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Church of England Blocks Conversion of Historic Grade II-Listed Church into Mosque

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1 minute ago, mokwit said:

What annoys me about Muslims taking over Churches is that they see it as a "victory" of Islam over Christianity, rather than seeing it is really only them that still believe the stories.



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34 minutes ago, Foxx said:


Factually incorrect. 


Muslims worship Allah who was originally a pagan moon good; the Christian god was never a pagan moon god.  Mohammed repurposed Allah as the sole deity - it was easier for him than making up a new god.


Islam doesn't have Jewish roots.  The Koran is the literal word of Allah.  (It is curious, however, that bits of the Koran seem to be based upon badly remembered parts of Jewish scripture.  It's almost as if Mohammed wanted the Jews to accept him as their prophet which, of course, is why Mohammed, when the Jews of the Banu Qurayza refused to accept him as such, had all the teenage boys and men slaughtered and the women and children taken as slaves and sex slaves.)


Islam incorporates a number of Jewish memes such as Gabriel, Noah, Abrahamic prophets such as Abraham and Jesus, not eating pork etc plus figures such as Mary. Not surprising given Jews and Christians lived in the same region.


The postulation that Allah (God in Islam) originated as a moon god first arose in 1901 in the scholarship of archaeologist Hugo Winckler. He identified Allah with a pre-Islamic Arabian deity known as Lah or Hubal, which he called a lunar deity. This notion has been dismissed by modern scholarship as being without basis.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah_as_a_lunar_deity#:~:text=Morey argued that "Allah" was,its popularized form as unevidenced.

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30 minutes ago, Callmeishmael said:

I have no objection to a community building their own mosque.  But I don't see any reason to through away 500 years of history.  This building was built by Anglican worshipers, Muslim worshipers can build their own church.


You don't repurpose a historical building. The Muslims will change it so it is unrecognizable. 

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9 hours ago, Social Media said:

The Zamir Foundation’s plans for the site were ambitious, including the installation of a museum, a multi-faith library, and a women’s-only gym alongside the mosque.


Women only? Doesn't Sound very inclusive. I'd imagine they'll be fine with trans women using it though...


9 hours ago, Social Media said:

The Church of England’s position in this case underscores the complexities involved in balancing the preservation of religious heritage with the evolving needs of diverse communities.


I can see a non crime hate incident in the Church of England's not too distant future. 

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13 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

I'm surprised it's not been turned into luxury flats.


Make it a gay and lesbian centre. Teach 'em both. 🙂 

What will you teach the Church of England? What's your expertise? 

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10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

History is not being thrown away.

Of course it is. 

10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

If the Christians and the English church revere it so much, why is it not open with a thriving Christian community, instead of being shuttered and closed down?


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