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Swedish Man Attacked By Tiger During Visit To Tiger Temple Outside Bangkok


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Swede Attacked by Tiger

A Swedish man has been attacked during a visit to a Tiger Temple outside Bangkok.

The tigers are taken care of by some of the local monks, and normally they are very friendly. But when Erik from Sundsvall climbed into a restricted area with nine tigers, some of this friendliness seemed to disappear.

”One of them bit me in my leg, and our guide had to hit it to get it off me. ” the Swede says to Sundsvall newspaper.

He was never scared inside the area, the Swede adds to the newspaper.

"It was probably lucky, because it feels like it could have ended worse if had been scared," he says.

”The tiger didn't seem aggressive – but seemed more playful."

Now, Erik has to take medicine against rabies to make sure that no diseases come as a result of the tiger bite.

Source: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?news_id=8068&coun_code=se

-- ScandAsia 2010-12-28


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With it being near xmas, the tiger thought dinner had arrived, Normally these wild fantastic cats, are well behaved, and friendly.This is what the report implied==== They can never be fully domesticated, the biggest of the cat family, Like our snake debate a week ago, they are extreemly dangerous. With a tour guide as well, its take your chance time again.

Edited by ginjag
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There are only 8 words that cause me any concern when reading this article.

"climbed into a restricted area with nine tigers"

From these words we can deduct that this man made the decision to cross a physical barrier to get to these tigers. Has he just come from Disney World?

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There are only 8 words that cause me any concern when reading this article.

"climbed into a restricted area with nine tigers"

From these words we can deduct that this man made the decision to cross a physical barrier to get to these tigers. Has he just come from Disney World?

Definately worth a nomination for the Darwin award. :rolleyes:

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This guy is an idiot! What does he not understand about the word "restricted"! This is not Stockholm City Hall where you are free to take a pee without restriction. I thought that the level of education was high in Sweden, but it appears that this idiot did not learn to read!!!!! These Tigers are very friendly, but they are wild animals. He is lucky that he did not take a trip to the next life!!!!!

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Just related this story to my wife.

We've never been here, so I can't know if what she says is 100% true. However, she reckons Thai people are allowed in with the tigers anytime, but farang are only allowed in after lunch / on afternoons!!

Stunning! Presumably, when the tigers are full after the lunch feed, and lazy in the heat of the day, it's okay for us. Meanwhile, Thais can risk it at any time!

Is this the unique instance where farang are treated better than Thais??

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looks, like an area was not restricted, because the guy was there in a group with a guide and the tiger was not aggressive but only playful.

many times my cats and dogs bite/injure me when playing or by an accident, happens even with small and domesticated animals

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I have visited this place many times & most certainly he must have been doing something he should not have been follow

the rules you dont get bitten or even near the business end of the Tiger, not close enough to reach you and

they are restrained by a very strong chain. This story smacks of another jibe at Thailand. if folk feel that way

then dont come more space for us

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climbed into a restricted area
our guide had to hit it to get it off me

Did the guide "climb" into this area with him and the entire group or just let him 'climb" in by himself? Could be the guide didn't know he "climbed" into this area until he heard the attack and then the guides amazing speed and agility allowed him to 'climb" into this same area and beat the tiger off the tourist before he could any real damage.

Sounds like this article is clearly geared to blame the farang and make the Thai tour guide the hero. Maybe this is the case but find it interesting they don't mention what he "climbed" to get in this area or if he required stitches or was even take to the hospital or any mention of if any of the Monks are trained to care for tigers and if not why are they.

And doesn't it require numerous very painful shots to the stomach over a number of days or weeks to prevent possible rabies? While technically this would be "medication" the wording makes it sounds like the guy just needs to pop a few pills. But maybe I am wrong and now there are pills available to prevent rabies. Although neither makes any sense since they know the animal that did this and the animal could easily be tested for rabies as they always do, when the animal is available, instead of putting a person through unneeded painful and costly injections.

Just seems to me this story doesn't add up and a Google news search couldn't find any other reports but the one linked here.

Edited by Nisa
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climbed into a restricted area
our guide had to hit it to get it off me

Did the guide "climb" into this area with him and the entire group or just let him 'climb" in by himself? Could be the guide didn't know he "climbed" into this area until he heard the attack and then the guides amazing speed and agility allowed him to 'climb" into this same area and beat the tiger off the tourist before he could any real damage.

Sounds like this article is clearly geared to blame the farang and make the Thai tour guide the hero. Maybe this is the case but find it interesting they don't mention what he "climbed" to get in this area or if he required stitches or was even take to the hospital or any mention of if any of the Monks are trained to care for tigers and if not why are they.

And doesn't it require numerous very painful shots to the stomach over a number of days or weeks to prevent possible rabies? While technically this would be "medication" the wording makes it sounds like the guy just needs to pop a few pills. But maybe I am wrong and now there are pills available to prevent rabies. Although neither makes any sense since they know the animal that did this and the animal could easily be tested for rabies as they always do, when the animal is available, instead of putting a person through unneeded painful and costly injections.

Just seems to me this story doesn't add up and a Google news search couldn't find any other reports but the one linked here.

The numerous painful shots that you refer to are history. Nowadays its an initial jab followed by a series of jabs (in the upper arm) every couple of weeks or so.

Edited by mallyrd
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Just related this story to my wife.

We've never been here, so I can't know if what she says is 100% true. However, she reckons Thai people are allowed in with the tigers anytime, but farang are only allowed in after lunch / on afternoons!!



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There are only 8 words that cause me any concern when reading this article.

"climbed into a restricted area with nine tigers"

From these words we can deduct that this man made the decision to cross a physical barrier to get to these tigers. Has he just come from Disney World?

Definately worth a nomination for the Darwin award. :rolleyes:

There is no such thing as a Darwin award - it is a test Pass - Fail or Rescheduled. Erik is rescheduled. I am sure with actions like his, he will take the test again soon. :jap:

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Some of us are being a little harsh, hope he's ok and makes a full recovery

I fully agree with this statement, i hope Mr Tiger is ok, he must have tasted awful, poor little big cat he must still have that jellied eels flavour in his mouth, yuk! :lol:

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"Erik from Sundsvall climbed into a restricted area with nine tigers"

What a Neep !!

ok a. they are just big cats so you stroke them an they roll over an purr------------we all know that init

b what the hell is a neep --------------------i have heard you jokks eat neeps and tatties but thought the neeps were bits of the english soldiers you had illegally murdered whilst they were going about their lawful business of knocking off naughty jock immigrants in england innit

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