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Bangkok: Stricter traffic laws from November 1


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its strange I still see many people who parked their cars in some restricted area ... those people who dont give a dam_n about traffic and stop their car just to go and be some soup or food..... Let see about this stricter traffic laws but I stop to believe in santa long ago .

There are more than ten streets in Bangkok. right now that is all they are doing. Give them time. Rome was not built in a day. [but it burned down in a day]

They really need a stricter driving test, far stricter. As it is it's just a licence to go out and do yourself and others harm, hence the accident rates.

Well, most accidents I saw from someone driving at 180 km/h or complete drunk.

It is not that someone didn't know the rules (which would be different kind of problem)

That is what I hope they mean about stricter enforcing of other traffic laws.

Part of me wants to say they are going to bear down on the people with out helmets and stay the same with the other traffic laws.

Let's just hope my sarcastic side is wrong. Further more let us hope it spreads to all of Thailand. That is my optimistic side.

Edited by hellodolly
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They really need a stricter driving test, far stricter. As it is it's just a licence to go out and do yourself and others harm, hence the accident rates.

When I took the test for both car and motorbike, I watched about 60% fail. I talked to several people who were there for their 3rd or 4th attempt.

When I took my motorbike test, only 7 out of 21 passed, including me.

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They really need a stricter driving test, far stricter. As it is it's just a licence to go out and do yourself and others harm, hence the accident rates.

Well, most accidents I saw from someone driving at 180 km/h or complete drunk.

It is not that someone didn't know the rules (which would be different kind of problem)

Lacking is the common courtesy..or common sense...pulling out from a car park, and attempting to cross 4 lanes to go in the opposite direction, holding up traffic. I can only honk & honk. But of course, you wish you could get out and thump them, as would be the case most anywhere else.

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I was at the driving centre near our place yesterday watching people passing the 'test' it's a scandal to call it that as all it tests are three simple moves, stopping at a white line (some failed) reversing in a line of markers, reversing in and out of a box of markers, seems you could take as long as you wanted on that one as it's regarded as hard. People driving around were clearly nowhere near ready to go out and drive in traffic but that's what happens. If you can't do all the test you can go back and retake the others, I think you have 3 months, if you still can't do it not to worry they will probably offer pass you anyway for around 1.000 baht. They have signs up saying with a Thai licence you can now drive in all the ASEAN countries, god help them!

Edited by sms747
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New news Stricter traffic laws And Thailand will still be 100 years behind the rest of the 3rd world government regimes regarding roads driving and safety, all they need now are new honest law abiding police capable to enforce the original laws as the law should be.

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When I was in the U.S. I followed traffic laws to a "T". No parking in restricted/handicap areas, no speeding, no violations what so ever. The reason behind this was that I knew that the laws would not only be enforced, but the penalties are far more painful than the benefits of ignoring the laws.

Here in Thailand...rolleyes.gif

and never think about using a handicap parking!!!

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When I was in the U.S. I followed traffic laws to a "T". No parking in restricted/handicap areas, no speeding, no violations what so ever. The reason behind this was that I knew that the laws would not only be enforced, but the penalties are far more painful than the benefits of ignoring the laws.

Here in Thailand...rolleyes.gif

and never think about using a handicap parking!!!

I sometimes drive my father's car when in the U.S. and he is handicapped and does have the proper stickers to use handicapped parking. Even so, I never park in a handicapped space because I'm not handicapped! While I would certainly be legal since the car has the proper tags, it still wouldn't be right as I could be taking a space that an actual handicapped person needs. I believe this is called empathy - the ability to think about and act according to the feelings and needs of others. Thai people seem to have a complete lack of capacity for empathy.

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They really need a stricter driving test, far stricter. As it is it's just a licence to go out and do yourself and others harm, hence the accident rates.

What Thailand needs in not a better test but make all first time drivers complete a drivers training course with a minimum of 40 hours of driving with a qualified instructor and then have to pass a strict test on driving laws with a eye exam and then pass a driving test on the road with a government vehicle official ( not a stupid little obstacle course that only looks to see if you can back up into a parking space ) Then have a hefty fine for law breakers, and actually make police do their job and ticket violators. 29,000 deaths a year on thailands highways and is # 6 in the world

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When I was in the U.S. I followed traffic laws to a "T". No parking in restricted/handicap areas, no speeding, no violations what so ever. The reason behind this was that I knew that the laws would not only be enforced, but the penalties are far more painful than the benefits of ignoring the laws.

Here in Thailand...rolleyes.gif

and never think about using a handicap parking!!!

I sometimes drive my father's car when in the U.S. and he is handicapped and does have the proper stickers to use handicapped parking. Even so, I never park in a handicapped space because I'm not handicapped! While I would certainly be legal since the car has the proper tags, it still wouldn't be right as I could be taking a space that an actual handicapped person needs. I believe this is called empathy - the ability to think about and act according to the feelings and needs of others. Thai people seem to have a complete lack of capacity for empathy.


Empathy....5 5 5

Living in the middle of nowwhere, I go regulary to BigC Lamphun for shopping. There are 2 handicapped spots. Always blocked by motorcycles or/and shopping carts.

That gives me a good excuse to park directly before KFC. Much more convenient.

When in Rome.....well

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O k I like the idea ,,,,,,but there are not enough parking spaces in any city in Thailand so <deleted> is the Gov going to do to get enough parking spaces so we can park legally so one CAN PARK some where in the city if we have to go into the city's?? sad.pngbah.gif

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This has nothing to do with stricter enforcement of traffic laws. They're talking about their new, innovative, revolutionary and totally unique (other less modern countries take note) approach to parking laws. Traffic will no doubt continue to be as lawless, thrilling and chaotic as ever.

I think you are correct marell; I can see it now "Tow Truck for Hire." lol Like a vehicle hit man. :-)

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its strange I still see many people who parked their cars in some restricted area ... those people who dont give a dam_n about traffic and stop their car just to go and be some soup or food..... Let see about this stricter traffic laws but I stop to believe in santa long ago .


Wot! Santa isn't real!!!! Bummer!!

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