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Best emergency pain killer

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Bad back prone to stiffness and spasms. I love to travel but fear a debilitating episode. 

What's the strongest pain killer one can buy over the counter?

Actually 99% of the time it's not as bad as I fear and I struggle thru. I really don't like taking medicines.

It's more the peace of mind knowing it's there if I need it. 

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3 hours ago, sidjameson said:

Bad back prone to stiffness and spasms. I love to travel but fear a debilitating episode. 

What's the strongest pain killer one can buy over the counter?

Actually 99% of the time it's not as bad as I fear and I struggle thru. I really don't like taking medicines.

It's more the peace of mind knowing it's there if I need it. 

Everyone reacts differently to different medications... one works for one person doesn't work for another... some people swear by Tramadol - doesn't do a thing for me... for others just regular Tylenol. If you find the magic elixir please pass it on. 

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7 hours ago, sidjameson said:

Bad back prone to stiffness and spasms. I love to travel but fear a debilitating episode. 

What's the strongest pain killer one can buy over the counter?

Actually 99% of the time it's not as bad as I fear and I struggle thru. I really don't like taking medicines.

It's more the peace of mind knowing it's there if I need it. 

1st: try to adjust your seating position. Sit on a cushion in order to sit higher,  seats in cars and public transport are too low (exception: cabb (sic! = "London taxi") in Bangkok, some of the new buses in Bangkok have high seats near the driver. BTS is a disaster for your back).

In long distance buses,  choose a company like Chan Tours or 999 VIP with wide, reclining seats.  Not Nakhornchai Air. Recline and put a pillow under your back as a lumbar support. International flights, choose business class. No low cost carriers.

Do back stretches before, during and after travels.


2nd: travel with a heating pad, available at 7/11. Or a heat cushion from the pharmacy. 


3rd: as Sheryl said,  Ultracet and/or Ibuprofen or Celecoxib (brand name Celebrex and others, cheaper ones).

Tramadol is stronger and still available OTC, but you will have to shop around.  Most pharmacies don't sell it anymore,  too much bureaucracy.


4th: Said tablets might be acting too slow.  It would be faster to have drops (preferably on an empty stomach), like Tramadol drops or Metamizol drops (not recommended for Brits). Not available in every country.  May be prescription only. Not available in Thailand.


5th: I used to have the same problem for years.  After exercising for about 3 months (real exercise, not just jumping around stupidly) the problem was gone completely. Then,  after not exercising for 3 weeks (really doing nothing) the problem was back again.

Exercises for back pain: YouTube "Bob and Brad", they have a whole series for back pain. And ask a good physical therapist who stresses activity to teach you,  you cannot only teach yourself  (unfortunately,  I don't know any in Thailand who stresses active exercises. Not BPC, not the hospitals)



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9 hours ago, sidjameson said:

What's the strongest pain killer one can buy over the counter?

Just bought Cocodamol and Tramadol over the counter.

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2 hours ago, Lorry said:

5th: I used to have the same problem for years.  After exercising for about 3 months (real exercise, not just jumping around stupidly) the problem was gone completely. Then,  after not exercising for 3 weeks (really doing nothing) the problem was back again.

Exercises for back pain: YouTube "Bob and Brad", they have a whole series for back pain. And ask a good physical therapist who stresses activity to teach you,  you cannot only teach yourself  (unfortunately,  I don't know any in Thailand who stresses active exercises. Not BPC, not the hospitals)

I totally agree with this. I had a serious car accident 40 years ago (totalled the car). Got lucky, nothing broken but got a compression in my spine. It hurt like hell though, but I found out that by going to the gym and strengthen my muscles the pain went away.  I still go to the gym 2 to 4 times a week.

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9 hours ago, bubblegum said:

Ultraset it's a mix of tramedol and para.

Can you actually buy this over the counter. Tramadol is a restricted agent, an opioid.

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10 hours ago, TheAppletons said:

Paracetamol and ibuprofen taken simultaneously.


Not recommended for any sort of long term use but for a one-off pain episode it works quite well.


(Recommended to me by my oral surgeon.)



I have recurring lower back paid and knee pain.


When the pain is severe I take Subsyde capsules, one per day, excellent relief.


But never for more than 2 days in a row(my own rule). 


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in the UK i used to be able to get paracetamol and caffein in one pills, not available in Thailand, so a shot of Redbull with the pill seem to work


The gel cap version of paracetamol or ibuprofen also seem hard to come by or not available at all



For me diclofenac (Voltaren) in various forms works well for arthritis pain,


tramadol never seem to works for me, got loads from Thai hospitals after surgery, just makes me feel nauseous 

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Thank you everyone, lots of great ideas. Really appreciate the time put in.


Core exercises have been a real help. Spasms seem to have been 95% eliminated. Hard bed helps a lot too. 

Strangely sitting crossed legged in Buddha position seems to help.


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11 hours ago, bubblegum said:

Ultraset it's a mix of tramedol and para.


As good as you will get without a prescription. Mrs went to an acupuncturist last week for back pain, very famous as usual. Comes back with 8 different pills one 50mg Tramadol. Untracet is just as effective as one of these. 

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