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Secret no-fly list causes Bangkok holiday nightmare


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Why would he not answer questions without a lawyer present.

it is every one right not to do so

any thing you say CAN and WILL be held against ou in a court of law so better keep your mouth shut

Unfortunately, the rest of the world do not apply the Miranda warning. This warning is applied only within the USA. Are you aware that in at least 12 EU countries no such warning must be given? In Germany and France the police can interrogate without the accused having legal counsel present? There is no legal "right" . However, let's restrict this to Thailand. A visitor in Thailand has no right to counsel in circumstances such as this.

His no fly status could have been quickly resolved had he co-operated with the U.S. Embassy. He made the decision no to co-operate. The USA and any other country has the legal right to restrict its airspace and a commercial airline has the legal right to deny service.

I note that the person is into the UFC and Ultimate Fighting, It seems that is a common characteristic of the other folks that were making things go kaboom after they had similar meetings with radical clerics and groups. The fact that he claims to be a medical student means nothing. The terrorists who set off incendiary bombs at Glasgow Airport in 2007 were led by a physician. Osama's 2nd in command is a physician.

It is your right to answer any questions only in front of a judge and there it is your right to have a lawyer present and there is nothing the police can do to get around it. If you do so it is your own decision, but you do not have to.

And if you are questioned in Thailand by an US Justice Department official you should do the same like he did. As far as I know they have no legal rights here, they are foreigners here like you and me.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Most Muslims are not terrorists.

But most terrorists ARE Muslim!

I'm happy look like an Infidel.

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from his FB page ....

so DHS/TSA/US Embassy wont let me board my transit flight from bangkok to frankfurt, and the thai immigration wont let me leave the bangkok airport. I am like Tom Hanks in The Terminal. please pray that I get back home soon and safe.

that solves the question about him not leaving the terminal

What is apparent from this story is that the US no longer has any of its rendition "black sites" in Thailand. More's the pity.

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from his FB page ....

so DHS/TSA/US Embassy wont let me board my transit flight from bangkok to frankfurt, and the thai immigration wont let me leave the bangkok airport. I am like Tom Hanks in The Terminal. please pray that I get back home soon and safe.

that solves the question about him not leaving the terminal

He couldn't find a fire escape door? I suppose that problem may have been sorted.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Your absolutely right of course!

However, when I see this guy, and/or his native countrymen marching the streets in protest of muslim terrorists/jihadists, or whatever else they're called. Then I for one would have sympathy.

The fact is though, I've never seen any demonstrations by muslims against these people, have you?

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It is your right to answer any questions only in front of a judge and there it is your right to have a lawyer present and there is nothing the police can do to get around it. If you do so it is your own decision, but you do not have to.

And if you are questioned in Thailand by an US Justice Department official you should do the same like he did. As far as I know they have no legal rights here, they are foreigners here like you and me.

But the wait to see a judge can be a bitch. I've heard on your first anniversary they give you a cupcake with a candle.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Because in most cases actions (appearance) speak louder than words. This man, by presenting himself as a poster boy for religious extremism, is just asking for problems. Oh I know the rebuke this; but if a padre or monk flies, we can be reasonably certain they won't blow themselves up.

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from his FB page ....

so DHS/TSA/US Embassy wont let me board my transit flight from bangkok to frankfurt, and the thai immigration wont let me leave the bangkok airport. I am like Tom Hanks in The Terminal. please pray that I get back home soon and safe.

that solves the question about him not leaving the terminal

He couldn't find a fire escape door? I suppose that problem may have been sorted.

where's a German when you need one?smile.png

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Do Americans consider this person an American?

I'm not giving my opinion, but really asking

if Americans consider this person (who he is and what he looks like) an American?

This treatment might now cause him to be a more radical muslim.

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I wonder why he has the potential for the no-fly list?

Got me stumped ... rolleyes.gif


IS this his REAL pic?

If so, I guess would spook many.

spooks my 5 yr old. We were in a shopping centre yesterday in Chiangmai (airport plaza) and there were a couple of families, the men dressed like this guy and the women in the full black burka. My 5 yr old son has never grabbed hold of me so tight and was petrified. He doesn't listen to the news and we have never mentioned muslims to him but still scared out of his skin by their appearance. The hajab doesn't worry him at all.

My heavens - look at his eyes. This dude in on a mission. He's scary.

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I am not sure if it is a right in Thailand, but from my understanding, the Thais (if you are a foreigner) let you contact your embassy and arrange for legal representation. But if as the story says, he was questioned by a US Justice official, he is certainly within his rights to demand having legal representation before answering any questions. I know that I would request that at home or abroad (I'm an Australian) and I have nothing to hide (at least from the police :-)) but one never knows what they are looking for and it is not completely unknown for them to get it wrong occasionally.

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Why would a med student, taking a year off, visiting Pakistan and Indonesia, joining a "conservative" Islam mission, draw suspicion?

why would an American med student who's name clearly states that either he or his parents hail from India or Pakistan should not be allowed to fly to his ancestral country and visit perhaps relatives or meet a potential bride???

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My GF in America is on the list. I assume. She is stopped every time at an airport. The sweetest lady you ever met.

But , I feel safer knowing there is at least a list. And America does not have the problems like Thailand in the south.

Maybe the list needs to be implemented in Thailand.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Your absolutely right of course!

However, when I see this guy, and/or his native countrymen marching the streets in protest of muslim terrorists/jihadists, or whatever else they're called. Then I for one would have sympathy.

The fact is though, I've never seen any demonstrations by muslims against these people, have you?

I have. I'd like to see more and there's no question that the voice of moderate Islam needs to be louder and more prevalent, but there have been such demonstrations and commentary.

You either weren't paying close enough attention or, perhaps more likely, you have some predetermined judgments that interfere with your observation.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I wonder why he has the potential for the no-fly list?

Got me stumped ... rolleyes.gif


IS this his REAL pic?

If so, I guess would spook many.

spooks my 5 yr old. We were in a shopping centre yesterday in Chiangmai (airport plaza) and there were a couple of families, the men dressed like this guy and the women in the full black burka. My 5 yr old son has never grabbed hold of me so tight and was petrified. He doesn't listen to the news and we have never mentioned muslims to him but still scared out of his skin by their appearance. The hajab doesn't worry him at all.

Some 5yr olds are even scared of Mickey Mouse.

Edited by Scott
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There is surely a lesson here. If you look and dress like Bin Laden, fly to Pakistan and Indonesia meeting with fundamentalist Islam groups like Tablighi Jamaat, there is a very good chance your freedom to travel will be curtailed. If he looked and acted like the Californian med student he claims to be he would have passed through Bangkok without drama. His choice.

Its lucky I wasn't the guy in charge or he would be waterskiing or wakeboarding in Gitmo.

<deleted> you live on the same globe as i do , i am ashamed to be part of the human race

So leave the planet then. If that's all it takes to make you "ashamed of your humanity". Dumb. Anyway, it's the world we live in now. Might as well accept it - it ain't changin' back. Everyone wants the "safety" that airport security now entails. Well, this is just part of the big picture. Nowhere near the information needed here to make an informed assessment of what went on or what the justification for it might have been. Just enough to tease and make you wonder. Which is what the media is all about. And unless you're a spook, you're not going to see it, either. Which leaves us all with nothing but the storytelling to go on, which isn't much. Don't get so excited about things you actually know very little about.

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There is surely a lesson here. If you look and dress like Bin Laden, fly to Pakistan and Indonesia meeting with fundamentalist Islam groups like Tablighi Jamaat, there is a very good chance your freedom to travel will be curtailed. If he looked and acted like the Californian med student he claims to be he would have passed through Bangkok without drama. His choice.

Its lucky I wasn't the guy in charge or he would be waterskiing or wakeboarding in Gitmo.

<deleted> you live on the same globe as i do , i am ashamed to be part of the human race

jaidam- if that is how you really feel why are you in Thailand? You have the attitude and outlook the George W. Obama administration is looking for in candidates for Justice Department personnel.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Nah......someone who dresses and looks like a terrorist deserves suspicion before respect.

Terrorists don't consider you to be a person, so why would you say people are still people?

Suspicion before respect.

What do terrorists dress like? Did any of the hijackers on September 11 dress like him? (No.)

Your second sentence makes no sense. Complete nonsense. But do you always recommend people should take terrorists as role models?

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Whatever the reason he was put on a no-fly list it was much earlier than the day he checked in.

Appearance had zero to do with his problem, name came up in the computer and bang!

The sequence of events and motives after they refused his check in should be called into question:

Why hang around the airport if all you wanted was to go home?

Why not travel to the US embassy and inquire there?

Why refuse to answer questions without a lawyer if motivation was getting home?

Answer a publicity stunt pure and simple!

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This is a travesty of justice. If USA has any reason to suspect this guy:

1) He should not have been allowed to leave USA

2) Any possibility of terrorism could have been neutralized by USA requiring extra security scanning of individual and belongings.

People are too accepting of the infringement of civil liberties by USA since the 911 incident.

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I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

Well I and, I suspect many others would agree with 'jaidam'

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck there is every chance that it is a duck, AND remember that guys like the one pictured killed more than 3,000 innocent people.

As far as I am concerned he (and his mates) can walk.

Edited by johnlandy
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