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Mama Instant Noodle To Freeze Prices For 4 Months: Thailand


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Its sort of ironic that cigarettes are discouraged here, but all the food in Thai shops is loaded with sugar and palm oil which are barely better for your heart than smoking is.

The health awareness is very low. I don't think long life expectancies for the masses are a priority here. It's almost as if its a priority to shorten life.

Agreed, wonder how often the PM or the people in the Government eat noodles.

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Its sort of ironic that cigarettes are discouraged here, but all the food in Thai shops is loaded with sugar and palm oil which are barely better for your heart than smoking is.

The health awareness is very low. I don't think long life expectancies for the masses are a priority here. It's almost as if its a priority to shorten life.

Agreed, wonder how often the PM or the people in the Government eat noodles.

I may be wrong, but somehow I can't see the priviledged hi-so power-brokers of the Thai government ever tucking into a bowl of mama noodles - unless on a populist publicity stunt of course!

Edited by LucidLucifer
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That's nice.

What's not nice is those products are extremely unhealthy to eat as a staple food. Once in a while OK.


If you leave out the packet of nasty oil and add some fresh boiled veges it helps a lot though.

If your going to that extreme, why don't you just cook Singapore noodles.

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Great news for the average Thai. The average post reply is so far above the average Thai that the reply is idiotic. You know a alot of Thais that have hardening of the arterie's ? I don't except for the working ladies with a lot of extra spending money in the red light districts of Pattaya. Thank you Mama noodles.

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When I explain to my fellow monks, that Mama noodles, which they love, basically has no nutritional value, they just smile, as though saying, sure farang, but they are so delicious. ye gods.

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Great news for the average Thai. The average post reply is so far above the average Thai that the reply is idiotic. You know a alot of Thais that have hardening of the arterie's ? I don't except for the working ladies with a lot of extra spending money in the red light districts of Pattaya. Thank you Mama noodles.

Just because the Thais don't comprehend something, it doesn't make it wrong.

Like skillful driving - just as an example.

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Basically Mama instant noodles with other over the counter brand name noodles is nothing but a starch diet, with transfats, and preservatives which makes it hard to digest than homemade noodles from natural ingredients. What nutritional value is there in them? - Not much.

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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Wrong about MSG.

Search "MSG Obese Rat"

[ The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study of exercise in obesity.... Obesity was induced by MSG administration (4 mg/g, each other day, from birth to 14 days old) ]

Or see here:


Edited by NanaFoods
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So is this the same company talking that raised the prices by 30% (10 to 13 Baht) last year for their Tom Yum Cups? rolleyes.gif

About the MSG: I think salt is a lot more unhealthy. Salt also acts as a flavour enhancer (also fats do), but you need a much greater amount for it. So I believe substituting a larger quantity of salt with a smaller quantity of MSG is actually less damaging for you health.

Where is MSG actually banned? I never heard of that. I just know western consumers don't like to read it on the label, so it gets substituted with yeast extract, which is essentially the same thing. A lot of stuff that we use to make our meals tasty actually contain quite a bit of natural MSG like tomatoes, Parmesan cheese etc.

I think the potential harmful thing with MSG is that it just makes you more hungry and you tend to eat more. But if you can handle this and don't overeat (Thais really aren't that fat) I don't see the problem. I think there was also a controlled study that has proven that the Chinese restaurant syndrome really doesn't exist, except if the quantity of MSG is extremely large, like on the seafood pizzas from The Pizza Company.

But then again, eat an overdose of salt and you also get symptoms like sweating, feeling sick and headaches.

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So is this the same company talking that raised the prices by 30% (10 to 13 Baht) last year for their Tom Yum Cups? rolleyes.gif

About the MSG: I think salt is a lot more unhealthy. Salt also acts as a flavour enhancer (also fats do), but you need a much greater amount for it. So I believe substituting a larger quantity of salt with a smaller quantity of MSG is actually less damaging for you health.

Where is MSG actually banned? I never heard of that. I just know western consumers don't like to read it on the label, so it gets substituted with yeast extract, which is essentially the same thing. A lot of stuff that we use to make our meals tasty actually contain quite a bit of natural MSG like tomatoes, Parmesan cheese etc.

I think the potential harmful thing with MSG is that it just makes you more hungry and you tend to eat more. But if you can handle this and don't overeat (Thais really aren't that fat) I don't see the problem. I think there was also a controlled study that has proven that the Chinese restaurant syndrome really doesn't exist, except if the quantity of MSG is extremely large, like on the seafood pizzas from The Pizza Company.

But then again, eat an overdose of salt and you also get symptoms like sweating, feeling sick and headaches.

Unlike salt, as can be concluded from the obese rat practice, that MSG is not just a flavor enhancer, it is also a drug. Research shows that it causes lesions on the brains of rats that are injected at a young age, causing lifelong obesity even if no further MSG is administered.

Also, laboratory-made MSG does not have the same molecular structure as naturally found glutamates. They may have the same constituents but, similarly to ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine, the molecular structure is flipped, causing different potency/toxicity and effects.

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good that us farangs were already rich before we came here, to pheu thai standards what they promise the people anyway, so that we do not have to live on that nasty broth almost everyday

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No, I don't believe that well educated people don't know that things like french fries (and heavily processed foods) are not healthy foods. Sure there are foods where the news changes back and forth over time, like coffee (which to me is a health food in moderation) but talking about Mama noodles, that is NOT one of them!

Some kids in Europe don't even know that milk and steak comes from the black and white critters you can see grazing in the meadows. So sure, a lot of people really don't know what is healthy. I guess we stopped eating healthy food somewhere just after the Roman Empire, that is if you consider red wine to be healthy.

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A single pack 8 Baht.

Hey the other day at Tesco i saw they just came up with their very own Tesco's Noodles for 3 bahts a packet, no ideas about how do they taste, if anyones want to give them a go....laugh.png

Although those Tesco noodles may be edible, I'm not that desperate yet wink.png

do they taste? Exactly the same as the 8 baht.

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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Sorry but are you being sarcastic, it's sometimes difficult to tell on here?! No evidence of MSG having a negative effect on the body?! I guess that depends who you believe...

U.S. Government Food Safety Warning. The transport of MSG is controlled by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002. [PDF source] Because there is so much concern about MSG, the FDA commissioned a study be conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). The study resulted in a 350 page report completed on 31 July 1995 [this report mysteriously deleted from public archives]. The research determined that MSG consumption can result in the following side-effects:

  • burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest
  • numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back
  • tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms
  • facial pressure or tightness
  • chest pain
  • headache
  • nausea
  • rapid heartbeat
  • bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG-intolerant people with asthma
  • drowsiness
  • weakness

Lack of Government Regulation. Despite numerous findings by government agencies and health institutions, the FDA refuses to take any action that would prohibit the use of MSG. As with many uncontrolled substances, it all comes down to money. The sale of Monosodium Glutamate is big business. Despite the health hazards, annual worldwide demand is about 1.1 million tons. So, it’s unlikely that any government agency will limit the use of MSG. In such circumstances, it is up to consumers to become informed to protect themselves.

The article goes on to say:

Dr. Olney’s studies on various species of test animals disclosed that MSG, when fed in doses similar to those found in human diets, destroys hypothalamic neurons. This type of hypothalamic damage produces a particular syndrome in animals which caused them to be short in stature, obese, and to have reproductive problems. … Recognizing the immediate danger to the public, especially to the unborn child, Dr. Olney and others testified before Congress concerning these dangers. As a result of their vigilance, MSG was voluntarily removed from baby foods in 1969. But no one had warned pregnant women of the danger to their developing babies caused by the MSG found within their own food. This danger would exist if the glutamate from the mother’s blood entered the blood of their unborn baby. In 1974, Dr. Olney demonstrated that MSG, when fed to pregnant Rhesus monkeys, could cause brain damage to their offspring. Other researchers found similar results when pregnant rats were fed MSG.”


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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

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Its sort of ironic that cigarettes are discouraged here, but all the food in Thai shops is loaded with sugar and palm oil which are barely better for your heart than smoking is.

Foreign influenced NGO's at work.

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

What is this thing about msg? My wife and her family use it all the time. They nor I have any ill effects. All asians in general use it. I haven't heard about any ill effects.

I agree that if food is prepared correctly it is not needed and even then, a tiny anount of sugar will do the same thing but being completely paranoid of a natural substance is ridiculous.

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My local YELLOW noodle shop still sell at 30 Baht.

I ask her why don't she increase her prices according to Mark's trend?

She replied "Why, am I not rich enough".

Feeling insulted, I just pay and left.

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The unhealthy eating phenomenon in the 'less upwardly mobile classes' is far from unique to Thailand. Substitute Mama noodles for chips, chicken nuggets and pizza, and you'll get what a sizable proportion of UK kids live on.

It occurs to me that the upwardly mobile are the ones that eat more of this. The people I live with eat very healthy vegetables and fish.I am the one that comes along and ruins their diet with pork.

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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

This is an intersting call, and i hope for the sake of many you are right about a lack of evidence that MSG is harmful.

I watched families and their kids being fed up with MSG in every meal made for them.

They even added it as a marinade with bean soi to fatty pork which was then deepfried until nearly black.

I also watched on in horror as GFs sister added 2 dessert spoons of the stuff into a batch of Somtum, which was then eaten with the MSG laden meat.

Gf said if they didnt add it it wouldnt be arroy and the kids wouldnt eat it. This same thing hapenned every meal but alas they would not even dare try anything the farang had made because it was obviously "not arroy"

If it is harmless t makes me wonder though, why it is banned in a lot of other countries?

All thiongs considered though, I fear there will be a boom of health issues here in the next 20-30 years because of this need for everything arroy and instant gratification.

One thing i did notice about these people though, they did seem to have very white teeth but large gaps between the teeth. Don't know if thats just a quirk of Asian race or not?

At first thought i wondered whether the arroy diet may be eroding their teethermm.gif

Are you ok?

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The unhealthy eating phenomenon in the 'less upwardly mobile classes' is far from unique to Thailand. Substitute Mama noodles for chips, chicken nuggets and pizza, and you'll get what a sizable proportion of UK kids live on.

It occurs to me that the upwardly mobile are the ones that eat more of this. The people I live with eat very healthy vegetables and fish.I am the one that comes along and ruins their diet with pork.

What is wrong with eating pork?

Pork eater are stupider of what?

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Basically Mama instant noodles with other over the counter brand name noodles is nothing but a starch diet, with transfats, and preservatives which makes it hard to digest than homemade noodles from natural ingredients. What nutritional value is there in them? - Not much.

That is why I add veggies and real meat.

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