. Nobody goes to Bürgenstock for a worldwide peace conference - until those clowns in the "palais fédéral" has this splendid idea. The choice of location though was the least problem. 

The bunch of nerds running Switzerland pissed nicely onto the reputation of formerly neutral Switzerland as a peaceful partner in times of conflict. Europe is in the political doldrums, yet I am not really aware, why some South American and Asian-Pacific VIPs were invited. It was not about hot meals, crisp drinks and important sideshows - but to attend the analysis and pathfinding between Ukraine (a NATO puppet run by the Americans) and Russia (run by Soviet mindset leadership).

Russia has been advocating for 20+ years, that they do not want NATO on their doorstep and were promised that in the conference of Minsk on the reunification of West Germany and the German Democratic Republic. The conference was attended by Soviet leader Gorbachev and his very able foreign secretary Shevardnadze, West German Kohl as chancellor was accompanied by Genscher, possibly Germany's most qualified foreign minister. To conclude the invitees, NATO Secretary General Wörner (who happened to be a German national) was there as well.

Wörner died and after that, NATO broke a promise at the behest of the US, war mongering on the planet since WW2 with a present-year's defense budget of USD 882 billion which cannot possibly be used against nuclear-free Canada or the Mexicans with their tortillas. 

Congratulations to Thailands position by not agreeing to a piece of paper containing lots of letters without saying anything nor addressing the root of the problem. 

What a shame, what a farçe, what an embarrassment - Switzerland, quo vadis? 

Possibly noteworthy for the Guinness Book of Records, the planet's most expensive selfie of a silly grinning Swiss president 😞 


I agree with some of what you say.  But just as "neutrality" during WW2 is a moral albatross to the Swiss today, it seems they viewed neutrality towards Russia's invasion the same.  There is likely a lot behind the scenes that no one but the Swiss and Russians know that pushed Switzerland this direction.

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These political threads are the same as religious threads - no winners no losers. Only arguments none can verify!

In these two games, the stakes are high and very difficult to find any genuine intentions.

Edited by ravip
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20 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

Well done Thailand for refusing to sign the document of the outcome of the comical 'so called' 'Peace' summit in Lucerne, Switzerland...


They obviously were not going to be fooled that this comical collection of western leaders and low grade civil servants had any intention towards 'peace'.


In fact at no time whatsoever was there any attempt to discuss 'peace'... In fact it was nothing more than a staged platform for OUTGOING western leaders of the so-called free world to stand up on stage and criticise and threaten President Putin and Russia. It was also used as an excuse for the most corrupt politician on earth to continue to beg for money so he can buy more luxury multi-million dollar properties worldwide while he feeds his male (and female) population into a meat grinder for the benefit of creepy hair sniffing Joe Biden and Co.


So well done to Thailand for having principles and all those other countries who were not for one minute fooled.



Wow! Please help me by citing documentation of the purchase of the worldwide million dollar properties by the most corrupt politician.

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18 hours ago, BobBKK said:

 Yes, he did. 78% turnout Putin wins 88%. Even if you claim no opposition (which is a lie) people could have stayed home and not voted at all. Sorry to disappoint you with facts.

Oh, I certainly recognize there was opposition but … well, a prominent opponent conveniently was jailed and died in prison, if I recall correctly.

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18 hours ago, BobBKK said:

 77% TURNOUT - they could have stayed at home OR spoiled their paper OR voted for the Communist. I happen to know Russians broadly support Putin - I would say around 80/85%.

Please understand that, whatever your view, you cannot beat Russia. A poor peace is better than a good war.

Ah, your last sentence reminded me directly of Neville Chamberlain and his Peace In Our Time statement after selling out Czechoslovakia (1st the Sudetenland where the majority of the population were German speakers … key, the Donbas).

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1 minute ago, wwest5829 said:

Ah, your last sentence reminded me directly of Neville Chamberlain and his Peace In Our Time statement after selling out Czechoslovakia (1st the Sudetenland where the majority of the population were German speakers … key, the Donbas).


To be fair to Chamberlain, he did his best to keep us out of the war - Hitler treacherously reneged on the signed agreement - much like the Ukrainians after 2014 and 2022.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Q When is a peace conference not a peace conference?

A When the winning side isn't invited.


Do those numpties know how daft they look?


Good on Thailand for not playing along with the fiasco.



I see we have a team of aggressor Putin fanboys on here today..

Supporting the invasion of a sovereign country for land grab.

The blitzkrieg of civilian dwellings, mass murder of the innocent, yet these creeps support it...............

Sad individuals.....:coffee1:

I hope, what goes around, comes around.......:ermm:

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The conference reminded me of the last scene in Animal Farm, when the pigs and the men became indistinguishable.

Were you in it.......?   Reads like it.......:ermm:

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

 Russia lost 27m fighting Hitler - do not insult their memory as you sit there with your Chang because of their sacrifice.

27m russian soldiers died fighting Germany?I did not know that,a very high amount.

I would never insult the memory of people who stood up and are standing up to defend their country from an invader.I agree!

I totally support the Ukrainian men and women who are defending their country against an invader!

You see how this works?

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4 hours ago, cooked said:

Anybody mention, or even know what are, The Minsk agreements? 

Sorry, I read through the first few comments... I guess not.

recent admission by Merkle and another that they were signed only to buy time to re-arm, re-train Ukraine

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This may not apply to LOS but it is a famous and old saying from Dante: "There is a special place reserved in hell for those who remain neutral during a moral crisis".  Of course there is no hell in buddhism but most of us getting the meaning.  Ironically China seems to think the same about Ukraine.  What if the country was not Ukraine but Taiwan? Then it would be crystal clear.

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