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Crackdown On Back-to-back Tourist Visa Applications

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Crackdown on back-to-back Tourist visa applications

Extended screening of visa applicants

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- In a crackdown on the 60-days tourist visas, several Royal Thai Embassies and Consulates has announced increased screening of tourist visa applicants. We also have several reports on the Thaivisa Forum that this practice already has been enforced by some Embassies and Consulates.

The joint announcement reads: "As there has been a number of visa applicants having entered Thailand via tourist visa and misused it to illegally seek employment during their stay and, upon its expiry, sought to re-apply their tourist visas at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries, requests for visa renewal by such applicants are subject to rejection as their applications are not based on tourism motive, but to continue their illegal employment, which is unlawful.

This is in accordance with the Immigration Act, B.B. 2552 which stipulates that visa applicants are required to clearly express their real purpose of visiting Thailand. Should the case be found that the applicant’s real intention were concealed, the application will be rejected.

Please be informed that the intention of applicants to repeatedly depart and re-enter Thailand via tourist visa issued by the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries in recent years upon its expiry, is considered as concealment of real purpose of visiting Thailand. Thus their visas applications will be rejected."

Foreigners living in Thailand are advised to obtain a Non-Immigrant visa, which can be extended up to one year by the Thai Immigration Bureau.

Thaivisa.com has today confirmed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, that the extended applicant screening will take effect immediately.

-- thaivisa.com 2009-09-11

Attached is an example of a Royal Thai Embassy Joint Announcement, courtesy of the embassy in Helsinki.

Great news. Every little helps.

The End Is Nigh for the visa runners, illegals and the dross.

"I am alright Jack!"

Edited by CrossBones
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Exactly, and this is what people fail to see here. The crackdown really is all about those who are not tourists. People working over the internet, exporting rags to their home country, selling stuff at ebay or teaching illegally or just residing here "permanently" with funds outside.

Yes. These guys are basically freeloaders. You may say they support the local economy by spending, but whoever conducts a business, have to register, like any other country in the world.

If there are indeed so many people here running ebay and export businesses or teaching without the necessary permits, I just don't see the connection with tourist visas.

That is what this thread is about for those who have forgotten - tourist visas.

Is there any reason to believe that people working here illegally only have tourist visas?

Why would somebody with a 1 year non immigrant or a 1 year extension based on marriage/retirement be less likely to be working illegally than those with tourist visas?

Wouldn't it make more sense to identify foreigners who are working and check that they have the required permits? After all, how difficult can it be to identify a foreigner working as a tour guide or teacher?

People who are working illegally will just get a different type of visa, whereas some people who only contribute to the Thai economy by spending their foreign currency are just getting peed off with all these constant rule changes/enforcements and might just give Thailand a wide berth in future.

Concerning Westerners, I think that there can only be a very tiny % working illegally.

Based on what is posted here it seems 100% of them are members of TV :)

Then tell me what are the majority of "tourist visa" runners doing here? They are not married, they do not have children, they do not have work permits, they are not over 50 and retired. They do not have time or money to get ED visa or non-o from oz or europe. I mean what are they doing and how they support themselfs and their GF's as they are also not working in thailand ?

And my point being if they are all single and below 50 with money to retire and keep thailand's economy running why they can not get legit ? I mean there is no reason why they could not do it so why all the complaining and hitting the nails in the coffin ?

If you read my whole post you quoted i did mention the reason for the crackdown is to get these guys legit or if they don't qualify, for what is fairly reasonable requirements, then get rid of them.

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Well people can still fly in and out every 30 days to use 30 day stamps.

If really consistent, your access to Thailand might be denied at the airport. Let's see....

BTW: Other countries do have very strict regulations on illegal stay (and work). So why to complain about such regulations in Thailand?

Edited by Sturbuc
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its amazing that the real problem is never faced head on: TOURISTS

ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

i'm also very disheartened watching all these illegal foreigners from the U.S., UK, Australia

mowing peoples lawns, cleaning their houses, and cleaning up the street garbage...give these jobs back to thai citizens

You don't go one but several bridges to far with your statement

ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

This crackdown have nothing to do with the genuine tourist, they are not affected at all by this. 993.9 % of all tourist spend their 10 or 20 day's holliday here and go back home.

Its that 0.10% who think that Thailand is some backword country that should be happy and gratefull that they spend their time here to develop the country. because in their view 99% of Thai are idiots and illiterates. And the women are just ............That they are not qualified as a teacher , or illegaly employed is of no importance. I seriously think that they not yet realize that the Colonial era is over.

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The sky is falling, it's the end of the world as we know it and I'm packing my bags and on the next plane to a civilised country.

(Not really, just wanted to be the first to say that on this thread.)

Thailand's government and consulates and immigrations really are doing whatever they can to make it difficult for people to stay in the country!

Foreigners are the ones bringing in all the money! So why are they trying to kick and drive all the foreigners away??

How stupid!! They would cut their notse off to spite their face as the saying goes!!


Hang on there Craig ! you seem to have got it wrong ere.

I think that its the ones who don't have ANY money that they are trying to get rid of. i.e. the guy who arrives with next to stuff all in his wallet, likes the lifestyle and then looks around for a way to scratch a living. That is just not on and i don't blame the Thais for trying to get them out of their country, why would'nt they, i agree with them. They would'nt last long in Australia...........just a mob of users, kick em out ! :)

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its amazing that the real problem is never faced head on: TOURISTS

ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

i'm also very disheartened watching all these illegal foreigners from the U.S., UK, Australia

mowing peoples lawns, cleaning their houses, and cleaning up the street garbage...give these jobs back to thai citizens

You don't go one but several bridges to far with your statement

ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

This crackdown have nothing to do with the genuine tourist, they are not affected at all by this. 993.9 % of all tourist spend their 10 or 20 day's holliday here and go back home.

Its that 0.10% who think that Thailand is some backword country that should be happy and gratefull that they spend their time here to develop the country. because in their view 99% of Thai are idiots and illiterates. And the women are just ............That they are not qualified as a teacher , or illegaly employed is of no importance. I seriously think that they not yet realize that the Colonial era is over.

What a load of rubbish.

Most of the long stayers in Thailand are wealthy, they might not have a flash car but they dont need to work.

If you are european you can stay where you want in europe whether working or not. We can stay in most any other country in Asia too with a little more effort.

Most young (under retirement age) people, farangs, long stay in Thailand have money from overseas.

I cant understand these so call "legitimate" longstayers who look down on those becuase of their visa situations. We should stick together. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE :)

Edited by CrossBones
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As far as I know tourism does not have a time limit on it.

If you settle down somewhere, you are not a tourist anymore.

"A tourists is someone who travels out of their usual environment for less than one year. they travel for liesure, recreation, or business purposes."

Of course it can be longer than 6 months, but most likely it is not. So if you had one double-entry tourist VISA, then get another one, then another one... Are you really a tourist anymore? Would you say that to your friends you hang out with? I think not.

Generally speaking, I think the Thai Government is money hungry, and they know that more people getting legal, setting up businesses etc is going to generate more taxes. I experience this often, as getting tax refunds from the Thai Government is more difficult than robbing a bank :)

No its heaps easier than robbing a bank. Every year for the past 5 years, around the end of March, when I start the new school year, the nice lady in the office brings me a nice blue window-faced envelope containing my tax refund details. I then drop into the nearest tax office, show my ID, and then theres a cheque in the mail smooth as silk. But then maybe I'm just not a very good bank robber??? :D

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What's so hard about coming in on a tourist visa, finding a job and changing to a non immigrant B? Its only the scammers who need worry.

This is nothing unusual. Try getting a job on a tourist visa in Australia and see what happens to you.

Farangs dont want to work in Thailand because you cant make any money here. The only people making money in Thailand are business owners (we arent really welcome to own business) corrupt government people and investors.

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about time , foreigners can get the proper visa , ie non immigrant , business , retirement etc , so long to those sleazy visa runs and the sleazes that use them

No they can't. I tried to get an non immigrant visa in Vancouver Can. I asked specifically for it and told them that i wished to stay in the country for a year studying muaythai, massage, travelling around and a couple of side trips to neighbouring countrys..

They specifically told me to just get a triple entry TVisa. Then when it ran out go to a neighbouring country and get another.

Now midway through my trip they change the rules and I may not get that second TV because apparently i'm a sleaze, a bum etc.. which is a laugh considering most of the hollier than thou non bums on this board couldn't buy an apartment in the city where I own property.. whatever inslults make you feel better though.

simple , fly down to singapore for the weekend do some shopping , have a nice meal , then fly back , whammo another 30 days how easy

What a waste of a day....

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I think that its the ones who don't have ANY money that they are trying to get rid of. i.e. the guy who arrives with next to stuff all in his wallet, likes the lifestyle and then looks around for a way to scratch a living. That is just not on and i don't blame the Thais for trying to get them out of their country, why would'nt they, i agree with them. They would'nt last long in Australia...........just a mob of users, kick em out ! :)

Oh yeah, earning too little is a crime, right? Why don't they just eat cake. You must be one of those card carrying member of the infamous "Nimbys R Us" ?

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What a load of rubbish.

Most of the long stayers in Thailand are wealthy, they might not have a flash car but they dont need to work.

If you are european you can stay where you want in europe whether working or not. We can stay in most any other country in Asia too with a little more effort.

Most young (under retirement age) people, farangs, long stay in Thailand have money from overseas.

I cant understand these so call "legitimate" longstayers who look down on those becuase of their visa situations. We should stick together. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE :)

No it's not, if you are wealthy why not get legit. Trip to friendly consulate (or mail application outside of Thailand) or get ED visa. Available for all and not expensive at all... What is one year ED now, 30k for the school and some for the visa ?

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I had the opposite experience. I arranged a job in LOS BEFORE I left Australia, the employer sent over some paperwork to confirm the job was waiting, I went to the Thai Embassy in Brissie, they made a telephone call to confirm and I walked out the door 20 mins later with a Non-imm B. So it can be done.

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What a load of rubbish.

Most of the long stayers in Thailand are wealthy, they might not have a flash car but they dont need to work.

If you are european you can stay where you want in europe whether working or not. We can stay in most any other country in Asia too with a little more effort.

Most young (under retirement age) people, farangs, long stay in Thailand have money from overseas.

I cant understand these so call "legitimate" longstayers who look down on those becuase of their visa situations. We should stick together. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE :)

No it's not, if you are wealthy why not get legit. Trip to friendly consulate (or mail application outside of Thailand) or get ED visa. Available for all and not expensive at all... What is one year ED now, 30k for the school and some for the visa ?

Thats certainly a possibility!

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I had the opposite experience. I arranged a job in LOS BEFORE I left Australia, the employer sent over some paperwork to confirm the job was waiting, I went to the Thai Embassy in Brissie, they made a telephone call to confirm and I walked out the door 20 mins later with a Non-imm B. So it can be done.

What do you make... 200 baht an hour? Id rather spend 100k a month and not work at all... but we are not welcome to do that if we are young and unmarried.

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I've got 3 Tourist Visa's in my passport already this year and I am due to apply for another one this November, will I have a problem? I'm actually Malaysian and I apply from my own country next door. I just live here and manage my own business over the internet. I would hate to fly out of the country and come back every 30 days. Although I heard that might be a problem too.

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I had the opposite experience. I arranged a job in LOS BEFORE I left Australia, the employer sent over some paperwork to confirm the job was waiting, I went to the Thai Embassy in Brissie, they made a telephone call to confirm and I walked out the door 20 mins later with a Non-imm B. So it can be done.

What do you make... 200 baht an hour? Id rather spend 100k a month and not work at all... but we are not welcome to do that if we are young and unmarried.

They did have a system, called the elite card or something.... Good discounts now days i hear :):D

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Hi MJo, i wrote a reply inside your quote as was easier. :D

Exactly, and this is what people fail to see here. The crackdown really is all about those who are not tourists. People working over the internet, exporting rags to their home country, selling stuff at ebay or teaching illegally or just residing here "permanently" with funds outside.

Yes. These guys are basically freeloaders. You may say they support the local economy by spending, but whoever conducts a business, have to register, like any other country in the world.

If there are indeed so many people here running ebay and export businesses or teaching without the necessary permits, I just don't see the connection with tourist visas.

That is what this thread is about for those who have forgotten - tourist visas.

Is there any reason to believe that people working here illegally only have tourist visas?

Why would somebody with a 1 year non immigrant or a 1 year extension based on marriage/retirement be less likely to be working illegally than those with tourist visas?

Wouldn't it make more sense to identify foreigners who are working and check that they have the required permits? After all, how difficult can it be to identify a foreigner working as a tour guide or teacher?

People who are working illegally will just get a different type of visa, whereas some people who only contribute to the Thai economy by spending their foreign currency are just getting peed off with all these constant rule changes/enforcements and might just give Thailand a wide berth in future.

Concerning Westerners, I think that there can only be a very tiny % working illegally.

Based on what is posted here it seems 100% of them are members of TV :D

Then tell me what are the majority of "tourist visa" runners doing here? (I dont know about the majority, but some of us are just enjoying Thailand. Taking time out. Experiencing another culture. Learning different things. )They are not married, they do not have children, they do not have work permits, they are not over 50 and retired (I would be in that catagory). They do not have time or money to get ED visa or non-o from oz or europe (I dont want an ed visa. I do have time/money to go to Europe, but not knowing about the non imm O when i first planned to come i got myself a single tourist visa. If i had known i would have gone for a non O. Then, because i was enjoying this last 3 years of going to other countries for my visa application and for getting double entries activated, i didnt want to go back to the UK yet. However, i will be going back to visit family the end of this year, so will apply for the imm O then). I mean what are they doing and how they support themselfs and their GF's as they are also not working in thailand ?(I have an independent income from an investment, which supports my stay here, which i can show evidence of. I dont have a gf :D As for my bf, he has his own income, he doesnt need to support me, nor i him.)

And my point being if they are all single and below 50 with money to retire and keep thailand's economy running why they can not get legit ? (Legit how please? Non imm O? - edit: i just read you recommend the ed visa. But i am happy to learn Thai with my bf as well as be free to travel around etc. I prefer not to have a schedule at this time and with an academic program i would need to do that. )I mean there is no reason why they could not do it so why all the complaining and hitting the nails in the coffin ?

If you read my whole post you quoted i did mention the reason for the crackdown is to get these guys legit or if they don't qualify, for what is fairly reasonable requirements, then get rid of them.

Also, yes, if the future pans out in a good way, i would like to remain here and possibly start a family with my partner. I would like to be able to work legitimately here or even supplement via the net (graphics). Also as there are companies interested in taking me on freelance. However, i have absolutely no idea how to go about that. I would be happy to pay reasonable tax or whatever, even keep my work online outside of Thailand and still pay tax in Thailand... uhh..anyway.. i guess ill find out the various possible ways later on..

..or not. :)

Edited by eek
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I had the opposite experience. I arranged a job in LOS BEFORE I left Australia, the employer sent over some paperwork to confirm the job was waiting, I went to the Thai Embassy in Brissie, they made a telephone call to confirm and I walked out the door 20 mins later with a Non-imm B. So it can be done.

What do you make... 200 baht an hour? Id rather spend 100k a month and not work at all... but we are not welcome to do that if we are young and unmarried.

They did have a system, called the elite card or something.... Good discounts now days i hear :):D

Yeah too true!

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It is easy follow the law and you have no problems.Try to get a visa for europe as Thai people and you will see were it is the most difficult.

If you work get a workpermit like in every decent country in the world and you get a 1 year renewable visa.If you are retired put 800.000 baht in a thai account and you get also the same visa.The people who complain are those who are doing monkey business and think that as foreigner all is allowed.Dont forget we are guest here no local people.

I totally agree with ERICPHUKET. The amount of humiliation arrogance and attituse which the visa issuing officers use of European, Usa,is unbeleivable. You really have to be there to see how the third world country citizens are treated and spoken to. Sometines the tourist visa is rejected without any realistic reason.They act like God.

One question what visa can you get by showing 200 thousand baht???

How does one qualify for the non immigrant O visa?? Is it valid for 1 year or 3 years?

I donot want to work in Thailand so whats my best option? My age is 48

Would appreciate any advise on this

Thanks All.

Wait for another 12 months then apply for a retirement visa !

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Most of the long stayers in Thailand are wealthy, they might not have a flash car but they dont need to work.

If you are european you can stay where you want in europe whether working or not. We can stay in most any other country in Asia too with a little more effort.

Most young (under retirement age) people, farangs, long stay in Thailand have money from overseas.

I cant understand these so call "legitimate" longstayers who look down on those becuase of their visa situations. We should stick together. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE :D


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No one would have to "violate" their conditions if getting a work permit wouldn't be that complicated and take as tremendously long.

Other -neighboring- countries which are meanwhile clearly outranking Thailand in terms of investment climate and dynamic of development according to a recent study, make it much easier for foreigners to get a work permit as long as they bring certain qualifications and the required paperwork.

In Thailand, working self-employed is virtually impossible, you have to employ 4 skill-less Thais, to set up a whole company, open a bureau or office even if you don't need one and the whole process including getting the work permit costs almost 100,000 Baht when done by an agent (doing it alone will bring you close to suicide as there are no clear guidelines for specific jobs over which papers are required, so it's always up to the bureaucrat working on your papers and his ...eeh... financial situation and mood) and it takes MANY MONTHS. I am waiting 4 months now since I submitted the first forms and still don't have my work permit.

It's ridiculous, and it's frustrating and I would advise anyone who considers working in SE-Asia to go to Malaysia, Singapore or Vietnam. Even Cambodia has a better investment climate today than Thailand.

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Crackdown on back-to-back Tourist visa applications

Extended screening of visa applicants

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- In a crackdown on the 60-days tourist visas, several Royal Thai Embassies and Consulates has announced increased screening of tourist visa applicants. We also have several reports on the Thaivisa Forum that this practice already has been enforced by some Embassies and Consulates.

The joint announcement reads: "As there has been a number of visa applicants having entered Thailand via tourist visa and misused it to illegally seek employment during their stay and, upon its expiry, sought to re-apply their tourist visas at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries, requests for visa renewal by such applicants are subject to rejection as their applications are not based on tourism motive, but to continue their illegal employment, which is unlawful.

This is in accordance with the Immigration Act, B.B. 2552 which stipulates that visa applicants are required to clearly express their real purpose of visiting Thailand. Should the case be found that the applicant’s real intention were concealed, the application will be rejected.

Please be informed that the intention of applicants to repeatedly depart and re-enter Thailand via tourist visa issued by the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries in recent years upon its expiry, is considered as concealment of real purpose of visiting Thailand. Thus their visas applications will be rejected."

Foreigners living in Thailand are advised to obtain a Non-Immigrant visa, which can be extended up to one year by the Thai Immigration Bureau.

Thaivisa.com has today confirmed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, that the extended applicant screening will take effect immediately.

-- thaivisa.com 2009-09-11

Attached is an example of a Royal Thai Embassy Joint Announcement, courtesy of the embassy in Helsinki.

I was in the Thai Embassy in Brussels (Belgium) on 09/09/09, that very day, for my retirementvisa. So I got the good news that day.

Until now with the letter mentionning the amount of my pension, I could get a Non-immigrant O with multiple entry for one year that I choose above a retirementvisa for one year as I like to travel some times and don't like to go to immigration to get the authorisation for reentry each time.

But, the rules changed and now I have to fullfill all the requirements for retirementvisa: multiple certificates, papers, money, and so on. The lady at the desk calculated my income (pension) and used an exchange rate of 45 bahts for one euro and told me then that I also needed to prove that I had 800 000 Bahts in a bankaccount as I was short about 3000 Bahts a month.

As I am leaving on 20 septembre, I had exactly 6 days to get all the papers......She proposed to give me a double-entry tourist visa valid for 6 months instead. I took it.....really too scared that I could not gather all the papers before next thursday.

But now, I am worried that they are not going to let me come in one or two more times next year after this visa is finished, because I will have more than 180 days.......Or am I wrong?

I visit Thailand since 32 years , 1 month a year, until my early retirement, eleven years ago. Since then I built a house there and live in Thailand 9 or 10 months a year. Never worked or had a business! Only spent money!!!!!

And it is only since last year that I could finally get a retirement visa because early retirement was not accepted by the embassy. I have always done the things legally and gave them all the papers they asked, and you all know that is is not always simple or clear......I thought I was out of the problems now and that it would be easier from now on.......What a mistake! I feel really rejected by a country that I love. And as many here I am not far from thinking about selling my house (I have a lease for 28 more years.....).

And one more thing : as I live there since eleven year, I know very well that my pension is more than enough to live very easily in Thailand (I am a woman and don't need to pay for a lady or to take care for a family.....). I also give a job to a few people as I have a maid, a gardener and sombebody that cares for the swimmingpool and the jacuzzi, and I don't need to explain that as a woman alone I also give a lot of money to electricians, plumbers, and so on!

I feel very depressed about all this!

Can somebody confirm if I can stay more than 180 days a year with only tourists visas? Thank you!

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Anybody know what the extensive screening means?

Not every Farang staying in Thailand on tourist visas is working, I suspect lots of us old farts just don't want to have 800k sitting in the bank here in Thailand or maybe some don't have it.

I assume many are here in LOS as happy little clams retired and settled with a Thai/wife girlfriend with a reasonably inexpensive quiet lifestyle (great food, great environment, great people for the most part and warm) on pensions or whatever. No drain on the Thai economy, in fact contributing consistently rather than tourism burst spending.

Agreed it would be better to get 12 month+ visa but it is not always practical, convenient or financially possible hence the back to back tourist visas. Not the best solution but one which enables people wishing to stay and enjoy life in Thailand.

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Crackdown on back-to-back Tourist visa applications

Extended screening of visa applicants

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- In a crackdown on the 60-days tourist visas, several Royal Thai Embassies and Consulates has announced increased screening of tourist visa applicants. We also have several reports on the Thaivisa Forum that this practice already has been enforced by some Embassies and Consulates.

The joint announcement reads: "As there has been a number of visa applicants having entered Thailand via tourist visa and misused it to illegally seek employment during their stay and, upon its expiry, sought to re-apply their tourist visas at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries, requests for visa renewal by such applicants are subject to rejection as their applications are not based on tourism motive, but to continue their illegal employment, which is unlawful.

This is in accordance with the Immigration Act, B.B. 2552 which stipulates that visa applicants are required to clearly express their real purpose of visiting Thailand. Should the case be found that the applicant's real intention were concealed, the application will be rejected.

Please be informed that the intention of applicants to repeatedly depart and re-enter Thailand via tourist visa issued by the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate in neighboring countries in recent years upon its expiry, is considered as concealment of real purpose of visiting Thailand. Thus their visas applications will be rejected."

Foreigners living in Thailand are advised to obtain a Non-Immigrant visa, which can be extended up to one year by the Thai Immigration Bureau.

Thaivisa.com has today confirmed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, that the extended applicant screening will take effect immediately.

-- thaivisa.com 2009-09-11

Attached is an example of a Royal Thai Embassy Joint Announcement, courtesy of the embassy in Helsinki.

I was in the Thai Embassy in Brussels (Belgium) on 09/09/09, that very day, for my retirementvisa. So I got the good news that day.

Until now with the letter mentionning the amount of my pension, I could get a Non-immigrant O with multiple entry for one year that I choose above a retirementvisa for one year as I like to travel some times and don't like to go to immigration to get the authorisation for reentry each time.

But, the rules changed and now I have to fullfill all the requirements for retirementvisa: multiple certificates, papers, money, and so on. The lady at the desk calculated my income (pension) and used an exchange rate of 45 bahts for one euro and told me then that I also needed to prove that I had 800 000 Bahts in a bankaccount as I was short about 3000 Bahts a month.

As I am leaving on 20 septembre, I had exactly 6 days to get all the papers......She proposed to give me a double-entry tourist visa valid for 6 months instead. I took it.....really too scared that I could not gather all the papers before next thursday.

But now, I am worried that they are not going to let me come in one or two more times next year after this visa is finished, because I will have more than 180 days.......Or am I wrong?

I visit Thailand since 32 years , 1 month a year, until my early retirement, eleven years ago. Since then I built a house there and live in Thailand 9 or 10 months a year. Never worked or had a business! Only spent money!!!!!

And it is only since last year that I could finally get a retirement visa because early retirement was not accepted by the embassy. I have always done the things legally and gave them all the papers they asked, and you all know that is is not always simple or clear......I thought I was out of the problems now and that it would be easier from now on.......What a mistake! I feel really rejected by a country that I love. And as many here I am not far from thinking about selling my house (I have a lease for 28 more years.....).

And one more thing : as I live there since eleven year, I know very well that my pension is more than enough to live very easily in Thailand (I am a woman and don't need to pay for a lady or to take care for a family.....). I also give a job to a few people as I have a maid, a gardener and sombebody that cares for the swimmingpool and the jacuzzi, and I don't need to explain that as a woman alone I also give a lot of money to electricians, plumbers, and so on!

I feel very depressed about all this!

Can somebody confirm if I can stay more than 180 days a year with only tourists visas? Thank you!

I REEAAAALLYY feel like making a remark, but I wont. :)

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If they wished to generate income tourist $ charge for visas

Charge on way in and per day and on way out say $ a day so the longer you stay the more you pay

It'd Abolish overstay fines

Could request a bond as some countries do for Thais

Of course it's uncoordinated tub thumping and racism but maybe flush out illegal scammers who are unsuccessful and have only sold enough time shark for a single to Bolton or Briz

The clever fellows will have enough and will find a way around

Relax thw word from the rich hotel keepers etc will dampen the impact but don't bank on it

When the BIG change happens fervent nationalism and Headless CowPatGuy syndrome will mean anything is possible.

The tribunes couldn't organise a celebration in a brewery

To all those packing please donate your books to local bar or charity and close the tdoor ta and be prerared to be fleeced by cab airport and next country in more subtle ways

There are big government run scams


InUk Inland Revenue

In France TVA and USA having to endure their TV and illegal umugrunts

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Say what? Can you get a residence permit just by keeping $60,000 in a Thai bank? More info please.

If you read my original post I did not say I have a residence permit in Thailand.

Just "where I live"...... Check the long and lat if you are really interested where.

I quoted my case as an example of what other countries can do.

So could Thailand if they had the mind to. :)

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does this non immigrant visa allow for someone to just stay on holiday if they have their own cash?


It does if you qualify for it.

At the moment the nearest place to Thailand that will issue for the reason of Visiting Friends is Perth Australia.

This would allow up to 15 months stay with border runs needed every 90 days.

I have just recieved something similar at the Brisbane Consulate...........4x90 day visa border runs, this virtually gives me 15 mths. I did not have to have money in Thai bank, just had to show my current bank statements.

The cost was $A210 plus $A15 for photos. She just about talked me into it, also telling me that i could enter Thailand on a one way ticket.

Brisbane has got a good reputation for being helpful, there was one guy there who had driven 600klm from NSW because he knew that he could not get what he wanted in Sydney, he was there 20 mins for his visa and on the way back home, with a smile like the cat with the cream ! :)

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