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4 Young Swedes, 1 Thai Dead In Horror Smash Near Phuket


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Condolences to family and friends.

It really is high time that ALL drivers fleeing the scene following ANY accident, regardless of death, damage or injury should be sought and a prison sentence automatically imposed along with any other penalties they may incur as a result of the accident.

Time for Thai law to allow the owners of these vehicles to be held accountable. I am in now way condoning the actions of the driver but these guys on meagre salaries are under undue pressure to meet unrealistic time-lines. If goods are not delivered on time they don't get paid. To meet these deadlines the exceed speed-limits, drive carelessly often consuming red bull or drugs to keep themselves awake. A recipe for disaster.

Can the Swedish families pursue a 'civil case' in Thai courts????

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Rip to the senselessly dead young people and condolences to their families,

when I read the headline(and before I opened the story) I said to my Fiancee "hit by a truck,driver fled the scene and in a van/minibus" I was only wrong about the minibus,

I agree with the other TV'ers that fleeing the scene should carry massive sanctions in the LoS.

Edited by QualityTouristNumberOne
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looking at the pics it appears that the front end suspension and steering has come away from the truck. Not a very common occurance in these types of accidents unless there was a combination of speed and an unroadworthy vehicle. No before people jump on me I am not a mechanic or claim to be, but I have attended and investigated my share of vehicle collisions. I am sure that the BIB will have thier specialist mechanics conduct a full and thorough mechanical inspection of both vehicles and thier major collision experts will determine what speed each vehicle was doing at the time prior to and on impact.

there are reports stating the south going truck jumped the lawn dividing south and north going traffic, and almost drove over the north going black taxi with the swedes

still no indication what caused truck to to this, a flat front tyre, failing steering, anything mechanical, or drivers error

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'Takua Thung District Police are now hunting the driver, who fled the scene.'

what a shock, that never happens

I'm sure that is in the Thai Driver Manual:


Section 1.2.5 In the event of an fatal accident involving large commercial truck vs small private vehicle

a. After the accident the driver should immediately fled the scene

b. Driver should hide for at least 24 to 48 hours in order to detox

c. Driver should turn themselves in with humble remorse and many high wais

d. Driver should never admit guilt, but should somehow deflect the blame to the driver of the private vehicle



Condolances to the family.

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Sounds like a typical over pass overtake, where the thai just assumed the other car would get out of the way.

Happens all the time in Koh Samui, and it's a daily scare if you don't keep your eye on the road,

and move out of the way quickly. Since thai's hate to face responsibilty for their mistakes, it's not to surprising that the driver fled. All the passanger were young and had a whole life ahead of them, it really is a shame for their families, and if this was a local thai accident, all hell would break loose for their loss.

Very sad indeed for the tourist.

"and if this was a local thai accident" Sorry but I must have missread the OP. Where did it happen? In Yemen or where?

"Very sad indeed for the tourist' so it was OK for the Thai?

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For those of us who have driven here for many years one would expect to see these accidents every day cos of the total lack of driving common sense and road curtassy.

Anyone thinking of coming here for a holiday should rent and drive their own car to deal with the daily road situations that beggar belief..

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Very sad news and my condolances to the families of those involved. I happen to live in a neighboring village, the stretch of road of road behind the Thung Po school is a 2 lane dual carriage which is seperated by a central reservation (a channel in places where its wider, barriered in narrower places). Jut my opinion but that makes it unlikely to be an overtaking manouver if one vehicle has crossed this into the oncoming path of another, more likely a faulty vehicle, too much speed or a driver unfit to drive for whatever reason, perhaps a combination of all. I drive this road regularly and you'd be right to say all roads present threats wherever you drive, this is actually one of the better stretch of roads here by comparison to others, just goes to show nothing can ever be taken for granted. Hopefully a full investigation is carried out if and when the culprit is apprehended, doubtful the results of any such investigation would see anything change here in Thailand. Again, my heart goes out to those for their sad loss at such tender ages.

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Thailand roads are not safe.

I repeat for the white people looking to visit here - Thailand roads are not safe.

Every single road in the Kingdom is crazy dangerous. I risk my life driving my car 15 minutes to Macro. At least 10 speeding pickup trucks, buses, or 10-wheelers fly past me on every trip (at 130-150km+).

Thailand roads are not safe.

Agreed! I spent the last 2 years behind the wheel while living outside of Bangkok and I eventually lost count of the near death experiences I narrowly escaped. Most of the time it was the commercial vehicles (buses, trucks, and vans) I had to watch out for as the majority of the drivers operate their vehicles like they were in Formula One. angry.png

Yes, driving in Thailand is a very dangerous business. I've been driving here for 5 years on a motor bike, cycle and car. Even the shortest drive to town or where ever, I usually encounter at least one near death experience. The only thing I wonder at is that there are not more fatal accidents. The mentality here is that they must get in front of you at ANY cost! Then they normally slam on the breaks and turn off the road!

This is yet another tragic incident where 5 young live have been cut short by some f&@kwit not having the brains to read the road ahead. My sincere condolences to all the families of the victims. All of them in their 20's with their whole live ahead of them. RIP

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kbb thats not true, most are hidden.

This week ive seen 4 dead/severly injured motorbike vs car accident

none reported in thai newspaper/english newspaper

in fact 2 days ago was just in front of my house next to a massive speedbump. guy for sure lost a leg if not worse

Not reported does not mean hidden, they will show up in the statistics.

Not necessarily. The official number of traffic deaths in Thailand is somewhere around 14,000 per year or nearly 40 per day. But anything from 50-100% more traffic deaths are reported as "cause of death unknown". The latter is particularly true for rural areas where the victim is often sent directly to the local hospital or to the temple without involvement from the police. Even the official figure places Thailand firmly on top in the region. When the real number is taken into consideration, there's hardly any competition anywhere, not even in Africa.

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Sad indeed. But also sad to see all the barstool-judges around here. You don't know what happened, but you are all ready to put the blame on the truckdriver. What about an unexperienced Swedish driver, new driverslicence, rental car and driving (for a Swede) on the wrong side of the road ?? OR

a Thai driver in the Swedes car, trying to impress the young ladies ??

you need to read the report,thai driver and a rented car.

The driver of both vehicles were Thai.

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For those of us who have driven here for many years one would expect to see these accidents every day cos of the total lack of driving common sense and road curtassy.

Anyone thinking of coming here for a holiday should rent and drive their own car to deal with the daily road situations that beggar belief..

True, but how do you get some changes in the driving attitudes and behaviors of the people who drive like this (and it's not all Thais, and there are plenty of farang drivers here in Thailand who left the brain cell and common sense back home).

In my extended Thai family there is one husband and wife who drive very recklessly. All other (extended) family members refuse to get into their pick up truck.

They have had several serious accidents (they were at fault) and people in other vehicles, including a small child killed. And they have both been seriously hurt themselves, and their kids also hurt. They have never been charged with reckless driving etc., mostly because there is also a senior policeman in the extended picture.

The accidents have changed nothing, they still drive very recklessly. The other Thai members of the family have tried many times to talk to them, suggesting they drive more slowly, suggesting they leave a bigger gap between cars etc., but it's a total waste of time, they simply refuse to listen. They just laugh and say 'you don't understand anything!'

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Why are we seeing so many reports of fatal accidents around Phuket recently? Shame there is not a more in depth report into the cause of the accdent. Too young to have their lives ended in such a tragic way.

I wonder what the statistics are for road accident fatalities are in Thailand or how many we don't hear about from the Thai news. Very sad story and a very senseless loss of life. The truck driver should be brought up on charges of manslaughter, if he is even caught.

According to statistics there dying 3 thai´s every hours round the clock year round. amounting to heavy 27.000 dead thai´s killed on the Thailand roads. This is a massive 12 times the numbers that i.e. Sweden have who with their 9 miljon people kill 300 per year.

This is the ultimate price Thailand pays for their way of dealing with education and performance and their policy of more or less "giving" out driving-licensies. And not to talk about how easy it is for a huge number of thai that just BUy their driver-license here in Thailand.

Why you fled the scene, I guess it has to do with their stupid opinion of loosing their dam_n face in all scenes of life. Imagine that you have caused an accident.... and than are being asked to take you responsibility as a man... like we like to think about a man. That is NOT the fact in thai culture, sorry, but no way....

So RIP to all the 5 families... it really saddens me that thaitraffic once again has killed 5 people......I just wonder when Thailand will ends up in the 2000 century........

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Sincere condolences to the families...saddens me

may they rest in peace

I have been to Ranong yesterday and saw a dead people there too, unfortunately I was too slowly to take a photo...UNFORTUNATELY YES !! because may be if we see more Photos like these posted here and also some of the terrible impacts an accident can have on a human body, we will drive a little bit more carefull.

It is a shame how some people here behave behind the steering of a car or motobike IN HOLLIDAY ... they drive like there is no tomorrow, like they have no time to make holliday but to come here and try to KILLING people with their vehicles.... May be some of them should visit the local hospitals or show a catalogues about casualties on Thai-Roads BEFORE they can rent a car or bike here.

Most of the traffic I blame to the Thai Government and their useless efforts to create a PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM... if one have to pay 200 Baht for 500 Meters for a TUK TUK Mafiosi ... but can rent a bike for 150-200Baht a day, WE dont have to wonder WHY are there so many accidents on the roads here in Phuket... Since they have a normal transport system in Pattaya the number of accidents with rented bikes or cars are dropping....should be a point, should it not?

Edited by moskito
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It is very sad - condolendses to the families (Swedish and Thai).

The other sad fact is that we all know nothing will happen, it will continue as life is cheap here. We see these things so often - across my road there is a crash 3 times a week or so, every week, almost without fail - it is right in front of a police station (with a Thai style open bar the other side - drunks stagger out day and night and drive away without police attention).

I was on a Green Bus the other day in pole position (seat 1A with the little window so you can see the road ahead). Going over the mountains between CM and CR, very small windy and tiwsted roads with only one lane in each direction, the bus consistantly overtook on blind corners and brow of hills complketely on the right hand side lane. At one point he jumped on the breaks when a large truck cam hurtling around the corner and nearly pushed a small convoy of 4x4's off the cliff. He hit his horn angrily at the cars for not being able to dematerialise and make room for him. He managed to pull up behind them so close they could have exchanged paint - all the people in the bus were thrown froward violently. Did this stop him doing it on the following corners? Not in the slightest.

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kbb thats not true, most are hidden.

This week ive seen 4 dead/severly injured motorbike vs car accident

none reported in thai newspaper/english newspaper

in fact 2 days ago was just in front of my house next to a massive speedbump. guy for sure lost a leg if not worse

Not reported does not mean hidden, they will show up in the statistics.

Not necessarily. The official number of traffic deaths in Thailand is somewhere around 14,000 per year or nearly 40 per day. But anything from 50-100% more traffic deaths are reported as "cause of death unknown". The latter is particularly true for rural areas where the victim is often sent directly to the local hospital or to the temple without involvement from the police. Even the official figure places Thailand firmly on top in the region. When the real number is taken into consideration, there's hardly any competition anywhere, not even in Africa.

Sorry, we were talking Phuket here.

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Nothing less than life in prison, and a 5 million baht fine, that his family would be forced to pay would be sufficient punishment for this sub human truck driver, who did not have the courage to face the music, after he was responsible for five deaths. Until Thailand gets serious with commensurate punishment for these insects, it will keep happening. Also, the trucking company should be forced to pay the fine. That would compel them to be more careful in their selection of drivers, rather than hiring untrained insects.

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Thailand roads are not safe.

I repeat for the white people looking to visit here - Thailand roads are not safe.

Every single road in the Kingdom is crazy dangerous. I risk my life driving my car 15 minutes to Macro. At least 10 speeding pickup trucks, buses, or 10-wheelers fly past me on every trip (at 130-150km+).

Thailand roads are not safe.

Thailand is not safe for many aspects of health and safety... especially the roads. RIP to the victims and their families, no-one deserves to go that way.

But I have to ask why people keep quoting this comment with a 'like'? It clearly implies that only white people can drive, or that white people are the only ones who don't know how dangerous Thailand's roads are. Both of which are rather derogatory claims.

I think you'll find its got more to do with a country's laws and road safety, not the color of someone's skin. I also think you'll find that many people know how dangerous the roads are here, but often they don't have a choice when travelling as most routes, especially short ones, simply don't have flights.

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From the pics it look like the truck was on driving on the wrong side... very sad...

Try looking at the photo correctly. Thailand drives on the left. The photo clearly shows that the truck was driving on the correct side of the road when it skidded during the collision. It looks more like the Swede's car was overtaking in the opposite direction and the fish lorry driver had to take evasive action to avoid a full on collision.

Sorry but the photo clearly shows very little. We can not see the road conditions, gradiants and we do not know the speeds in which the vehicles were travelling. If you look at the pic and observe the positions of the 2 vehicles and the directions in which they are both pointed ask yourself how did they come to be in these positions. If you look at the bottom of the photogragh you will see what appears to be indentations and oil on the road possibly from the truck leading to where the truck came to rest. This indicates to me that the actual point of impact is not shown in the photograph. What were the vehicles doing outside the photograph prior to impact? Who knows as it is not shown. We have to opposing vehicles travelling at speed and collide, what sort of speed would the truck have to be doing to push the opposing vehicle back along the road for the distance before it performed an almost 360 degree spin and came to rest? I say spin around because looking at the positions of the vehicles the truck has ended up on the righthand side and the car on the left pushing the vehicle anticlockwise if it had of pushed the car clockwise then the truck would have come to rest on the left..

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Looking at the photos and the google map and considering the thai driven rental car was heading away from Phuket and the truck was heading to Phuket and what side of the divided 4 lane road they would be driving on, the left, the photos appear to show that the truck did indeed cross the lawn/median into the opposing lane and hit the car.

Edited by z12
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The mentality here is that they must get in front of you at ANY cost! Then they normally slam on the breaks and turn off the road!

yea i have been trying to figure that out for years. happens every day. my favorite are the farmer pickups that pull out into fast moving traffic, requiring everybody in the left lane to slam on their brakes, then they turn down the next road 20 meters down. they couldn't wait for a break in traffic? or they thought it wasn't a big deal because they were only going a short distance?

my Thai wife never noticed any of this until i started pointing it out. one thing i always tell her - the maximum wait time for a Thai is 15 seconds (on or off the road). if a car has waited 15 seconds or more, expect them to pull out into traffic. this by the way is also the case at red lights in Isaan.

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