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Junta wants sweeping reforms before election

Lite Beer

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

A 47% or so majority voted for PTP. A recent Dusit poll said an over 75% majority support martial law.

The message seems clear to me!

They where not allowed to criticize or being against the martial law. So 75% is really a low number

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It is a Shame that the world leaders and embassy personnel do not understand what has been going on in Thailand under the PTT along with the UDD and WHY the Millitary Had to step in to Save the Country.... This is Not a General Suchinda type of Coup{1992} that he ordered his troops to kill protesters... Suchinda was a greedy power crazy General. This General Truly care about Thailand and All it's people.

Rubbish. it has got nothing to do with whether or not they care, but how the country gets itself away from a corrupt government, and tanks and guns are not the answer, can you imagine if they actually approved the use of a coup to get rid of a democratically elected government. Yes you will start bleating out that the whole result of the last election was down to vote buying, that is absolute rubbish and most people here know it. But its your only line of defense so keep on banging that drum, people who are silly enough will listen. People who know the truth know that elections are the only way forward and this is a huge step back in time for Thailand.

Voting is not the way to get rid of a corrupt government.. that is crazy as long as they bribe formers and others with popular policies that destroy the economy you cant get rid of them. Besides, that is not what is voting for that is what the courts and others are for.

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Well father in law and the guy who rents wifeys paddy have been waiting for their rice payments since October. Hopefully the Junta will be good for their word and pay the poor farmers within 20 days.

The problem I see is the country, does not have the money to pay them, if they "find" money then what else suffers.

The country has the money to pay the farmers, but the former government had no means to access it due to their mismanagement of the situation.

One can only hope the farmers will remember this.

The country had the money to pay the farmers. But the former government, despite its goodwill, was prevented to access the money ...

The farmers are not stupid and will remember that.


Edited by JohnnyJazz
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If you want to see who is considered to be the most corrupt of the Govt departments have a look at the following :

attachicon.gifcorruption index.jpg

This is compiled by the National Anti Corruption Commission and is 2012 vintage. Things may have changed for the Navy now with the Rohinga thing.

Look who is bottom on the list, that is the most corrupt.

That's right, the outfit that's supposed to be fighting corruption in the public service.

That's a transparency index. I would have expected the NACC to NOT be transparent, as they are involved in investigating corruption cases.

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If you want to see who is considered to be the most corrupt of the Govt departments have a look at the following :

attachicon.gifcorruption index.jpg

This is compiled by the National Anti Corruption Commission and is 2012 vintage. Things may have changed for the Navy now with the Rohinga thing.

Look who is bottom on the list, that is the most corrupt.

That's right, the outfit that's supposed to be fighting corruption in the public service.

That's a transparency index. I would have expected the NACC to NOT be transparent, as they are involved in investigating corruption cases.


Transparency about budget and how the budget is spent. Stuff like that it has nothing to do with the work they do.

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The latest international news is that the head of the Junta will be the next PM of Thailand.

Although some might think that's a good idea, I don't think Prayuth would consider it a promotion.

It's not about a promotion. Only about money
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I can't help but be reminded of the comments of after the 2006 coup when he was speaking at a college in the US. (paraphrasing) "The Bangkok elite were losing their power and wanted it back". to which he fully supported.

Who said that? I remember those exact words from 2006. Off-message maybe, but that in essence is what this is all about.

It's laughable to think that the army of all institutions, is the body to get rid of corruption!! They are a state within a state. They own banks, hotels, golf-courses and God knows what else, They will skim of their 'share', the same as PTP did. And after they've got their coffers loaded, they'll try to fiddle the constitution again to allow their mates the Dems back into power so that the Ammart can get a share of the goodies again, except that its hard to fiddle with democracy so much that the clear majority who support Thaksin can be silenced.

'Junta' is about the right word for them. They've turned Thailand into a banana republic.

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Whatever is needed to restore the country back to norm will never be accepted by the 1% of TVF because never a wrong done and everything is politically motivated they say.

This heading --topic-- is exactly what was said all along by our good thinking 99% of TVF. Go for it guys.

Maybe now you guys are beginning to realize the storm is brewing rather than having past and that the Thailand military have made matters infinitely worse, thus exceeding their massive cock up of a military mutiny coup d'état in 2006.

The 2006 coup was the single most divisive event in the history of Thailand, but that astounding blunder is in the process of being exceeded by this bunch in this time under present circumstances.

The night time curfew is on indefinitely - but you knew that, right? You knew what was coming, right? Tell me you knew. Please tell me you knew.


This post is ridiculous.

Quote- "you guys" you mean the 99% of TVF posters ??

You think the military have made it quote "infinitely worse"

Biggest cock up years ago was the reds occupying BKK. but you do not see it that way up to you.

You have no idea the curfew is indefinitely-- why speak like that. ?? Sorry your PTP has been decimated--it must hurt you so much.

I look forward to drastic reforms as always and super clean elections for all citizens. Reforms needed---elections needed.

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

Agree 100%

There doesn't exist one nice and happy country in the world that are run by a junta. That took power by a coup. Everywhere else the fight against it. Here a lot if people promote it. I bet they would love N Korea

I would agree if the junta was a permanent fixture as is in many countries BUT here they do their best to stabilize first then have elections.

Your post is OTT re Nth Korea etc. get real. Your PTP was more like Nth Korea than the Junta. Ha Ha a self destructing government, what a load of tripe they were.

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Prayuth has managed to take the wind out of the sails of many Pheu Thai and UDD supporters by placing the payment to the farmers as being the number one top priority. Apart from actually providing full and speedy relief to the farmers, it also undercuts the core of Thaksin's constituency. Having economists in charge of fiscal matters is refreshing. Having an agenda that will push reforms before an election is refreshing. And the fact that this now appears to be happening with considerable speed means that an election would more likely be sooner than later. There is no foot-dragging, that's for sure. This is - admittedly - an extreme solution. But the situation that preceded it was unprecedentedly extreme. And also violent. The violence has stopped, and the unrest on the streets has stopped. The international community shamed themselves with their relative lack of interest in the political affairs of Thailand before by turning - in some cases - a purposefully blind eye to the corruption that was rampant with Thaksin's influence over it. And the international community shames themselves yet again by refusing yet again to see what has been happening in this country in recent years that has brought it to this point. But - the path to much needed reform is being taken - and the country - amid all the bumps in the road - will be the far better for it in the long run.

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

Agree 100%

There doesn't exist one nice and happy country in the world that are run by a junta. That took power by a coup. Everywhere else the fight against it. Here a lot if people promote it. I bet they would love N Korea

At least it's more peaceful now but the most important thing is what comes out at the end. It's difficult to see at the moment as we don't know what the reforms are.

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We all KNOW embassy staff have a deluded, secluded and opportunistic view of the countries they live in. They get swopped every four years and don t give a damn. Shame on them! Shame for judging a coup that is supported by 75% of the people! Shame on judging when the system in place absolutely FAILED! Get out of your special moo baans for embassy staff. Get off your asses, out of your shiny air conditioned premises and see what was happening on the streets! Stop interferring with a natural process. Politics failed. The country in tatters. On the verge of a civil war. Weapons were on the way. You guys are so blind in your ivory towers. Get a life! We live here. This is our home. We live this country. We re not journey men. We re here to stay. And the strife and troubles have torn this beautiful place apart. The coup will HEAL. It will take some time, but it WILL!

Shame on you lot!

Great strategies, peace restored, laws will be changed, warring factions stopped, farmers paid, people who care and are knowledgable will be in charge, economists and the likes. Good job. Carry on!

What streets are you referring to?

I was out plenty times in

Korat..no problems or disruption there

Saraburi.. no problems or disruption there

Pak Thong Chai..no problems or disruption there

Khonkaen...no problems or disruption there

Pattaya... you guessed it. no problems either.

I could go on and on and on naming towns and cities where the street life was normal, and life was the same as it was two years ago, stop being such a drama queen, and realise that not everyone sees the coup as the be all and end all, and you wont be so jingoistic if the first thing on the Army's agenda was to boot out all the farang and take all their business's and homes off them would you? I know that you will say that that would never happen, how do you know then that a civil war was "on the verge" as you put it, you don't, so you don't have a clue what the Junta are thinking, they're all nice and sweet and smile now, that can turn in a heart beat.

The Iraqi's greeted their "liberators" with the same adulation, that soon turned to rat shit, due to the Military not knowing how to run a country without the co-operation of the Ba'athists who had just been banned, things can still go from flash to bang in Thailand without notice, all it takes is an action from the Military that doesn't sit well with the General population.

I've been there for the past 10 years, and seen the power hungry and greedy Authorities become more and more corrupt as time passed, the brown envelopes rule in this part of the world, corruption in Thailand will NEVER be eradicated.. EVER!!

The country is already in the grips of a civil war in the South, and has been for 10 years.

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Prayuth has managed to take the wind out of the sails of many Pheu Thai and UDD supporters by placing the payment to the farmers as being the number one top priority.

Not really.

It just shows the money to pay the farmer has always been here.

Who stopped the payment ?

The farmers are not stupid.

If you think things are so straight forward, why no free election ?


Edited by JohnnyJazz
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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

Agree 100%

There doesn't exist one nice and happy country in the world that are run by a junta. That took power by a coup. Everywhere else the fight against it. Here a lot if people promote it. I bet they would love N Korea

I would agree if the junta was a permanent fixture as is in many countries BUT here they do their best to stabilize first then have elections.

Your post is OTT re Nth Korea etc. get real. Your PTP was more like Nth Korea than the Junta. Ha Ha a self destructing government, what a load of tripe they were.

To be honest. The Junta is pretty much a premanent fixture in Thailand. They make a coup over and over again. If they have an election here the next year, and the Junta don't like the result in the Election. Everyone knows it's a new coup again..............

Edited by bangkoklasse
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Prayuth has managed to take the wind out of the sails of many Pheu Thai and UDD supporters by placing the payment to the farmers as being the number one top priority.

Not really.

It just shows the money to pay the farmer has always been here.

Who stopped the payment ?

The farmers are not stupid.

If you think things are so straight forward, why no free election ?


I've been saying this for a long time, the fact that the money has been so easy to allocate proves beyond a sadow of a doubt that the payments never were an issue for the government, and that it was being withheld to punish the farmers for supporting PT. Unfortunately PCAD supporters of the Scamper variety don't have much in the way of critical thinking so this never occurred to them.

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Whatever is needed to restore the country back to norm will never be accepted by the 1% of TVF because never a wrong done and everything is politically motivated they say.

This heading --topic-- is exactly what was said all along by our good thinking 99% of TVF. Go for it guys.

Maybe now you guys are beginning to realize the storm is brewing rather than having past and that the Thailand military have made matters infinitely worse, thus exceeding their massive cock up of a military mutiny coup d'état in 2006.

The 2006 coup was the single most divisive event in the history of Thailand, but that astounding blunder is in the process of being exceeded by this bunch in this time under present circumstances.

The night time curfew is on indefinitely - but you knew that, right? You knew what was coming, right? Tell me you knew. Please tell me you knew.


This post is ridiculous.

Quote- "you guys" you mean the 99% of TVF posters ??

You think the military have made it quote "infinitely worse"

Biggest cock up years ago was the reds occupying BKK. but you do not see it that way up to you.

You have no idea the curfew is indefinitely-- why speak like that. ?? Sorry your PTP has been decimated--it must hurt you so much.

I look forward to drastic reforms as always and super clean elections for all citizens. Reforms needed---elections needed.

Try explaining that to all the Farangs and Thais who own bars and other hospitality establishments in the tourist areas all over Thailand, if the curfew goes on for an indefinate period, they will all lose their business's and their investments, instead of business's in Bangkok suffering through the protracted protests.

I'm 100% sure if it was your business that was closed down, through the protests, you wouldn't be so thrilled about the PDRC then, the idea was a noble one, but NOBODY expected the Regime to have remained in place for so long, many business's in Bangkok suffered as a result of these protests

Now many business's all over Thailand will be losing a LOT more due to the actions of the Coup, I can't quite see all these proprietors being "thrilled" about the coup, can you?

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if thai army wants equality, maybe they should follow poll pot's idea ?

put all the rich hi-so's from bangkok at work on the farms ? take away all their wealth and redistribute to everybody ? (in that case, to themselves, the army, the new leaders of the country) ?

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

Agree 100%

There doesn't exist one nice and happy country in the world that are run by a junta. That took power by a coup. Everywhere else the fight against it. Here a lot if people promote it. I bet they would love N Korea

I would agree if the junta was a permanent fixture as is in many countries BUT here they do their best to stabilize first then have elections.

Your post is OTT re Nth Korea etc. get real. Your PTP was more like Nth Korea than the Junta. Ha Ha a self destructing government, what a load of tripe they were.

The Junta and the coups are a permanent fixture in Thailand. After a couple of years it's a new coup again. Like always
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The Junta say they want "sweeping reforms". All well and good and noble. But the one thing you can pretty much bet on- those "sweeping reforms" will NOT apply to the structure of the military, unless it's to further strengthen their power.

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

A 47% or so majority voted for PTP. A recent Dusit poll said an over 75% majority support martial law.

The message seems clear to me!

Polls are very easy to skew if you wish.

If its so totally obvious to the vast majority theres no problem in a referendum then is there ??

Or suddenly not so sure of your support..

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It seems incongruous that when a PM is selected, a Royal Decree is necessary before they officially take office. However, when a junta takes control no such mandate is necessary.


Funny that, seems that's the difference between a junta as you like to call it and a corrupt government clinging onto power at any costs - allowing the corrupt politicians to carry-on lining their pockets - at the cost of the people and businesses of Thailand.

So get over it - currently its past history, gone as well as not necessary.

Well one difference is a popular mandate of the people..

As clearly explained by constitutional scholars, lawyers, etc..

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Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

Truly bloody sickening!

Agree 100%

There doesn't exist one nice and happy country in the world that are run by a junta. That took power by a coup. Everywhere else the fight against it. Here a lot if people promote it. I bet they would love N Korea

I would agree if the junta was a permanent fixture as is in many countries BUT here they do their best to stabilize first then have elections.

Your post is OTT re Nth Korea etc. get real. Your PTP was more like Nth Korea than the Junta. Ha Ha a self destructing government, what a load of tripe they were.

To be honest. The Junta is pretty much a premanent fixture in Thailand. They make a coup over and over again. If they have an election here the next year, and the Junta don't like the result in the Election. Everyone knows it's a new coup again..............

Maybe another fact here---maybe the said elected government self destructed--I will always repeat this, it is true---we all know this. Their fault solely.

When you cheat mega style you have to go---problem PTP did not want that they wanted to carry on cheating---so as always it falls on the army.

Bleeding good job as well, without them just think of the outcome. complete street battles, every city. take you red blinkers off.

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