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Am I wasting my ‘precious’ time on Thaivisa, or is it time well spent?


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My wife definitely would agree with your wife....many subtle remarks have found their way in my direction.....one time she brought dinner to the table named "Thai Visa" .....I asked why - take long time.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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OP, I start reading your post, but before I even reached the first paragraph, I heard a loud explosion in the kitchen.

It was the squid I had placed in the microwave, right before starting to read your post and which I couldn't monitor since I was reading your seemingly interesting OP, that had exploded. The explosion took the cover lid off the plate it was on. I needed 20 minutes to clean up the inside of the microwave from the squid particles.

So to answer you, yes your posts on this forum are a waste of time, MY TIME.

Not very many people have pet squids. Sorry for your loss.

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15 minutes a post? You must be new. Give it time and you will learn to skim in and out of most threads in less than a minute. There are some good threads that will slow you down considerably, but the majority are reruns and most threads are on life support by the third page.

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People like in your example must have an addiction. Nobody want to look at a computer screen for that long.

I'm amazed the number of member who say they can't speak Thai yet post 1000s and none in the Thai language forum.

There's a pinned thread learn one word a day, which is very useful. The words soon add up.

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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


You do seem like a Daily Mail reader. Good to know

Here are some statistics for you chum!


April 2010. Member joins

16,000 posts since

16,000 x 15 minutes = 240,000 minutes = 4,000 hours!

Assuming you have to sleep, then that translates to 333 days spent on Thaivisa in 4.5 years!!! (12 hour days)

Well done old bean, you have spent 1 year of your time here!!

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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


You do seem like a Daily Mail reader. Good to know

Here are some statistics for you chum!


April 2010. Member joins

16,000 posts since

16,000 x 15 minutes = 240,000 minutes = 4,000 hours!

Assuming you have to sleep, then that translates to 333 days spent on Thaivisa in 4.5 years!!! (12 hour days)

Well done old bean, you have spent 1 year of your time here!!

I wonder how many hours a day he reads the Daily Mail? Must get all his meals delivered.

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Waste of time ? Maybe some ..... but I use to read the Bangkok Post everyday for 30 minutes to an hour but have now been reading TV for my Thai news. On TV I can give my two cents worth if I wish and see it in print in seconds, something that I couldn't or wouldn't do reading BP.

Days that I am totally bored I might spend a few hours following topics of interest. It relaxes me, gets me upset a little, lets me vent, gives me a laugh and sometimes drives my gf crazy.

I have bought a car that I saw on TV. I have received some very helpful information from members on topics that I have posted and have found other members topics very interesting and useful....

Waste of time, No more than watching Television or reading the news paper.

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coffee1.gif Whatever medication you are on.....isnt working !coffee1.gif

Dr. Charlie,

Each time my gaze falls upon the sublime Mrs Frolly the drug of Love courses through my veins. I need no other medication.

Well, perhaps you should spend 15 minutes making love to Mrs Frolly each time you feel the urge coursing through your veins, rather than spending countless hours making non productive posts on forums.

Also it seems many posters wives are not satisfying their husbands judging by the amount of niggled whingers, moaners and forever complainers about anything and everything on these threads.

Perhaps if all the wives were as understanding and accommodating as Mrs Frolly and the guys able to get all their pent up frustrations out of their systems, these guys would enjoy Thailand and their lives more.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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