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120k a month is quite a lot. That's 2400 quid....I don't think I ever spent that in the UK or US a month ever even after including pensions, mortgage, nights out, strip clubs, gambling, drugs etc etc.....that's a sizeable amount to have to spend every month esp in a country like Thailand.

But it's the number one question I ask foreigners like myself that live here....how much do you need to live comfortably like a westerner and not like a Thai family from a village. 50k thb per month seems to be the norm and that's for a family with 2 kids and car, give or take 10k either way.

Maybe thaivisa should do a poll so we have a genuine number to aim for!

What beats me is how a divorced Thai woman with kids, has a house, car, reasonable job earning about 30,000 a month and lives ok.

But when she 'plans' to marry or live with a farang the expenses go up to the above figures??

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It is amazing that this topic is almost like the most heart felt out of so many we read of deaths, murders and mysteries etc.

There is a simple bottom line.

We all imagine a kind of Nirvana, we all realise the illusion we suspected.

I'm out of here too, after a year and a half of thinking maybe I can live here, with my 40k job. I can and you can if you are a Thai for sure, but not a farang.


Rubbish. With 40k you can live quite well here.

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Very good luck to you Murgatroyd. You are a realist which is to be respected. With your attitude I am sure something will come up back in the Mother country.

Heres looking at you and keep us updated please.


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It is amazing that this topic is almost like the most heart felt out of so many we read of deaths, murders and mysteries etc.

There is a simple bottom line.

We all imagine a kind of Nirvana, we all realise the illusion we suspected.

I'm out of here too, after a year and a half of thinking maybe I can live here, with my 40k job. I can and you can if you are a Thai for sure, but not a farang.


Rubbish. With 40k you can live quite well here.


Thailand is a magical land, where traditionally accepted norms such as:

1) Differences in income

2) Differences in spending habits

3) Differences in wealth

No longer apply to the human race, and all "westerners" arrive at the magical gateway to the Kingdom with a "clean white slate" where all men are created equal, with the exact same background, history, intelligence, capabilities, education, luck in life, interests, expectations and ambitions.

Having been magically reborn like this, as we all have by living here, we must surely accept that the REAL TRUTH of the answer to the question "How much money do you need per month to live in Thailand" exists, and is out there somewhere.

Let us never give up our struggle to find this holy grail of forum topic, and conclude it so that our children when they visit this land of wonder and magick will know exactly how much to budget.

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It is amazing that this topic is almost like the most heart felt out of so many we read of deaths, murders and mysteries etc.

There is a simple bottom line.

We all imagine a kind of Nirvana, we all realise the illusion we suspected.

I'm out of here too, after a year and a half of thinking maybe I can live here, with my 40k job. I can and you can if you are a Thai for sure, but not a farang.


Rubbish. With 40k you can live quite well here.

Agreed. Ok, maybe a little more with family and kids buy I think 60K should cover it all.
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[As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

Oh no....here we go again...do you realise what you have done my son ?.....20 hail marys and wash your mouth out with soap right now whistling.gif

One has to wonder your requirements for living at 120K. OK only 2 of us, but my wife and I do fine on 30K. Bills/food/drink/truck and her fags.

Rent - 30k

Bills - 10k

School fees - 10k

Wifes debts - 15k

Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc..

You are serious writing such a crap?!

Rent 30K ...same if I write the lease for my Porsche is 80K a month....

Housekeeping ...dept of your wife....????

The question is not how much money I can blow out in Thailand....it is from how much money can I live?

I believe you can live good of 20K in Thailand with a little bit adjustments and being good prepared!

Before you make a move to Thailand you either secure enough money to be able to rent or you just buy ...it is really not expensive in Thailand!

The 400K for Visa you should be able to leave on the bank where it grows and never touch it.

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...All I can say is if you're thinking of retiring to sunny Thailand, factor in enough money to pay for expensive medical treatment, and assume that the greedy bankers will halve your income within a few months of your arrival...

Greedy bankers in Thailand halved your income? How did that work?

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Just where do you people live?

130k THB = 4.000$US, 3.250Euro, 2.600GBP

Do you live in a palace?

Rent 30k?!?

Bills 10k...is your aircon on 24/7?


Wife's debt...doesn't she have a job?

When Chalerm comes out and says that they are going to do something about the tourism mafia, everyone here in the forum mocks him.

When another stupid Farang has been sucked dry and is on his way out we all feel so sorry for him...

Just remember there are many more than just you who is on the way to the airport, this s**t happens every day, you were just not smart enough to live in the Land of Smiles.

130.000 Baht per month! That's my budget for 4 months, and that's with 4 motorbikes, a car, two houses and an office.

Have a safe trip home, hope you have learnt something from your stay here.

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I feel for fella.

My first visit to Thailand was 4-5 years ago, I met a guy from the UK who lived full time in LOS. He said to me back then, if you want to lead a good life, live in a nice apartment & run a car, you need an income of around £1500 a month. I thought he was talking complete <deleted>.

Now My wife works for a TV company, earns around £550 a month, has no car, lives in a one room apartment, does not use the air con & only eats street food. I know she helps her family out, that goes without saying, but she is broke each & every month.

I am looking at retiring to LOS in maybe 10 year, but working things out in today's figures, I think you would need to be bang on between My wife's salary & ya mans pension, I think any less then £1000 a month & your living a poor existence. Now once My mortgage is payed off, i could live a basic life in the Uk for £1000 a month.

As for the UK being ok, I am in the building trade & have seen My net figures full by over 50%

Good luck to ya fella, i wish you & ya family well !

Koh Samui is one of Thailands most expensive islands when I go up North it is so cheap however I do own my own property so I have no rent to pay and although I have a good pension I and my wife ( we are both english ) have no problems on living on 30/35,000 baht per month the remaining part of my pension I leave in the UK for a rainy day !!! when we get our government pension in 4 years time my mrs will be able to go back to the UK every year to see the grandkids although I would prefer to pay for the flights for them to come over here. on the money we live on now we have a very comfortable life and at todays rate 35,000 bht in sterling is £700

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Bravo for having the confidence for coming on here and telling it straight.

Ditto. Wish you the best success, while wiling away your UK working days with pleasant Thailand dreams.

This September I will have been in Thailand 5 years, but have accepted a job in my field in Canada, and also will be leaving Thailand. I do so because at Thai Farang wages I can not properly provide for my teenage son as a single parent. It's the right thing we do.

All the best! thumbsup.gif

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120k a month is quite a lot. That's 2400 quid....I don't think I ever spent that in the UK or US a month ever even after including pensions, mortgage, nights out, strip clubs, gambling, drugs etc etc.....that's a sizeable amount to have to spend every month esp in a country like Thailand.

But it's the number one question I ask foreigners like myself that live here....how much do you need to live comfortably like a westerner and not like a Thai family from a village. 50k thb per month seems to be the norm and that's for a family with 2 kids and car, give or take 10k either way.

Maybe thaivisa should do a poll so we have a genuine number to aim for!

What beats me is how a divorced Thai woman with kids, has a house, car, reasonable job earning about 30,000 a month and lives ok.

But when she 'plans' to marry or live with a farang the expenses go up to the above figures??

What really pisses me off is if you are married to a Thai you only have to show a monthly income of 40,000 but if your wife is also a farang like mine I have to show 65,000 per month from reading all the posts it seems Thai wives are very spend thrift with there farang husbands money !!

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I am saddened very much, how a thread started by a guy who helped his wife fight cancer and who got hit financially by the world economy and now has to go back to the UK because of this -- having to leave his family behind until a better solution is found -- gets derailed by people discussing:

- how cheap it is here to live (add school fees and hospital bills in your little calculation and see where that leaves you)

- discussions about Thai women ripping off their partners

- advertising for dubious investment schemes

- general rants

I know this is Thai Visa and we pride ourselves of the low standards discussions have here. But was this really necessary?

Please use the Report button when you deem it necessary.

I am saying this publicly as I don't mean you personally, but everybody who feels this way.

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I believe all of this has been endlessly hashed out over and over, and quite recently.

Most people understand that living on a given amount of money is usually cheaper in Thailand, but some people's preferences, and spending patterns (based on family or not etc) prevent that.

I think everyone would agree that it's very difficult to earn that given amount of money here compared to back home.

And that prices have been rising quite quickly here, perhaps more so than back home. I know that's certainly true for basic food costs, and most likely also at the high end due to currency exchange trends.

And it is definitely the case that those with significant financial investments are receiving much lower returns, and often greatly reduced asset values over the past few years compared to pre-2008.

Depending on your exposure to the above factors. . .

I really feel for you having to go back to the UK and to leave your wife and stepdaughter here in Thailand and I would like to say that I think that you are a very brave man for posting what you have done and opening up your heart on the forum. I wish you all the very best in your return to the UK.

With regard to everyone's comments about the dreadful drop in investment percentages which I totally agree with, I can offer a solution; one which is based on 15 years of my own personal investment with a UK company. they are not allowed to advertise, but I am more than happy to introduce people to them. I do not know if I am allowed to quote the figures but I will and the moderators can deal with this as they see fit. They will pay you 6% tax free paid monthly on a one year term. P.M. me if you want the details.

What your saying is if I stick 40k in I would recieve 6% tax free every month 40 x 6 = £2,400 x12 = £28,800 per year tax free yes please but what is the catch !!!!

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Sorry to hear of the reversal of fortune for you. I lived in California, killing myself with 3 jobs and overhead up the yingyang. Moved to Thailand and now I've downsized and live in the country with our own water and fruits, vegetables and chickens, I sold all my material items and wear cheap clothes and drive a used LPG fueled truck. Spending time with the wife and son now instead of chasing the money. And with out financing the cable,internet,phone,power,water,banks and all the other money sucks that ate up our hard earned cash. But the lack of Taxes on everything (to pay for welfare and illegal aliens )and decent fuel and food costs here negates high earning and working so hard to be just as poor.

What happened to you happened to me but in the US. My Thai wife had our son in California and i had plenty of cash but no insurance, unfortunately he had holes in his heart and i earned too much to get medical or welfare help and the wife entered the country legally. Over 200k in bills and more piling up ,I cashed in the IRA's, sold all guns,guitars,jewelry,etc. worked 5 jobs and Ebayed the rest until selling the family house in a down market with rising costs and taxes all coming down on me. I got out and am starting over here, albeit green acre style.

The thing that gets me though,is if my wife was in America ILLEGALLY, all my bills and debts would be excused and free and food money provided. The two hospital beds on each side of my boy had newborns with his same heart problem, their moms sneaked in the country from Mexico just prior to birth(as usual practice) and 8 years later at the annual hospital heart survivors party they have 5 and 4 consecutive more children, where i cannot afford my one child! So i guess i have some sour grapes still. Rebuild and reinvent, hope you come back.. best of luck... from another survivor!

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Thanks Rsquared... Yes, my advice would be to shoulder the expense of comprehensive medical insurance for yourself and your family. I didn't and regretted it. Apart from that it's important to remember that if a person intends to live like a westerner in Thailand, drinking a familiar beer, using the air con in the evening and at night and eating western style food your living expenses won't be nearly as low as you think, and even if you don't play around with the girls a night out for a beer or several once a week or so will also add considerably to your living costs. Family and parenting adds greatly to these expenses with school fees, uniforms, school buses, extra lessons and even musical instruments to factor in!

Also don't forget things like dental care, vet's costs if you get a pet, Taxis everywhere if you don't drive and vehicle expenses if you do... finally don't forget the cost of home and contents insurance if you don't want to get home to a ransacked home.

Maybe I am wrong, but I presume your wife and child are Thai?

If so, why not stay free of private hospitals for them, rely on the free health care of the state for them?

And for yourself a health insurance and use the state hospitals?

Guess that wouyld be very much cheaper.

That said, of your income bracket falls below the 40,000 baht per month, then you have no other choice.

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I don't get the 120,000 a month living expense. That's $1000. a week US. I can live on $1000. in America. This is Thailand ad yes expeses have gone up but give me a break. At 120,000 your living like a King + some. I live quite well on less the 60,000 a month.

12,000 rent 3 bedrooms 2 baths in a beautiful mooban

1,200 private school for my wife's son

1,600 2 smartphone plans

2,000 1 Vigo and 1 Honda Accord insurance

3,400 Electric 2 bedrooms every night aircon and during the day when necessary

2,000 Truevisions

900 Internet

200 Water

15,000 Food

15,000 Misc expenses

53,300 TOTAL

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No, I'm afraid it's a matter of my income falling below the figure required to qualify for an extension of permission to stay. I know that there are some ways round this but if I stay in Thailand I would be entirely broke in about five years... better to bite the bullet and do something practical about it now whilst I still have options rather than stick my head in the sand and join the condo diving club in five years time. Thanks anyway.

Wise words, good luck !

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I don't get the 120,000 a month living expense. That's $1000. a week US. I can live on $1000. in America. This is Thailand ad yes expeses have gone up but give me a break. At 120,000 your living like a King + some. I live quite well on less the 60,000 a month.

12,000 rent 3 bedrooms 2 baths in a beautiful mooban

1,200 private school for my wife's son

1,600 2 smartphone plans

2,000 1 Vigo and 1 Honda Accord insurance

3,400 Electric 2 bedrooms every night aircon and during the day when necessary

2,000 Truevisions

900 Internet

200 Water

15,000 Food

15,000 Misc expenses

53,300 TOTAL

Me neither - i'm comfortable on even less way up in Isaan - with house-rent at only 6,000 and very cheap local food, i'd say it can be done for Bt 45,000 - BUT, the OP's expensive medical bills including medicines put a whole different light on it. Again, best of luck to the OP.

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Well Buddy,

I tried this myself, twice.. Tired of LOS, only to find I was more tired of trying to fit back in the USA...Trying to find a job, then all the BS of it.. you have been in county long enough to have developed certain likes about living here. Really, sorry about the medical.. hmmm.. why did not the Thai medical system pick it up... there is some coverage..

God speed... on your return to LOS and your family..You're going to have to transition again..but it seems your in a good frame of 'reference. Still look for alternatives around that Baht requirement to stay here.. other have done it, so can you.. I'm sure you have surveyed the various options.

I trust you can find a job that puts you where you want in a few years..

Carry on.. Brah.

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I returned to the UK 1 year ago after 15 years in Thailand. Take out the worry of health care for myself and my son and the cost of eduction for my son and the cost of living in the UK is not that much different from Thailand. (More precisely 'Phuket'). It is also amazing how lack of corruption makes one feel so much easier, day to day.

As for the 'baht bus noodle eaters' good luck to you, Thailand is the right place for you as in Europe, USA or Australia you would not be happy.

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I believe all of this has been endlessly hashed out over and over, and quite recently.

Most people understand that living on a given amount of money is usually cheaper in Thailand, but some people's preferences, and spending patterns (based on family or not etc) prevent that.

I think everyone would agree that it's very difficult to earn that given amount of money here compared to back home.

And that prices have been rising quite quickly here, perhaps more so than back home. I know that's certainly true for basic food costs, and most likely also at the high end due to currency exchange trends.

And it is definitely the case that those with significant financial investments are receiving much lower returns, and often greatly reduced asset values over the past few years compared to pre-2008.

Depending on your exposure to the above factors. . .

I really feel for you having to go back to the UK and to leave your wife and stepdaughter here in Thailand and I would like to say that I think that you are a very brave man for posting what you have done and opening up your heart on the forum. I wish you all the very best in your return to the UK.

With regard to everyone's comments about the dreadful drop in investment percentages which I totally agree with, I can offer a solution; one which is based on 15 years of my own personal investment with a UK company. they are not allowed to advertise, but I am more than happy to introduce people to them. I do not know if I am allowed to quote the figures but I will and the moderators can deal with this as they see fit. They will pay you 6% tax free paid monthly on a one year term. P.M. me if you want the details.

What your saying is if I stick 40k in I would recieve 6% tax free every month 40 x 6 = £2,400 x12 = £28,800 per year tax free yes please but what is the catch !!!!

Uh - there's no glaring catch, but there is a big misunderstanding : PAID MONTHLY does not mean EARNED monthly - it is an Annual interest rate i assume, so you need to DIVIDE the £2,400 by 12, not multiply it ! Equals £200 a month. Mind you 6% a month would be sweet = 72% a year !

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In reply to hotandhumid

Rent - 30k

Bills - 10k

School fees - 10k

Wifes debts - 15k

Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc.


What a ridicules post. You may be well to do but no need to flaunt your wealth in the face of those less fortunate. Clearly the OP was doing fine until hit with huge medical bills. Maybe he was doing better than you.

I see you spend 30,000 baht a month for just entertainment. The list is led by beer no surprise there

I also see you do not spend one baht towards medical insurance.

You to may wind up in the same position as the original poster.

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I returned to the UK 1 year ago after 15 years in Thailand. Take out the worry of health care for myself and my son and the cost of eduction for my son and the cost of living in the UK is not that much different from Thailand. (More precisely 'Phuket'). It is also amazing how lack of corruption makes one feel so much easier, day to day.

As for the 'baht bus noodle eaters' good luck to you, Thailand is the right place for you as in Europe, USA or Australia you would not be happy.

Quite agree : "It is also amazing how lack of corruption makes one feel so much easier, day to day" - and day to day is how we experience this life; moment to moment even.

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Where do you come from that makes Thailand medical treatment look expensive.

I come from Canada where it is paid by affordable medical insurance. The catch is get in line. My friend waited over a year for a triple bypass heart surgery. I waited a year for a MRI.

I have heard that the medical situation in England is much the same.

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been in los 12years now,and apart from my early years were i was only interested in wine women and song,and wasted the rest,my expenditure for the month now, very rarely exceeds 30000 bht,bought my own condo and car 5 years ago though,and there is just me and the wife(the mother in law does come in to the picture now and agian for a hand out)

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OMG, health insurance in Thailand is available for like 25000 Baht a year or less depending on how much coverage one wants. Having none and then whining about hefty medical bills doesn't make sense to me. Sorry, mate!

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Hi guys, excuse me it’s my FIRST… contribution.

The subject interests me a lot.

I have admiration for the resolutions of Murgatroyd; he is clearly a good man and I trust he has considered all odds.

Would I be as wise and resolved as him? I can’t say.

I am hesitating between leaving my stressing-to –the-extreme but kind of rewarding job in India, and retire moving stocks and barrels to Thailand once my elder daughter joins college in three years.

One of the considerations is cost of (westernized) living in Thailand. Last month I was in Chang Mai, which I recon 35% cheaper than BKK or Pattaya, and my rough estimate of cost of living for 2 of us + 1 kid in international school in Thailand + 1 daughter in college abroad, is not below the 120K/month.

However, I must say that probably a Thai wife may reduce (?) the cost of living; this is not my case (Thai wife).

Otherwise I have my international health insurance with decent coverage that is presently 110 Euro/month.

I close it now, because I do not want to capture the subject.

Thanks for your patience!

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In reply to hotandhumid

Rent - 30k

Bills - 10k

School fees - 10k

Wifes debts - 15k

Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc.


What a ridicules post. You may be well to do but no need to flaunt your wealth in the face of those less fortunate. Clearly the OP was doing fine until hit with huge medical bills. Maybe he was doing better than you.

I see you spend 30,000 baht a month for just entertainment. The list is led by beer no surprise there

I also see you do not spend one baht towards medical insurance.

You to may wind up in the same position as the original poster.

what is more ridiculous....is people posting their monthly outgoing and then having to cheek to start critising other people about the money the other person spends...I know there is an on-going competion every few months over who is the biggest "cheap charlie"....but what somebody spends is their business...whether someone lives in a hovel in Isaan or a BKK mansion its upto them...and FA to do with anyone else...if you are happy spending 20k/m to survive on or someone spends 500k/m to live on up to them...

Having lived here for a fair amount of time, living what I would consider a "normal" life....very easy to spend anywhere from 100k to 200k/m without really trying...

At that juncture think I will toddle off and cool the champers and get the Beluga out the fridge...

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