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'Defrauded' Briton Found Dead In Chiang Mai Guesthouse

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About 3 months ago, a Swiss guy I knew got scammed out of everything by his gf. He committed self-immolation. Yep, poured petrol on himself and died a horrible death. I had to go and identify the body at the morgue in Udon Thani. A truly sad and horrific thing to have to do.There was no police investigation whatsoever. His Thai gf never even came back to bury him. She's still 'massaging' on one of the islands but now has a beautiful house and land bought for by this poor and decent man. There are some absolute, heartless bitches out there. Everyone be careful.

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Another sad tale..... I must admit my financial status cannot be compared to " Donald Trump " in fact quite the opposite but even if things became critical for myself i could never hit the drink ( as i don't drink ) as a last " back up plan " i would become a Monk. I enjoy all the Buddha things and the temples and my life at present can hardly be described as " Rock n' Roll but i am extremely happy living a simple life here in Thailand.( in fact i can be " Irritatingly Chirpy " .... )

Of course not all Thai ladies are the same but 95 percent of them are " caught up in this materialistic way of life " where they seem to think money is they key to happiness! It should be noted viewers that i have had in the past " luxury sports cars " ( as seen on Top Gear ) hilltop luxury pads over looking the Ocean and " a big enough wadge to choke a donkey " but it never made me any happier! When you live a simple life here in Thailand on an " all in budget of just 6000 baht a month " not only do you really appreciate the simple things in life but you start to realize that " The Best things in life are free " ( very true ) I am 50 years old and been single for most of my life and for now it will be staying that way................

Farang Jaideewai2.gif

Like! I am quite often grateful I suffered such a financial loss..... it brought me straight back to planet Earth, and to who I AM!

I ALSO prefer the simpler life... no need for expensive restaurants and big cars here... I used to drive the only Audi S4 in Thailand,,,, now I drive an old Jazz, and a simply inexpensive new Ford Fiesta - cheap cheap... brand new... Thais don't like Fiestas..... I like Rad Na and Pad Keemao... and sometimes go to Foodland for the odd farang food... that's pretty much it. One thing I always say to my wife is, "Before asking for an answer to a question, why don't you make an attempt to understand the question, before seeking an answer". She never asks the question again ... wink.png

I'm happier a simpleton, than the highflying exec once been......... no pressure.. no need for 18 hour days slogging my guts out.... dreaming the job... in fact, now I don't even dream! I will also turn 50 next year..... maybe life begins at 50 in Thailand smile.png

Greng Jai a Rai... M.

Golden advice. I'm a tropical, hammock sort of person, a simple country boy . . . I'd sooner not have the stress. But somehow the stress monster manages to find me.sad.png

Life can be very complicated these days.

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About 3 months ago, a Swiss guy I knew got scammed out of everything by his gf. He committed self-immolation. Yep, poured petrol on himself and died a horrible death. I had to go and identify the body at the morgue in Udon Thani. A truly sad and horrific thing to have to do.There was no police investigation whatsoever. His Thai gf never even came back to bury him. She's still 'massaging' on one of the islands but now has a beautiful house and land bought for by this poor and decent man. There are some absolute, heartless bitches out there. Everyone be careful.

Thanks Jim,

Would you mind please providing a link to this horrific event. There must have been some widespread coverage of such a tragic death.

TIA and RIP to the victim

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Another sad tale..... I must admit my financial status cannot be compared to " Donald Trump " in fact quite the opposite but even if things became critical for myself i could never hit the drink ( as i don't drink ) as a last " back up plan " i would become a Monk. I enjoy all the Buddha things and the temples and my life at present can hardly be described as " Rock n' Roll but i am extremely happy living a simple life here in Thailand.( in fact i can be " Irritatingly Chirpy " .... )

Of course not all Thai ladies are the same but 95 percent of them are " caught up in this materialistic way of life " where they seem to think money is they key to happiness! It should be noted viewers that i have had in the past " luxury sports cars " ( as seen on Top Gear ) hilltop luxury pads over looking the Ocean and " a big enough wadge to choke a donkey " but it never made me any happier! When you live a simple life here in Thailand on an " all in budget of just 6000 baht a month " not only do you really appreciate the simple things in life but you start to realize that " The Best things in life are free " ( very true ) I am 50 years old and been single for most of my life and for now it will be staying that way................

Farang Jaideewai2.gif

As easy it sounds but you really have to explain how you can live here with 6000THB per month? And probably there is a thai law or regulation which does not allow you as farang to spend so less money in this country :) I mean honestly I have some moments where I spend only 2-3k THB per week because I want to diet and try to eat less as possible but even then 2-3k THB per week, not to mention fixed costs like rental, utilities, insurance, internet, mobile phone....

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I knew a Swiss guy who was scammed by his gf. 3 months ago he committed self-immolation. Yep, pored petrol on himself and died in agony. I had to go and identify the body in the morgue in Udon Thani. That was a very hard thing to do. His Thai gf never even came back to bury him, she's still busy 'massaging' on the islands somewhere but now she has a beautiful house and land.Absolutely no investigation was done by the RTP. She's been back around her village with a new sucker. I hope it isn't any of you guys. What a heartless bitch she is.

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It happens to foreigners every single day in Thailand and will continue forever until the foreigners grow a brain and get some good old common sense. Alcoholism with foreigners in Thailand is very likely the worst in the world.

Why would some guy give 300,000 dollars to a hooker? Blows my mind.

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Sorry the above post is a repeat of my post 157. To 'blades of grass'.The event wasn't even reported anywhere and sadly, although the gf family said they would take care of his burial, it certainly didn't happen in the village. I suspect his body was never claimed and he was buried like a pauper. Very sad.

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It happens to foreigners every single day in Thailand and will continue forever until the foreigners grow a brain and get some good old common sense. Alcoholism with foreigners in Thailand is very likely the worst in the world.

Why would some guy give 300,000 dollars to a hooker? Blows my mind.

I believe that statement is a little unfair. There are a large majority of foreigners who are very much in control of their lives here..... yet, that depends upon what you are here for, and what you want, does it not?

To associate the deceased in the OP as being alcoholic, I think you're on dangerous, unsubstantiated ground. He may have given up the will to live purely through desperation and a broken heart.....shh.. it happens. That's generally why people take their own lives - unable to face their own mistakes and embarassment - no matter how wise they may be intellectually. To talk about growing a brain... and good old common sense......... do you really think having such, if previously grown, applies to living here? If you do, well I'm sorry.... such logic does not apply - such logic does not apply here, and that is seen often... and, also, culture shock, more than anything, for those new to Thailand, can really jolt the brain and last for quite some years - especially after having believed one was truly loved.

I believe you are wrong to assert anything to do with alcoholism to the deceased in the OP - I, personally, would like to suggest he went into a great personal depression, couldn't choose to fins a way out, and imploded... mentally... finding all he had left... a few strong drinks and a way out.

Please remember.. if he is an Oxon graduate... his family are likely to read this. A bit of compassion, and non-assumption, would not go amiss. wai.gif

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Another dead foreigner found dead in a hotel room from alcoholism that got involved with a bar girl (hooker). Not the first and will not be the last. Hundreds if not thousands of articles have been written and yet foreigners continue making the same mistakes over and over and over again. Not a day goes by where i don,t see one getting his bank account emptied . Ever notice when two foreigners get together to chat for the first time and one speaks Thai. Notice how suddenly the bar girl drags off her boyfriend (victim) to get away from the smart foreigner that understands what is going on around him. Afraid he might warn the walking ATM to run for his life. But do not worry he has his alcohol to fix all his problems. Sadly this is just another very common story. Will you or one of your drinking buddies be the next ? Put the bottle down for just a moment and think about it.

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You've got to give it to these bar girls. They can run rings around even educated farangs. Obviously Western education isn't much use out in the real world.

Running an elephant breeding center. Come on, how could anyone fall for that one?

The same way as a Bank fell for a Nigerian Scam to build an airport and handed out $39 million on the fictitious project. You want to know one of the biggest scams? Buying Lottery Tickets anywhere in the World. There are literally trillions of people buying these tickets and their chances of winning are .000000000000001 of winning, so work that one out!w00t.gif

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I knew a Swiss guy who was scammed by his gf. 3 months ago he committed self-immolation. Yep, pored petrol on himself and died in agony. I had to go and identify the body in the morgue in Udon Thani. That was a very hard thing to do. His Thai gf never even came back to bury him, she's still busy 'massaging' on the islands somewhere but now she has a beautiful house and land.Absolutely no investigation was done by the RTP. She's been back around her village with a new sucker. I hope it isn't any of you guys. What a heartless bitch she is.

Thanks Jim,

Would you mind please providing a link to this horrific event. There must have been some widespread coverage of such a tragic death.

TIA and RIP to the victim

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Another insensitive post and a reply (which was absolutely right) have been removed.

If any normally well adjusted folks here see insensitive posts on this subject, please hit the report button. We'll deal with them straight away.

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Shows what a good British education gives you. Hell I fought in Vietnam had a hard life after getting spit in my face first day home. Yeah first year drank like a fish But woke up one morning spitting up blood since that day never touched another drop. So if this is what quality education gets you no thanks. RIP it wasn't worth drinking yourself to death.

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BANGKOK — A British man who reportedly lost 10 million baht in a fraud scheme was found dead in his guesthouse room in Chiang Mai province today.

The description of the particular guesthouse involved indicates just how far the deceased had dropped in financial resources.sad.png

Rooms range in price from 100 Baht (cold water bathroom outside) to 400 baht with hot water, bathroom, and TV.


So what? The man has died, does it matter how much his accommodation cost?

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^ ^ Not saying that what happened to this man wasn't terrible or tragic.

Just wished to comment on the inaccurate broad and sweeping statements that were inserted into the discussion.

Not wanting to detract any further from the core discussion, I will end here with, suffice to say, psychopathology is absolutely not nationality based.

"Not wanting to detract any further from the core discussion, I will end here.."

Thank god for that.

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what is truly frightening is,

the Thai police apparently know who the female swindler is,

but she wasn't paraded on TV with a re-enactment,

she wasn't arrested

she wasn't even named

what is that exactly?

he is dead, so there is no crime?

did he report the crime?

No crime was committed because no crime was reported. Money was asked for and a person was convinced or persuaded to hand it over willingly. There is probably no documentation to state otherwise.

The police, on the other hand, make this even more sterile because we all know how determined they get when the demand for genuine detective work comes to the forefront: this, aside from their known incompetence, corruption, graft, malfeasance, and so on and so on, ad nausea.

Yet even justice - in its magnificence - has its limitations, when those whom it would protect, ignorantly and/or stupidly bolt out from under its wings and run right into the waiting maws of danger.

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They really don't want to say that suicide word again, do they.

So many dying, with strange circumstances. I think 3 or 4 just in these 2 weeks.

Nothing strange about this one.

Just another guy who drank too much.

Got swindled by a Thai bargirl with a 6th grade education.

Finally drank himself to death.

Alcohol is an equal opportunity killer--it kills Oxford grads just as easy as it does guys born into abject poverty.

Tough break--was likely the sort who thought he was spending his fortune helping one of the worlds endangered animals.


Add one more point to this above:

Thai Bar Girl's 'Pea Chai" read boyfriend and her went to Pattaya for a vacation, Thai bar girl found dead in 'drowning incident' boyfriend took off with the money. TIT

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Quite a lot of foreigners don't know who is and who isn't a hooker.

Look at the posters on this forum with the half-chinese, educated business women as partners.

Sad story, but not every relationship ends well.

(Should that be 'hardly any' in place of 'not every')

90% are for sale, and Im not kidding

Just goes to show that in addition to your willingness to slur and denigrate 90% of Thai women, you do not know your arse from your elbow. And I'm not kidding.

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As a bit of an extra on this, from what my wife read in the Thai news sources, apparently his gf tricked him into spending 10M THB to buy the elephant sanctuary, then got him to work there.

However, they didn't actually buy it, and they just let him work there because they allow volunteers to work at the sanctuary. He apparently dding realize this, so worked there thinking it was his own business. Although by the time he found out the truth, his gf had done a runner.

So I assume that he believed every word his gf said and never bothered to.check ownership documents because he was so in love.

I guessing that this kind of fraud against naive farangs happen on a weekly basis here, if not more often.


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