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Issan girls good or bad


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95% of the girls in pattaya or phuket (prostitute) come from isaan.they have one objective. Get what their neighbor girl got from her stupid farang house car money. ..so many of u get scammed cause u buy the girl from the first day u meet her . remember any lady in thr world who doesn't use her money on u and let u spend on her and even worse make u spend more on her is a very bad girl running with u for ur money. I have been with 129 girl in thailand during 3 years never payed 1bht and I don't even buy them food.its the opposite they do pay for my expenses.some do it from their heart and some don't. Always look at the face and the way it act when it is related to money and then u will know if this girl is decent or not.but in general what do a farang expect when he is over 40y old and running after a young girl of 20y?? Of course she will never like u.she will always love ur money and like u for ur atm but never like u for who u are.they often have a gig thai or even a gig farang and even a thai husband waiting for the big scam day.watch out from these ladies and watch out from isaan girls cause there is one think in their mind. GETTING RICH FROM A STUPID UGLY FARANG.

I can think of an appropriate name for you and it's not complimentary! Boasting about your conquests over 3 years, and claiming to be a inveterate scrounger and con man, can hardly endear you to anyone. And from what you say it has to be taken that you have been or are "A STUPID UGLY FARANG". From your uninformed comments It also shows your propensity for mixing with 'bar girls' and the like as you seem to know a lot about their personalities.

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95% of the girls in pattaya or phuket (prostitute) come from isaan.they have one objective. Get what their neighbor girl got from her stupid farang house car money. ..so many of u get scammed cause u buy the girl from the first day u meet her . remember any lady in thr world who doesn't use her money on u and let u spend on her and even worse make u spend more on her is a very bad girl running with u for ur money. I have been with 129 girl in thailand during 3 years never payed 1bht and I don't even buy them food.its the opposite they do pay for my expenses.some do it from their heart and some don't. Always look at the face and the way it act when it is related to money and then u will know if this girl is decent or not.but in general what do a farang expect when he is over 40y old and running after a young girl of 20y?? Of course she will never like u.she will always love ur money and like u for ur atm but never like u for who u are.they often have a gig thai or even a gig farang and even a thai husband waiting for the big scam day.watch out from these ladies and watch out from isaan girls cause there is one think in their mind. GETTING RICH FROM A STUPID UGLY FARANG


I have been with 129 girl in thailand during 3 years never payed 1bht and I don't even buy them food.its the opposite they do pay for my expenses

r u the pimp cheap charlie or BSA, 129 ladies and not paid anything, yeah right ...I rather shag a good looking 20 yr old a give her 500 than have some worn out ugly 40 + have buy things for uclap2.gif

The guy is a loser. My approach before I married an Issan girl was always to find a girl with an education, spoke english well and had a good income. Buy them a gift and a little gift for mother. Works well. No bar girls etc. Naturally there where some educational romances LOL. My wife is a hard working woman with a great heart, has a good going business (I brought the money and she brought the talent, the American way of partnership) and works all the darn time, either at the pharmacy or at home. Normal women all over are looking for a man with some brains, looks and some money. Never seen one any place who was looking for an old and ugly fart with no money. With a good Issan woman a good man will have a good life.

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As someone who grew up in Australia and have returned to spend time with family in Kalasin, do you find an expectation that you should have a rich western BF/Husband?

If that were the case I wouldn't be living in Kalasin now. I'm happy with my life and what I have. I come from a good family who loves me dearly. If I'm ever in trouble or need help, I'll always have good family/friends to lean on. I'll never be homeless or go without food.

Money can't buy my love or respect, it has to be earned.

I've had many older guys in Thailand (who initially thought I was a local girl) approach me flashing their wallets trying to get my attention. In most cases age is generally not an issue, but when a 65 year old man thinks he can buy me I find it quite offensive.

So to answer your initial question - No. I don't have an expectation to want or need a rich man of any gender/race/colour.

Sorry, my bad, I should have been clearer with what I wrote.

I mean is there an expectation from the village locals and family about yourself?

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Isaan girls who've never been to the south are generally nice girls , but that is not to say there are no bad apples among them .

I am married to a beautiful , elegant woman 53yrs old , head teacher of a school , however I do sometimes feel I'm just a walking ATM .

There are plenty of Isaan girls in Pattaya , Bangkok and other resort regions ; but I would recommend not to become too involved with them .

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I think all the Maidens of Isaan are Paragons of Virtue, Golden Cherubs, All Virgins on their Wedding Night, and only speak when spoken too.

......how many of these threads is enough already?

Edited by GinBoy2
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Isaan girls are bad if the only Isaan girls they have met are bar girls in the tourist areas.

It's true that most bar girls are from Isaan Thailand.

But, those who know Isaan Thailand know that most Isaan girls are not bar girls!

Most people in Isaan ( not just the girls ) are good, honest, hard working people.

I am pleased to know many as friends and family.

Mos girls here are very shy and modest.

My beautiful Isaan wife had never even kissed a man when we first met, and she was in her mid thirties at the time.

She had a good job, owned several farms and a nice home.

She was not after my money.

After seeing that photo you posted of you and her ...... nobody could believe she was after anything but your money.

Get real dude, you one old and ugly xxxxxxxxxxer

What photo was that 52?

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I had a seven month relationship with an Isaan girl. She was hard working, clever, self motivated, generous, smart, and very affectionate. The primary reason we are not still together is, in her words, "Your plan not same same my plan". She was very head strong and determined to have her way. But I was not a walking ATM. We just had different ideas about where we each wanted to go. My opinion...same as anywhere else in the world. Some good, some not so much.

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I would say that you must be some genuine breed yourself, asking such a blatant question and making such derogatory assumptions. If it weren't for your 339 existing posts, I would simply regard to you as a troll.

In my 23 years here in LOS, I have seen many foreigners treating Thai girls like $#ite and vice versa. Thus, most likely the reason why some Thai girls treat foreigners bad is a result of what goes around, comes around.

Us white people need to stop believing that we all are some kind of a super race and that we have the right to question the behaviour, attitude and moral codes of what we call "people in 3rd world countries" or "people of color". I wish we would live in a world where everyone would simply respect one another and stop fighting. You, RandomSand, could make a difference by simply refraining from making racist presumptions in this forum. Thank you!

No. Thank you. Couldn't agree more.

Edited by huwgo
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Oh, they're all BAD, really AWFUL. Avoid them! Flee! Except for my wife, from Payakhapum Pisai, Maha Sarkham!

I am lucky I have got the best one ever to out of Maha Sarakham you must have got the second,they are beautiful
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Well, it works both ways.

The first time I went up to Loei to meet the family, my wife had to do a lot of talking to convince her mother that I was not just another farang who was going to hang out with a Thai girl, partake of the family's hospitality, make a bunch of promises, and disappear.

Mom was never standoffish with me, but she was a bit uncertain for a bit.

That was many years ago and I have 'favorite son' status there.

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All the wives in my little neighborhood are from Issan and all in good, long term relationships.

One is and occasional pain in the arse, but not for reasons of her origins.

The others plus my northern Mrs. are delightful, good mothers, respectful neighbors etc.

If only all the men were as nice here as the Issan ladies.

the majority I have met are not a problem,

Of course you can always find a dodgy bargirl... If that's the society you frequent.

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"My original post" at the start of this thread was copied from one of the earliest threads available in this forum (2003) here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1073-issan-girls-good-or-bad/

Thanks all who responded. It will be interesting to compare how perspectives might have changed over ten years.


Edited by RandomSand
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