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3 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Not too good for her though. You know what the first thing is that happens when you die ...

Some people pay extra for that... 🙂

  • Haha 1
15 minutes ago, jippytum said:

I am not happy about the prospect of dying.  Period. 

Better get used to the prospect, it's inevitable.

5 hours ago, quake said:

Ok with dying here.

But hope it's from old age.

Not from an RTA

It all depends. I have known a couple of young people (20 years of age) who were decapitated in RTA's. Apparently, you're gone after four seconds.

2 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

It all depends. I have known a couple of young people (20 years of age) who were decapitated in RTA's. Apparently, you're gone after four seconds.


4 seconds would feel like an eternity... I'll defo not be going that route.


How quick is a .38 into the temple ?

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Hate paying for things and never using them. Total waste. Mrs took out Life Insurance upon me over two years ago. I was worried in case I died within the first two years because they wouldn't pay out. Dying between year three and ten you make a profit upon a sliding reducing scale. Between eleven and nineteen you make a loss upon a sliding increasing scale. If survive twenty years all monthly premiums paid are refunded plus a bonus. That is, of course, a long term loss. From my own experience I believe I would have a better chance of receiving appropriate pain relief when the time came in Thailand rather than in United Kingdom.


When your dead your dead they can throw me in a chest freezer for all I care I can look down from my white cloud and have a chuckle at all the vultures who will be hoping for a piece of the pie !

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1 hour ago, jippytum said:

I am not happy about the prospect of dying.  Period. 

There's only one kind of dead.  Still, you may well just be ending one chapter of a life that never ends.  So, you screwed things up this time. Next time, you'll do better.  It's good if you look at things that way, I think.  

  • Thumbs Up 1

I have already said goodbye to three friends over the past few years. I am fortunate enough to have a beach front property they all knew each other in life and now in death they all lie 150 metres in the sea in front of my place and one day hopefully not to soon I will be joining them !

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When the time comes I will be absolutely thrilled to die here. I love Thailand, and I plan on staying here for the rest of my life. I also plan on being cremated that's an easy deal here, and if my family wants to fly over for a ceremony that's on them. I'm not all that concerned about it, I'll already be gone. I have zero fear of death. 

  • Thumbs Up 1

Right now, I wouldn't be happy about dying, but if I had some kind of painful, untreatable illness, I probably would be.

As far as dying in Thailand, I expect I will do that. I have a will and want to be buried on the mountain behind my (my wife's) property, in a biodegradable bag with a tree planted on top of me.

6 hours ago, riclag said:

My grandmother told me her first husband literally died on top of her!

It Must be the best way,orgasmic death.

What a fantastic way to die!



Leave the World news sarcasm out

of the conversation ,ok ladies!




French President Felix Faure died making love with a prostitute in 1899. He had a seizure in her arms.

It must have happened more than once.

3 hours ago, nauseus said:


Sorry to hear that, Chip. Hopefully you will get an extension. Doctors can be wrong sometimes. Enjoy what you can, when you can.  

This one is wrong, he's more pissed off I didnt give them 1.4 million baht for an operation that is not necessary,  

1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

This one is wrong, he's more pissed off I didnt give them 1.4 million baht for an operation that is not necessary,  


Hmmm...there's a lot of that about here, unfortunately.


My best wishes to you.



  • Agree 1
4 hours ago, Ralf001 said:


4 seconds would feel like an eternity... I'll defo not be going that route.


How quick is a .38 into the temple ?

Which temple, there are lots of them in Thailand 😎

5 minutes ago, PB172111 said:

Which temple, there are lots of them in Thailand 😎


Am sure you can work out which one.



16 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I would say, as an expat myself, that if I were to die in Thailand, then I would be smiling.

I must say at the moment I prefer living to dying and as far as dying is concerned I won't be here to worry where it is - I am afraid it is others who will have to pick up the pieces so before I go I'm trying to get as much as I can "in order"


Does anyone here pretty much know for a fact that they have a Guardian Angel? 


I'm almost certain that I have one, but I'm not sure what I did to deserve one.  He or she has saved my life on more than a few occasions.  This Guardian Angel doesn't otherwise stop me from screwing up all sorts of things, but when it comes to keeping me alive, the record seems to be 100%. 


-Changed an airline reservation at the last minute one time. Turns out I would otherwise have been blown up by a terrorist bomb.


-Woke me up one time just as I was about to drive my little sports car into an interstate bridge support.  


-Gave my mother a signal to stop what she was doing to go outside and scream at me about a speeding car that would have surely killed me, as I was about to cross the street without paying attention.


-Delayed my purchase of some lottery tickets one time just enough to delay a trip that would have certainly ended my life when a speeding car ran a red light.


Those are just a few highlights.  There are many more examples, as some of my friends can attest to. 


Anyway, there must be something going on that's not of this world and that we're a part of.  


13 minutes ago, jas007 said:

Does anyone here pretty much know for a fact that they have a Guardian Angel? 


Sadly I think I do.

Severe pnuemonia 2023... medically induced coma, mulitple organ shutdown, cardiac arrest 3 times, perforated large intestine.

Got over that to be told I have kidney cancer, kidney removed end of 2023.

Am still here, last test eFGR @ 39...... need to sort a DNR order ASAP.

17 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Dear Folks,


Most people, try as they might, find it difficult to feel especially happy about dying.


However, in this LOS, might it be possible to just....


Go out with a smile?


I would say, as an expat myself, that if I were to die in Thailand, then I would be smiling.


Some expats say that living in Thailand is better than anywhere else.


And I say, too, that dying in Thailand is better than dying in most other places.


I feel at peace to know that I will expire here...that is....unless, for some reason...

My visas do not expire before me.


I still have many years to go, .....


And miles to go before I sleep,

And even more kilometers to go before I sleep.


Is Thailand pretty much the best place in the world...to...



Yes, it is, but just IMHO.


Thailand is a place of peace for the living.

And, it is an even greater place of peace for those who are bout to die.


I SALUTE you....those of you who are about to die...and....I will...

Soon follow you, yet not so soon....

I hope.


Any thoughts about any better place to die, compared to Thailand?


Best regards,





Oh I'll be bloody ecstatic.

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