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British Couple Arrested for Running Xanax Scam in Thailand


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14 minutes ago, sambum said:


Please note that I did say "over/under the counter"


Re counterfeit or pirated, and laced with other dangerous substances " Of course pharmaceutical giant Pfizer would say that wouldn't they? They're not likely to say that they were exactly the same ingredients as their product, but selling for half the price!!!"

I do agree the Phizer and other drug companies are to expensive.

But I commend Phizer for there involvement in bring this drug ring down.

I doubt what you say is true.

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33 minutes ago, Deerculler said:

It has got nothing to do with Pfizer losing money.

It is to do with stopping criminals manufacturing counterfeit to make money for themselves.

You have no idea how millions of lives are destroyed through illegal drugs.

Please put your brain into gear and think before make anymore stupid comments like that.


Who are you to tell me that I "have no idea how many millions of lives are destroyed through illegal drugs?"


And get off your pompous high horse telling me to "put my brain into gear before make (making?) anymore (any more?) stupid comments like that".


It has a LOT to do with Pfizer losing money - why did they take 5 years of time and money investigating this affair? Think about that while you're drinking your cocoa (and don't tell me that it is because they want to safeguard their reputation!)

Edited by sambum
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2 hours ago, khunpeer said:

and where in Tland was this luxury villa?

names are mentioned, places & detectives in UK, but not where these two lovebirds were living


Is it important? Do you want to "gawk"?

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37 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


There are already many generic versions of Xanax produced and marketed by bona fide pharmaceutical companies. Pfizer's patent expired more thsn 20 years ago. 


Pfizer's concern would not be patent protectionism but rather having their particular brand associated with a sub-standard and potentially dangerous product.


A drug produced in a "makeshift lab" is not going to be safe and will very often be laced with, or contaminated by,  other substances.




The pressure on Health systems to lower the prices eg EU made India the main manufacturer of pharmaceutical medicines.

However, the risk to receive fakes was rising. Recently EU got new regulations: the code on the sealed packs are registered and scanned by the pharmacies. The system gives a warning if the code doesn't match with the original issued one.

This is implemented only in EU. I'm not sure there are similar safety standards in other countries?🙏


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45 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


There are already many generic versions of Xanax produced and marketed by bona fide pharmaceutical companies. Pfizer's patent expired more thsn 20 years ago. 


Pfizer's concern would not be patent protectionism but rather having their particular brand associated with a sub-standard and potentially dangerous product.


45 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

A drug produced in a "makeshift lab" is not going to be safe and will very often be laced with, or contaminated by,  other substances.





"Unclear where the fake product was actually prodiced (produced?) and packaged and by whom." 

".........distributing fake Xanax pills across the dark web from makeshift labs in the West Midlands, UK."

Still no explanation from you on that one.


Pfizer's concern would not be patent protectionism but rather having their particular brand associated with a sub-standard and potentially dangerous product.

I did mention that in another post to another reader:- 

".....(and don't tell me that it is because they want to safeguard their reputation!)




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2 hours ago, Polaky said:

Who buys their drugs online?, surely you would go to a chemist and not Lazada, unless the chemists were in on it, I have come to the conclusion that nothing is real anymore, and the drugs your taking including vitamins could be lethal.

I buy most of my vitamins and drugs online. They are a lot less expensive than buying them in a pharmacy. 

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I see this on BBC app a few days ago. The tablets don't even look like Xanax. Long square white ones. The ones I know are oval and blue. I wouldn't use them.

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9 hours ago, ravip said:

Stiff competition is gaining ground, with the influx of quality tourists!

That would be the counterfeit Viagra operation.

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11 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

What has thailand have to do with it other than this is where they were residing?


I guess this business operation was happening right under their noses and knew nothing about it 


this legal case is being handled in the west…the biggest question is how thailand handle extraditing them back to England to stand trail? Don’t they have to be found guilty first in a court of law 


silly for thailand to get involved legally…wash their hands of them as quickly as possible would be their best strategy 

I don't think they have be found guilty, there just has to be sufficient evidence to warrant a trial. Extradition is basically Thailand Washing their hands of them.

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13 hours ago, stoner said:


i know right. can't have any competition cutting into corporate profits. 

They weren't producing Xanax tablets. They were adding other substances as fillers which may not have been safe and then pretending they were Xanax.

Whether pharmacutical companies make to much profit is another issue. 

Why do you think they weren't just copying Xanax? Because that would be to expensive and they wanted to make a much profit as possible, probably without paying tax. 

The manufacturing processes might not have been safe either. 

Edited by kimamey
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They get "the job" from Pfizer ........money-money-money...............................................


How the pharmaceutical industry affects the European medicines agency E.M.A


In late 2019, two pharmaceutical consultants checked into an Amsterdam hotel. Experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also stay there for their monthly meeting. Many are their former colleagues.
Discussions are strictly confidential. Guido Rasi, director of the EMA until 2020, says that drones were even sent once to spy on the proceedings by unknown players.😉😉😉
The advisers, Sweden's Tomas Salmonson, and Britain's Robert Hemmings, previously had a seat at the table. For years he was part of the inner circle of the EMA, in the CHMP and in expert groups. Now, through their joint venture Consilium Salmonson & Hemmings, they are advising Big Pharma on how to obtain the coveted authorizations it once approved.
Investigate Europe found that the regulator is plagued by many conflicts of interest with concerns about professional and financial ties to industry. It also faces growing criticism for fast-tracking drugs that could pose serious risks to patients.
When EMA was founded in 1995, only 20% of funding came from industry, with the rest from the European Union. This year, more than 90% percent is projected to come from industry fees and charges related to drug approvals.😉😉😉
"The funding of the agency and the level of fees are agreed by EU legislators and codified in EU law... Applicants pay for the process, but not for the outcome of the process," an EMA spokesman said. "Using the driving test analogy, one has to pay to take a driving test, but there is no guarantee that they will pass the test."😉😉😉




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17 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

Thank you Brian and Katie - you've restored our faith in Brit crimmos!! 

Anyway...enjoy your extended time in Thailand in the lap of luxury.

They've been prosecuted in the UK, not Thailand, the UK Regional Organised Crime Units don't operate here.

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17 hours ago, ezzra said:

It took them a whole 5 years to uncover this scam of 2 kids dealing in drugs? can't say much for the slow and layback

ways those guys were investigating the case, maybe in their books it wasn't a priority, who nows?...

"...this scam of 2 kids..."

Why do some people seem to take great pleasure in trying to belittle police and their investigations?  There was no suggestion that this case just involved "two kids".  The OP did mention that the two pictured and several others were involved.

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17 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

What has thailand have to do with it other than this is where they were residing?


this legal case is being handled in the west…the biggest question is how thailand handle extraditing them back to England to stand trail? Don’t they have to be found guilty first in a court of law 


silly for thailand to get involved legally…wash their hands of them as quickly as possible would be their best strategy 

"What has thailand have to do with it other than this is where they were residing?"

They were organising the criminal activity from here, that's what.


"the biggest question is how thailand handle extraditing them back to England to stand trail? Don’t they have to be found guilty first in a court of law"

Not a big question, at all, if they were extradited to the UK.  It just requires an extradition request and co-operation from the Thai authorities.  No existing guilty verdict is needed before extradition.


"silly for thailand to get involved legally…"

Which report did you read that stated that Thai authorities were involved in the legal aspects of this case?


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14 hours ago, brianthainess said:

I am not condoning what they did but, Did their 'Counterfeit' drug work ? did anyone get sick or die ? or is this just about the money lost to Pfizer ?

"...is this just about the money lost to Pfizer?"

It is about their producing tonnes of counterfeit drugs (an offence) and money laundering millions (also an offence).

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13 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Unclear where the fake product was actually prodiced and packaged and by whom.

Not at all unclear...

"A 2019 raid uncovered a production site in a shed in Tipton, featuring an industrial powder mixer. Another site in Wolverhampton housed a tablet press and handwritten recipe lists".

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19 hours ago, ezzra said:

It took them a whole 5 years to uncover this scam of 2 kids dealing in drugs? can't say much for the slow and layback

ways those guys were investigating the case, maybe in their books it wasn't a priority, who nows?...

24 and 25 aren't kids, calling them that doesn't make you any younger.

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