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KL refusing multi O (marriage) without 400,000 Baht.

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How does a married Foreigner live in Thailand without an income of at least 40k a month or 400/12 months.....???

The real issue is not the income or savings. It's what the Thai immigration deem as acceptable proof of income/savings. This changes depending upon their mood, and in some cases income and assets may not be acceptable in any event, if they are not either in one single Thai bank account or notarised by acceptable bureaucracies. For example for marriage extensions,

400k+ THB in Thai bank account - ACCEPTABLE

400k+ THB spread across several Thai bank accounts - NOT ACCEPTABLE

1M+ THB in Thai registerd Mutual Fund or Brokerage account - NOT ACCEPTABLE

40k+ / month income from Thai investments and tax receipts- NOT ACCEPTABLE

40k+ / month income from Rental in Thailand and tax receipts- NOT ACCEPTABLE

40k+ / month from employment in Thailand and tax receipts - ACCEPTABLE provided there are half a dozen supporting documents as well

40k+ / month from overseas sources - ACCEPTABLE with foreign embassy notarizing.

Edited by Time Traveller
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Not hard to do if you can live as a Thai. Most Thai's live on much much less than 40K a month.

Cheap house/room rental or perhaps live with family or already own a house.

It is a no frills life style but can easily be done.

I personally think the 40K baht income requirement for extensions based upon marriage is high.

A 20K baht number would be more near reality.

Edited by ubonjoe
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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

If it was 400 Million Baht I'm sure it would be a small amount of money to someone. However, for one who doesn't have the 400K and can't get it, it might as well be an infinite amount.

I have it figured about there as well. So that is about 19K on loss of income, plus the 1% loss on getting the money over, plus the visa and re-entry (or multiple visa). I bet you are looking at B2,500 per month when it is all said and done. Then you have the cost of the 90 day reports or visa runs.

And none of this mind you gets you any more than a promise of one year - 90 days at a go.

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How does a married Foreigner live in Thailand without an income of at least 40k a month or 400/12 months.....???

The real issue is not the income or savings. It's what the Thai immigration deem as acceptable proof of income/savings. This changes depending upon their mood, and in some cases income and assets may not be acceptable in any event, if they are not either in one single Thai bank account or notarised by acceptable bureaucracies.

Immigration rules for the amount of money does not change very often. It has not been changed for abut 10 years or more.

Assets are never accepted. It has to be 400K baht in a Thai bank in your name only for 2 months. This is proven by copy of bank book and letter from bank.

Income of 40K baht can only be proven by letter from your embassy unless you are working, have a work permit and can show at least 3 months of tax payments.

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How does a married Foreigner live in Thailand without an income of at least 40k a month or 400/12 months.....???

The real issue is not the income or savings. It's what the Thai immigration deem as acceptable proof of income/savings. This changes depending upon their mood, and in some cases income and assets may not be acceptable in any event, if they are not either in one single Thai bank account or notarised by acceptable bureaucracies.

It is VERY easy to live on 25, even 20K a month as a single or if the wife is working and contributing - and why would that not be? Especially if she wants a foreign passport, she has to have keep a work record. Plus it's an offset for any money that needs to go to her parents. Plus it gets her out of the apartment :-))

While there is little room for luxuries, it most certainly would include a monthly Andaman holiday, as well as a steak dinner and a few K to her parents. Dental and Medical checks as well.

Most people waste all sorts of money on ridiculous housing, western food, western pubs, wasting money on prostitutes so they feel wanted. Many have no clue how to live here in general or even save money. They did not get here from frugality, they arrived on the pension gravy train.

You can have a great diet, 3 solid meals and fruit for B150 a day. You can get a thoroughly livable flat in BKK for 7-8K. Ours is less than 5k.

Being married is a mixed bag, in fact I am certain it has cost me more than it has saved me on many levels. Still, I have a great wife and having a great wife you can't monetize out by comparing it to a tri monthly shag by the herpes ridden slut down at Soi Cowboy.

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

If it was 400 Million Baht I'm sure it would be a small amount of money to someone. However, for one who doesn't have the 400K and can't get it, it might as well be an infinite amount.

I have it figured about there as well. So that is about 19K on loss of income, plus the 1% loss on getting the money over, plus the visa and re-entry (or multiple visa). I bet you are looking at B2,500 per month when it is all said and done. Then you have the cost of the 90 day reports or visa runs.

And none of this mind you gets you any more than a promise of one year - 90 days at a go.

For the 40K baht income option to get an extension of stay you can keep your money at home if you can get an income document from your embassy that would allow you to show the equivalent of 480K baht in the bank or some other liquid assets. There is nothing that says it has to be actual income because you could withdraw the money every month if you wished to.

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An " illegal worker" is just that an " illegal worker" !

Ethnicity or skin colour and the country in which the illegal activity takes place has nothing to do with the argument

Would not seem to be the case. The only illegal workers from neighboring countries that have problems are the ones that get turned in or caught out in transit. No fine, no jail - and then they just try it all over again. Unlike westerners who are said to be fined, deported and blacklisted. I presume after taxes are paid.

You cannot see the difference in the types of employment? I mean I am all for rounding up foreigners that are taking Thai jobs, but think that is a scant few indeed.

Not arguing the legality, just the double standard. Not only that but not many Burmese are bringing in their own cash and hiring local Thai's as well?

Thailand has made working here so ridiculously stupid that it becomes "worth it" to ignore the rules and face the consequences. I mean the 1:4 worker rule, really...<deleted>. Why 4 and not 5 or ten or 1 or NONE. Why does Thailand get to dictate such a hugely integral part of a business model especially when it speaks right to the bottom line.

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

please share, where are you getting 5%?

TMB, "lock" your money +19 months and get 5.25%


Unfortunately many immigration offices won't approve a bank account where funds can not be withdrawn immediately on demand without any notice.

Some do, many don't accept such a bank account that requires a notice period to withdraw any funds,

And the funds that do require a notice before withdrawal are the ones that pay the higher interest rates.

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Why do the bucks-down brigade always try to fight the inevitable - Cambodia is the destination of last resort. Just do it.

You know, you never cease to amaze me.

Thread about being married to Thai National

MrWW solution: Move to Cambodia

Well just sign you off - totally clueless but with lots of money though!)

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In UK now and just applied for Multi Non-imm 'O' marriage and only required copies of marriage cert and id/passport of the missus, plus £125 plus £10 return postage. No mention of funds and there and back in 48hrs no probs.

Chances are i'll only need one entry as i'm going back to sort everything out and return home to UK for good....10 years more than enough for me, the best days are long gone i'm sad to say....

Hi Rickster,

Where in the UK did you apply for your Visa?

I recently applied and obtained my visa at the Thai embassy in London and in addition to the usual marriage certificate and my wife's ID docs, the embassy requested supporting financial documentation.

All my Thai Visas over the last 10 years have been applied through the Thai Consulate in Hull. They are very efficient and helpful in obtaining the right Visa.

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.


please share, where are you getting 5%?

TMB, "lock" your money +19 months and get 5.25%


Unfortunately many immigration offices won't approve a bank account where funds can not be withdrawn immediately on demand without any notice.

Some do, many don't accept such a bank account that requires a notice period to withdraw any funds,

And the funds that do require a notice before withdrawal are the ones that pay the higher interest rates.

Which is totally insane because you could close the account and get 100%of your money in under 30 minutes. Now, if they want to see another account with activity, ok no problem. It's like they have dumbed the requirements down so as to make them easily understood by the people with poor high school educations that process all the apps. Still they fail or use their own freeform intrepretations.

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Have there been reports of any immigration office refusing to accept an ordinary fixed account?

My understanding has been that they only deny accounts where the principal can vary or cannot be immediately accessed, e.g. mutual funds.

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

please share, where are you getting 5%?

TMB, "lock" your money +19 months and get 5.25%


Unfortunately many immigration offices won't approve a bank account where funds can not be withdrawn immediately on demand without any notice.

Some do, many don't accept such a bank account that requires a notice period to withdraw any funds,

And the funds that do require a notice before withdrawal are the ones that pay the higher interest rates.

This is because as stated before should you get into trouble or accused of something you did not do then you don't have the funds to pay off people that demand a get out of jail card. There are many walks of life living/visiting Thailand and the Thai Government deem it like most other countries you must have the funds to support an emergency, as insurances does not cover pay offs

Edited by britinthai
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You have an interesting viewpoint !

Countries are free to set their own "rules" ---------------

Ever tried to obtain a " Green Card" ---------I am sure it is just free for the asking to Thai People !

Well with around 1 million new immigrants each year, the evidence points to a green card being easier compared with Thai's immigration program.

No one expects these to be free, just provide evidence that you can support yourself should enough

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

please share, where are you getting 5%?

TMB, "lock" your money +19 months and get 5.25%


Unfortunately many immigration offices won't approve a bank account where funds can not be withdrawn immediately on demand without any notice.

Some do, many don't accept such a bank account that requires a notice period to withdraw any funds,

And the funds that do require a notice before withdrawal are the ones that pay the higher interest rates.

Those accounts can be withdrawn immediately on demand you just lose some of what would have been your higher interest rate.

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If one doesn't have 400,000 in a bank or 40,000 a month in income how do you support your wife and family

Simple ,my Thai wife has her own business and earns more than me .

To bad the removed the combined income option for extension of stay in police order 777/2551. (2008)

No concern of mine as i go to Savanaket ( Laos ) for a multiple O based on marriage where no money is asked for .I do have far more than B400,000 but its tied up in a second house in Thailand i rent out .

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You have an interesting viewpoint !

Countries are free to set their own "rules" ---------------

Ever tried to obtain a " Green Card" ---------I am sure it is just free for the asking to Thai People !

My wife holds a ten year visa which allows her to stay in the US six months at a go. Others might find it more difficult, but we found it a breeze— and we were not married, I do not hold a job in Thailand nor did I have anything more than fifty tourist visas behind me.

I think the IR will.be a breeze as would a green card as it comes automatically with the visa.

Countries are free to set their own rules. Im free to dislike them especially if they are arbitrary and capricious.

I have said many times Inwould be very happy to.accept the dame terms of visa as my wife has for states.

Which begs another question if the US does not require forced funds banking or even accident insurance why should Thailand?

I think everyone is forgetting we are not getting anytbing but the permisdion to stay on 90 days further with any non o or its extendion thereof. Its a glorified tourist visa. Nothing more, nothing.That is why everyone lived on TRs for so many years until we were all forced into o visas. No benefit, none.

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To have 400K in a Thai bank in todays terms of money is a small amount, and for those who want to live in Thailand by taking the typical interest of say 5% on 400K it is going to cost you about 1,600 Baht per month in loss of interest. You may get a little back from the Thai bank say 1% giving an overall cost to live in a fanatic country of 1,300 Baht. Obviously this is set aside in the difference in the cost of living between the western world. Therefore why the heck people moan I will never know.

Where on Earth can you get 5% interest on savings now ?! Typical ? Don't think so, unless you are thinking of some high-risk equity-based scheme...

If you are willing to lock up your funds for certain lengths of time, 5% is on the very low side. My 800K, I lock it up for 4 months and get 10%. There are lots of legal options here, if you look in the right places and shop around....

Edited by XINLOI
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You have an interesting viewpoint !

Countries are free to set their own "rules" ---------------

Ever tried to obtain a " Green Card" ---------I am sure it is just free for the asking to Thai People !

By "green card", if you mean US Permanent Residency, for the spouse of an American citizen, obtaining one is far easier than what foreigners married to Thai citizens go through anually just so they can live together here . I have an American friend who returned to the USA with his Thai wife after his employer returned him home. They waited around 5 months for the visa application to be approved. Now she has a two year residence visa, then they go back to prove they are still married at the end of that two years. Following that, she is granted permanent residency and no more trips to immigration - ever. I believe the rule after that is residing in the USA for another three years, and then you can have citizenship. (Do correct me here if I didn't get this exactly right).

Certainly sounds easier and also more reasonable and "humanitarian" than the Thai system for foreign spouses.

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What is it with money in this country?? I have a non imm. o visa issued in Australia that will expire in September 2013. Since coming here I have purchased my amphur registered married wife a business, a home and myself a car and motorbike. They love you coming here and spending the money but then try and make it impossible for you to stay. Som num na Farang. Typical Thai bureaucracy. Smile at your face like they love you then smash you every way possible when your not looking. Corruption personified. I say let us stay and support our wives for god sake or tell us openly what the rules are. If you marry and support your wife and as Thai's are, the rest of their families, stop biting the bloody hand that feeds you!!!

Edited by aussieexpat1068
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What is it with money in this country?? I have a non imm. o visa issued in Australia that will expire in September 2013. Since coming here I have purchased my amphur registered married wife a business, a home and myself a car and motorbike. They love you coming here and spending the money but then try and make it impossible for you to stay. Som num na Farang. Typical Thai bureaucracy. Smile at your face like they love you then smash you every way possible when your not looking. Corruption personified. I say let us stay and support our wives for god sake or tell us openly what the rules are. If you marry and support your wife and as Thai's are, the rest of their families, stop biting the bloody hand that feeds you!!!

Your post is exactly why I and many others on TV say to NEVER buy the wife a house, business, car, motorbike etc etc, unless you can afford to walk away from it all.

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This must be a joke, I opened a topic about this kind of visa one week ago, already paid for flights and hotel room... If someone has the 400k why they should bother going to KL when they can get the year extension without living the country?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Perhaps they are based there and getting a multi-entry is easier and more convenient than going through an extention of stay etc. here.

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If one doesn't have 400,000 in a bank or 40,000 a month in income how do you support your wife and family

It costs me 8,000 a month to support my Thai family.

Many Thai families live on 5,000 or less a month.

So approx 250bht a day ------I have heard of "cheap charlies" but this one boggles the mind !

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