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How do you like being called "farang"


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Can someone explain what the 148 post is about I seem to have lost the plot.rolleyes.gif

Just ignore it, your bubble world will stay intact

I have found my peace in coming to live here, could you explain what you mean by my bubble world, I am just a person that Thai kids and Thai people call falang where I live and some by name.

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I have not read through the reply posts.But i like it just fine being called a "farang".

It's usually used just as a 'descriptive word".............of course it can also be used in an insulting way too,depends on the context of any conversation.

It's like in australia..............english people are often referred to as "poms".............often used in a descriptive way but can be used negatively.

To get on in life we have to be thick skinned and not worry too much what others think of us................who bloody cares,i dont!

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I have not read through the reply posts.But i like it just fine being called a "farang".

It's usually used just as a 'descriptive word".............of course it can also be used in an insulting way too,depends on the context of any conversation.

It's like in australia..............english people are often referred to as "poms".............often used in a descriptive way but can be used negatively.

To get on in life we have to be thick skinned and not worry too much what others think of us................who bloody cares,i dont!

Farangs is not bad. A septic tank is bad (poop holding tank). If the Thais called me a poop tank I'd be insulted but not a Farang. Think about eating dinner and the waitress asks your wife, "what will the shi* tank have to eat." Eeeeww yuk.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I have not read through the reply posts.But i like it just fine being called a "farang".

It's usually used just as a 'descriptive word".............of course it can also be used in an insulting way too,depends on the context of any conversation.

It's like in australia..............english people are often referred to as "poms".............often used in a descriptive way but can be used negatively.

To get on in life we have to be thick skinned and not worry too much what others think of us................who bloody cares,i dont!

Farangs is not bad. A septic tank is bad (poop holding tank). If the Thais called me a poop tank I'd be insulted but not a Farang. Think about eating dinner and the waitress asks your wife, "what will the shi* tank have to eat." Eeeeww yuk.

of course she might have meant farang but had a bad does of verbal diahreatongue.png

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Can't understand what all the fuss is about. Back in the 60's and 70's before all this politically correct shit got going, in Blighty we would regularly talk about 'coons', 'spades', 'shitskins' and a good deal of other names like 'Frogs' and 'Krauts' etc for our nearest European neighbours. Ok; so today it is seen as wrong and there will be plenty who will say it was 'Racist' and we were very bad, bad people. Well; after all is said and done we are still the same people but we are now a lot kinder in our naming of others. However; is this because we want to or because we have to ?

If you start telling Thai people they cannot call foreigner's 'Farang' because they are being 'racist' or being bad people, what do you think their reaction will be ? Somehow i have a feeling they will not react in the way we have and temper their speech. Indeed; you could get a seriously negative reaction.

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Can someone explain what the 148 post is about I seem to have lost the plot.rolleyes.gif

It's all pretty pointless, isn't it? Some people just want/need to be angry about something. It's like dogs barking at the moon. They're not going to change anything, but will insult an entire country of peoples just to get their meaningless points across.

I guess you would have told Rosa Parks to not get upset sitting on the back of a bus? Life's too short, eh?

Racism is racism and should not be tolerated

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They probably would not like us to call them slopes, either. Provided they would know what it means, which they probably won't .

On the other hand: the word "Farang' is not -necessarily- meant as an insult. My wife uses it all the time, simply meaning : europeans. Laotians, Fillipino's, Malay etc. are NOT farang, although they , ofcourse are foreign and therefore are people of a lower race.

Do remember: at the end of the day it is all about Thainess, a quality no foreigner could ever hope to achieve.

Farang means Caucasian- it is slang denoting a race and is no different from gringo , spic, eggplant slope, Charlie and dozens of other slang terms . I consider any Thais who use it in my presence to be ill mannered and ignorant hicks, just like any other person in any other nation who uses racist slang routinely. I consider foreigners who use it to refer to themselves be somewhat unintelligent.

Just imagine calling yourself a spic or gringo. I know black guys who call themelves n*gger- they are also a bit questionable.

Went into a restaurant today, got the comment from a couple of snickering waitresses, turned and walked out. Next timehappens I might seriously give them a dose of their own "chicken head" racism

It's the third person usage in my presence I find particularly rude.

Just imagine making a comment " Black Guy" when someone who's black walks into a place.

A nation of racist bigots who get away with it because they sell cheap sex.

I much prefer gringo over farang, has a nice ring to it.

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Khon tang chaat is the thai word for foreigner. If foreigners would be referred by that word it would make topics like this unnecessary at least.

Noooooo, they would complain about that too............sad.png

Not the same people though. All the white supremacists will complain that they are referred to by the thais on the same way as non whites. Edited by benalibina
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Farang is not polite, and never has been. Saying that Thais have been using it for years and mean no offence is a cop out. It doesn't bother me, but I will never respect locals that bandy the word around, especially when I am a customer in their shop. Thai know how to show respect, some just choose not to, and that show poor character.

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Farang is not polite, and never has been. Saying that Thais have been using it for years and mean no offence is a cop out. It doesn't bother me, but I will never respect locals that bandy the word around, especially when I am a customer in their shop. Thai know how to show respect, some just choose not to, and that show poor character.

Rubbish..............rolleyes.gif ..............coffee1.gif

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Can someone explain what the 148 post is about I seem to have lost the plot.rolleyes.gif

It's all pretty pointless, isn't it? Some people just want/need to be angry about something. It's like dogs barking at the moon. They're not going to change anything, but will insult an entire country of peoples just to get their meaningless points across.

I guess you would have told Rosa Parks to not get upset sitting on the back of a bus? Life's too short, eh?

Racism is racism and should not be tolerated

Who is Rosa Parks and what relevance does he have to Thailand?

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Farang is not polite, and never has been. Saying that Thais have been using it for years and mean no offence is a cop out. It doesn't bother me, but I will never respect locals that bandy the word around, especially when I am a customer in their shop. Thai know how to show respect, some just choose not to, and that show poor character.

You should let them know how well liked you are in the Thai Visa community and that farang is not acceptable, ttat should do the trick. Report back.

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Can someone explain what the 148 post is about I seem to have lost the plot.rolleyes.gif

It's all pretty pointless, isn't it? Some people just want/need to be angry about something. It's like dogs barking at the moon. They're not going to change anything, but will insult an entire country of peoples just to get their meaningless points across.

I guess you would have told Rosa Parks to not get upset sitting on the back of a bus? Life's too short, eh?

Racism is racism and should not be tolerated

Who is Rosa Parks and what relevance does he have to Thailand?

Google is a person's best friend. She...not...he.

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For a word to be used solely based on the colour of the person's skin in 2014 is wrong, of course all the Thai apologists will say there is nothing wrong with it though.

All caucasians are referred to as Farang despite their being a more polite description which is something about a person from a different flag.

I've sat in hospitals and government offices before listening to the Thai people being called by their name Khun Porawit, Khun Apichat, Khun Patree etc etc then when it is my turn I hear Khun Farang even though they have my name on the documents and it isn't hard to pronounce.

Most societies that used to use names for people based solely on skin colour such as Paki, Chink, <deleted> and the dreaded N word no longer consider it acceptable yet here in Thailand it is still accepted by the locals and even the people being called it. It doesn't matter that it usually isn't used negatively.

But after a fair few years here I know it won't change so just try and ignore it. So to answer the OP's question, I don't like it but don't react to it either.

Got your one way ticket booked for your flight back to your PC nanny state have you?

Thought not.

Were you able to converse with the lady in Thai and ask her why she referred to as Kh Farang, peronally I think the above is BS, I have never heard any farang being referred to as Kh Farang when a name is being called out.

I haven't either. They have always murdered my name instead.

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^ It's true, I'm sensitive to being subjected to racist bigotry .

For the uniformed asking about my prior statement, Rosa Parks was the catalyst for the US equal right movement. One day she refused to put up with racial bigotry and she changed a nation.

Edited by EBlair48
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^ It's true, I'm sensitive to being subjected to racist bigotry .

For the uniformed asking about my prior statement, Rosa Parks was the catalyst for the US equal right movement. One day she refused to put up with racial bigotry and she changed a nation.

Thais are only racist to people they don't like........................


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Khon tang chaat is the thai word for foreigner. If foreigners would be referred by that word it would make topics like this unnecessary at least.

Noooooo, they would complain about that too............sad.png

Not the same people though. All the white supremacists will complain that they are referred to by the thais on the same way as non whites.

They aren't,

Thais have a different name for every foreigner ethnicity.

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They probably would not like us to call them slopes, either. Provided they would know what it means, which they probably won't .

On the other hand: the word "Farang' is not -necessarily- meant as an insult. My wife uses it all the time, simply meaning : europeans. Laotians, Fillipino's, Malay etc. are NOT farang, although they , ofcourse are foreign and therefore are people of a lower race.

Do remember: at the end of the day it is all about Thainess, a quality no foreigner could ever hope to achieve.

Farang means Caucasian- it is slang denoting a race and is no different from gringo , spic, eggplant slope, Charlie and dozens of other slang terms . I consider any Thais who use it in my presence to be ill mannered and ignorant hicks, just like any other person in any other nation who uses racist slang routinely. I consider foreigners who use it to refer to themselves be somewhat unintelligent.

Just imagine calling yourself a spic or gringo. I know black guys who call themelves n*gger- they are also a bit questionable.

Went into a restaurant today, got the comment from a couple of snickering waitresses, turned and walked out. Next timehappens I might seriously give them a dose of their own "chicken head" racism

It's the third person usage in my presence I find particularly rude.

Just imagine making a comment " Black Guy" when someone who's black walks into a place.

A nation of racist bigots who get away with it because they sell cheap sex.

Sorry chum but you are a fool that should stay in your own country and accept your own stuff.

An unusual post from you here Transam, you're not usually an apologist.

If you weren't 'farang', I don't imagine for a minute your wife would have been given that non reporting fine.

Racism is inexcusable in civilized society, no matter what the relative skin colors are.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Can someone explain what the 148 post is about I seem to have lost the plot.rolleyes.gif

It's all pretty pointless, isn't it? Some people just want/need to be angry about something. It's like dogs barking at the moon. They're not going to change anything, but will insult an entire country of peoples just to get their meaningless points across.

I guess you would have told Rosa Parks to not get upset sitting on the back of a bus? Life's too short, eh?

Racism is racism and should not be tolerated

I'm a Farang and I get asked to sit in the front of the Song Tau all the time with the driver. I'm a Farang and I get into bars that Thai men can't go because I'm a Farang. I'm a Farang and I can buy a ticket anywhere on a first class bus.

You are uninformed about being a Farang in Thailand. I get paid more than Thai people for doing the same job and treated better than Thai people under numerous circumstances. I suggest you come and live in Thailand for a while.

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