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American Arrested for Stabbing Australian to Death in Thailand


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4 hours ago, 1sickpuppy said:

Sad but true idiots abound, Australia is having problems with multiple stabbing incidents, anybody who carries a knife is a gutless coward in first place, hope he doesnt forget to get his buddies to get him some narm mun moo for monkey house

"anybody who carries a knife is a gutless coward in first place," That's very true, they will say that they carry one for self defence which is rubbish, for a knife to be effective, you need to be very close up, unless of course you are a trained knife thrower.

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6 minutes ago, 2long said:

I would argue that the lack of police on UK streets has more to do with cutbacks than them being busy in cozy (cosy sic.) offices

Yes I see what you mean.

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4 hours ago, Grandpa Cool said:


Lessons? There's no more lessons to be learned by the young Ozzie chap! And the Yankee will find himself in a whole new classroom with a completely new set of rules!

Yes at least he won’t have to worry about picking up the soap in the shower as he’s going to jail in Thailand not America, unless he’s rich of course.

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3 minutes ago, 2long said:

I would argue that the lack of police on UK streets has more to do with cutbacks than them being busy in cozy (cosy sic.) offices

Recent incident in my small UK town. Single crewed (meaning driver only) police patrol spotted a van outside a small factory in the middle of the night. He pulled up behind the van. Two guys got out armed with 'baseball bats' and smashed his windscreen. They then drove away. Can't blame the policeman for not tackling two men who've done that. In fact, the Chief Constable commended his actions in issuing a warning via his radio for other police patrols not to approach the van.

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18 minutes ago, 2long said:

I'm guessing if you visited a place twice in 24 years, that also makes you a tourist.

Hard to agree with your comment then, really.

My comments don't count coz i've only been twice??


So people that come as a once in a life time as a tourist, they're comments don't count either?


Hmmm, strange comment.



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14 minutes ago, PJ71 said:

My comments don't count coz i've only been twice??


So people that come as a once in a life time as a tourist, they're comments don't count either?


Hmmm, strange comment.



I feel that many would agree with me that you're a tourist there, and your apparent disdain for tourists there means you're a bit of a hypocrite... possibly worse.

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10 hours ago, AnotherOneHere said:

Sad and tragic accident. Hope they learn their lesson from this. 🙏

How is stabbing someone in the abdomen several times an accident?

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10 hours ago, Taboo2 said:

In a country like Thailand or England, you must be prepared to have a weapon.  There are more knife deaths in the UK right now. 

In France too

The result of immigration

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7 hours ago, Expat68 said:

I can only speak about England but it is probably true in other countries also, in that it is the vast majority of cases are from the inner cities, certainly not from my home town

And what ethnicity are the perpetrators usually?

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5 hours ago, 2baht said:

What about that time tested application that has a place in many altercations......ALCOHOL!!! Or thereof it's the clowns who drink it but can't handle it!!!

‘Or thereof’….? 🙄

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11 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Why do people carry knives? The last thing I would ever do is go out with a knife in my pocket, it just doesn't enter my head to do so.  Alcohol + knives (or guns) + testosterone = trouble.


The 'hard man' has ruined the lives of the aussie's famliy and ruined his own life - for what?

Lots of people carry knives without ever killing someone. I always carry a multi tool with a knife incorporated. Before that, I had a folding knife.


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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

Some knives are trouble, other knives are tools.


I always carry a swiss army knife with a small blade, nail file, scissors, bottle opener, can opener, screwdriver and a few other functions.  There are times when it is really handy.




Yep, the Swiss Army sure have the weaponry to defend all that plundered WWII gold and cuckoo clocks.


I'd love to see their military's weapons drill.

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2 hours ago, oslooskar said:

How can you possibly have an "apples and apples comparison" if you bring the United States into the equation? After all, as I previously stated, it has a minority population whose males make up approximately six percent of the U.S. population but commit over 50% of its homicides. However, in the interest of apples and apples, if we subtract those homicides from the 3.82 per 100,000 we get a much lower homicide rate. That being said, there are other factors involved that prevent an apples to apples comparison, at least with the United States. Therefore, I would suggest, for example, comparing the private gun ownership rates of those countries like Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, and Austria that have lower homicide rates than the United Kingdom's. In that way you can see if their lower homicide rates are a result of low gun ownership rates or not. Japan and Singapore have extremely strict gun laws and very low homicide rates, but they cannot be part of the equation either because both countries have Capital Punishment on the books, which only one European nation today has. Also, it is worthy of mention, that Asian Americans have an extremely low crime rate even though they have access to firearms.


I think what you're trying to say is that, if you don't include the figures that give the US a horrendous homicide rate, the US wouldn't have a horrendous homicide rate.

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32 minutes ago, Pattaya57 said:

You find murder funny?


You don't have any clue who either person was but you post they are a bogan and trailer trash and imply it's a win that the guy was killed?


Disgusting post when someone died


What I find funny is the fake moral outrage about an incident as news-and-deep-thought-worthy as a video of two baboons throwing feces at each other.


1. It's more of an upper degree manslaughter than murder.


2. I've seen waaaay too many times what Aussies and Brits (especially tourists) are like drunk at 2am. Most are trash, so I just tend to assume a-hole unless proven otherwise.


3. Texan - nuff said. About half the country is retarded and he doesn't represent the smarter half.


Just glad no innocent bystanders got hurt.


Nothing good ever happens at 2am. among drunk losers. Not in Thailand, not in Duh-merica, not in Asstralia, not in Yoorope. Nowhere.


Well, almost nowhere...


Funny how you (almost) never really hear these sorts of incidents happening to/among the classier, societally more well adjusted/civilized East/Southeast Asians like Japanese or South Koreans, Malays, Singaporeans, etc. 


Always the same suspects, quacking like ducks (i.e. in the worst lo-so native speaking accents of the English language).

Edited by Sandboxer
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These Americans are violent people 


They have ruined their own Country with guns and violence and want to impose their violence in other Countries .

Apparently in some States they walk around with guns on their hips ,why you ask ....wait for it...to protect themselves from their fellow American countrymen!


What a country to live in ....low wages .... homelessness...no unemployment benefits after 6 months ..walking around with guns ...lovely place 


These Americans know no better ..one American guy on here was shocked that in Australia we get 6 weeks annual leave and double rates working Sundays ....your joking he said 

Edited by georgegeorgia
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1 minute ago, georgegeorgia said:

Apparently in some States they walk around with guns on their hips ,why you ask ....wait for it...to protect themselves from their fellow American countrymen!



I'm an American who hates guns. Yet, if I were to live in that s-hole again, I'd be armed to the teeth a day after I arrive. It's simply too late to impose any kind of effective gun control legislation. Estimated 350-450 million guns, of which only about 6m are actually registered.

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Just now, Sandboxer said:


I'm an American who hates guns. Yet, if I were to live in that s-hole again, I'd be armed to the teeth a day after I arrive. It's simply too late to impose any kind of effective gun control legislation. Estimated 350-450 million guns, of which only about 6m are actually registered.

Well I have to admit some parts of Australia I probably would rather have a gun with me too , probably wouldn't want to venture into the country parts of Australia without one ,and it's not the kangaroos I'm fearing 

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8 minutes ago, Woof999 said:


I think what you're trying to say is that, if you don't include the figures that give the US a horrendous homicide rate, the US wouldn't have a horrendous homicide rate.

There is nothing ambiguous about my previous comment. The point of it should have been easily understood by anyone with average intelligence or above. That being said, let me simplify it for you. The point was, if you DO include those figures of 3.82 per 100,000 inhabitants, which include the homicide rate of the U.S. black population, then you are no longer comparing apples with apples.

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9 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

The Texan wasn’t a tourist, he lives in Krabi.

Here is the thug, and here is his knife.





He certainly looks like an ugly scumbag and someone you would want to avoid.

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4 hours ago, Docno said:

 they have to keep guns at home to protect themselves from intruders

Right! And if my memory serves me correctly, they've had to cross the oceans of this world to protect others from intruders.

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Any man who carries a knife is a coward IMO.


Hope he gets life in the Bangkok Hilton, alcohol is no excuse, e.g. he had the knife before he started drinking.


Too bad for the Ozzie and his family, so a young a mans life is lost, because of a gutless bastard.

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8 hours ago, realfunster said:


Tragic and unnecessary turn of events. Going out for some evening beers - one life over, another messed up permanently.


the murderer is responsible for both.

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12 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Sad. It seems that knives are fast evolving into the weapon of choice in many countries around the world. 

Perhaps this can be a lesson for those who are faced with the decision of fight or flight. These days one should assume the other person may be armed with a knife or similar before any thought of fighting. Walk away before it escalates. There are a lot of screwed up people out there who become very aggressive drunks. 


More and more people are going nuts everywhere. Rule no. 1, never go into confrontation with anyone.

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13 hours ago, AnotherOneHere said:

Sad and tragic accident. Hope they learn their lesson from this. 🙏

Accident????  they learn a lesson ??? one is dead after being murdered........  are you for real ?

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