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Donald Trump To Give $5M To Charity If Obama Releases Records


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Perhaps Trump, with his ''connections'' knows more than you or I do. huh.png

Sorry, what are his "connections"? Most people think he has quite a few loose "connections", primarily a disconnect between what little brain he may possess, and his mouth.

According to a documentary I saw recently our first Republican President was a Vampire Hunter. <deleted>! Why hasn't "The Donald" raised this issue?

Who knows, but if the biggest state can vote Arnie IN to run it, then anything is possible in the USA, eh. To be honest l thought Bruce Willis might run. rolleyes.gif
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Has Mitt Romney released his college and passport records? Just wonderin'?

If not, what is he hiding?

Heck, has The Donald released his birth certificate? Sure he was born in "Queens"? Sounds German to me? What about his college and passport records?

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Question of course is if Trump's check will be covered.

Even if he is a nutter, his estimated net worth in 2012 is $3.1 billion USD. So, what is your net worth?


My net worth is much less for sure but then, I haven't filed for bankruptcy every time I had to pay my bills.

Trump did 4 times so far.


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How about a few rich Democrats out there have a whip round and match The Donald's offer, and donate $5 million to charity if Mitt Romney releases his last ten years tax returns? In full.

The typical leftist response. When your own history comes under question, attack your opponent. Sorry, doesn't hold water.

If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not release his college records? That is unless he was registered as a foreign exchange student to receive financial aide. Which means he either defrauded Columbia University as he was actually a US citizen or he is not a naturalized US citizen. I'm sure you know the implications of this little detail.

I voted for the guy 4 years ago as I drank the koolaid and believed the message. He has done nothing to secure my vote in the upcoming election. Primarily based on his record, but secondarily on the fact that his past is checkered with lies, alias, gaps in his history that he is not forthcoming to dispute.

And Trump is a very nice guy http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/03/golf-course-vs-dunes-a-rebellion-that-failed/

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How about a few rich Democrats out there have a whip round and match The Donald's offer, and donate $5 million to charity if Mitt Romney releases his last ten years tax returns? In full.

The typical leftist response. When your own history comes under question, attack your opponent. Sorry, doesn't hold water.

If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not release his college records? That is unless he was registered as a foreign exchange student to receive financial aide. Which means he either defrauded Columbia University as he was actually a US citizen or he is not a naturalized US citizen. I'm sure you know the implications of this little detail.

I voted for the guy 4 years ago as I drank the koolaid and believed the message. He has done nothing to secure my vote in the upcoming election. Primarily based on his record, but secondarily on the fact that his past is checkered with lies, alias, gaps in his history that he is not forthcoming to dispute.

An Excerpt from CBS this morning regarding Trump's rediculous demand

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly had this to say to David Letterman: "It's not important. He's the President of the U.S. and what's important is whether he can turn the economy around, that's what's important."

Last year, President Obama released his birth certificate in an effort to silence people like Trump.

Mr. Obama said at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, "No one is happier, no one is prouder about putting this birther issue to rest than the Donald. And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter - Did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"


And another excerpt from the same source

Others couldn't resist the punch lines. David Letterman said, "Hey Don, I'll give you $5 million if you release that thing on your head. Let him go! Let him be free!"

Steven Colbert quipped, "He has to have it by 5 o'clock on Halloween because that night he's renting out his enormous orange head as a jack o'lantern." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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How about a few rich Democrats out there have a whip round and match The Donald's offer, and donate $5 million to charity if Mitt Romney releases his last ten years tax returns? In full.

The typical leftist response. When your own history comes under question, attack your opponent. Sorry, doesn't hold water.

If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not release his college records? That is unless he was registered as a foreign exchange student to receive financial aide. Which means he either defrauded Columbia University as he was actually a US citizen or he is not a naturalized US citizen. I'm sure you know the implications of this little detail.

I voted for the guy 4 years ago as I drank the koolaid and believed the message. He has done nothing to secure my vote in the upcoming election. Primarily based on his record, but secondarily on the fact that his past is checkered with lies, alias, gaps in his history that he is not forthcoming to dispute.

"Typical leftist response"? Pathetic. Trump deserves all the ridicule that is coming his way, and then some. As i under stand it Obama produced a copy of his birth certificate ages ago, but that's not good enough is it. There is no difference between Trump and his ilk, and the looney tunes on some conspiracy sites. The authorities in Hawaii have stated that they hold Obama's legitimate birth certificate. Likewise the obstetricians who witnessed and verified his birth in Hawaii are all on record confirming it. Are they all in on this conspiracy too? I can quite believe that you have been drinking the Kool aid if you go along with all this guff. Let's get to the nub of this, it is not subtle racism, it is overt racism. There, i'v said it. Was G W Bush continuously asked to release his college records, ( that would be good for a laugh), and his passport application records, likewise his father, Clinton, Reagan etc? Why not? This has nothing to do with left, right, or centre.
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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

The requirement is to be a "Natural Born" citizen.

These ignorant "birther hillbillies", "The Donald" included, are an embarrassment. My guess is that they don't realize it.

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How about a few rich Democrats out there have a whip round and match The Donald's offer, and donate $5 million to charity if Mitt Romney releases his last ten years tax returns? In full.

The typical leftist response. When your own history comes under question, attack your opponent. Sorry, doesn't hold water.

If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not release his college records? That is unless he was registered as a foreign exchange student to receive financial aide. Which means he either defrauded Columbia University as he was actually a US citizen or he is not a naturalized US citizen. I'm sure you know the implications of this little detail.

I voted for the guy 4 years ago as I drank the koolaid and believed the message. He has done nothing to secure my vote in the upcoming election. Primarily based on his record, but secondarily on the fact that his past is checkered with lies, alias, gaps in his history that he is not forthcoming to dispute.

"Typical leftist response"? Pathetic. Trump deserves all the ridicule that is coming his way, and then some. As i under stand it Obama produced a copy of his birth certificate ages ago, but that's not good enough is it. There is no difference between Trump and his ilk, and the looney tunes on some conspiracy sites. The authorities in Hawaii have stated that they hold Obama's legitimate birth certificate. Likewise the obstetricians who witnessed and verified his birth in Hawaii are all on record confirming it. Are they all in on this conspiracy too? I can quite believe that you have been drinking the Kool aid if you go along with all this guff. Let's get to the nub of this, it is not subtle racism, it is overt racism. There, i'v said it. Was G W Bush continuously asked to release his college records, ( that would be good for a laugh), and his passport application records, likewise his father, Clinton, Reagan etc? Why not? This has nothing to do with left, right, or centre.

Did it have a big yellow McDonalds M on the certificate. laugh.png If so it is by one get one free. crazy.gif
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Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

Wow, I knew there were some stoopid ignorant people but...

and here they talk about you ...

there many people in our nation who, when confronted with a truth that is outside the box of their socially engineered consciousness, go into cognitive dissonance. whistling.gif

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The whole election is a joke. 18-24 months campaign? You are kidding me? The merkins must be exhausted from all the bull for the past 2 years.

I do hope that one day, the world police will practice what they preach to the rest of the developing world: One man one vote, not that electoral college bs. thumbsup.gif

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Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

Wow, I knew there were some stoopid ignorant people but...

and here they talk about you ...

there many people in our nation who, when confronted with a truth that is outside the box of their socially engineered consciousness, go into cognitive dissonance. whistling.gif

Sorry, I got my microchip earlier this month when I returned to the U.S.

You know, those CPB "Goons" snuck it into me at Immigration.

Are you from the U.S.? Were you educated in the U.S.? I'd submit that you are displaying far more symptoms of "Cognitive Dissonance".

There, I didn't have to copy and paste it. Touche.

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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

Mitt Romney was born in America and John McCain was born on an American military base which is considered to be American soil. Why would there be any "issues" about them running for president? rolleyes.gif

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Some of the crowd cried, "Oh Obama, we demand to see your school transcripts..." and then parenthetically they added, "Of course this has never been a requirement before... It's just that... well, you know... wink, wink, nod, nod." Sometimes I think people are just one big running gag from a sitcom aimed at left end of the bell curve.

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Well I am not American and not sure hwvtheyvdo things over there but in my country anyone running for high office has to have a security clearance which includes things like date and pace of birth, schools attended, higher education etc, and when I went into a job that required a higher security clearance they went through my personal life with a tooth comb ,interviewing referees etc.

So having been a US senator and now President are the Americans saying he was never security cleared?

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So having been a US senator and now President are the Americans saying he was never security cleared?

To my knowledge, no, he has not. As senator he served on the committee on foreign relations but I don't think he needed a special security clearance for that role. His "security clearance" as president is that he was ELECTED by the American people. Cheers. Edited by Jingthing
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so nobody can tell me why Obama refuse to show these innocuous documents then ? I'm a nobody but if some Thai official asked to see my school records or passport application details I would have no problem showing them. same goes for my birth certificate which I have handed over to lots of people. I haven't spent millions of Dollars trying to keep it private and as said if you want to be the most powerful man in the world you have to expect to lose your privacy. I used to think British politics was bad but I see it is a bad over the pond, only bigger wink.png

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so nobody can tell me why Obama refuse to show these innocuous documents then ? I'm a nobody but if some Thai official asked to see my school records or passport application details I would have no problem showing them. same goes for my birth certificate which I have handed over to lots of people. I haven't spent millions of Dollars trying to keep it private and as said if you want to be the most powerful man in the world you have to expect to lose your privacy. I used to think British politics was bad but I see it is a bad over the pond, only bigger wink.png

And what have his school records or passport application to do with the presidency? He already published his birth certificate that proofs he was born in the US.

Next they gonna ask to prooof he hadn't premartial sex.

Some people should get a life, there are more important things in an election campaign.

For instance forestall that the rich get richer due to receiving more privileges and surpress the middle class even more when one get's elected.

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Talk about being cursed! Imagine being extremely wealthy, yet you're so personally insecure you need to make a public, international spectacle of yourself.

They say money doesn't by happiness, but I'd like to try it out for myself. wink.png

I think the GOP poobahs already have the goods on Mitt. Should he get elected, he's going to do things his own way, then the RNC will show what they have and Mitt will dance to their tune. As Grover Norquist said a few weeks back, it doesn't matter which particular Republican gets elected, the only thing needed is one of their own in the WH to sign the legislation Congress sends them.

Norquist is the nearest thing the GOP has to a Yoda figure, how sorry is that?

Edited by bendejo
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Some people should get a life, there are more important things in an election campaign.

​Not to some Americans there isn't.

nobody has yet answered my question. Why does he refuse to show such innocuous documents to his people ? If everything is in order where is the harm. It shuts down the arguments stone dead.

As for the birth certificate how can 3 ex CIA officers claim it is an outright forgery and not be sued in America the land of litigation ? see here


It makes for some interesting reading, even for a non American.

Me personally I would rather have seen Trump as President against the the two choices you have now thumbsup.gif .

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And what have his school records or passport application to do with the presidency?

To tell the truth as an American I have often wondered why we do not see education qualifications for the highest

office in the US.

I am not specifically talking about just Obama here I am talking about any US presidential candidate.

Anyone who has applied for any executive position in America has probably been asked to submit their educational

qualifications & background. Then when signing the application they also agree to furnish or allow to be released, this information

as needed.

Meaning the employers can call & verify or request a transcript from the places you have claimed you were educated.

Yet for the highest office in the US, The job/position with arguably the most power in the entire world

the employers are not entitled to ask? When you think about it that is quite insane.

Even here in Thailand all employers of any real position will ask for College info & may follow up on checking transcripts.

As for what you mention about passports I agree. Now is not the time for either passport nor birth place issues.

Things like that should be heavily investigated at the time of application before even being allowed run in the US presidential elections.

If later by some miracle someone has been found to have slipped through this investigation under false pretence they should be shot for treason

But education? That is quite basic & germane to the application of the highest office.

Again not just for Obama but all presidential candidates

Edited by mania
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The "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" is getting a little tedious. How about Trump showing everyone what's beneith his shredded wheat?

What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is. As Mania says if the people who are electing him into the job can't ask simple questions and have to force people to produce documents the rest of the USA citizens are asked to produce on a daily basis something is seriously messed up.

I also can't understand why at least ten people are running for the job yet you only ever see or hear from these two ?

What's all that about ?

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I also can't understand why at least ten people are running for the job yet you only ever see or hear from these two ?

What's all that about ?

This is a question that many Americans have asked over the years.

Most of us have come to the simple conclusion that the race is bought & paid for.

Those who do not have the $$$ are not really allowed to participate.

Those whose backers do not have a say or control of the MSN in America do not get to sit at the table &

speak their position.

When ever I see petty topics like what has run here of Obama vs Romney I always imagine the powers that back them

smiling & rubbing their hands together while saying,

"Ah works like a charm always!"

Give them two choices & they will go after each other never noticing they have no choice at all except for the ones we allow.

They will also never notice we own both choices & it does not matter to us which one wins.

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I am not a fan of Trump, but I think this is great - mostly because of the silly demands by Obama's surrogates that Romney release more of his tax records than he is required to release legally.

What is interesting is how when Romney is pressured to produce his tax records Romney gets all the attention focused on him, whereas when Obama is pressured to release documents by Trump it is Trump who is the focus of attention more than Obama. Perhaps this double standard and the free pass Obama so often gets from scrutiny is the point Trump was trying to make.

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