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I Drink To Get Wasted


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Well, I don't think I can handle booze. Once I get my hands on one beer, it's over for the night. I drink maybe 10 changs in a single evening. Yeah, that's me stumbling around that you see all the time. :ph34r:

I only get wasted a few times a month, so is that a problem? I have no idea.

Yours truly,


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If you can't stop drinking once you've had one, then most likely you do have a problem. IMHO.

I have to ask though, as you have clearly stated in other posts that you love your binges and don't intend on stopping till you die, do you want to stop or at least cut back on your drinking?

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I'm the same, but I never drank to get drunk. I drank for the sake of the drinking, not the drunkenness; if I could have paced myself, I would have. But before the 'buzz', before the happy feeling, the first feeling I got from a beer was an insatiable thirst...


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I'm the same way.I only drink maybe 3 or 4 times A year.When I start getting wasted I usually start slowing down A little.I never get stagering drunk.I stop before that.

So that's not the same way at all, then, is it?

That's like saying I drive like Michael Schumacher, except at one-fifth the speed


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I think the fact that he is posting here and presenting himself as if there is a problem- and being a bit self-disparaging, too- is a pretty clear 'call-for-help'. OP should probably keep reading and post more when he feels ready.

I also posted here some time ago as I was worried about my alcohol intake. To be honest it still worries me to a degree as I don't take days off inbetween. However I don't get drunk or indulge in binges any more. Maybe its just a sign of me being more responsible or the fact that I never touch the top shelf any more. I don't drink to get drunk nowadays...but I do like to get merry.

I'm the same, but I never drank to get drunk. I drank for the sake of the drinking, not the drunkenness; if I could have paced myself, I would have. But before the 'buzz', before the happy feeling, the first feeling I got from a beer was an insatiable thirst...


I don't get a buzz like that any more SC....not from beer anyway....perhaps wine or good company and certainly great blues...

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Try getting an ultrasonic scan at a hospital. That will tell you the state of your liver and you can then guess how much longer you have to live. You will then know if you have a problem

Good advice, but include some blood work (liver panel, etc.). The real issue (from my past experience) is not "how long", but "how miserable" you will live, once the liver stops working.


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Try getting an ultrasonic scan at a hospital. That will tell you the state of your liver and you can then guess how much longer you have to live. You will then know if you have a problem

Good advice, but include some blood work (liver panel, etc.). The real issue (from my past experience) is not "how long", but "how miserable" you will live, once the liver stops working.


A very good point Rick, I come from a family of heavy drinkers. My father is only 57 but is really ill, his life is pretty crap just now coz his previous drinking habits..

I also enjoy a good drink, maybe 2-3 times per week, I feel fine fine now and im very fit, but hey so was my father at my age! I have realised that I can't keep going drinking what I do in a week...

I like a drink though, and this is because my surroundings and people I see everyday, not because im hooked on alcohol. Its hard for me to escape alcohol, its part of my culture, im scottish laugh.gif

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Maybe it's me but I don't understand the last post.

Anyway -- OP what you describe (an inability to control the amount you drink once you start) is exactly what the disease of alsoholism is. It is a common misunderstanding that only people who drink daily or almost daily are alcoholics. There are many alcoholics who are able to confine their drinking to specific days and times.

Binge drinking is extremely harmful to your health and safety. In fact it can, at least i nthe short term, be more dangerous than daily drinking.



Since you recognize you are not able to control how much you drink once you start, the solution is obvious...don't take that first drink. If you can make that change on your own, fine. If you need help to do that (and many/probably most people do) , then get it. Plenty of info in this forum on options for that.

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there is an old saying that should be listened to.

drink less then you drink more...if I have to explain this then you are gone and need to do some thinking about the path you are taking lol

Sorry, but I'm with Sheryl, made no sense to me. Could you mean "than" rather then "then"? (Not that I would understand the meaning, even with the substitution.)

The important thing for the OP, and anyone who "drinks too much" is to stop, anyway you can, and see a professional in order to ascertain your liver's health.

Don't delay, or you will regret it dreadfully.


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Not a problem, i had 20+ for years every day except when my diarrhea was too severe :burp:

and yep, i got wasted every time, that was the point besides havin fun, the two are indistinguishable

Eventually i couldn't take it any longer tho, so i moved away from walking street

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Not a problem, i had 20+ for years every day except when my diarrhea was too severe :burp:

and yep, i got wasted every time, that was the point besides havin fun, the two are indistinguishable

Eventually i couldn't take it any longer tho, so i moved away from walking street

ink, or to drink less.

Maybe we're using different yardsticks. I never enjoyed being wasted, to the best of my knowledge (which is limited to appalling and embarrassing flash-backs, and deductions from credit card bills, where I subsequently found my schoolbag, and where I woke up. I never felt that the thousands of baht and hours that I spent between when I lost consciousness and recovered it again were anything but wasted. And the subsequent dentist bills, replacement telephones etc etc.

Anyway, there's no point in telling someone not to drink or to drink less. I used to limit myself to three pints, and I could manage that three times in an evening before I lost count...

They have to make their own decision, and all we can do is point out some self-evident truths.

I used to hope to die young, but that its too late for that now, and I realised that the best I could hope for through hard living was to die prematurely decrepit.


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OP "10 changs in a single evening"

That's 5 pints of 6% beer, not a bad evenings drink for anyone, would get must guys shitfaces

I don't know actually. Last time I blacked out and found a good deal of baht gone so I must have spent it on a lot of booze. Past 5-10 beers I really can never remember much.

I often go out to the bars in Pattaya and spend 2k on drinks for myself before I stagger home wobbling drunk. It's pretty embarrassing to see me. And no, that doesn't includes drinks for others. :blink:

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I also posted here some time ago as I was worried about my alcohol intake. To be honest it still worries me to a degree as I don't take days off inbetween. However I don't get drunk or indulge in binges any more. Maybe its just a sign of me being more responsible or the fact that I never touch the top shelf any more. I don't drink to get drunk nowadays...but I do like to get merry.

I'm the same, but I never drank to get drunk. I drank for the sake of the drinking, not the drunkenness; if I could have paced myself, I would have. But before the 'buzz', before the happy feeling, the first feeling I got from a beer was an insatiable thirst...


I don't get a buzz like that any more SC....not from beer anyway....perhaps wine or good company and certainly great blues...

I don't think its the beer that gives you the happy feeling anyway; it just breaks down the inhibitions that hold back the happy feeling, which is engendered by the company.

When I'm sat on my own in the Royal Oak having my three or six pints, I'm not a happy, buzzy sort of chap; few of us are, drinking on our own - unless the craic on here is good...


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OP "10 changs in a single evening"

That's 5 pints of 6% beer, not a bad evenings drink for anyone, would get must guys shitfaces

I don't know actually. Last time I blacked out and found a good deal of baht gone so I must have spent it on a lot of booze. Past 5-10 beers I really can never remember much.

I often go out to the bars in Pattaya and spend 2k on drinks for myself before I stagger home wobbling drunk. It's pretty embarrassing to see me. And no, that doesn't includes drinks for others. :blink:

Blackouts indicate you are doing serious damage to your brain/nervous system. And most likely also your poor liver...

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  • 2 months later...

Since you recognize you are not able to control how much you drink once you start, the solution is obvious...don't take that first drink. If you can make that change on your own, fine. If you need help to do that (and many/probably most people do) , then get it. Plenty of info in this forum on options for that.

OP, I think it is obvious that you realize that you have a drinking problem. Only you can deal with it. Not being able to control your intake once you start is a clear sign. It happens/happened to me too. Not drinking at all is not a problem (which I think is a blessing because I know quite a few other people who have a hard time with that). Having "only" one or two drinks is impossible for me. In my case, I consider myself an alcoholic and don't drink. You have to decide for yourself if your situation is the same and if you are ready to do something about it. It seems very clear that you will have to do something at some point. The sooner the better, just be honest with yourself and do not beat yourself up with guilt, **it happens, what matters is what you do to solve the situation. As Sheryl said, you can find a lot of help if you need it.

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I am the same as the OP. Once I have a beer that is it, I am gone. Was it Mel Gibson who said "I get totally wasted and then I start drinking". That sums me up completely.

What I do to stay off the sauce is to try to remember all the consequences of what happens when I get drunk. First and foremost I suffer severe hangover depression and shame which can lead to me hiding from the world for days. Also, when I look at my life and the most destructive social incidents I have created they were all when I was drunk.

It is not easy to stay off the drink though, even being aware of all the negative consequences.

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I used to have a beer or two at home nightly afterwork-except for fridays when I would be out all night and could easily pound back 15 bottles.

The hangovers needless to say were horrible-depression, guilt etc.

Gave up drinking entirely 6-8 months ago and don't miss it. Stopped hanging out (as a 10yr habit) on fridays afterwork helped. Would rather spend time with my son and not waste my weekends with a hangover.

The hardest part was breaking the habit of my friday night out with the boys. Once I got past that, the booze wasn't an issue.

Starting working out at the same time which helps me to release pent up stress. Feel fantastic generally albeit more how to say-horny. Weight is down, muscle up; male hormone levels up.

It can be done is what I am getting at. Remove the triggers (temptations), get busy with something else and no turning back.

Do I miss having a beer from time to time: sure! Enough to start drinking again? Nope.

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First mistake OP, is bier Chang bah.gif wretched stuff.

Next, as others are advising is you need to realize you have a serious problem.

Years ago, eons it seems, one of my best friends had the same, until he crashed his car and killed a girl. We were in our twenties, he went to prison.

It was a wake up call for all of us. Don't let this problem you have end in a similar tragedy. Best of luck.

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I don't know actually. Last time I blacked out and found a good deal of baht gone so I must have spent it on a lot of booze. Past 5-10 beers I really can never remember much.

I often go out to the bars in Pattaya and spend 2k on drinks for myself before I stagger home wobbling drunk. It's pretty embarrassing to see me. And no, that doesn't includes drinks for others. :blink:

Well you're far more honest than I was able to be when still in my cups. Grats!

There are many styles of alcoholism, mine was more like yours sounds. I wasn't a binger or a maintenance drinker either.

*For me* I went to AA and it saved my bacon (26 years of an absolutely wonderful life without a drop). IF you try a few meetings - don't let the talk of god throw you. It is NOT a religious deal. It's a spiritual one and they keep it that way by using the term 'higher power'.

AND - some of the most spiritual folks I know in AA are atheists or agnostics... go figure.


Chok dii

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  • 4 months later...

2k at a bar and ten beers sounds like a quiet night for me.

To be honest I started drinking at three the other afternoon and then didn't get home until 11am the next day. I had spent about 15k in total and had shagged too girls without using protection. So I wouldn't worry yourself about your drinking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2k at a bar and ten beers sounds like a quiet night for me.

To be honest I started drinking at three the other afternoon and then didn't get home until 11am the next day. I had spent about 15k in total and had shagged too girls without using protection. So I wouldn't worry yourself about your drinking.

Stupidity is nothing to boast about, though we can all do it

(That's the pot calling the kettle black!)

I suppose its helpful to remind people that no matter how bad they feel, it can still get a lot worse.


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Longevity. Lifespan. How long do I have, how do I get more. Give me more life...

Seems to be somewhat of an obsession with some.

Live your life in a way that makes you happy. If that includes drinking then so be it.

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