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Long Haul Flights - Sleeping


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I have come to conclusion that travel is a curse. (I am half Egyptian).

I hate getting on a plane and just sitting there thinking I have hours of travelling ahead of me.

To shorten the time, I try to sleep, I have tried alcohol, to various degrees of sucess.

In the UK, I take 1 x Tamazepan Pill before travelling. Theres just enough time to get through security on to the plane and get settled before it kicks in and you have the best flight of your life. You literally wake up (direct from from LHW > BKK) in minutes.

What do other people do, or do you just watch movies and play golf 60x a hour ?

I did enjoy a film called the "The Kings Speech" last time I travelled. Utterly bored the rest of the time though.

Edited by autan
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I wish I could find a way to sleep, I had tried the booze and the sleeping pills and I still NEVER sleep. In fact I have a 9.5 hour flight that leaves 12.15am tonight and although it's business class I am sure I will not sleep a wink......:( lucky the Thai flight attendants are normally cute and playful...

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I use to work rotating shifts so a trip to Thailand from west coast USA was a snap. Only 13 hours to Taipai a few hours sleep watch some movies, walk around talk to hostess, drink a coke eat a snak no not who you think. Going to Bangkok was always a time for fun just never worry about the flight. What I have noticed is that the people who overly worry about something they have no control over, except staying at home, have the worst experience. Donot think about the flight just the destination.

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I can't sleep sat down. I just go through the fight or flight reaction all the time. I take a book or 2 for when the movie isn't on, or it's just so bad I can't watch it. They actually took Russia House off on a Thai flight. No one was watching it.

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Pay for a lie flat bed seat. After dinner one can doze off into a restful slumber and awake to a smiling CX, BR or SIN FA. On the other hand, if one likes discomfort take an EU or North American carrier, get a squashed seat and wake up to Matilda the scowling FA klomping about.

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These days I fork out for a business class seat for night flights, though I can barely afford it.. EVA these days as Thai are getting too expensive..

When I do fly economy, a neck pillow, eye shade and noise cancelling headphones can make a big difference.. And if you don't try too hard to sleep, but just relax, you will soon drift off. I also get changed into some track pants to get comfortable.

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I do the BKK to Vegas run several times a year. An Ambien CR right after boarding let's me sleep around 7-8 hours. Perfect. Booze let's me get to sleep for a bit, but not for long and I wake up feeling worse.

Do you need a doctor's script for Ambien?

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I do the BKK to Vegas run several times a year. An Ambien CR right after boarding let's me sleep around 7-8 hours. Perfect. Booze let's me get to sleep for a bit, but not for long and I wake up feeling worse.

Do you need a doctor's script for Ambien?

Your posting outside of Thailand right? :)

There are always choices without having to fly business class , although just the excitement of biz class and better wine and extra attention keeps me awake anyway . Make sure you get the earliest flight for the longest destination. 20 hours from 7am is a lot easier on the body than a 20 hour 7pm flight for those that cant sleep.

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These days I fork out for a business class seat for night flights, though I can barely afford it.. EVA these days as Thai are getting too expensive..

When I do fly economy, a neck pillow, eye shade and noise cancelling headphones can make a big difference.. And if you don't try too hard to sleep, but just relax, you will soon drift off. I also get changed into some track pants to get comfortable.

Use EVA Premium Economy....I found that OK.

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I do the BKK to Vegas run several times a year. An Ambien CR right after boarding let's me sleep around 7-8 hours. Perfect. Booze let's me get to sleep for a bit, but not for long and I wake up feeling worse.

Do you need a doctor's script for Ambien?

Absolutely unless you buy online (which would be illegal and something people don't talk about here).


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I do the BKK to Vegas run several times a year. An Ambien CR right after boarding let's me sleep around 7-8 hours. Perfect. Booze let's me get to sleep for a bit, but not for long and I wake up feeling worse.

Do you need a doctor's script for Ambien?

I had a prescription for Ambien in the US. They gave me a bunch many years ago and I only use 2 tabs a year or so. Lots left!

I too enjoy flying, but the trip I do...BKK->NRT->SFO->LAS...sucks! Plus, we land at 1-2PM in Vegas...so nice to have a bit of sleep before we get there otherwise we just head right to bed and then wake up at 8-9PM ready to go. sad.gif

With 2 of us flying, upgrading to biz class is too expensive. If I calculate the savings by flying economy, the hourly rate I "pay" myself is fantastic! biggrin.gif

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I cant afford to fly business class yet but I am working on that.

Is it true to actually get a glass instead of a plastic beaker to drink from ?

Is it true that you get a lie flat bed instead of doing an impression of a demented merekat ?

Is it really true that once you fly business you can never bring yourself to fly economy again.

Please tell. Pray tell.

If only so I can dream about flying international business class one day.

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A business class lie flat seat, eye patch, ear plugs and a blanket

then settle down and sleep the flight away.

I would be wary of using sleeping pills, in case there is an emergency

and you are too zonked to save yourself.

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I made over 20 business trips to Japan and Korea from N. America and flying was my favorite part of the trip. Most flights were 10-14 hours. Since I cannot sleep on flights, I planned out every hour ahead of time, setting off blocks of time for meals, a movie, light reading (magazines), heavy reading (serious novel), stretching exercises at the back of the cabin, toiletry duties in the lav. (shaving, brushing teeth, etc.), and an hour or two of business work on my laptop. Sometimes wrote long emails to friends and family to send off once I landed. Sometimes updated my personal journal. Oh, then there were the on-board international newspapers I enjoyed spending an hour or so going through--at home I seldom had time to go through a newspaper at an enjoyable, leisurely pace. Once in a blue moon, I would have a dynamic, engaging conversation with a seatmate that would last for hours. One time, sitting next to someone with whom I really clicked, we talked the entire journey--an unbelievable 12-hour conversation that I remember to this day.

On every trip, the jet landed with me having not made it all the way through my "to-do" list. The time flew by (excuse the pun). Having retired from international business, hardly any of my flights are now business related, but the methods I learned to while away the "stationary" hours on a flight still serve me to this day. Can't wait for my next intercontinental journey!

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A business class lie flat seat, eye patch, ear plugs and a blanket

then settle down and sleep the flight away.

Bah...I agree on the business class flat bed.

Pick up the latest John Grisham novel at the airport and you'll be asleep before you've finished the first chapter.

Am I the only one who find it easier sleeping during day flights? I load the iPod with some carefully selected classical music and that usually does the trick.

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I cant afford to fly business class yet but I am working on that.

Is it true to actually get a glass instead of a plastic beaker to drink from ?

Is it true that you get a lie flat bed instead of doing an impression of a demented merekat ?

There is *A LOT* of difference between the business classes in various airliens, and often also between specific routes and even specific aircraft types for a given route. Some long haul business class on some airlines is lie-flat, adn this seems on the increase.

Anything else matters less to me; sure there is nicer food, more choice in wines and all that. But unless you pick a horrible airliene, such as an American or European one, the level of service you get from the FA's and the food and drinks including free flowing alcohol are just fine.

Is it really true that once you fly business you can never bring yourself to fly economy again.

Not really. Also I have had really good eco flights, with 4 seats to yourself so you pretty much get that same lie-flat experience.

On sleeping, alcohol and Xanax does wonders. I've tried Ambien/Stilnoct but I"m not convinced it agrees with me. Xanax relaxes you and makes it easier to fall asleep, but won't zonk you out; if you need to wake up you wake up. And it might help you not to panic, so I think a milligram or so of Xanax is a good thing. You need to get it on prescription in Thailand. That means going to a hospital, mental hospital or mental/sleeping clinic and stating that you are scared of flying and need something to relax. And then some clinics there's no need to say anything, just state the number of packs you want to purchase. ;)

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I do the BKK to Vegas run several times a year. An Ambien CR right after boarding let's me sleep around 7-8 hours. Perfect. Booze let's me get to sleep for a bit, but not for long and I wake up feeling worse.

Do you need a doctor's script for Ambien?

Your posting outside of Thailand right? :)

There are always choices without having to fly business class , although just the excitement of biz class and better wine and extra attention keeps me awake anyway . Make sure you get the earliest flight for the longest destination. 20 hours from 7am is a lot easier on the body than a 20 hour 7pm flight for those that cant sleep.

I'm in Thailand but I like to get scripts and a note from the doc when traveling so that I can just show something if needed to customs.

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These days I fork out for a business class seat for night flights, though I can barely afford it.. EVA these days as Thai are getting too expensive..

When I do fly economy, a neck pillow, eye shade and noise cancelling headphones can make a big difference.. And if you don't try too hard to sleep, but just relax, you will soon drift off. I also get changed into some track pants to get comfortable.

Use EVA Premium Economy....I found that OK.

I do that on the return leg.

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I cant afford to fly business class yet but I am working on that.

Is it true to actually get a glass instead of a plastic beaker to drink from ?

Is it true that you get a lie flat bed instead of doing an impression of a demented merekat ?

Is it really true that once you fly business you can never bring yourself to fly economy again.

Please tell. Pray tell.

If only so I can dream about flying international business class one day.

You could fly Biman. It's cheap and won't spoil you off of flying economy in the future.

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