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Kidnapped Karen Girl Enslaved By Cruel Thai Couple


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I also find it pretty sad that they have so little concern for the girls current emotional state that they find it necessary to have more than five men (news? police?) gawking and taking photos. Clearly a little privacy and one police photographer could do it.

I fully agree with you but IMO they simply don't think that far ahead, and they do not intentially mean to embarass the girl. The education is moribund in Thailand. It does not turn on the "brain switch" in the vast majority of population save for a % of high education people.

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Guys, we can make a difference here, we can hire a private detective and track this scum down and bring them to justice, get the newspaper involved, facebook, andrew drummond, whoever, I will put up 5000 baht to start and go with the detective to find these people, they cant be too far away and their names and faces are recorded, if their wanted by law we would nt get into trouble for bringing them in, guys this really makes my blood boil and Im 100% serious, if we can get enough money together we can make this work and get justice for this little girl,

Wishful thinking?? Anyone else want to help me?


I agree with you....bringing these evil people to justice is so important, But what this little girl needs is money, for operations & psychological help....I'm glad the facebook page has already been set up-I just hope that public pressure & awareness will allow no where to hide for these evil people...

But guys, why dont we(on this site) collect money for her. A small amount from every member will help her so much...Lets show her there are good people in the World, that people to care and she that wont be forgotten.

Waffle- please PM me to see where we can go with this...Thanks

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From the Nation: 'Labour Protection and Welfare Department director-general Pakorn Amorncheewin said if convicted of using child labour, the couple would face a maximum fine of Bt200,000 and up to one year in jail. He said the couple could also be required to pay the girl for the work she had done for them over the past five years'.............

Kidnapping, trafficking, enslavement, torture, and forced labor and the judge lets them out on bail? These people need to be hunted down. Get those mugshots on facebook.

And up to one year in jail? This is torture of the most serious type.

Thailand is in desperate need of a judicial review

Can't.....The legal system is set up so it is a serious violation of Thai law to speak critically about any court decision. So much for free speech.......

Probable outcome of this case?? The couple goes on the lam for a few months. The story fades away to be replaced with new shocking stories. Quiet inquiries are made to the police, and the proper amount of money is paid to them. Move to a different house, and life goes on......Wait, except for the girl whose life was totally destroyed.....wai2.gif

I suspect the Thai police also wish this case would go away. With the judge granting bail to these monsters, and the police assisting in returning the girl back to the monsters when she first ran away,

the continued publicity surrounding this case must be a bit of a festering wound for them. To actually arrest the couple next week, and have all the facts of the case come out, will make it worse.

I am sure this will do wonders for Thailands trafficking reputation.

According to my wife, they bought her from a trader.

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From the Nation: 'Labour Protection and Welfare Department director-general Pakorn Amorncheewin said if convicted of using child labour, the couple would face a maximum fine of Bt200,000 and up to one year in jail. He said the couple could also be required to pay the girl for the work she had done for them over the past five years'.............

Kidnapping, trafficking, enslavement, torture, and forced labor and the judge lets them out on bail? These people need to be hunted down. Get those mugshots on facebook.

And up to one year in jail? This is torture of the most serious type.

Thailand is in desperate need of a judicial review

Can't.....The legal system is set up so it is a serious violation of Thai law to speak critically about any court decision. So much for free speech.......

Probable outcome of this case?? The couple goes on the lam for a few months. The story fades away to be replaced with new shocking stories. Quiet inquiries are made to the police, and the proper amount of money is paid to them. Move to a different house, and life goes on......Wait, except for the girl whose life was totally destroyed.....wai2.gif

I suspect the Thai police also wish this case would go away. With the judge granting bail to these monsters, and the police assisting in returning the girl back to the monsters when she first ran away,

the continued publicity surrounding this case must be a bit of a festering wound for them. To actually arrest the couple next week, and have all the facts of the case come out, will make it worse.

I am sure this will do wonders for Thailands trafficking reputation.

According to my wife, they bought her from a trader.

Of course she was bought from a trader, more than likely a high ranking "up-holder-of-the-law" wink.pngwink.png

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Thinking a bit further on this horrific story, I would suggest that the charges currently levelled at these 2 scumbags should be changed to attempted murder. Anyone with half a brain would realise that such action could well lead to the death of the girl.

Edited to add this link - just received. http://asiancorrespo...ustice-systems/

The Alleged Kidnappers and Abusers and Their Arrest


Mr. Nathee Taeng-orn, age 35, and Ms. Rattanakorn Piyavoratharm, age 33. Source: Thai Rath

Mr. Nathee Taeng-orn, age 35, and Ms. Rattanakorn Piyavoratharm, age 33 are the couple who allegedly kidnapped, enslaved and tortured “Air” for the past five years, since May 20, 2008, when the Karen girl was just seven years old. Mr. Nathee is an engineer in a factory and Ms. Rattanakorn an owner of a dog grooming shop. They are residents of Kamphaengphet and said to be related to some local “influential” persons.

Edited by Artisi
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Let me guess, the court granted bail because they were upstanding and valuable members of society, except from being rich and good royalists?

"..........and good royalists?"

You just couldn't resist that cheap shot.

Most Thais are royalists at heart, they love the King and from what I have heard are incredibly angry and disgusted with this incident.

. What has happened is a failure in the judicial and policing systems as well as a total lack of humanity on the people who have so far dealt with this poor child.

We can only hope that she is taken into the custody of people who will give her love, protection and attention to her scarred body and mind.

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From the Nation: 'Labour Protection and Welfare Department director-general Pakorn Amorncheewin said if convicted of using child labour, the couple would face a maximum fine of Bt200,000 and up to one year in jail. He said the couple could also be required to pay the girl for the work she had done for them over the past five years'.............

Kidnapping, trafficking, enslavement, torture, and forced labor and the judge lets them out on bail? These people need to be hunted down. Get those mugshots on facebook.

And up to one year in jail? This is torture of the most serious type.

Thailand is in desperate need of a judicial review

Can't.....The legal system is set up so it is a serious violation of Thai law to speak critically about any court decision. So much for free speech.......

Probable outcome of this case?? The couple goes on the lam for a few months. The story fades away to be replaced with new shocking stories. Quiet inquiries are made to the police, and the proper amount of money is paid to them. Move to a different house, and life goes on......Wait, except for the girl whose life was totally destroyed.....wai2.gif

I suspect the Thai police also wish this case would go away. With the judge granting bail to these monsters, and the police assisting in returning the girl back to the monsters when she first ran away,

the continued publicity surrounding this case must be a bit of a festering wound for them. To actually arrest the couple next week, and have all the facts of the case come out, will make it worse.

I am sure this will do wonders for Thailands trafficking reputation.

According to my wife, they bought her from a trader.

Thailand is more concerned about things like the NOK Air calendar, this sort of incident doesn't even register on thier worry meter
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This is cruelty at its worst, that poor young girl endured this for 5 years and still alive is a testament to her strength. Those filthy bastards that did this to her should at very least receive the same treatment. There should be such outrage from the Thai people that they should have bail revoked and sit in some shithole jail until the courts are good and ready to prosecute their worthless asses. I hope this story doesn't go away and that western media gets it and puts some big time pressure on Thailand to follow through on a proper prosecution of these two people. What they did to that little girl is not even civilized behavior. We can't still believe those pictures of the treatment they made her endure. We are sick to think that one so called human being could do this to another.

Yes, and pictures tell a thousand words!

Yet, so many have complained as the picture taking being unsuitable, abusive, and sexually deviant.

I wonder how those people think also... I perish the thought!


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I was reading about this awful story in Thairath yesterday.

Apparently she's ethnic Karen from Burma and the Thai couple were keeping her in a metal dog cage outside and regularly beating her and pouring boiling water over her for no apparent reason.

She had escaped once before, but the police captured her and for reasons best known to themselves, brought her straight back to the Thai couple.

Luckily now she's now being looked after in a children's home and the story's become too public for things to stay as they were.

The Thai police have filed several charges against the couple, however they're denying everything, saying her injuries were self-inflicted after she tripped over a pot of boiling water. They have bailed themselves out for 700,000 Baht.

...Mr Thonwat Sathit, the children's home manager in Kamphaeng Phet province where the girl is now staying said the girl was now in his care and that it was the worst case of abuse he'd he'd seen. The girl was very afraid due the fact that the abusers had 'influence' in the area so he'd written to the police to ask for them to patrol the premises at night. The girl's emotional state had improved significantly since her arrival . At first she was afraid of all the staff there, but this was beginning to abate. As for her various injuries, it would be necessary for the case to go to court before sending her to hospital...

Later on though it does say the girl has been sent for an examination to Kamphaeng Phet Hospital.

Seems an ass-backward way of doing things, she should be sent to the hospital first. I guess reading between the lines she will need extensive and lengthy surgery and maybe there are funding problems for this since she's not a Thai national.

The Thais posting up comments on the story on various news websites seem shocked and outraged too.

Hope she gets the care she needs.


Funding problem for Thailand?

First off seize all the assets of the couple that did this.

Secondly, if Thailand does not fund her competent medical/surgical care it will become a shame of the highest international magnitude for the image of Thailand. The saturday night live rosetta stone skit will be yearned for.

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Did I just understand that right?

They might be trialed for Labor Law violations?

What about the kidnapping?

The torture?

The cruelty?

All that other sh1t, that turned a CHILD into an abused, broken, hurt on soul and body, victim of those two animals?

Labor law violations?


Hey slow down, the guy was talking specifically about the labour violations of this case.

Yes there other aspects (crimes), and yes they should be punished, if guilty, on all aspects of the case.

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Did I just understand that right?

They might be trialed for Labor Law violations?

What about the kidnapping?

The torture?

The cruelty?

All that other sh1t, that turned a CHILD into an abused, broken, hurt on soul and body, victim of those two animals?

Labor law violations?


Hey slow down, the guy was talking specifically about the labour violations of this case.

Yes there other aspects (crimes), and yes they should be punished, if guilty, on all aspects of the case.

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I was reading about this awful story in Thairath yesterday.

Apparently she's ethnic Karen from Burma and the Thai couple were keeping her in a metal dog cage outside and regularly beating her and pouring boiling water over her for no apparent reason.

She had escaped once before, but the police captured her and for reasons best known to themselves, brought her straight back to the Thai couple.

Luckily now she's now being looked after in a children's home and the story's become too public for things to stay as they were.

The Thai police have filed several charges against the couple, however they're denying everything, saying her injuries were self-inflicted after she tripped over a pot of boiling water. They have bailed themselves out for 700,000 Baht.

...Mr Thonwat Sathit, the children's home manager in Kamphaeng Phet province where the girl is now staying said the girl was now in his care and that it was the worst case of abuse he'd he'd seen. The girl was very afraid due the fact that the abusers had 'influence' in the area so he'd written to the police to ask for them to patrol the premises at night. The girl's emotional state had improved significantly since her arrival . At first she was afraid of all the staff there, but this was beginning to abate. As for her various injuries, it would be necessary for the case to go to court before sending her to hospital...

Later on though it does say the girl has been sent for an examination to Kamphaeng Phet Hospital.

Seems an ass-backward way of doing things, she should be sent to the hospital first. I guess reading between the lines she will need extensive and lengthy surgery and maybe there are funding problems for this since she's not a Thai national.

The Thais posting up comments on the story on various news websites seem shocked and outraged too.

Hope she gets the care she needs.


Funding problem for Thailand?

First off seize all the assets of the couple that did this.

Secondly, if Thailand does not fund her competent medical/surgical care it will become a shame of the highest international magnitude for the image of Thailand. The saturday night live rosetta stone skit will be yearned for.

Reality is they can be charged with 20 different offences. Why the judge and prosecuters aren't as disgusted as we are is very very worrying.

Labor violations? Is that it?

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it boils down to some thai's attitude that other than thai are a sub species

Sure they are scum, is guilty, but slow down on the Thai bit, these atrocities happen, unfortunately, in every country in the world, but that doesn't of course lessen the crime.

Unfortunately you are correct scorecard. Every now and then something like this happens in the US and also in European countries. What is unbelievable to me is a judge gave these people bail.

In the UK the public would just love people like this to get bail so they get what they really deserve. Goes to show here they are safe to come out and get on with life with no reprisals from locals. Even in prison in the UK it would have to be in solitary for their own protection and I am sure same in other civilized parts of the world.

Always find it odd that there isn't more vigilantism here.

Must be jai yen yen

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I also find it pretty sad that they have so little concern for the girls current emotional state that they find it necessary to have more than five men (news? police?) gawking and taking photos. Clearly a little privacy and one police photographer could do it.

I agree a 12 yr old girl entering or in pubity forced to stand naked in front of a group of men. If they need to do this surely there were some women available to do the job. Totally wrong and just proves also what the BIB think of a young Karen girl or they do it for thier personal sexual pleasures

I can't say I agree with your last statement.

If photos hadn't have been taken then there would not be the sincerity of reaction shown here, because the real damage has been illustrated.

There is no sexual pleasure in a burned, disfigured body, and it's highly unlikely the poor girl has even started to develop, considering the stress her body has been put through.

OK... females could have taken the pics, but in this case I see little difference in obtaining evidence to be used for the prosecution - if it gets that far sad.png


Do you know alot of 12 year old girls who like standing naked in front of a group of men?

What does it matter if her body has developed? She is 12 years old, so she is well aware that she is standing naked in front of a group of men, no matter what her body looks like. You think perhaps just 1 female officer could have taken the photos needed and that perhaps they could have kept the photos in the evidence locker instead of in the press? And last but not least. What do you consider more important. The girls wellbeing, or the shock effect in the press? If the latter is important, perhaps they could have just taken a picture of her burned arm?

It's disgusting on so many levels (the conduct of the police and how the girl is treated like an animal). So that's that. Just because she's not Thai, she is treated like an animal. Thais in their true colours.

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To the Ajarn.... 2 posts up... as I can't post the blocks.


I can't disagree with you more.

If you HADN'T seen the pictures, you would not be responding the way you are now!

She was not treated like an animal, as you infer. She was photographed because of the horrifics of her injuries. She is said to be doing very well now - so she obviously has adapted well to new surroundings, and she obviously has a sense that people do care, even if the police are crapping themselves, and the judges - for that matter.

She is not being treated like an animal NOW, so reflect on what you derive as Thais in their true colours. The majority, and I say over 99.9% would never engage in such cruelty. This is a major one off, for the time being, and I certainly hope it is not dropped or forgotten, and is picked up by foreign media. However, I would be extremely careful, if I were you, of banding about the words, "Thais in their true colours" - as that is very far away from truth for the majority!

<< Thai language removed, post in English >>


Edited by metisdead
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Justice will not prevail. Come on this is Thailand and the couple is already out on bail after denying all charges and asking for bail. The child is a Karen native, no rights and they could care less. Check out the photo of how the reporters and Super Cops gawk and stare at her wounds. Looks more like customers at a carnival freak exhibition getting a free gaze. This young lady has been through enough humiliation and now they have to allow her to go through this and actually print the photo for the whole world to see. Where is the compassion and protection for such an abused and hurt young child?

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To the Ajarn.... 2 posts up... as I can't post the blocks.


I can't disagree with you more.

If you HADN'T seen the pictures, you would not be responding the way you are now!

She was not treated like an animal, as you infer. She was photographed because of the horrifics of her injuries. She is said to be doing very well now - so she obviously has adapted well to new surroundings, and she obviously has a sense that people do care, even if the police are crapping themselves, and the judges - for that matter.

She is not being treated like an animal NOW, so reflect on what you derive as Thais in their true colours. The majority, and I say over 99.9% would never engage in such cruelty. This is a major one off, for the time being, and I certainly hope it is not dropped or forgotten, and is picked up by foreign media. However, I would be extremely careful, if I were you, of banding about the words, "Thais in their true colours" - as that is very far away from truth for the majority!

Mai dai, mai dee... khun pasa Kam mai dee chon khun Thai!


Any NORMAL society would not treat any person in such a way as to have many men photograph a naked juvenile. I mean really, do you honestly think that is ok? Just because she has been abused so much that she now SEEMS ok with it? Get real.

I'm a hard thinking man, I don't like to get emotional but this story brought a tear to my eye, not only what she has gone through but how stupidly the police allowed the press to jump on it with the photos. In any enlivened society it would have been a lot more discrete with just a female taking a couple of shots of injuries then passing appropriate photos out.

Edited by onthedarkside
insult removed
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Tortured slave girl learns to smile again






KAMPHANG PHET: -- Sympathy and support is pouring in for a Karen girl who was allegedly kidnapped, enslaved, tortured and scarred over half of her body by a couple in Kamphaeng Phet.

Her alleged attackers, Natee Taeng-orn and Rattanakorn Piyaworatham, have denied any wrongdoing and been released on bail. According to neighbours, the couple has not been seen in their neighbourhood since February 7.

The young victim told police that for about five years she had to do housework without any pay and help Rattanakorn with bathing dogs at her shop. When the girl made a mistake, she was locked up in a cage and hot water was poured on her.

Since being released, the 12-year-old victim has appeared in front of many news cameras. Her scars have attracted overwhelming public sympathy. But officials have cautioned against showing her scantily clothed body to the public because that could constitute a violation of her human rights.

"Having her wear only underpants while photos and videos were being taken could cause pressure and traumatise her [further]," Sanphasit Koompraphant, a children's rights activist, said.

"Doing so is considered against norms for child victims and witnesses under the protection of the United Nations."

But by yesterday, officials at the Kamphaeng Phet Home for Children and Families said the girl had started to smile again.

"At first, she was depressed, shaken and quiet," an official said.

Deputy Kamphaeng Phet Governor Watcharin Thongsakul yesterday brought doctors to the girl. An initial examination showed more than half of her skin surface sustained damages. In some parts, the damage had reached bone level.

"We will provide treatment for her. If necessary, we will also refer her to a more specialised medical facility," Kamphaeng Phet Hospital's director Kamchai Rangsimanpaiboon said.

The Kamphaeng Phet Home for Children and Families said the Rotary Club of Bangkok's Klong Toei had offered to pay for the treatment too.

Kamchai also disclosed that several foundations had stepped forward to help the young girl.

"We will ensure that she gets protection and rehabilitation," he said.

He added that his provincial authority would also work on the prosecution of her attackers.

Kamchai said the suspects would face an additional charge of violating the 1998 Labour Protection Act. They have already been charged with assault and illegal detention.

Labour Protection and Welfare Department director-general Pakorn Amorncheewin said if convicted of using child labour, the couple would face a maximum fine of Bt200,000 and up to one year in jail. He said the couple could also be required to pay the girl for the work she had done for them over the past five years.


-- The Nation 2013-02-13"Having her wear only underpants while photos and videos were being taken could cause pressure and traumatise her [further]," Sanphasit Koompraphant, a children's rights activist, said.

Wow No Duh? Then why the hell was it done in the first place? Oh let me see, the child was not Thai but only a Karen. They probably put that up there in the same category of one of their local soi dogs. I can assure you that if this young girl was Thai you would not have had this public circus freak show publicity. Shameful and disgusting for a country to even allow this to happen and a slap in the face to let them out on bail. Adding insult to injury was the also the story of the worthless cops returning the girl back to the monster family after she escaped the first time.
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To the Ajarn.... 2 posts up... as I can't post the blocks.


I can't disagree with you more.

If you HADN'T seen the pictures, you would not be responding the way you are now!

She was not treated like an animal, as you infer. She was photographed because of the horrifics of her injuries. She is said to be doing very well now - so she obviously has adapted well to new surroundings, and she obviously has a sense that people do care, even if the police are crapping themselves, and the judges - for that matter.

She is not being treated like an animal NOW, so reflect on what you derive as Thais in their true colours. The majority, and I say over 99.9% would never engage in such cruelty. This is a major one off, for the time being, and I certainly hope it is not dropped or forgotten, and is picked up by foreign media. However, I would be extremely careful, if I were you, of banding about the words, "Thais in their true colours" - as that is very far away from truth for the majority!

Mai dai, mai dee... khun pasa Kam mai dee chon khun Thai!


While I don't disagree with you that the majority of Thai people would not do something like this, I believe it is the inherent societal greed and worship of money that leads those involved in the human slave trade to CHOOSE their path. Although regular Thais may personally feel enraged, their norms likely prevent them from public outcry, which in turn does little or nothing to curtail the same in the future nor bolster accountability.

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