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What'S With Farangs & Their Thai Gfs Holding Hands All The Time


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Are you nitpicking or just stupid?

Are just a pompus old fart. ?....what is a farang culture ?, per your definition " the mainstream culture of a country where farang are the majority"...I did not realise there were more non-Thai's than Thai's living in Thailand...learn something new every day...And if we are taking about nationals of another country living in their own country how can they be farangs then ?...whistling.gif

Think you are just making this stuff up johnny boy as we go along

Edited by Soutpeel
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Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

How so unlucky? Nothing wrong with taking care of your SO's children from a previous marriage, most admirable that a guy's willing to treat them as his own. The way the Thais do it here as if genetics are the basis for love is despicable why would you go along with that?

Nothing wrong with it but a big handicap IMO. Something I couldn't/wouldn't do. Sometimes it may be admirable but mostly from what I have experienced it's stupidity/ignorance. The farang doesn't know how unwanted the divorced woman with kids is in this culture. He is stupid enough to believe her ridiculous story that she prefers farang as they are faithful or they have a bigger penis. The reality is that she is desperate and has probably resorted to desperate means like joining a farang-finding-web site or moving to Pattaya. She is over 30 and will spend the rest of her life along bringing up her kids. Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

In the West it wouldn't be such a devastating handicap but in Thailand with the cultural differences it's relationship suicide. Especially if the step-kid is a boy.

Is it only in Thailand? Where I come from we are taught that blood is thicker than water, especially water from lands abroad.

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Can I score points off people for ... I don't know; having a wife who is about the same age as me? Still being married to the same lady after 20 years?

To me those things are not of value in and of themselves. The only important questions AFAIC are: are you two happy together, helping each other to have fulfilling lives?

If one or both of you are miserable, or even just going through the motions because you can't be bothered stepping outside your comfort zones, then I'd say many people making other choices are "scoring higher" in the game of life.

But if the answers are "yes" then congratulations and more power to you, just as I'd say to the 80-year-old and his rented teelac if their answers are also "yes".

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The only important questions AFAIC are: are you two happy together, helping each other to have fulfilling lives?

just as I'd say to the 80-year-old and his rented teelac if their answers are also "yes".

The 80 is getting a regular sh*g and his teerak is <deleted>lfilling her pockets....in most cases like this or with even lessor age gaps its a business deal..

Where in the male gets regular excercise of his genetlman bits...and the female gets a financial consideration (you can use the phrase being taken care of if you wish) and once the male pops his clogs...it will be the gift that keeps giving and giving...a young widow with plenty of cash who can go out and shag what ever she wants...

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Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

But what if she's grateful and loves the farang who does provide for her and her kids? What if the farang isn't gullible, as all aren't?

Your view is simplistic, stereotypical, and cynical. Wake up yourself.

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The only important questions AFAIC are: are you two happy together, helping each other to have fulfilling lives?

just as I'd say to the 80-year-old and his rented teelac if their answers are also "yes".

The 80 is getting a regular sh*g and his teerak is <deleted>lfilling her pockets....in most cases like this or with even lessor age gaps its a business deal..

Where in the male gets regular excercise of his genetlman bits...and the female gets a financial consideration (you can use the phrase being taken care of if you wish) and once the male pops his clogs...it will be the gift that keeps giving and giving...a young widow with plenty of cash who can go out and shag what ever she wants...

Well isn't that a great improvement on reaquainting your hard earned pension income and wealth with your respective government?

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The only important questions AFAIC are: are you two happy together, helping each other to have fulfilling lives?

just as I'd say to the 80-year-old and his rented teelac if their answers are also "yes".

The 80 is getting a regular sh*g and his teerak is <deleted>lfilling her pockets....in most cases like this or with even lessor age gaps its a business deal..

Where in the male gets regular excercise of his genetlman bits...and the female gets a financial consideration (you can use the phrase being taken care of if you wish) and once the male pops his clogs...it will be the gift that keeps giving and giving...a young widow with plenty of cash who can go out and shag what ever she wants...

Well isn't that a great improvement on reaquainting your hard earned pension income and wealth with your respective government?

I am adverse giving any money to any respective goverment....

I suppose in the case of the goverment you get figuratively screwed and in the case of the teerak you actually get screwed...same same but different..

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I really don't know if my wife and I hold hands when out in Public... It's something I've never really thought of. It happens when it happens naturally.

I suspect sometimes we do, sometimes we don't, sometimes we do the 'arm in a loop' thingy.

My point is that in Thailand holding hands is not an overly flamboyant show of affection. Many people hold hands in Thailand, I see many older couples holding hands, many youngsters and also many mixed couples, it looks natural, I also see many who don’t, it also looks natural.

What doesn’t look natural is that which stands out and we notice it more. Its the Old Guy with a Young Girl. Its perhaps that which is more noticeable.

The question could also be – Why do some guys parade their latest escapade up and down Sukhumvit road for all to see, are they really that proud of their latest splay-toed-flat-nosed accomplishment? Who are they trying to kid that this is the ‘real-deal’? Is the guy really pulling the wool over his own eyes?... 'Its the 'girlfriend' experience' !!

For some, holding hands might give them the belief that they are presenting some form of legitimacy by holding hands, but in reality by their behavior, body language, dress and general demeanor the give away is plain for all to see.

So – IMO: its not the holding hands that is noticed, it’s the ‘whole package’ a couple presents which is noticed, often the holding hands is juxtaposed against such contrasting body language it looks ‘odd’ and becomes highly noticeable.

I question your whole premise. There's nothing wrong with buying or selling sex, much less long-term companionship. Just because the couple is a fat old 90 year old white guy and his 18-year-old stunner is fresh off the rice farm, they should conceal their in-your-eyes illegitimate relationship? Why should anyone care what others think, much less be ashamed? Good for him, good for her, if they both feel proud of having landed a fish that matches their target profile why not show off to the world?

You're the one that should be ashamed for being so judgemental.

You’ll find the law disagrees with you on the buying selling sex part. On long term companionship, I think everyone agrees with you IF the companionship is genuine.

But, would you be happy about your 18 year old daughter were to date a 90 year old man?

I suspect I already know your answer – you are happy if she is happy, right?... (its a hypothetical question by the way !)

Something’s however happy they make the man are simply wrong, and with the exception of very few circumstances the woman is only making this choice for financial reasons. Very rarely would a woman of financially independent standing find herself with a much older man. And given sufficient availability the man would likely prefer to be with better looking women. In most cases all he gets is youth and woman who’s features remotely resemble that of a primate (apparently I’m not allowed to use the splay-toed comment).

So, some simply get what they can, good luck to them, especially if they are happy. But don’t pretend this is the girl’s first choice, its money only and given a viable alternative she’d take it.

Edited by richard_smith237
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The only important questions AFAIC are: are you two happy together, helping each other to have fulfilling lives?

just as I'd say to the 80-year-old and his rented teelac if their answers are also "yes".

The 80 is getting a regular sh*g and his teerak is <deleted>lfilling her pockets....in most cases like this or with even lessor age gaps its a business deal..

Where in the male gets regular excercise of his genetlman bits...and the female gets a financial consideration (you can use the phrase being taken care of if you wish) and once the male pops his clogs...it will be the gift that keeps giving and giving...a young widow with plenty of cash who can go out and shag what ever she wants...

Well isn't that a great improvement on reaquainting your hard earned pension income and wealth with your respective government?

I am adverse giving any money to any respective goverment....

I suppose in the case of the goverment you get figuratively screwed and in the case of the teerak you actually get screwed...same same but different..

If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


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So many generalisations going on here.

I think we should consider all as individuals, BG's and Falangs alike.

I was lucky enough to find a non BG lady who had 2 children to her past useless Thai boy - I am not obese but I am far older than her.

Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

I do not think so - I have been married 3 times before and have a number of children

Funny people on this site.... I have plenty of cash we have a great relationship, the kids call me paw - she was not a hooker.

I have had a number of BG's over a number of years - I prefer this lady - so what is your problem.

Been burnt before, cannot handle the rejection, not enough funds???

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From a Darwinism point of view, taking care of other guy's offspring does seem like beta behavior.

On another note (but mentioned above regarding foreigners with pensions kicking the bucket) I have to admit that one of the most uncomfortable things to watch are local 'sketchy' -as in the kind of folks who like to get about half of the needed documentation and apparently plan to whine, sob, and plead to make up for the rest of the requirements- widows trying to get the embassy (in my case US ACS) to do one thing or another regarding insurance claims, survivor benefits, etc.


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From a Darwinism point of view, taking care of other guy's offspring does seem like beta behavior.

On another note (but mentioned above regarding foreigners with pensions kicking the bucket) I have to admit that one of the most uncomfortable things to watch are local 'sketchy' -as in the kind of folks who like to get about half of the needed documentation and apparently plan to whine, sob, and plead to make up for the rest of the requirements- widows trying to get the embassy (in my case US ACS) to do one thing or another regarding insurance claims, survivor benefits, etc.


Seems like another history story

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Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

But what if she's grateful and loves the farang who does provide for her and her kids? What if the farang isn't gullible, as all aren't?

Your view is simplistic, stereotypical, and cynical. Wake up yourself.

well put - I think some are answering with chips on their shoulders and past experiences of their own ( or they mates)

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

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Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

How so unlucky? Nothing wrong with taking care of your SO's children from a previous marriage, most admirable that a guy's willing to treat them as his own. The way the Thais do it here as if genetics are the basis for love is despicable why would you go along with that?

Nothing wrong with it but a big handicap IMO. Something I couldn't/wouldn't do. Sometimes it may be admirable but mostly from what I have experienced it's stupidity/ignorance. The farang doesn't know how unwanted the divorced woman with kids is in this culture. He is stupid enough to believe her ridiculous story that she prefers farang as they are faithful or they have a bigger penis. The reality is that she is desperate and has probably resorted to desperate means like joining a farang-finding-web site or moving to Pattaya. She is over 30 and will spend the rest of her life along bringing up her kids. Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

In the West it wouldn't be such a devastating handicap but in Thailand with the cultural differences it's relationship suicide. Especially if the step-kid is a boy.

Is it only in Thailand? Where I come from we are taught that blood is thicker than water, especially water from lands abroad.

Sooo many assumptions and -stupidity/ignorance,ridiculous storyjoining a farang-finding-web site or moving to Pattaya,decent Thai man, gullible faring, relationship suicide not to mention the bigger penis :).

I have had an American, an Australian, and a Scottish wife - if I had not been smart enough to marry ones who were richer than I - I would have been well screwed by now. So what is your sad story mate

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

Do you hold her hand in Public? Does she take your hand in Public?

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

Do you hold her hand in Public? Does she take your hand in Public?

No..she will link her arm through mine..not hold hands and at times if walking through a crowd she will stand behind me and grab my belt so she doesnt loose me.....so old "wise" "Sigmund 473geo" what would say about that then....

For me it doesnt say anything

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

Do you hold her hand in Public? Does she take your hand in Public?

He's with me in the dirty young mans category.. please don't ask what we like to hold in public !tongue.png

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

Do you hold her hand in Public? Does she take your hand in Public?

He's with me in the dirty young mans category.. please don't ask what we like to hold in public !tongue.png

Ah but he never asked the question "have you engaged in sex in public place?"....he asked me about holding hands....whistling.gif

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If your relationships have generated nothing better than a cold stark government style response.....I don't think you are getting it quite right


Nothing wrong with my realtionship as far as I know...been with Mrs Soutpeel now for 10 years.....but I am not on pension, I work here and the age difference between us wouldnt put me in the dirty old man catagory

Do you hold her hand in Public? Does she take your hand in Public?

No..she will link her arm through mine..not hold hands and at times if walking through a crowd she will stand behind me and grab my belt so she doesnt loose me.....so old "wise" "Sigmund 473geo" what would say about that then....

For me it doesnt say anything

Less of the "wise" please...... you'll ruin my hard earned reputation

It says to me your wife and yourself do not feel the need or have the inclination to hold hands in Public, even though you are similar ages and do not feel you fit into the "dirty old man" category.....it says comfortable but reserved..........and you maybe prone to tripping, hence the real reason she grabs your belt from behind biggrin.png ........or of course you could be right...says nothing smile.png

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Thais do not exhibit outward affection in public. it is a cultural thing, that is changing with the younger generation.

Married 3 years and counting, and we still hold hands, not Always but many times. we enjoy it, it is good for the heart and good for the soul.

PS: why the BG comment? you mean it is right for Farang with non "BG" looking wife to hold hands but not for the 'BG" looking wife?

He may be refering to the elderly farangs he sees with the 20 yr old thai girls holding hands and smooching in public. I saw it in McDonalds on Saturday a lot of public romance and had quite a few thais snickering and watching.

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Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

How so unlucky? Nothing wrong with taking care of your SO's children from a previous marriage, most admirable that a guy's willing to treat them as his own. The way the Thais do it here as if genetics are the basis for love is despicable why would you go along with that?

Nothing wrong with it but a big handicap IMO. Something I couldn't/wouldn't do. Sometimes it may be admirable but mostly from what I have experienced it's stupidity/ignorance. The farang doesn't know how unwanted the divorced woman with kids is in this culture. He is stupid enough to believe her ridiculous story that she prefers farang as they are faithful or they have a bigger penis. The reality is that she is desperate and has probably resorted to desperate means like joining a farang-finding-web site or moving to Pattaya. She is over 30 and will spend the rest of her life along bringing up her kids. Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

In the West it wouldn't be such a devastating handicap but in Thailand with the cultural differences it's relationship suicide. Especially if the step-kid is a boy.

Is it only in Thailand? Where I come from we are taught that blood is thicker than water, especially water from lands abroad.

Yes, many Thai women here are single mothers and not through divorce because most of them are not even married in the legal sense. They are single mothers doing what mothers the world over do and that is doing their best to take of their children because the husband has run off to find a new plaything for his bed. And it is generally the family that bring these children up, not just the mother on her own.

There are women all over Thailand who are single mothers and they would not dream of going to work in Pattaya or to work in places like Soi Cowboy / Nan Plaza and similar places. These women may be hard up financially but they do have their pride.

Very many are also under 30.

Being a single mother does not mean she is a loveless person. It does not mean she has no desire to cuddle and kiss and hold hands and be made love to. I agree that many Thai men will not have these women with their offspring unless the woman is financially well off so what options are left open to these women? The men would rather find another woman to impregnate and move on again and again. These men do not do it for love.

So in your opinion all these women want a foreign man because of the size of his penis and you deride the fact foreign men are more faithful. That is a sad opinion as far as I am concerned. Especially as the size of your penis has nothing to do with how much love, faithfulness and security a man can offer. That comes from the heart.

There are a lot of women out there who would love some security, to hold hands, be cuddled and be loved and not simply looking for a walking ATM. Where will they find this love and affection if not from a foreigner? That does not make us all gullible fools either, though too many men are fools in love - both here AND back in their own countries. Love can be and often is blind.

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Thais do not exhibit outward affection in public. it is a cultural thing, that is changing with the younger generation.

Married 3 years and counting, and we still hold hands, not Always but many times. we enjoy it, it is good for the heart and good for the soul.

PS: why the BG comment? you mean it is right for Farang with non "BG" looking wife to hold hands but not for the 'BG" looking wife?

He may be refering to the elderly farangs he sees with the 20 yr old thai girls holding hands and smooching in public. I saw it in McDonalds on Saturday a lot of public romance and had quite a few thais snickering and watching.

A Thai seen with a farang is already suspected of possibly being a BG. An overt display of public affection simply removes all doubt.

The OP has a point, as do some others, that tolerance for public display of affection is a matter of "community standards." And who sets these standards? Well, the community, of course. If some of you decide that you simply don't care what others think, that's certainly your prerogative. In some communities in the US, it would certainly be a violation of community standards for two gay men to walk around hand-in-hand. But if these guys decide that it was their right, then it's certainly their prerogative. To heck what others think! And a big, obese woman walking into a Wal Mart with only her bra--I'm sure she could care less what others think. And the homeless guy who hasn't bathed in a couple of months, with the odor to prove it, probably doesn't care either. Bottom-line is you're free to do as you please...sort of.

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