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Patrons And Staff Of Phuket Bars, Nightclubs Subjected To Drug Tests


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What an ass backwards country! Yes if you are a regular smoker and come from an enlightened country like Canada you may still have THC in your urine even after a month. It deosn't mean you were smoking here in Thailand but try explaining that to these clowns.

It is simply not their business. Period. What a man does in him home should not concern them, unless what they are saying is that the country is becoming fascist. A breath test on the road is one thing, this is quite another. Just say NO!

Unless it's illegal, then it could concern them.

What's the difference then between a breath test on the road and a drug test in a bar? Why is one ok and the other not?

"Just say NO" and see where that gets you.

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

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Talk about invasion of privacy... bah.gif

Investigating whether someone has committed an offence is an invasion of privacy? That's weird logic. Unless, of course, you've committed an offence.

"If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear". Keep going, Nimrod. You're by far the funniest thing in this thread.

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

Alcohol is a drug also. It also kills more people than the popular illegal drugs.

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Why not spend police man hours doing some real work and get the suppliers.

Perhaps its too much work?

How does a cop tell his boss (drug baron) that he is under arrest? -sic-

What does "-sic-" mean?

To highlight an odd word, exactly as repetaed in the original text [sic]

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

i suspect that there have been many occasions when you did not know the difference.

in your case, ignorance is bliss

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

i suspect that there have been many occasions when you did not know the difference.

in your case, ignorance is bliss

The difference is quite easy to see, unless you are pissed yourself.
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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

Alcohol is a drug also. It also kills more people than the popular illegal drugs.

Alcohol is not illegal.
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I disagree with the Random testing in the street (as subjected in another thread). However, IF done correctly I have no objections to testing in a night club.

I think it's a good idea, but the 'IF' part comes in with applying the correct and fair methods.

i.e. some night clubs will inevitably pay the police to avoid the tests taking place at their establishment. Ultimately this will be used as an additional method by which to extort business owners.

What is originally a good plan, through corruption eventually manifests into something more negative than the initial goal.

The fact of the matter is that Thailand already has good laws and initiatives - However, it falls flat in its face in the execution and policing of these laws.

If the Policing and application of the Law was consistent these tests wouldn't be necessary in the first place.

Work on the Police and a lot of the other issues will automatically be taken care of.

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

i suspect that there have been many occasions when you did not know the difference.

in your case, ignorance is bliss

The difference is quite easy to see, unless you are pissed yourself.

The difference IS NOT always easy to see - if YOU can spot this, perhaps a job with any number of security forces beckons for your very unique skill set

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I note that the visits will not include the Paradise or bangla street venues.

I wonder why.........whistling.gif

I was in a bar in Bangla a little over a week or so ago and a group of uniformed (not police) men took the majority of the bar girls in the Soi for urine tests at the toilets at the end of the Soi. There was a long queue waiting to get tested, which made many an unsuspecting farang take a second look!

Eventually around 5 ladyboys were hauled off in a police pick up truck.

As a matter of fact, none of the girls I spoke to minded that it was happening.

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

i suspect that there have been many occasions when you did not know the difference.

in your case, ignorance is bliss

The difference is quite easy to see, unless you are pissed yourself.
The difference IS NOT always easy to see - if YOU can spot this, perhaps a job with any number of security forces beckons for your very unique skill set
Yes that was actually part of one my previous jobs. But it isn't a unique skill.

The really bad part is when people use the illegal drugs and also drink alchohol.

I am all for ridding the places of illegal drugs and if people MUST use them then stay at home until the effects are gone.

If you are ok hanging out with people on yah ba etc then that's a matter for you. But I don't.

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important. Alcohol is a drug also. It also kills more people than the popular illegal drugs.Alcohol is not illegal.

No, it's not. How does that make it less dangerous to you or the public at large?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Good on them. I'm happy to be in bar with people drinking. I'm not happy to be in a bar with people drinking and also under the influence of drugs.

Sod invastion of privacy, public safety is more important.

Alcohol is a drug also. It also kills more people than the popular illegal drugs.

Alcohol is not illegal.

Alcohol is taxed - the illegal drugs are not.

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The difference IS NOT always easy to see - if YOU can spot this, perhaps a job with any number of security forces beckons for your very unique skill set
Yes that was actually part of one my previous jobs. But it isn't a unique skill.

The really bad part is when people use the illegal drugs and also drink alchohol.

I am all for ridding the places of illegal drugs and if people MUST use them then stay at home until the effects are gone.

If you are ok hanging out with people on yah ba etc then that's a matter for you. But I don't.

As it's been already said, the marijuana can be detected for a long time even after the effects wear off. Same goes for other drugs... Many if not most of the users are no danger for the public, specially marijuana users, unless they're operating machinery (driving) but it's a different situation than being snatched off the beach or a bar, etc and locked up because your urine shows previous drug use.

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My son told me that the police are paid 100 Baht for every addict they are able to lock, but are paid nothing for locking the dealers!

I asked him WHY?... his reply was "They don't want to stop the dealers because then there will be no addicts and then no money for the police !!!"

This is an accurate statement because my son has friends in the police farce.

Shouldn't someone make an official complaint about this very very serious problem?

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My son told me that the police are paid 100 Baht for every addict they are able to lock, but are paid nothing for locking the dealers!

I asked him WHY?... his reply was "They don't want to stop the dealers because then there will be no addicts and then no money for the police !!!"

This is an accurate statement because my son has friends in the police farce.

Shouldn't someone make an official complaint about this very very serious problem?

Maybe you, or your son? whistling.gif

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My son told me that the police are paid 100 Baht for every addict they are able to lock, but are paid nothing for locking the dealers!

I asked him WHY?... his reply was "They don't want to stop the dealers because then there will be no addicts and then no money for the police !!!"

This is an accurate statement because my son has friends in the police farce.

Shouldn't someone make an official complaint about this very very serious problem?

Maybe you, or your son? whistling.gif

No I should have said "someone in higher authority make the complaint", because my son & I don't want to be shot in the head.

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And who your son is?

My son is 19yo, I am farang and his mother Thai (sadly deceased when he was 5) so he is Luk Krung. We are just ordinary people.

BTW why, does this matter?

It somewhat matters if your son claims cops are getting paid for locking up druggies and not the dealers... but if he's 19 y.o. ordinary teen than I'd say his saying is just street rumor...

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My son told me that the police are paid 100 Baht for every addict they are able to lock, but are paid nothing for locking the dealers!

I asked him WHY?... his reply was "They don't want to stop the dealers because then there will be no addicts and then no money for the police !!!"

This is an accurate statement because my son has friends in the police farce.

Shouldn't someone make an official complaint about this very very serious problem?

An official complaint is suggested. How very quaint. Do you think an official complaint would help? You are assuming they are paying attention to corruption, at the highest levels. I do not think that is the case.

The consensus is that the police are underpaid. And they are EXPECTED to make money in any way they see fit. Do you think there is even a 1% chance the division captains either do not know what is going on, or are not profiting from it? The only way to eliminate police corruption, would be to institute some of the following recommendations:

1. Begin to arrest, bring to trial, and convict officers found taking brides, soliciting bribes, and charging for their services. Sentence them to long prison terms, and force their families to pay heavy fines.

2. Raise the salaries of the policemen, so they are not forced, or compelled to take bribes in the first place. This requires a fundamental change in Thai society. The government has to be willing to increase their budgets dramatically, to accommodate the hundreds of billions of baht required to institute a top down change like this one.

3. Start realistic funding of the police departments. This will allow them to purchase up to date forensic, and crime lab equipment. I am told by informed sources, that Thailand is in the lowest 20% of undeveloped countries, when it comes to this standard of equipment. That would lead to #4.

4. Start to hire, and train crime scene investigators, detectives, and blood analysis experts. This requires a huge increase in the budget, and more than likely many of these experts will need to be trained overseas, as there is little in the way of expertise here currently. Very little. Shockingly little. One of the reasons why crime goes unsolved.

5. Train the government to care. For some reason, many of the ministers just do not give crime a high priority, and the fight against it continues in a very anemic fashion, unless you count the non-stop ramblings of Chalerm. Which most of us do not.

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The difference IS NOT always easy to see - if YOU can spot this, perhaps a job with any number of security forces beckons for your very unique skill set
Yes that was actually part of one my previous jobs. But it isn't a unique skill.

The really bad part is when people use the illegal drugs and also drink alchohol.

I am all for ridding the places of illegal drugs and if people MUST use them then stay at home until the effects are gone.

If you are ok hanging out with people on yah ba etc then that's a matter for you. But I don't.

As it's been already said, the marijuana can be detected for a long time even after the effects wear off. Same goes for other drugs... Many if not most of the users are no danger for the public, specially marijuana users, unless they're operating machinery (driving) but it's a different situation than being snatched off the beach or a bar, etc and locked up because your urine shows previous drug use.

an number of test have shown that marijuana is not particularly dangerous when it comes to driving, unless the user has ingested huge amounts. Huge amounts that would make it highly unlikely that they would even want to drive.

KIRO TV in Washington Sta did an amusing study on the issue:

Edited by candypants
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Hey what's next Thailand? barging into people's hotel rooms in the middle of the night for a surprise drug test.

They do that already since years in Bangkok. But they check Visas. Drugs will be next.

Knock,knock. Welcome to Thailand, the land of the Master Race. Passport, and urine test please, and don't forget to spend all your money before we prohibit your extensen of stay.

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The difference IS NOT always easy to see - if YOU can spot this, perhaps a job with any number of security forces beckons for your very unique skill set
Yes that was actually part of one my previous jobs. But it isn't a unique skill.

The really bad part is when people use the illegal drugs and also drink alchohol.

I am all for ridding the places of illegal drugs and if people MUST use them then stay at home until the effects are gone.

If you are ok hanging out with people on yah ba etc then that's a matter for you. But I don't.

As it's been already said, the marijuana can be detected for a long time even after the effects wear off. Same goes for other drugs... Many if not most of the users are no danger for the public, specially marijuana users, unless they're operating machinery (driving) but it's a different situation than being snatched off the beach or a bar, etc and locked up because your urine shows previous drug use.

an number of test have shown that marijuana is not particularly dangerous when it comes to driving, unless the user has ingested huge amounts. Huge amounts that would make it highly unlikely that they would even want to drive.

KIRO TV in Washington Sta did an amusing study on the issue:

I really don't think anyone regards Marijuana as a serious threat to society, (except it makes people super lazy) but when the police talk about drugs its usually the Yabba they and the community is worried about.

Yabba is the worst thing to hit Thailand, it make its addicts into instant gangsters, it changes the addicts attitude to others in a really bad way.

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Why not spend police man hours doing some real work and get the suppliers.

Perhaps its too much work?

How does a cop tell his boss (drug baron) that he is under arrest? -sic-

Simple answer. The suppliers are paying the cops to not arrest them. The Thai toy police like to go where the problem is not. Why arrest the suppliers? That causes the police captains to have to cut back on their villa construction, and their yacht purchases, which shrinks the local economy. Better to go after the tourists. Better for the tourists to just say no. Do the police have a legal right to administer a random blood test to a foreigner in a bar? I would say "eat me policeman. Eat me. Leave this bar right now. I am enjoying my beer. Get the hell out of here. Now. Before I report you to your superiors in Bangkok. You are not wanted in this bar. Get out!".

I do not think any tourist, or expat should ever have to be submitted to a random drug test. That is past ridiculous. Past inane. Just say no. Lock me up bitch. I will not take your test.

The police have the right to test you acoording to section 58/1 of the narcotics act.

If you don't comply you could get a prison senctence up to 6 months , a fine up to 10000 baht or both, section 92/1 of the narcotics act

If you are agressive to the policemen, you could get a bonus and get a free holiday for 1 to 10 years and a fine between 100000 and a million. section 93 of the narcotics act.


Be brave and don't take the test.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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