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Are these people stark raving mad?


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1 minute ago, BarraMarra said:

Have you forgot Trumps remarks when he was discussing the Military a while back informing the public they were suckers and losers. 


   And he said that Nazis in Charlotte were good people , injecting bleach,  grab em by the pussy and overthrow the Government , bone spurs , what else is there ?

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1 hour ago, cdemundo said:

I have my doubts.

The fantasists who like to imagine killing unarmed people with their firearms would not have the steel in their spine to oppose law enforcement or military forces.

Like 12 year olds they like to imagine themselves fighting for all that is good (in their mind) but actually showing up and putting themselves in harms way?

I just have my doubts.

I understand your thoughts but when you get high numbers encouraging each other convincing themselves they are on the side of right then it is likely. 
we will find out in a couple of months.


The Ununited States of America. 
Probably a good idea just to decide the country into two or more. 

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52 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Have you forgot Trumps remarks when he was discussing the Military a while back informing the public they were suckers and losers. 

I can see where he is coming from. 
Sucked into fighting a stupid war in Vietnam, a war for weapons of mass distruction that didn’t exist and the Afghanistan war because a Saudi bomber who was in Pakistan. 

Getting killed or maimed for life with PTSD and left to be homeless on return.


All while Trump was living it up on private jets, banging porn stars and playboy models and playing golf.


Terribly disrespectful to the vets but true.

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2 hours ago, Kinok Farang said:

Why is it always "far" right but never "far" left?

There is far left, at least in UK, there is the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) completely bonkers.  Always appeared at any protest and tried to hijack it.

Edited by MarkBR
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11 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

Trump is a liar of thief in a crook

During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post's fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.



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If you want to get the real connection with the EX US servicemen, check out 3of7 Project on Youtube. Chadd Wright is the real deal.


Love that guy. Okay, the religious extremism you have to tune that out. But all the rest...that man is ready.

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4 hours ago, MarkBR said:

There is far left, at least in UK, there is the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) completely bonkers.  Always appeared at any protest and tried to hijack it.

yes but they don't turn up in full battle dress trying to storm the House of Commons because they lost an Election.

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15 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  Trump didn't actually say that , but , who cares about honesty these days ?


don;t know if he's said those actual words or not, but he's certainly alluded to such an outcome. indeed he does nothing to quell such feelings amongst his supporters (many of whom are not the brightest citizens), very dangerous.

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15 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Documentary looks at USA war veterans and the reasons why so many are joining the many far right groups who will not accept the result if Harris wins the upcoming election.




If Harris wins there will be bloodshed.


You call it a documentary and I call it a biased  propaganda piece from Qatar's propaganda entity Al Jazeera.

Lots of talking heads and suggestions, but no factual evidence to support the claim of large numbers of veterans joining far right groups. On the contrary, US military veterans remain respectful of their oath to uphold the US Constitution.


I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).


The people who have claimed military experience and who have joined extremist groups fall into one of the following categories;

1. Never served in the military and/or,

2. Never saw active duty and/or,

3. Not honourably discharged and/or

4. Did not hold command officer commission or a senior Noncom position, i.e. typically very junior ranks and/or

5. Mentally ill.


Former General Flynn's image is shown. As much as one may not like  former President Trump,  serving in the administration of Trump is not evidence of far right extremism.


Al Jazeera's piece is an insult to US military veterans and disseminates  innuendo and is intended to sow disunity and rumours.


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12 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Aljegera is an opinion piece without any factual backing.

On the other hand:

  • "Veterans Endorse Kamala Harris for the 2024 Presidential Election," Written By Common Defense, July 22, 2024 ref. Jacob Thomas - [email protected] "Common Defense, the nation's largest grassroots veterans organization, is proud to endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for the 2024 Presidential election."
  • "Ten former top US military officials back Harris, call Trump 'a danger'," By Reuters September 9, 2024
  • "Group of retired generals, admirals announce support for Harris," - "As Donald Trump vows to purge the military of leaders he doesn't like, Kamala Harris is picking up endorsements from retired generals and admirals." MSNBC.com, Sept. 10, 2024 By Steve Benen.

Have you actually heard her speak? Harris is embarrassing and totally ill equipped to be POTUS in the same way she has been as Vice President for 3 and a half years.

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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I agree. It may get ugly. No doubt the coward will deny he lost for a second time and will became one of the greatest losers in history. He will become irrelevant and will be shunned by the GOP, finally. That will be hard for him to accept. He will fight. But, he is tired and old, and becoming more feeble. So, we can just banish him, and put him out to pasture. 


And if all goes well, he will be locked up. A richly deserved reward for a lifetime of crime and fraud. 




It's going to get very ugly but not in the way you think. Which crimes are you referring to, by the way? Do you mean the supposed rape of E Jean Carroll where the jury awarded $85 million dollars to a woman who could even remember the year or month that the rape supposedly took place? She'd had made at least six similar allegations too over the years against others.

How about the one where Trump house was raided? That case was thrown out. How many non crimes do you think it takes before a rational person would think, "there is something off with all of these allegations"? Some decades old. Why this year just before an election? Use some critical thinking. It will help you no end. I guarantee that each and every one of the cases against Trump will be won on appeal.

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should educate yourslef

8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I don't recall any Clinton supporter getting jail time when she lost.


OTOH, of the people who were charged with attempting to storm the Capitol on Trump's instigation, about 50% are behind bars.


That fact gives me hope MAGA supporters could not possibly be so stupid as to try it on a second time, if he loses again.

Have to seen behind the scenes footage of what happened that day where the police opened the doors of the Capitol building and let people in? The guy with the horns was given a guided tour around the building by more than 10 police officers and then sat in one of the rooms and prayed. He got four years I think. Jan 6th was an entrapment exercise and there were many FBI CHS's (Confidential Human Sources) in the crowd to stir up trouble. You should educate yourself about what really went on. 

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8 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

Have you forgot Trumps remarks when he was discussing the Military a while back informing the public they were suckers and losers. 

Too much CNN, NBC etc. Stop drinking the Koolaid. He never said that.Do you know what Operation Mockingbird is? If you don't you are very misinformed. Look it up.

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6 hours ago, it is what it is said:


don;t know if he's said those actual words or not, but he's certainly alluded to such an outcome. indeed he does nothing to quell such feelings amongst his supporters (many of whom are not the brightest citizens), very dangerous.

You may be correct, but Harris is hardly a beacon of hope for the down trodden masses or a better future for ALL Americans. Washington creature through and through, IMO.

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hatred overcomes rational thinking IMO.

Never mind, I enjoy rants as entertainment.

You have been known to post a few of your own.


As for rational thinking, spare me.

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22 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  Trump didn't actually say that , but , who cares about honesty these days ?

True, but given that he's still claiming that the 2020 election was stolen, despite the absence of valid evidence, it's a pretty safe bet that, if he loses, it will be more of the same.

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5 hours ago, rasg said:

The fact that you are getting this information from CNN speaks volumes. You do know that there is a reason Trump calls the main stream media fake is because they are so anti Trump it's embarrassing.

trump also called the media "enemy of the people' when reporting factually. How about doing some fact checking before posting trump / MAGA BS.

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5 hours ago, rasg said:

The fact that you are getting this information from CNN speaks volumes. You do know that there is a reason Trump calls the main stream media fake is because they are so anti Trump it's embarrassing.

About as blatant the disgusting Fox Channel promoting the disgusting orange grifting theiving conmans every word and endevours.

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