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"Think drug legalization is a good idea? Visit Fentanyl Land."

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Hi Folks,


Anyone here doubt the seriousness of the illicit drug crisis in the US and many other countries?

Here is an interesting article, short and to the point:






The question now becomes:


How to protect young people, who often experiment once or twice, from dying due to substances such as fentanyl which is intentionally introduced by illegal sellers into many other drugs.


Also, why has America been hit so hard, much harder than other countries?


And, how significant is the risk for Thailand, in the near future?


When the seller intentionally introduces fentanyl into some other illicit drug, and when this results in death of the user, at least in the USA in some states, the seller can be charged with murder, based on newer laws in some states.


How much longer can America accept the drug-related deaths without much stronger action?


Is the pendulum about to swing back?

Maybe the USA needs drug policies similar to those of Singapore?



Good idea?







Note:  These Fentanyl deaths are rather hard on mothers....


Many heartbreaking videos on this site, for example....












Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Fentanyl is a tragedy. Seems to be targeted on the USA by supply of precursor chemicals to Central America/Mexico for production and then delivery of the finished product to the USA.

Quite different to a bit of Weed/Ganja/Marijuana sold in Thailand "dispensaries". Of course, Thailand has it's issues with import/sale of Yaa Baa and Yaa Ice but no stories of major Fentanyl problems in Thailand so far.   


Peter Santenello, a US docujournalist has done many reports on the effects of Fentanyl in communities in the USA. 




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Everyone is responsible for their own decisions.  If you choose to take illicit drugs, then the only person to blame for your ill health or death by overdose is yourself.  As said in that video, if you want to avoid Fentanyl, then avoid taking all illicit drugs.  It's not rocket science...

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I think reasonable people can agree that drug users filling up prisons is a stupid idea by politicians. If you take so much fentanyl that you die, tough luck for you.

Drug suppliers, dealers and manufacturers are another issue. In the US the fentanyl epidemic was started not by drug dealers, but by venal doctors and pharmacists, solid, admired and rich members of the Appalachian community, egged on by pretty salespeople from the Sackler family. In my world view, the doctors and pharmacists should be the ones going to jail for this epidemic, they wrote the fraudulent Rxs and fulfilled the prescriptions, and benefited financially. So the medical community generated the whole Fentanyl crisis, not drug dealers, Chinese, Mexicans or they created 100s of thousands of addicts and when the medical supply was crimped, by official and political action, the addicts were still there, a ready market for illegal fentanyl, and where there is demand it will be satisfied by those seeking to profit. 

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7 hours ago, shdmn said:

Fentanyl is not Marijuana.  Marijuana is not Fentanyl.  Anyone who tries to equate the two or claim marijuana is a gateway drug or whatever has no clue what they are talking about.  The title of this thread implies that is what OP is trying to do, which is ridiculous.




That is NOT what I am trying to do.


I stated that fentanyl can be introduced into other drugs, and other illicit drugs, by sellers, for various reasons.  And, this causes high risk for users of many illicit drugs.  And, this causes sudden and unexpected death.  THIS is what I am stating.


My argument is NOT ridiculous.  But, maybe you are just too HIGH to understand what I clearly stated in the OP.


Read it again when you are more clearheaded, ......maybe?



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Posted (edited)

Here is more recent data from a different source showing overdose-related death, by country, compiled in 2020...a much more recent bit of data.






a.  So then what is the factor(s) causing this huge disparity between the US/Scotland  and the rest of the world?


b.  The differences between countries is incredible!  Why?



THE report/paper/article linked here provides many possible factors causing what is seen in the above data.





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Posted (edited)
On 7/11/2024 at 4:24 AM, stoner said:

wait till you learn about carfentanil. 


But, have you heard about Nitazenes?


Here is a drug that requires more Narcan to reverse the effects.


And then there is Xylazine being consumed by humans, yet it's a drug intended for Dogs and Cats!

And, Narcan will not work on Xylazine overdoses.


Where will this all end, one wonders?


It seems as if what we had seen, in street drug use, up to 2015, was another age.

And now, the world is going to hell.


Who in their right mind would wish to risk bringing a child into a world such as ours?

The risk is so high.

Just one mistake, and game over for one's child.

How do parents cope?



Just too many reasons not to have children in this new age we are in.


And so, it is no wonder that projected demographics in many countries are plummeting.


And, maybe too, perhaps the increased opioid use is one more symptom of the deteriorating environment, and destruction of the social fabric needed to keep us social animals from going collectively berserk.


I am just SOOO glad I am not young.

And, I am sooooo glad I no longer live in the USA.


One can complain about certain aspects of Thailand-living....but....compared to what is happening in the USA....

Thailand, most parts of Thailand, is both a haven and a heaven.


I am grateful to be here, especially when I think about the alternative in America, both North and South America.


Asia is the the only place to be if you want to escape true insanity.


Note:  Good for Canines, I guess...






So cute !!!!







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20 minutes ago, stoner said:


thank you. 



I predict that you will find this both entertaining and informative.

Great video from a Black Brother, Bro!

Extremely well done, with over 2.2 million views.






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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, stoner said:


dynamite to peace to pain to epidemic. 


Well, it seems the problem is increasingly the fact that any drug experimentation by "youth" is more hazardous than it ever was in history.


This drug here, is insane!

Who in their right mind would knowingly imbibe?

And, who can experiment with any reliable assurance that one of these adulterants is not present?

It's like......DEER HUNTER !!!!  All over again....





https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/in-depth/xylazine/art-20559909#:~:text=Xylazine is a medicine given,opioids that are taken illegally.





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