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What is a good sandwich filler? except cheese or ham


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3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Agree 100%. I just eat a wide variety of things. Not thinking too much about what I eat, as long as it´s as natural as possible. The chemical things and artificially produced stuff, like you mention, are the most dangerous of all. I might drink a bit too much, but I still do my work with no problem. Probably make more than most of the member on this forum does, and having a fun and great life at the same time. Sure, my consumption might take away 5-10 year from my life expectancy, but there are two factors that make stands behind my choice of life style.

1. I might live until I am so old that I can not walk, talk or socialize with people the last 5 years. What kind of life would that be, not being able to enjoy life?

2. Many people say, you have to cut down on this and that, to live long. So, if having a great and fun life, take away 10 years, so be it. As I had a great life, that will be all that counts. Hopefully my children will be old enough for me to see them grow up until adulthood and even have a grand child as well. As I am only 54, and my children are 12 and 5 years old, it tells me that would be possible even as I live a rather careless life in the health department according to many health freaks. 🙂 

Indeed there are many of life's pleasures that some people will urge you to give up ,  but in reality you won't live any longer it will just feel like it

 I too have probably  lost 5 to 10 years off the end of my life, but as I fully expected to spend those years alone in a nursing home , blighted by dementia , probably incontinent ,  for most of the time covered in my own faeces and urine , and at the mercy of a poorly qualified sadistic carer I can't say I am that bothered.

These health freaks seem to think that they won't succumb to death,  boy are they in for a shock one day, and it may come around quicker than they think,  it normally does

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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

nearly as laughable as your claim that  vegan farts don't smell ,  

Do you have a "vegan" cat too ? I believe that is also currently quite fashionable.   Although anybody subjecting a cat to that sort of cruelty should be locked up for a very long time, likewise those that declaw them  , also popular amongst vegans  as it prevents them from catching mice etc      And that's a lifestyle ? 

 Credit where its due though you have obviously done a lot of research  and appear only too keen to supply links and info ,  is that to justify your diet to yourself or do you find that you just can't help trying to convert people,  another common trait  amongst the self-righteous  "communities" which themselves appear to be expanding exponentially 

Not trying to convert anyone. The OP asked for tasty, healthy alternatives and I responded. You're the one that got defensive started hurling insults and making baseless claims. I couldn't give a flying fluck what you or anyone ingests. But when you start making false claims and accusations, then I will refute them. I don't need to justify anything to anyone. My diet is for me and a decision made and stuck to for more than 34 years and will remain so for my remaining years. You obviously have no clue about what fads and fashionable mean. Should people inquire about my vegan lifestyle (or start with the same ol' tired, ignorant BS), I will tell them what I know and have learned and supply links and facts and other helpful tidbits for them (and you) to possibly learn something...instead of just spouting off nonsense and inaccuracies. 


BTW...wouldn't feed a cat a vegan or veg diet. Just another sad and ignorant deflection. Strawman much

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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Indeed there are many of life's pleasures that some people will urge you to give up ,  but in reality you won't live any longer it will just feel like it

 I too have probably  lost 5 to 10 years off the end of my life, but as I fully expected to spend those years alone in a nursing home , blighted by dementia , probably incontinent ,  for most of the time covered in my own faeces and urine , and at the mercy of a poorly qualified sadistic carer I can't say I am that bothered.

These health freaks seem to think that they won't succumb to death,  boy are they in for a shock one day, and it may come around quicker than they think,  it normally does

100% again!

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On 9/24/2024 at 6:52 PM, BusyB said:


Cheese has similar constituent chemicals to chocolate. Gives the same satisfaction.


Anyway I'd suggest plentiful lettuce, tomato and a dash of salt'n'pepper. Whatever the bread.

Instead of buying the nutrient challenged iceberg lettuce I go for the sunflower sprouts at Makro.  A bit loose and messy to eat but much better.

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