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Thai Cyclists


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Why do Thais cycle so slowly?

Something that has niggled at me over the years is the vast majority of Thais who ride bicycles on the streets seem to ride them at a speed just enough to prevent the bike from toppling over.

They also can't seem to keep the handlebars in one position, they shudder from left to right which is another symptom of riding too slow and makes the bike unstable and therefore dangerous.

I know most Thais are never really ever in a hurry but surely isn't a cycle meant to get you there much quicker than walking?

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I ride with a Thai cycling team - The OP is welcome join us and try and keep up.

There's a group of Thai cyclists with the occasional farang (Guesthouse?) that come past our place, they're certainly not hanging about.

That said, the village locals wobble along at a pace slower than I walk.

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If The OP is talking about the ordinary Thai going about his business on a bike, usually which is usually older than the rider then OK they are sort of slow but why would they need to be anything else?

The group of Thai men 60rs old plus that I occasionally have a ride with around the Mabrachan area are far from geriatric in their speed riding their up to date MTBs a couple made out of Carbon. certainly not slow coaches

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biggest time had was racing the old Produce Trucks...

... not for the ego trip per se

...but to get ahead of the choking diesel smoke

and the buses were even worse sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Edited by tifino
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Same reason they walk slowly - it's bloody hot and they don't like to be seen sweating.

Cyclist in Bangkok are a brave lot - suicidal even.

First when I came to Thailand I wondered....headed up the long stairs at high European speed.....up I was soaked wet.....

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I ride with a Thai cycling team - The OP is welcome join us and try and keep up.

I often saw:

Wonderful clothes

Good bicycle

and than normal pedals.....

and mostly way to hard gear.

But of course I also saw different one......

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I'm with Guest house and the others, I go cycling with Thais and I'd like to see the OP try to keep up.

But yes I know what he means. biggrin.png I think the problem is they have very little muscle, but they won't get any more muscle unless they go faster, but they have no intention to as like someone said they don't want to sweat and I can't blame them if you have to be in those clothes all day.

Yep going slow does help to increase wobble, but it's also those stupid handle bars and for some reason they want to sit back further than any sane person would.

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Cyclist around the world generally suck. They need to learn to stick to near the gutter.

But when you do A holes speed past you forcing you into the kerb, if that happens then the cyclist can hit the kerb and the floor and go under the car and then the said A hole will be up on a charge of dangerous driving.

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Cyclist around the world generally suck. They need to learn to stick to near the gutter.

Where all the broken glass and road detritus gathers? I guess you're saying that we should know our place. Do you drive a Fortuna?
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Cyclist around the world generally suck. They need to learn to stick to near the gutter.

Obviously you have never ridden a bike!

Join that other group of selfish and idiotic no brainers, The Thai motorcyclist who just love to pass us bike riders ,usually at high speed within a hairs breadth of our shoulders.

They like you have no real road sense, empathy or consideration.

What about the rough edges on the roads, the sand build up fatal on a thin wheeled bike or the pothole that an extra couple of foot away from the curb would allow us to avoid?

No my friend please think before you write as it may cause you not to appear as an unthinking selfish Fortuna driver direct from the villages of Issan with a brand new licence or even maybe no licence!

On the other hand you may be casting your nets or spinning for a fish, in any event I answered your post just to bring to mind another point of view that may be shared by other people (SIC) with the same selfish attitude.

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Cyclist around the world generally suck. They need to learn to stick to near the gutter.

Obviously you have never ridden a bike!

Join that other group of selfish and idiotic no brainers, The Thai motorcyclist who just love to pass us bike riders ,usually at high speed within a hairs breadth of our shoulders.

They like you have no real road sense, empathy or consideration.

What about the rough edges on the roads, the sand build up fatal on a thin wheeled bike or the pothole that an extra couple of foot away from the curb would allow us to avoid?

No my friend please think before you write as it may cause you not to appear as an unthinking selfish Fortuna driver direct from the villages of Issan with a brand new licence or even maybe no licence!

On the other hand you may be casting your nets or spinning for a fish, in any event I answered your post just to bring to mind another point of view that may be shared by other people (SIC) with the same selfish attitude.

Used to ride a lot but always made sure I was considerate of other road users.

Oh...didn't wear lycra pants either.

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a few reasons they ride their bikes slowly :

A) they sit much too low. Impossible to stretch the knees and turn the pedals correctly

B ) the pedals are bent or misformed

C) there's almost no air in the tires

D) both brakes don't work, and knowing this you better ride slowly

F) no endurance when going fast. Thais move for miles, or for hours, when moving slowly, but are just fit enough to cover 10 meters running

Edited by crazygreg44
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"Another why do Thais......" thread. coffee1.gif

Seriously OP, have you ever tried riding one of those old Chinese or whatever they are bikes in this heat and humidity? No Gears, screwed-up chain, lousy tires and weighing about 35 kilos? I'd like to see how fast you'd go.....

And anyway, what's the big deal? Motorbikes are too fast, bicycles too slow, trucks too big, cars to erratic, what else?

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a few reasons they ride their bikes slowly :

A) they sit much too low. Impossible to stretch the knees and turn the pedals correctly

B ) the pedals are bent or misformed

C) there's almost no air in the tires

D) both brakes don't work, and knowing this you better ride slowly

F) no endurance when going fast. Thais move for miles, or for hours, when moving slowly, but are just fit enough to cover 10 meters running

E) ride with their heels on the pedals

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"Another why do Thais......" thread. coffee1.gif

Seriously OP, have you ever tried riding one of those old Chinese or whatever they are bikes in this heat and humidity? No Gears, screwed-up chain, lousy tires and weighing about 35 kilos? I'd like to see how fast you'd go.....

And anyway, what's the big deal? Motorbikes are too fast, bicycles too slow, trucks too big, cars to erratic, what else?

How about :

Busses dangerous

Taxi drivers all crooks

Drivers :




No license

Hopeless drivers

Talking on their phones

Drive on the wrong side of the road

And the critics are all wonderful, courteous, experienced drivers who have not only driven in the Tour de France but the Iditarod as well.

Yes I know.

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