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Two explosions rock Bangkok, Victory Monument and Rajvith Hospital


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From a member 20 minutes ago:

Thai news reports bomb attack at Victory Monument.

An unknown man was seen throwing two bombs in to crowds of people. The protesters tried to apprehend the assailant but were shot at it.

Source was Nation TV.

More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

why is it when someone throws a grenade he is a paid taksin terrorist, but when he blocks roads, storms police headquarters, threatens a legally elected PM "a peaceful protester?" WHO IS PAYING THESE PEOPLE TO SPEND NIGHTS ON THE STREET, EATING FREE FOOD, NOT WORKING YET SUPPORTING their families at home? who has the money to do this? No one dares to ask that question!

Unless you have spent time in rural Thailand you probably wouldn't understand

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

Do you have to spew bizarre conspiracy theories in every post you make?

Thing is it's probably true.

Who else would do such a horrendous thing ? wai.gif

Muslims from the south who want a separate state and what an opportunity to hit the heart of Bangkok amidst all this turmoil in the aim of creating a civil war which would suit there ends and serve as a means to help the country self destruct! My opinion only of course but good timing to get all parties blaming each other. Anything else?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Reading some of the tosh in this forum, it beggars belief that so many of you seem to know the inside workings of this country. It's actually pitiful how little factual information you lend to a discussion...just mindless gossip and hearsay which contributes nothing. Do try and keep up or at the very least, read a newspaper (try the commentaries...those are the wordy-articles which usually have no pictures to break it up - and hence a little daunting for some) - or watch the local news occasionally and then be a little more informed with the facts.
Here here....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There I agree with you. Suthep is a fascist. However those protesting genuinely feel that the PT govt is corrupt and their manner of govt brought untold harm to the country. They may be wrong in thinking that suthep has the answers but they want change and still have the democratic right to protest. They should not be attacked, injured and killed for exercising this right.

why are you uneducted (to Thai ways) Farlang always sprouting off about something you have no idea about

You have no idea about Thai life

You are all a bunch of hypocrits

You spend half your life in the bars telling every one you are here in Thailand as the west is no good to live

Then you spend the next part of your life trying to turn Thailand into the country you left

My Thai wife is out their in that protest with he girlfriends

and thy have all said many times Suthep is only a figure head for the protest, he has no intention and even if he did would never be at the head or any organisation to run Thailand

Get out of those PTP paid for bars and come into the real world

there and many far better educated MPs who do not want to get involved with the protest who will take the reigns when the time has come

you have lost the plot

It is Taskins corrupt rule that they want to get rid of

My wife and her friends are all Issan people and they want get rid of the Taskin mob, if Issan is to have a better future there are many people out in Issan who could create a fairer government for Thailand

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Do you mean a fact like Friday's grenade attack has been linked to a subordinate of ex Democrat Kowit Tharana?

... and the lie has taken root.

Congratulations to the pro-government shills.

Today's headline in another newspaper reads "Democrat aide sought over blast'. In the accompanying article Kowit is quoted as saying he accepts the truck driver being sought is his subordinate.

Are you accusing the other newspaper of being a government shill?

The only "link" to the grenade attack is that his pick-up was hit by the explosion and he was injured by it.

Newspaper reporter are meant to be unbiased

but it is funny how they never seem to ask the correct questions to government mps

Its is an old Thai culture

Stick you head in the sand and if you can not see it

It never happened

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Seems might be useful to ask who gains and who loses from such incidents. Seems the protests are running out of steam, so this sort of thing could "energize" the movement. Army and/or police might see as opportunity to grab more power. Police incompetence points somewhat at them, but incompetence seems to be standard procedure. The military could see as opp to grab more power (still wondering about the navy men with silencers at rally the other day. Security would not need silencers, so they are suspect). "I am at a loss as to why team rouge feel the need to attack hospitals" I agree, which would make it slightly less likely they would be behind this. But then again, I am applying logic to an illogical system. And it is not like any of the groups have some sort of cohesive command structure, so rogue, not necessarily rouge, elements could do this from any of the groups... I know! Blame it on the USA!

well the truth might just hurt when you hit it on the head

Who introduced the mighty American dollar to Thailand during the Vietnam war

and then the ull thai culture changed

Mean nothing in the real world, but then again neither did your posting

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Hey, you have to give credit to these red troll posters, all two or three of them. Every time something nasty happens they invent and register yet another TV avatar & are at it again, as if they are someone else. They are persistent, and can't be getting much sleep..

There is a beer bar somewhere where computers with internet are free to this forum, drinks are free and the girls are pre paid

all by the PTP party

Myself and 5 friend are try to find it while our wive are protestiing

Its not fair

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There are two types of Thaivisa posters.. Those who see Thailand for what it is, and those whose wife tells them how it is..

Okay you a dead correct

Finally some one with the nerve to tell the truth

so if your in the 1st group

Go back to your own country and put up with what you have

and those in the 2nd group

Do what your told, like I do, and have a good life

We left the West because we are sick of do gooder telling how it really is

when my wife return from the protest, I will have happy times for many night and the families will all be over telling me what a good farlang I am for letting my wife protest for her country.

at least you have a computer to keep you company

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I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There I agree with you. Suthep is a fascist. However those protesting genuinely feel that the PT govt is corrupt and their manner of govt brought untold harm to the country. They may be wrong in thinking that suthep has the answers but they want change and still have the democratic right to protest. They should not be attacked, injured and killed for exercising this right.

why are you uneducted (to Thai ways) Farlang always sprouting off about something you have no idea about

You have no idea about Thai life

You are all a bunch of hypocrits

You spend half your life in the bars telling every one you are here in Thailand as the west is no good to live

Then you spend the next part of your life trying to turn Thailand into the country you left

My Thai wife is out their in that protest with he girlfriends

and thy have all said many times Suthep is only a figure head for the protest, he has no intention and even if he did would never be at the head or any organisation to run Thailand

Get out of those PTP paid for bars and come into the real world

there and many far better educated MPs who do not want to get involved with the protest who will take the reigns when the time has come

you have lost the plot

It is Taskins corrupt rule that they want to get rid of

My wife and her friends are all Issan people and they want get rid of the Taskin mob, if Issan is to have a better future there are many people out in Issan who could create a fairer government for Thailand

I don't drink full stop. I recognise a fascist when I see one suthep is a fascist. I have always said those protesting have the right to do so. I have always held the belief the protests were fuelled by PT's corruption. I have always held the protests were about govts corruption not elections. I have no support for PT or their UDD thugs. I also think before I post. Pity you don't do the same.

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tezzainoz, you might be correct in what you write, but some westerners with verbal diarrhea on the internet ain't gong to be making a difference like your good woman is, so relax, and try not to let emotions get the better of yourself.

correct? far from it.

the fact is that nobody should be protesting under the current situation, it is not safe.

if people want to still protest for some misguided beliefs and a lunatic leader and put their lives at risk ? no thanks.

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Sums up the country when the streets are blocked,bombs and hand grenades going off in public places and the military stand by .In 2006 when there was no civil disorder they stage a coup,hmmm ,just if you want to understand Thai psychology. Crazy lot Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Hmmmm. Threatening to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attaching Thai charity with grenades, storming parliament, attaching NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, storming police hospital, storming TV station, bomb attacks on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroying CCTV cameras, dumping tyres on sky train tracks. You must live in Iraq to call that civil. And that happened all before a single bullet was fired. All of it. The restraint of the previous govt is admirable me thinks.

I pity the gullible. Though in this case it is not even gullibility. It is ignoring the facts and making up your own story.

No civil disorder! blink.png

Edited by djjamie
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2010 Riots were between the Red Shirts, the Military, and Assailants known only as Unknown Black Shirts or Third Hand peeople.

The Yellow Shirts did not confront the Red Shirts at all. The Yellow Shirts were no where to be seen and as a Public Group were not publicly involved in any of the Violene or Conflicts of 2010.

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I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There I agree with you. Suthep is a fascist. However those protesting genuinely feel that the PT govt is corrupt and their manner of govt brought untold harm to the country. They may be wrong in thinking that suthep has the answers but they want change and still have the democratic right to protest. They should not be attacked, injured and killed for exercising this right.

why are you uneducted (to Thai ways) Farlang always sprouting off about something you have no idea about

You have no idea about Thai life

You are all a bunch of hypocrits

You spend half your life in the bars telling every one you are here in Thailand as the west is no good to live

Then you spend the next part of your life trying to turn Thailand into the country you left

My Thai wife is out their in that protest with he girlfriends

and thy have all said many times Suthep is only a figure head for the protest, he has no intention and even if he did would never be at the head or any organisation to run Thailand

Get out of those PTP paid for bars and come into the real world

there and many far better educated MPs who do not want to get involved with the protest who will take the reigns when the time has come

you have lost the plot

It is Taskins corrupt rule that they want to get rid of

My wife and her friends are all Issan people and they want get rid of the Taskin mob, if Issan is to have a better future there are many people out in Issan who could create a fairer government for Thailand

You and your wife may hold these views, but you need to accept that you are not necessarily in the majority.

I'm pleased to see that some Bangkokians prefer peace and democracy, even if they may have no time for Thaksin.


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tezzainoz, you might be correct in what you write, but some westerners with verbal diarrhea on the internet ain't gong to be making a difference like your good woman is, so relax, and try not to let emotions get the better of yourself.

My dear friend, I am having a great time

with out the wife here the fridge does not keep needing refilled

Her friend are not popping over for a free food and drink every day

but I love her little sweet heart

and would not change if for the world

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I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There I agree with you. Suthep is a fascist. However those protesting genuinely feel that the PT govt is corrupt and their manner of govt brought untold harm to the country. They may be wrong in thinking that suthep has the answers but they want change and still have the democratic right to protest. They should not be attacked, injured and killed for exercising this right.

why are you uneducted (to Thai ways) Farlang always sprouting off about something you have no idea about

You have no idea about Thai life

You are all a bunch of hypocrits

You spend half your life in the bars telling every one you are here in Thailand as the west is no good to live

Then you spend the next part of your life trying to turn Thailand into the country you left

My Thai wife is out their in that protest with he girlfriends

and thy have all said many times Suthep is only a figure head for the protest, he has no intention and even if he did would never be at the head or any organisation to run Thailand

Get out of those PTP paid for bars and come into the real world

there and many far better educated MPs who do not want to get involved with the protest who will take the reigns when the time has come

you have lost the plot

It is Taskins corrupt rule that they want to get rid of

My wife and her friends are all Issan people and they want get rid of the Taskin mob, if Issan is to have a better future there are many people out in Issan who could create a fairer government for Thailand

I don't drink full stop. I recognise a fascist when I see one suthep is a fascist. I have always said those protesting have the right to do so. I have always held the belief the protests were fuelled by PT's corruption. I have always held the protests were about govts corruption not elections. I have no support for PT or their UDD thugs. I also think before I post. Pity you don't do the same.

Up until your last sentance I agreed with you

then suddenly it all went down hill

well 2 out of 3 aint bad (meatloaf)

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tezzainoz, you might be correct in what you write, but some westerners with verbal diarrhea on the internet ain't gong to be making a difference like your good woman is, so relax, and try not to let emotions get the better of yourself.

correct? far from it.

the fact is that nobody should be protesting under the current situation, it is not safe.

if people want to still protest for some misguided beliefs and a lunatic leader and put their lives at risk ? no thanks.

I totally agree with you

If you are not Thai

then stop whinging and go home

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I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There I agree with you. Suthep is a fascist. However those protesting genuinely feel that the PT govt is corrupt and their manner of govt brought untold harm to the country. They may be wrong in thinking that suthep has the answers but they want change and still have the democratic right to protest. They should not be attacked, injured and killed for exercising this right.

why are you uneducted (to Thai ways) Farlang always sprouting off about something you have no idea about

You have no idea about Thai life

You are all a bunch of hypocrits

You spend half your life in the bars telling every one you are here in Thailand as the west is no good to live

Then you spend the next part of your life trying to turn Thailand into the country you left

My Thai wife is out their in that protest with he girlfriends

and thy have all said many times Suthep is only a figure head for the protest, he has no intention and even if he did would never be at the head or any organisation to run Thailand

Get out of those PTP paid for bars and come into the real world

there and many far better educated MPs who do not want to get involved with the protest who will take the reigns when the time has come

you have lost the plot

It is Taskins corrupt rule that they want to get rid of

My wife and her friends are all Issan people and they want get rid of the Taskin mob, if Issan is to have a better future there are many people out in Issan who could create a fairer government for Thailand

You and your wife may hold these views, but you need to accept that you are not necessarily in the majority.

I'm pleased to see that some Bangkokians prefer peace and democracy, even if they may have no time for Thaksin.

The answer is easy

My wife is Thai

She is in her own country

I have opinions but no right of say

How you come to the conclusion she is not part of the majority must be based on the facts that last time PTP has been winning with corruption

Now me I have no say in what they do

so please tell us who has give you the right to tell Thai people what they must do

ever heard of the saying

if you can not stand the heat in the kitchen

Get Out

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Sums up the country when the streets are blocked,bombs and hand grenades going off in public places and the military stand by .In 2006 when there was no civil disorder they stage a coup,hmmm ,just if you want to understand Thai psychology. Crazy lot Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Which rather deflates the argument that they are bombing themselves to cause enough violence for the Army to stage a coup. If they wanted to stage a coup they'd roll out the tanks, no need for window dressing.

Or anyone thinks the militant Red Shirts would say "Oh, gee, you know there was quite a bit of turmoil that led to the coup, so it's OK, we won't fight back as we've been threatening to do since Thaskin got busted"

military force, Imo, should be used when there is disorder in the streets and the politicians cannot agree. In any " normal" state the military would take control without taking sides.Just think whats happening in Bangkok ,The army chief tells the police not to enforce the law and says there is no likelihood of a " coup" .In my view if restoring civil order is classified as a coup then it will be required in Bangkok before all hell breaks loose.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It is funny to see TV posters choosing sides, depending where their bar girls / chinese hisos are coming from.

When in reality this country is divided into violent muslims, violent red shirts and violent yellow shirts.

A few reasonable people here and there, but the majority is lacking common sense and lacking the will to settle disputes in a civilized way.

This statement is probably about as close to the truth as any I have seen on this issue thus far -

Not here.. gf is a political.. I am not. But then again i lived through (ok sounds more dramatic as it is but i was there) he burning of BKK saw the red violent thugs when i came to see if they were violent or not. That showed me what side is more violent.. as the current happenings illustrate (assuming its not false flag)

Agree...one mob throws bombs, the other has bombs thrown at it. They aren't the same, despite numerous attempts to paint them this way.

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2010 Riots were between the Red Shirts, the Military, and Assailants known only as Unknown Black Shirts or Third Hand peeople.

The Yellow Shirts did not confront the Red Shirts at all. The Yellow Shirts were no where to be seen and as a Public Group were not publicly involved in any of the Violene or Conflicts of 2010.

They didnt need to.. The military did the yellow shirts bidding with far better firepower.

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And that since being seen on the video, he has disappeared. Why would someone with nothing to hide do that?

He was not injured, you can see after the explosion they both return from behind a wall, pick something off the ground and walk away into the crowd, with no concern for any injured. Speculation is that they were picking up the grenade pin, so it could not be matched with the other attacks on Abhisit, the BKK Governer and all the attacks which are ongoing today.

Amazing coincidence he has disappeared. As UDD supporters were so often told, even when there was no evidence, if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck etc.........

You can tell he was not injured from that video? BS again. Picking up the grenade pin more BS, he throws a grenade from inside the pick-up and then goes looking for the pin somewhere else, please at least make up semi-believable BS.

Again, proof of him disappearing, the only thing I've seen is a report from today that the police want him for interrogation, not that he has disappeared, gone into hiding or anything like that.

And if its publicly known that the police want to see him for questioning, by not turning himself in, he has 'gone to ground'..

Thats the same as 'disappearing' !!

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With the increased security measures after yesterday's grenade attack it is very surprising that an armed assailant can wander into the area (very close to the stage) & throw a grenade, before escaping. Making anyone wonder?

No but does seem to be causing some to spew BS suthep did it conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence.

You only need to consider the intelligence being shown - the statement/s confirm the lack thereof so wasting your breath asking for evidence.

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As I watch the live protests on TNN I noticed these people are dragging their children into the midst of the protests.

Every parent who takes a child into this mayhem should be arrested and jailed on child endangerment. This is just another example of how thoughtless and uncaring these people are for those whom they inconvenience or endanger, including their own families.

This thoughtless act alone shows the true colors of these protesters.

Sent from my tin can via string

"into this mayhem"??

.... The protest out the front of my place has been more of a party than a protest. Certainly no "mayhem".

To date: 4 dead and 238 injured. Yeah, real party.

Keep your kids at home, you self-centered, thoughtless parents.

Sent from my tin can via string

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It is a crying shame, that relatively innocent protesters get hurt.

Having said that: who knows really, who is responsible?

It could be Red-shirts (why the Government would responsible for that...I wouldn't know, but...) it could be just some hooligans.

I think, these attacks are genuine.

I am not buying the crap of "organized" attacks on Abisith, Sukumband etc. when they are conveniently not at home.

Not one of them!

And the attack on Friday...well...things don't ad up, to have me convinced, it wasn't a staged act.

Sorry, but for me again, things are too convenient.

The last minute change of the march, the bunch of empty buildings, the fact that the grenade not even went of anywhere near Suthep, the conveniently stored guns (why the hell, would anyone direct attention to the storage like that?), the "red" cap, the fact, that the "weapons" are more likely toys, than real weapons.

I wish all victims of the attacks a speedy recovery and my condolences to the family of the dead.

Anyone who is involved in these act should hang their head in shame.

The bomb attacks were just designed to intimidate, not kill - in which case it isn't that big a deal where the target is as long as they know about the incident. You'd have to be very stupid assassin to try to kill someone by throwing a grenade into their driveway while they're in the house.

It is common knowledge that Abhisit spends a lot of time at another address and usually goes to the address that got bombed / blooded for the purpose of visiting his father, who is the main inhabitant of that address.

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