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Australian Man Arrested Over Thai Protests


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Another (military) wannabe looking for his 15 Mins. Yes, like has been said, the bloke is actually an Irish Immigrant.

it is obvious that Thailand is not the only country in the world to import dickheads, Australia does too.

Great! At least Jeff will have someone to share a cell with.

Hi cpofc

Military wannabes, Ha ha! I’ve must have met more X SAS and Special Forces grunts than you could shake a bond hook at in these bars in Thailand. But don’t knock it, it’s a great night entertainment if you can encourage them to re-enact how they won their VC or took out the machine gun nest……………. Nobbers!![/size]

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Why is it always the Aussies and Brit who come to center stage here in Thailand for being just plain stupid.

The Brits (some of them) are just pissed up, the Aussies (all of them) are congenitally stupid. Take a look at the ajarn forum to see how they're viewed on the ongoing multi page thread on them.


Why must Brits (some of them) and Aussies (all of them) have to be criminals. Now I know why they send the convicts there in the first place.

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<snip>Have no doubt - no doubt - the government and the Red Shirts' leaders read ThaiVisa. They read TV 24/7. Always have, always will. They want and need to know what and how we think, believe, what and how we view the current events and developments, the players, using our views as something of a guide to farang thinking and pov so that each can try better to calibrate their policies, PR statements, strategies and so much more that helps both in dealing with the West to include the UN.<snip>   

Yes, when half of Bangkok was in lock-down and with the government holed up in that army barracks on the outskirts of town, one could just imagine Abhisit at cabinet: "OK ladies and gentlemen, laptops out. We are all going to spend awhile catching up on the day's posts at Thai Visa's News Clippings section before we formulate any policy." :)

Fact is, Thailand is not (yet) a pariah state. It's current government still talks to other governments. It's embassies and consulates still report back with on-the-ground feedback. It's very possible that a low-level civil servant-or-two are monitoring all the Thai-related message boards, but their main interests will be lese majeste, libel and suchlike. Frankly, your propaganda is daft, and your justifications for it are more than daft.

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<snipped pointless stuff>

But seriously, the fact that both sides have tried to use such an obviously sad and troubled individual as Conor Purcel for political mileage exemplifies just what a low intellectual and moral level Thai politics is at. There are currently no 'knights in shining armour' on any side. And I've always opined that the best of the current younger bunch should have bided their time: They should've left the current turf war to the political dinosaurs. The young guns currently just don't have enough influence, carry enough clout where it matters. The only good thing to have come out of this mess is the remarkable heightening of political awareness. In the short-term this will mean problems, but in the long-haul it can only be a huge force for good. It's just a shame that some the better young politicians decided to become part of the problem instead of waiting until they could become genuine movers and shakers. Unfortunately, they are going to struggle to do more than just offer more of the 'same old' in the future.

"The young guns currently just don't have enough influence, carry enough clout where it matters." - Do you mean they are not corrupt enough yet? :)

I think the young idealists need to come out now to push the political dinosaurs aside.

It's going to take a long time, but someone has to start. It may mean that a few a burnt along the way, but it will open things up for the future ones. If they keep waiting, then nothing will ever change.

They are coming out of the Abhisit woodwork now. There is a very young team around him with the right jib that have cut their teeth on the last few months. They have masters to appease and some right crooked jits as governance partners but they are starting to show they can hold their own ground.

Often used on here is TiT. I think people mean it's Thailand and nothing changes, or "same old". Can also mean that people who use it have no interest in change or betterment?

Abhisit and his team should take ownership of This is Thailand. They do have an interest in betterment. And agree a few might burn out along the path, or be over whelmed by the individual offers of wealth, as long the team goal is to hold to the path then they will get there.

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<snipped pointless stuff>

But seriously, the fact that both sides have tried to use such an obviously sad and troubled individual as Conor Purcel for political mileage exemplifies just what a low intellectual and moral level Thai politics is at. There are currently no 'knights in shining armour' on any side. And I've always opined that the best of the current younger bunch should have bided their time: They should've left the current turf war to the political dinosaurs. The young guns currently just don't have enough influence, carry enough clout where it matters. The only good thing to have come out of this mess is the remarkable heightening of political awareness. In the short-term this will mean problems, but in the long-haul it can only be a huge force for good. It's just a shame that some the better young politicians decided to become part of the problem instead of waiting until they could become genuine movers and shakers. Unfortunately, they are going to struggle to do more than just offer more of the 'same old' in the future.

"The young guns currently just don't have enough influence, carry enough clout where it matters." - Do you mean they are not corrupt enough yet? :)

I think the young idealists need to come out now to push the political dinosaurs aside.

It's going to take a long time, but someone has to start. It may mean that a few a burnt along the way, but it will open things up for the future ones. If they keep waiting, then nothing will ever change.

They are coming out of the Abhisit woodwork now. There is a very young team around him with the right jib that have cut their teeth on the last few months. They have masters to appease and some right crooked jits as governance partners but they are starting to show they can hold their own ground.

Often used on here is TiT. I think people mean it's Thailand and nothing changes, or "same old". Can also mean that people who use it have no interest in change or betterment?

Abhisit and his team should take ownership of This is Thailand. They do have an interest in betterment. And agree a few might burn out along the path, or be over whelmed by the individual offers of wealth, as long the team goal is to hold to the path then they will get there.

Rot in jail.

That's all I can say.

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[quote They are coming out of the Abhisit woodwork now. There is a very young team around him with the right jib that have cut their teeth on the last few months. They have masters to appease and some right crooked jits as governance partners but they are starting to show they can hold their own ground.

Often used on here is TiT. I think people mean it's Thailand and nothing changes, or "same old". Can also mean that people who use it have no interest in change or betterment?

Abhisit and his team should take ownership of This is Thailand. They do have an interest in betterment. And agree a few might burn out along the path, or be over whelmed by the individual offers of wealth, as long the team goal is to hold to the path then they will get there.

Rot in jail.

That's all I can say.

I think that clearly defines the level of your intellect.


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[quote They are coming out of the Abhisit woodwork now. There is a very young team around him with the right jib that have cut their teeth on the last few months. They have masters to appease and some right crooked jits as governance partners but they are starting to show they can hold their own ground.

Often used on here is TiT. I think people mean it's Thailand and nothing changes, or "same old". Can also mean that people who use it have no interest in change or betterment?

Abhisit and his team should take ownership of This is Thailand. They do have an interest in betterment. And agree a few might burn out along the path, or be over whelmed by the individual offers of wealth, as long the team goal is to hold to the path then they will get there.

Rot in jail.

That's all I can say.

I think that clearly defines the level of your intellect.


Correct. I am just a lowly educated poor Thai from the country side.

Give me a vote, and I will sell for 500 Baht. Hence I support 100% appointed MP, to remove the vote buying problem.

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Aussie awaits bail decision in Bangkok

RON CORBEN Sydney Morning Herald

June 4, 2010 - 7:09PM


An Australian man arrested in Thailand for involvement in anti-government protests in Bangkok is making a bail application in a bid to be released later on Friday.

Conor David Purcell, 30, from Western Australia, was late on Friday waiting for the judge to rule on a 200,000 baht ($A7600) bail application.

Purcell was detained last month for breaching Thai immigration laws and later charged over involvement in the recent "Red Shirt" protests in central Bangkok.

"The judge will decide whether he would be bailed, maybe today," Purcell's lawyer Siriaporn Muangsrinun said on Friday.

Siriaporn told journalists the bail money would be posted by representatives from the Red Shirt movement.

Purcell, who has been working as a language teacher and a social worker in Thailand, is accused by Thai authorities of addressing crowds of anti-government protesters who had occupied a prime commercial zone in Bangkok for more than six weeks.

Court sources told journalists, who were prevented from witnessing Friday's court proceedings, that Purcell had argued bitterly against being sent back to prison.

Purcell argued that he should not be sent back to the cells, where he claimed there was blood on the floor and some of the other prisoners were suffering from tuberculosis and HIV.

"This court should be ashamed you have treated me like this," Purcell said, according to the sources.

Purcell was detained on May 23 on immigration overstay charges, but fresh charges were laid against him for violating Thailand's emergency decree powers.

The powers were imposed during the anti-government protests when Red Shirt groups invaded the national parliament in April.

As he arrived at the court on Friday, dressed in brown prison clothing and shackled, Purcell lashed out at the Thai government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva for the death toll during the military operations against the Red Shirt protesters.

At least 88 people died and almost 2000 were injured, both civilians and military, in clashes during the protests, which ended when the military launched an operation to disperse the main rally site in downtown Bangkok.

A British man, Jeff Savage, 49, who was also charged with breaching emergency law, had his remand detention extended until June 10.

Meanwhile, prison sources said Purcell had been bashed by prison trustees with bamboo sticks last week, leaving welts and bruising to his back and shoulders. He was moved to a new cell.

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And now for the results of the Thailand Jury............

Court denies bail for Australian red-shirt supporter

Australian who is detained for breaking emergency law during the red shirts protests claimed on Friday that he was beaten while being in jail.

Conor David Purcell on Friday was taken to a court and his lawyer has applied for bail.

"Seven armed people beat the crap out of me in jail so that they could move me to maximum security," he said.

According to ABC, an Australia news agency, Purcell, 30, an Irish Australian appeared agitated and shouted to waiting journalists that he was being held in a cell with 31 others.

He was arrested for allegedly breaking the emergency laws imposed in Bangkok and surrounding provinces in May. He was a regular speaker in the red shirts protests.

The court told him police need more time to prepare their case therefore his detention would be extended until Thursday.

However his lawyer says if a bail application is granted, a $7,000 surety will be paid by people within the red shirt movement.

I think he is going to be more than slightly agitated now!

And if bail is granted, what are the chances of him staying in country??????? Zilch, nada, zero.

I guess therefore bail will not be granted next week.

Seems he could do with a nice visitor to explain how some court etiquette and decorum may assist him in trying to avoid jail.

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"This court should be ashamed you have treated me like this," Purcell said, according to the sources.

But i thought you were part of a political movement mate,what about your brothers in the same situation !

What about the treatment of them !

Should you not show the world about that treatment of the poor as you were so eager to do a month ago

Pathetic pond life !!!

You go back to Ireland mate, and you are bang in trouble

Of that be in no doubt

A British man, Jeff Savage, 49, who was also charged with breaching emergency law, had his remand detention extended until June 10.

Meanwhile, prison sources said Purcell had been bashed by prison trustees with bamboo sticks last week, leaving welts and bruising to his back and shoulders. He was moved to a new cell.

As for Jeff The Jaffa, true colours is shown now

No dignity to be found ever again for that lad

Thanks for the news guys

My day just keeps getting better

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Given Purcell's propensity for exaggerations and outward lies, his claims of being beaten are just that and nothing more, IMHO. His absolute disrespect towards the courts, laws and improperly lashing out at judges and others may have gotten him a few face slaps in prison for doing the same at the guards. If that's the case, about time someone shut his vile trap. Beatings? No.

Enjoy the prison life, Conor and Jeff. You earned it.


The latest photo of the farang red group.

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The judge denied bail for poor Mr. Purcell. His honor seems to think there is a flight risk. :D

He will be back before the judge on June 10. He MAY have a trial date set then. OMG, I hope the court docket is full for at least a year. :)


I can't believe these guys knew anything about Thailand if they didn't know spending time in a Thai jail is to be avoided at all cost.

Oh, Mr. Purcell also managed to slip "social worker" into his resume, in addition to his English teacher job...

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The judge denied bail for poor Mr. Purcell. His honor seems to think there is a flight risk. :D

He will be back before the judge on June 10. He MAY have a trial date set then. OMG, I hope the court docket is full for at least a year. :)


I can't believe these guys knew anything about Thailand if they didn't know spending time in a Thai jail is to be avoided at all cost.

Oh, Mr. Purcell also managed to slip "social worker" into his resume, in addition to his English teacher job...

Social worker? LOL

I thought his last position was a UDD/Military liaison specialist. What will he think of next? :D

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Why is it always the Aussies and Brit who come to center stage here in Thailand for being just plain stupid.

The Brits (some of them) are just pissed up, the Aussies (all of them) are congenitally stupid. Take a look at the ajarn forum to see how they're viewed on the ongoing multi page thread on them.


Why must Brits (some of them) and Aussies (all of them) have to be criminals. Now I know why they send the convicts there in the first place.

Without a smiley I must assume this was a serious remark. So do some research and reading on the subject. It may sometimes seem so, but not all Australians are criminals.

All this wisdom from me, a non-native English mangler :D

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Now they have lots of time to sit in their cell and remember that Thailand is not their Country and they are just a guest.

I think they were visitors rather than guests. Still both should behave, maybe even more so than back home :)

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Given Purcell's propensity for exaggerations and outward lies, his claims of being beaten are just that and nothing more, IMHO.

Expect a book filled with those stories to be published shortly after he's released

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Now they have lots of time to sit in their cell and remember that Thailand is not their Country and they are just a guest.

He asks for it and that served him well for violating this country law and orders, therefore he shouldn’t cry foul on the Hilton facilities provided by the host country. In facts he should thanks god that he's still alive and waiting to be charge and deported back to Aussie.

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Without a smiley I must assume this was a serious remark. So do some research and reading on the subject. It may sometimes seem so, but not all Australians are criminals.

All this wisdom from me, a non-native English mangler :)

I remember my first trip to Australia. I was on the plane filling in the immigration document and one of the questions was "do you have a criminal record". I thought that was strange - I didn't realize that you still need one these days.

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Without a smiley I must assume this was a serious remark. So do some research and reading on the subject. It may sometimes seem so, but not all Australians are criminals.

All this wisdom from me, a non-native English mangler :)

I remember my first trip to Australia. I was on the plane filling in the immigration document and one of the questions was "do you have a criminal record". I thought that was strange - I didn't realize that you still need one these days.

Yeah mate, and after you had taxied to a standstill and main engines were shut down, we could still hear the whining.

In fact, it was generally only the petty criminals who were transported, only a handfull of murderers were ever transported to Oz. All the really bad pricks were hung. ALot of those transported were just ordinary folk, mere victims of the oppressive British Class system and the industrial revolution.

We sort of went about reengineering things in the Great Southern Land.

I wont put it here, but I urge you to find Tom Uren's Maiden Speech to Parliment when he became an Australian Labor Party MP. Tom Uren was also a former Guest of the Japanese Emperor on the Burma Siam Death Railway. Have a read of what he says about us and the Poms.

As for the two cockheads in question. it has already been said.

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Without a smiley I must assume this was a serious remark. So do some research and reading on the subject. It may sometimes seem so, but not all Australians are criminals.

All this wisdom from me, a non-native English mangler :)

I remember my first trip to Australia. I was on the plane filling in the immigration document and one of the questions was "do you have a criminal record". I thought that was strange - I didn't realize that you still need one these days.

Yeah mate, and after you had taxied to a standstill and main engines were shut down, we could still hear the whining.

In fact, it was generally only the petty criminals who were transported, only a handfull of murderers were ever transported to Oz. All the really bad pricks were hung. ALot of those transported were just ordinary folk, mere victims of the oppressive British Class system and the industrial revolution.

We sort of went about reengineering things in the Great Southern Land.

I wont put it here, but I urge you to find Tom Uren's Maiden Speech to Parliment when he became an Australian Labor Party MP. Tom Uren was also a former Guest of the Japanese Emperor on the Burma Siam Death Railway. Have a read of what he says about us and the Poms.

As for the two cockheads in question. it has already been said.

Looked up Tom Uren in wikipedia, but no 'maiden speech' yet (would be 1958?). Interesting character. As a proper person disliking (or hating) war, but the call of the bugler has always been strong and responded to by ANZAC (it's time to stop rambling, there's a war going on).

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UPDATE: A West Australian who claims he’s been bashed in a Thai prison has been refused bail pending his trial for an alleged breach of the country’s emergency laws.

Conor David Purcell, 30, was detained last month for breaking Thai immigration laws and later charged over involvement in the recent violent “Red Shirt” protests in central Bangkok.

His bail funds were to have been provided from the Red Shirt movement, which has links to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, now in exile after facing a two-year jail sentence on corruption charges.

A court source said the judge today declined Mr Purcell’s request, citing a risk that he might flee the country.

Mr Purcell is due in court again on June 10 when a trial date may be set.

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UPDATE: A West Australian who claims he’s been bashed in a Thai prison has been refused bail pending his trial for an alleged breach of the country’s emergency laws.

Conor David Purcell, 30, was detained last month for breaking Thai immigration laws and later charged over involvement in the recent violent “Red Shirt” protests in central Bangkok.

His bail funds were to have been provided from the Red Shirt movement, which has links to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, now in exile after facing a two-year jail sentence on corruption charges.

A court source said the judge today declined Mr Purcell’s request, citing a risk that he might flee the country.

Mr Purcell is due in court again on June 10 when a trial date may be set.

This must be the sanitized version for sensitive people :)

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Hmm I don't really think this is a good idea. Why arrest only foreigners?

I know that he is a "farang" moron, but there are probably 20 or 30 more "Thai" moron that spoke at the rally.

yes yes this is thailand. but im still sad seeing this.

Oh, so those images shown on Australian TV of THAI 'Protestors' and Red Shirts being handcuffed, blindfolded and thrown into a dark and dingy cell - yes, the ones all the snivel libertarians and do-gooders said were outrageous and against basic human rights. I suppose they were bullshit?

Why arrest only foreigners? Good grief. There's a mug gets off the plane every minute.

No, not ONLY Farang get arrested.

More than 500 Thais have already been arrested.

Go read the papers.

Show me the news that the police go to a protester's house, and arrest them because he/she spoke at the rally.

This guy was not arrested on site.

cpofc: I meant that the speakers during the rally. Not the protesters in general.

Guess you are still not paying attention. There have been many arrest warrants issued. There are still some of the speakers in hiding and the police are using the warrants to hunt them down, so again not only foreigners are being arrested and, yes they have arrested Thai's at their homes and hotels where they have been hiding. Maybe watch some thai news.

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Hmm I don't really think this is a good idea. Why arrest only foreigners?

I know that he is a "farang" moron, but there are probably 20 or 30 more "Thai" moron that spoke at the rally.

yes yes this is thailand. but im still sad seeing this.

Most countries are a bit sensitive about foreigners getting involved in internal affairs. It's very high on the list of no-no's. Minor conflicts you get slapped on the wrist (you naughty boy, you); medium conflicts you get arrested, extradited; major conflict you get arrested, jailed. When you also can't keep your loud mouth, insult the judge, you're lucky they don't throw the key of your prison cell away :)

And as some already remarked hundreds of Thai have been arrested (some even freed already). For foreign newspapers those two foreigners are more interesting especially since they are so 'colorful'

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anyone who would believe that Thai nationals are not being rounded up and arrested would be naieve.

Had they behaved themselves, post arrest, I would have been happy to have seen them both sent home in disgrace, never to return. But now it has gone beyond that.

Alot of people fail to realise the significance of what these two misguided clowns have done on the international stage. I am really pissed off about the wannabe Australian and So Called Ex Sniper Trained Digger.

Is it any wonder they are getting front page. Drug Mules (Read Smugglers) are getting rather passe these days. These morons make good copy.

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anyone who would believe that Thai nationals are not being rounded up and arrested would be naieve.

Had they behaved themselves, post arrest, I would have been happy to have seen them both sent home in disgrace, never to return. But now it has gone beyond that.

Alot of people fail to realise the significance of what these two misguided clowns have done on the international stage. I am really pissed off about the wannabe Australian and So Called Ex Sniper Trained Digger.

Is it any wonder they are getting front page. Drug Mules (Read Smugglers) are getting rather passe these days. These morons make good copy.

Drug mules (&lt;deleted&gt;) are one thing. They're not campaigning to overthrow the state or its government.

Radical armed insurrectionists who burn core areas on Bangkok and just to surpass themselves threaten to return June 24th, all for the uphill purpose of destroying the government are quite another thing, another category or &lt;deleted&gt;.

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