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Kamala Harris Expresses Openness to Exploring Reparations for Slavery

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2 hours ago, theblether said:


What if I'm white but descended from American slaves? 


It's just utter stupidity and it will occupy the thoughts of the low-wits forever. 


Anyway, the slaves are long dead - if they spoke about some form of compensation for those who suffered from Jim Crow who are STILL ALIVE - that would be more credible. 


The last thing they should do is issue money. Maybe free healthcare or free education for their living descendants would be a fair offer. 


Hand out cheques worth a mere $20,000 each and it will be carnage. 

Its marxist propaganda , its always about the oppressed and the so called 

oppressor's with these far leftest!


“For Marxists, the fight against oppression goes hand-in-hand with the class struggle”.




My opinion:We the people got it right when others recognized the party that fought for freedom (republicans) realized that the dem party ( fought to enslave) got it wrong during and “ around “ the time of the civil war!




Edited by riclag
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6 hours ago, proton said:

The descendants of the  Africans who captured them and then sold them into slavery should be the first to pay up. Another of the insane woke ideas she supports. 

England paid a huge part 

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21 minutes ago, theblether said:


I do take the attitude that reparations for slavery were paid in the blood of Union soldiers. 


It's over. Unless you are a low-wit who will no doubt still be arguing about reparations two hundred years from now. 

Never mind Jim Crow laws and mortgage redlining going well into quite recent history.

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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

Its marxist propaganda , its always about the oppressed and the so called 

oppressor's with these far leftest!


“For Marxists, the fight against oppression goes hand-in-hand with the class struggle”.




My opinion:We the people got it right when others recognized the party that fought for freedom (republicans) realized that the dem party ( fought to enslave) got it wrong during and “ around “ the time of the civil war!


Do you have original thought just repeat Trump 

Edited by Irish star
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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Never mind Jim Crow laws and mortgage redlining going well into quite recent history.


I posted this earlier in the thread. 


"Anyway, the slaves are long dead - if they spoke about some form of compensation for those who suffered from Jim Crow who are STILL ALIVE - that would be more credible. 


The last thing they should do is issue money. Maybe free healthcare or free education for their living descendants would be a fair offer."


Let6 me clarify what I mean....................


Most people who suffered the true depravations of Jim Crow are now elderly. Providing them will free healthcare ( for example ) would be a fair thing to do.


You could extend Jim Crow reparations to their grandkids, great grandkids etc  as an argument could be put forward re "generational wealth accumulation" being denied to those punished by Jim Crow. But there has to be a limit. 

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5 hours ago, stoner said:


woah big fella. maybe for once you can leave trump out of it. octd much.

would you like to address the many other points the poster you replied to made. or you just want to leave those out and go on your frothy rant.


what is your great insight into those other parts ?

Take a smoke break , way over your head 

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1 minute ago, theblether said:


I posted this earlier in the thread. 


"Anyway, the slaves are long dead - if they spoke about some form of compensation for those who suffered from Jim Crow who are STILL ALIVE - that would be more credible. 


The last thing they should do is issue money. Maybe free healthcare or free education for their living descendants would be a fair offer."


Let6 me clarify what I mean....................


Most people who suffered the true depravations of Jim Crow are now elderly. Providing them will free healthcare ( for example ) would be a fair thing to do.


You could extend Jim Crow reparations to their grandkids, great grandkids etc  as an argument could be put forward re "generational wealth accumulation" being denied to those punished by Jim Crow. But there has to be a limit. 

My country has passed laws to help minorities .



Affirmative action was another example of helping minorities .


“While the public rejects the use of preferential treatment to improve the position of minorities, in the past it has expressed broad support for affirmative action programs aimed at helping blacks and women gain access to better jobs and education”.



They have more representation in cities, states and  local government than  ever before. Even on law enforcement!


Its never enough with our tax revenue with the left!



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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How about reparations for the Native Americans for having all their land stolen, genocide, ethnic cleansing and breach of treaties?

Perhaps they don't count because they don't have a significant population to vote for Harris. Do they even have a vote?

What about all the good women who thought they getting good work for good money, who ended up in prostitution for dirty cowboys and miners. They are very rarely mentioned in the history. 


It is a big mistake going back in the history, a society should always close chapters and look for future making thing better.

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16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not a good idea, you cannot take 14% of a nation and say we're going to give you a fortune because our ancestors hundreds of years ago made these egregious errors. Society was different, culture was different, and slavery has been the norm for millennium. And where you going to stop, are you going to extend that to everyone from South America with African blood? Where you going to draw the line?


Her advisors need to sit her down, give her a very stern talking to, perhaps slap her up the side of the head, and set her off on the straight and narrow path. 


Just accept it, get on with it make the most of your life and stop the incessant victimization. 

 the good ole' boyz playing the race / victim card again


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