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Thailand Immigration confirms new overstay rules are now official

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I received a request for help from a fellow New Zealander. He says he is in overstay, and had to pay 20,000 overstay and 6000 bribe.

He says they took the 20,000 but he didn't have the bribe. He says he has a ticket , but tickets usually have precise dates .

The letter by email:

Hi Peter. Thanks for your consideration. I have written to the embassy [ New Zealand }but they havent replied yet. I tried to call but for some reason cant get through. So if you can call them and ask them what they can do I would be very gratefull. My number is 0857637814, if they can call me but would appreciate any information you can get out of them. This is the second attempt in two years to contact them but they dont want to know.
Yes I have a ticket to Chch and a job on Nauru Island waiting for me if I can get back. I had the overstay fee of 20000 baht but that has gone now. It was the unexpected 6000 baht bribe money I hadnt budgeted for. I do intend to teach in NZ again. I am highly qualified with a lot of experience these days, so getting a job in NZ and paying them back I dont think will be a problem. I havee many job offers here but without a work visa I am everyones dog. I have been teaching illegally at a country school in Buriram for pittance and teach sometimes the staff at the hospital. They can vouch for me I think if need be.
Once again thanks and as u can imagine I am anxious to hear back from you Sincerely Tony
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Does seem a bit harsh on those that get apprehended on the way to the airport with say 10 days of overstay and wont be allowed into Thailand for 5 years.

what about 1 day ?

1 day overstay = 5 years ban.

Nice, huh ?

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Try reading my last post again Moto77. I tried to make this post part of our thread of conversation, but Thaivisa said I had used too many quotes. Hope you see this post and that it answers your question.

If you only need to make one trip out of Thailand during the year, and if your Visa is single entry, then you only need to buy one re-entry permit. That's 1000 Baht. That's cheaper than a multiple re-entry permit, which is 4000 Baht at the airport. If you need to make 4 or more trips, though, then it's cheaper to buy the multiple re-entry permit for 4000 Baht.

The price of the multiple re-entry permit is only around 2000 Baht if you get it at Immigration at the same time you renew your retirement visa, but it's a different pricing structure at the airport. If you only need to make one trip outside Thailand during the year, it's cheaper to pay 1000 Baht for one re-entry permit at the airport. If you need to make more trips, it's cheaper to get a multiple re-entry permit at Immigration the same day you get your retirement visa renewed.

Hope that's clear.

"Single entry visa", BTW, means no trips outside Thailand. Your single entry was your entry into Thailand, whenever that was. If you want to leave and return again without getting a new visa, then you need to buy a re-entry permit. And you can do that either at Immigration when you are renewing your visa, or, if you don't do it then, you can do it at the airport, but the pricing is different.

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Correct. There is nothing like a 'multiple entry retirement visa'. Extensions are given for one year. If you need to reentry, you will have to apply for a single (1000 baht) or multi (3800) entry reentry permit. One hasa nothing to do with the other.

And you don't have to be over 50. You can actually apply in the year you become 50.

You guys that overstay will not like this !!

I did two Border Runs to Cambodia and one to Laos in 2004 when I first arrived.now having done that paying for the trips taking away three days from doing something else I decided it was time to go about this the right way. Got a Non-Immigrate O Visa, at the end of th a year obtained a Retirement Extension which I have done every year since. Not fun and cost 4,000THB every year.

So, I guess there are a few reasons for Overstay (1) Too cheap to pay your dues for living here. (2) Can not afford to pay the fees (3) Just love running to the Border every month or two.

For what ever reason you have stiffed Thailand for the fee and they are tired. Take whatever number you want, as to how many Farang live here multiply by 1,900 or 3,800THB and you see why they want to stop it.

Just to clarify, it's 1,900 Baht for a single entry one year retirement visa, and 3,800 Baht for a multi entry one year retirement visa. So unless you need a multi entry visa, it's only 1900 Baht/year if you're over 50.

Wait. I thought all "retirement" visas were single entry and then you had to get re-entry permits for multi?

Edited by sniffdog
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I had a 93 day overstay back in April. My passport was in Angola getting a work visa so had to wait for it to be returned. I take it this wont apply as it was before the new rules and I paid the fine in full at the airport? Any thoughts? Coming back to Thailand this week. Thanks.

This is why many countries issue second passports. Overstaying can easily be avoided that way.

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Are these new rules really targeting Farang from western countries so much?

How many European/American/Australian/etc. overstayers are there?

I thought maybe they are making these rules to target Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians, mostly.

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Are these new rules really targeting Farang from western countries so much?

How many European/American/Australian/etc. overstayers are there?

I thought maybe they are making these rules to target Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians, mostly.

Russians, Koreans, Vietnamese and Chinese, working illegally.

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I had a 93 day overstay back in April. My passport was in Angola getting a work visa so had to wait for it to be returned. I take it this wont apply as it was before the new rules and I paid the fine in full at the airport? Any thoughts? Coming back to Thailand this week. Thanks.

This is why many countries issue second passports. Overstaying can easily be avoided that way.

I have that now...thanks

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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no need for an overstay. follow the rules.

What a stupid comment, Sometimes it really can't be helped. My friend was an English teacher for 22 years and his wife got sick when he was due a trip to Penang to renew his visa. It turned out she had AIDS and died. They had a 20 year old son and when she died he found out that he was HIV + very sick too. He needed all his savings for hospital bills and became overstayed. One week led to another and he never could afford the 20,000 baht for a few years later. Now, he is totally healthy and legal.

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no need for an overstay. follow the rules.

What a stupid comment, Sometimes it really can't be helped. My friend was an English teacher for 22 years and his wife got sick when he was due a trip to Penang to renew his visa. It turned out she had AIDS and died. They had a 20 year old son and when she died he found out that he was HIV + very sick too. He needed all his savings for hospital bills and became overstayed. One week led to another and he never could afford the 20,000 baht for a few years later. Now, he is totally healthy and legal.

That's a very touching and sad story. A country's visa rules are one thing. But when westerners here make sweeping statements about who is 'legitimate' or not, they really don't know what they are addressing most of the time.

Edited by John1thru10
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Does seem a bit harsh on those that get apprehended on the way to the airport with say 10 days of overstay and wont be allowed into Thailand for 5 years.

Warning !

The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

what do you think it says then //

It says:

In the case that alien is being apprehended: Overstay less than 1 year = forbidden 5 years

... meaning that for 1 day overstay only you could *theoretically* be banned for 5 years if catched.

So robblok is right, even if common sense from Immigration very probably will lead to a not so strong penalty. smile.png

No, you and he are wrong. once again:

It says:

The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow:

Therefor, if you are not an alien who has violated the Immigration Act B.E.2522 by overstaying more then 90 days, whatever follows does simply not apply to you, as this warning is specifically for aliens who have violated the immigration act by overstaying more then 90 days.

It will all be clarified soon i imagine, but really it is clearly written at the top of the announcement who the announcement applies to.

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They are tuff new regulations , This could do more harm than good .

Harm to who some deadbeat

Here it is, as always.

If not a deadbeat then what are they after 3 months are more, I guess scofflaw sounds better

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Does that mean that if someone overstayed more than 90 days but less than a year and has already left the country (July 17th) wont be able to come back int the country? Its a bit confusing cause today my friend received his tourist visa and passeport, were suppose to go back on Friday.

Does the new law apply only to those who are still in the country and are getting caught or exiting the country from now on or to anyone that has already overstayed and cleared the fine?

Im a bit confdused

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The list of penalties is applicable only to overstayers of more then 90 days.

So it should have read overstay over 90 days - 1 year - forbidden 5 years.

Read again. The rules make a distinction between reporting yourself at the border or immirgaiton office and being found out as having an overstay during a check.

If you don't report yourself, it is a ban even if it is less than 90 days.

I have read it again, on the top, above the tables, it states ultra clearly that these penalties are for overstays of more then 90 days. this applies to every penalty listed underneath it.

Read it again and than read my reply again. The rules make a difference.

The announcement may very well be written incorrectly, but as written the rules very clearly only apply to overstays of more than 90 days

Warning !

The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

Overstay more than 90 days forbidden 1 year

Overstay more than 1 year forbidden 3 years

Overstay more than 3 years forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 5 years forbidden 10 years

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

Yes, there are different, harsher rules for overstayers who get caught (as opposed to those who presents themselves). But in the sentence;

"In the case that alien is being apprehended"

the words "that alien" clearly refer to the headline's:

"The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days..."

There really isn't any ambiguity in the text, and I am surprised so many read the text differently. The same point was discussed in the original topic about the change of overstay rules. I know that ThaiVisa has contacts with Immigration, and I think you could do all of us a great favour by contacting Immigration and clearing up this point.


Edited by Sophon
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I was on overstay around 1 year and I left from Thailand today via DMK. From Chachoengsao to DMK there wasn't checkpoints at all on the way. I was really thinking that I will face with a bad situation, angry officers talking bad to me but It wasn't like that at all. Instead of that, they all were smiling and asking me some questions about why overstayed and about my gf (who was waiting right out of the immigration office)

I went to the officer for show my passport and he took me to their office, another officers made paperworks and in the end I paid 22,000 THB (20,000 for overstay and 2,000 for not reporting myself to immigration office, I had several tourist visas) It all took around 20 minutes. If this new rules are really in effect right now I was too lucky it seems. Hope I would be too lucky like this again few days later when I will go back to Thailand with tourist visa.

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I just had my Mrs call Bangkok Immigration as I myself have a flight to Vientiene tonight and I'm on a 3 and a half month overstay. She said it is confirmed. It starts today and applies to all current overstayers and not people who start overstaying from today.

Please let us know tomorrow your departure from Thailand went.

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They are tuff new regulations , This could do more harm than good .

Harm to who some deadbeat

Here it is, as always.

If not a deadbeat then what are they after 3 months are more, I guess scofflaw sounds better

Why don't you answer that yourself by going up thread a bit and reading a commenter's story about a man who's wife and son had aids. Honestly, what do you benefit by calling people you have no knowledge of deadbeats?

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Thank God! Finally the rule of law in Thailand. I have been here 6 years and many years in other countries and never missed a filing for 90 day residency or renewal of my Retirement Visa and nobody else should be exempt as well. Every other country provides even stiffer penalties for overstays, like being Blacklisted. Play by the rules of law or suffer the penalties. We are a "guest" in Thailand so it is their rules and not ours. Don't like it, then move. Simple.

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I just had my Mrs call Bangkok Immigration as I myself have a flight to Vientiene tonight and I'm on a 3 and a half month overstay. She said it is confirmed. It starts today and applies to all current overstayers and not people who start overstaying from today.

Please let us know tomorrow your departure from Thailand went.

+1 and more importantly how you get on coming back.

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

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Every other country provides even stiffer penalties for overstays, like being Blacklisted.

Please don't write false statements to justify anger. US/UK, China are very strict. Other than that, most countries - paticularly throughout western and eastern Europe are very lenient about overstays. That would be the majority of developed countries, in other words - very rarely if ever fines, or blacklisting. You can feel how you want about that.

Edited by John1thru10
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Funny how people like to point out western countries blacklist over stayers too but never mention you CANNOT over stay a visa if you are married to a citizen in the west because you don't need one. You will be given residency.

Furthermore, if we are now into obeying laws, there is a little matter of international human rights law and not splitting up families. That would be a good law to start obeying.

I overstayed a year and half in France - I went to turn myself in, and they said they couldn't care less. No fines, no anything. I was brought to Paris as a guest of the mayor's office - even they didn't bother to get me the right visa to begin with, because they said it didn't matter.

I overstayed in Berlin (Schengen region) a year, and traveled all over Europe from there by airport the whole time. No fines, no anything.

I overstayed in Poland by 4 months, the officer said when I was leaving, 'What were you doing here all this time?' (4 months + 3 months automatic), and I explained I was working as an artist. Ok. No fines, no anything.

Thailand visa rules are what they are. We get it. But it's so tiresome to read that false meme here, that 'all other countries are stricter!'...it's just not true.

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