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Thaksin in the list of those hunted for lese majeste and other offences


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thaksin's culpability in the thousands of murders that occured during his "war on drugs" campaign would be my number one reason for apprehending him

The post is about using LM as a means to pressure counties around the world to extradite people, (political opponents would be far more accurate) and Mr T/S is included on the list,

Nothing about the "war on drugs" , but ok, I would wonder how many people world support the eradication of death dealers,(drug dealers), and I'm not talking about a lil green man, I mean Ice, Yabba, crack, hammer, whippa, the scum that deal in this are the murderers and need to be removed from society.

Now you and some others here keep flailing this Mr T/S is the man who gave the order for "thousands) of deaths attributed to this "war on drugs" then prove his orders of killings, and not just innuendo or hearsay but try for a change showing some SOLID EVIDENCE!!!!! Good luck with that.

Plenty of reports from human rights organisations about what happened. Google them and read them. I did. Not hearsay, no matter how much you wish it to be so or post in caps.

I would never support the eradication of anyone. Then again I believe all have the right to justice and all must follow the law.

Vigilantes and their proponents are scum, but even then I wouldn't call for their murder.

Many of those murdered were innocent victims with no links to drugs, drug users, ex-users and low level dealers. None deserved extra judicial execution.

Edited by Bluespunk
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thaksin's culpability in the thousands of murders that occured during his "war on drugs" campaign would be my number one reason for apprehending him

The post is about using LM as a means to pressure counties around the world to extradite people, (political opponents would be far more accurate) and Mr T/S is included on the list,

Nothing about the "war on drugs" , but ok, I would wonder how many people world support the eradication of death dealers,(drug dealers), and I'm not talking about a lil green man, I mean Ice, Yabba, crack, hammer, whippa, the scum that deal in this are the murderers and need to be removed from society.

Now you and some others here keep flailing this Mr T/S is the man who gave the order for "thousands) of deaths attributed to this "war on drugs" then prove his orders of killings, and not just innuendo or hearsay but try for a change showing some SOLID EVIDENCE!!!!! Good luck with that.

Plenty of reports from human rights organisations about what happened. Google them and read them. I did. Not hearsay, no matter how much you wish it to be so or post in caps.

I would never support the eradication of anyone. Then again I believe all have the right to justice and all must follow the law.

Vigilantes and their proponents are scum, but even then I wouldn't call for their murder.

Many of those murdered were innocent victims with no links to drugs, drug users, ex-users and low level dealers. None deserved extra judicial execution.

Apart from the Coup makers?

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thaksin's culpability in the thousands of murders that occured during his "war on drugs" campaign would be my number one reason for apprehending him

The post is about using LM as a means to pressure counties around the world to extradite people, (political opponents would be far more accurate) and Mr T/S is included on the list,

Nothing about the "war on drugs" , but ok, I would wonder how many people world support the eradication of death dealers,(drug dealers), and I'm not talking about a lil green man, I mean Ice, Yabba, crack, hammer, whippa, the scum that deal in this are the murderers and need to be removed from society.

Now you and some others here keep flailing this Mr T/S is the man who gave the order for "thousands) of deaths attributed to this "war on drugs" then prove his orders of killings, and not just innuendo or hearsay but try for a change showing some SOLID EVIDENCE!!!!! Good luck with that.

Plenty of reports from human rights organisations about what happened. Google them and read them. I did. Not hearsay, no matter how much you wish it to be so or post in caps.

I would never support the eradication of anyone. Then again I believe all have the right to justice and all must follow the law.

Vigilantes and their proponents are scum, but even then I wouldn't call for their murder.

Many of those murdered were innocent victims with no links to drugs, drug users, ex-users and low level dealers. None deserved extra judicial execution.

Apart from the Coup makers?

...and Shinawatra family.

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Dear Dr. Thaksin,

In case your view of your situation vis 'a vis "your future in Thailand" is not completely clear, I will speak plainly: If you are caught in Thailand, anytime in the future with no statute of limitations, you will go directly to jail. You will not pass GO nor will you collect $200. The 'Get Out of Jail Free' card has been removed from the deck. This Junta will not return the vote to the people until they are assured you are completely out of the picture.

Signed, Gen. RTA (retired) Prayut Chan-o-cha, P.M. for as long as I want to be.

If you don't understand the reason for the above letter, it's because there is no bail for LM if Thaksin should be caught on Thai soil and there is no Statute of Limitations so, in essence, Thaksin is no longer self-exiled but just plain exiled forever.

Edited by rametindallas
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There is no law in Thailand. The military coup illegally took control of the country and abolished the constitution. There are no legally elected officials in Thailand.

These "not legally elected officials" are doing a better job than those pretended to be legally elected officials before who performed illegally

Really ? They have tarnished Thailand's reputation in the business and political world, They have introduced propaganda and muzzled free speach. Asking other countries to extradite based on Thai law is just a silly and delusional exercise and a waste of time.

You forgot the earlier government. They did not leave much to tarnish. Forgot the rice scum?

No, I did not. Government getting involved business is a questionalble decision and the rice pledge was silly. BUT, right or wrong there are lots of unhappy farmers, as they say they are getting half of what they did last year.

Junta took things to a new low. The last goverment was elected. There is no excuse for removing an elected goverment by force.

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thaksin's culpability in the thousands of murders that occured during his "war on drugs" campaign would be my number one reason for apprehending him

The post is about using LM as a means to pressure counties around the world to extradite people, (political opponents would be far more accurate) and Mr T/S is included on the list,

Nothing about the "war on drugs" , but ok, I would wonder how many people world support the eradication of death dealers,(drug dealers), and I'm not talking about a lil green man, I mean Ice, Yabba, crack, hammer, whippa, the scum that deal in this are the murderers and need to be removed from society.

Now you and some others here keep flailing this Mr T/S is the man who gave the order for "thousands) of deaths attributed to this "war on drugs" then prove his orders of killings, and not just innuendo or hearsay but try for a change showing some SOLID EVIDENCE!!!!! Good luck with that.

Plenty of reports from human rights organisations about what happened. Google them and read them. I did. Not hearsay, no matter how much you wish it to be so or post in caps.

I would never support the eradication of anyone. Then again I believe all have the right to justice and all must follow the law.

Vigilantes and their proponents are scum, but even then I wouldn't call for their murder.

Many of those murdered were innocent victims with no links to drugs, drug users, ex-users and low level dealers. None deserved extra judicial execution.

Apart from the Coup makers?


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There will be no democracy for Thailand in the near future I fear, his Junta will make sure of that. I hope all you that supported this coup are pleased with yourselves, Thailand is going down the Myanmar road. There will be a crackdown on Expats soon, mark my words.

There is no democracy ... the very foundation of democracy is the ability to express your views openly; this is not something the Junta wants for it doesn't allow them to control by what is little more than fear.

Thailand could well be heading for civil war and foreigners will become a target. My advice would be to get out while you can.

I'm very happy I left and now watch from afar.

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The Thai Lese Majeste law is not recognized as a legitimate law in any country and no country will extradite in a million years. A few countries may have a similar law but it has nothing to do with Thailand. I think they know this, so this is kinda a BS story.

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In most cases, for a country to agree to extradition, the offence committed would also need to be an offence, or have an equivalent, in that country (generalization). This is just not the case for LM. On top of that in many (all?) cases of those that left the country to avoid these charges, they have not yet been ruled guilty in a court of law.

Surely, it should be a case of innocent until proven guilty, which is not how LM is being used at the moment. In fact it is the opposite. It is being used as a tool to silence dissent, not to protect those it was intended to protect.

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There will be no democracy for Thailand in the near future I fear, his Junta will make sure of that. I hope all you that supported this coup are pleased with yourselves, Thailand is going down the Myanmar road. There will be a crackdown on Expats soon, mark my words.

There is no democracy ... the very foundation of democracy is the ability to express your views openly; this is not something the Junta wants for it doesn't allow them to control by what is little more than fear.

Thailand could well be heading for civil war and foreigners will become a target. My advice would be to get out while you can.

I'm very happy I left and now watch from afar.

The threat of civil war has reduced since the coup. There was more of a threat early in the year and definitely in 2010. There won't be a threat unless wide spread protests start up, and while the government move forward towards an election, that's not likely to happen. If the election gets delayed beyond the start of 2016, there is a chance of protests getting going.

Certainly, foreigners have never been a target and are not likely to be.

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LM112 is the highest and most important law of the land. This is the land of the father. He provided love, peace and hope for all his children living under his protection. Anyone who do not love the father do not deserve to live here and should be jailed until they do.

And it is always used to persecute political enemies....look at the CIB case....allllllll are charged with LM....something is not right..&*((*&*

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LM112 is the highest and most important law of the land. This is the land of the father. He provided love, peace and hope for all his children living under his protection. Anyone who do not love the father do not deserve to live here and should be jailed until they do.

And it is always used to persecute political enemies....look at the CIB case....allllllll are charged with LM....something is not right..&*((*&*

I think you need to read up a bit on the CIB case and then you will understand why they were charged with LM. If they weren't charged with LM, there are plenty of other charges for them to face.

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LM112 is the highest and most important law of the land. This is the land of the father. He provided love, peace and hope for all his children living under his protection. Anyone who do not love the father do not deserve to live here and should be jailed until they do.

And it is always used to persecute political enemies....look at the CIB case....allllllll are charged with LM....something is not right..&*((*&*

Read between the lines, the international press. There is a reason for everything. They were making lots of claims; and lots of noise doing so..... aside from massive graft on top of it. Research is your friend!

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Rubbish.There was never a threat of civil war.There was an issue of discredited unelected elites refusing to accept democracy - and this remains the case.Looking forward the probability of violent internal conflict depends on the sense of enlightened self interest among all sections of Thai society, but particularly those attached to the ancien regime.

You don't think an armed militia fighting against armed soldiers is something that could have escalated, particularly when town halls and other buildings get burnt down. Having two groups of protesters shooting at each other is also something that could have escalated.

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Rubbish.There was never a threat of civil war.There was an issue of discredited unelected elites refusing to accept democracy - and this remains the case.Looking forward the probability of violent internal conflict depends on the sense of enlightened self interest among all sections of Thai society, but particularly those attached to the ancien regime.

You don't think an armed militia fighting against armed soldiers is something that could have escalated, particularly when town halls and other buildings get burnt down. Having two groups of protesters shooting at each other is also something that could have escalated.

The 'action' was mainly centred in a few areas of one city. It was nowhere near brother against brother in every town, village and hamlet.

In how many cities were town halls burnt down? More than one.

In how many cities were protesters killed or injured by opposition protesters? More than one.

In 2010, there was a real threat that things could escalate. There was a real chance that it was going to get worse before it got better.

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How is this at all a security issue? If LM was abolished tomorrow the majority of Thais would still love The King. Sure there'd be some growing pains and fights when some view their alternative views, but in the end it would be for the best.

If one civilized nation extradites a Thai back to Thailand for LM then I'll eat a hat.

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The PM has at least show the Thai population one thing. You don't have to be very smart to be a Thai PM.

If he realised how much of a fool he looks in the eyes of the unadjusted, rest of the world, he may be embarrassed with himself. Then again, maybe not!

"A fool thinks himself to be wise"

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The PM has at least show the Thai population one thing. You don't have to be very smart to be a Thai PM.

If he realised how much of a fool he looks in the eyes of the unadjusted, rest of the world, he may be embarrassed with himself. Then again, maybe not!

Still more brains than the one who preceded him- she took the cake as the most airheaded 'leader' ever! Couldn't even give a speech in her native nor second language, didn't show for meetings, read from scripts.... didn't make any decisions. One like her makes anybody after her look better! He's an army guy so you can't expect more than standard army mindset. At least he realized its more than an arrogant pony show of dress up and fake smiles.

Edited by gemini81
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Thailand keeps saying it wants a fresh start. The amnesty for all would have been a good start. All those including thaksin, apichat, suthep, yingluck and dozens of others should all be banned from politics and government positions. Including all who attended and spoke on stage at political protests.

Everything from these terrible years should be put to rest. Or The two parties fighting will never end. If the country really wants to start fresh. The best way is to remember that there are many other smaller parties to start fresh with. Out with any party that is affiliated to a color. In with any party that is known by their name, good policies and good deeds to the public.

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LM112 is the highest and most important law of the land. This is the land of the father. He provided love, peace and hope for all his children living under his protection. Anyone who do not love the father do not deserve to live here and should be jailed until they do.

You're going to need more prisons to jail 4 million Southern Malay Thais.

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Thailand keeps saying it wants a fresh start. The amnesty for all would have been a good start. All those including thaksin, apichat, suthep, yingluck and dozens of others should all be banned from politics and government positions. Including all who attended and spoke on stage at political protests.

Everything from these terrible years should be put to rest. Or The two parties fighting will never end. If the country really wants to start fresh. The best way is to remember that there are many other smaller parties to start fresh with. Out with any party that is affiliated to a color. In with any party that is known by their name, good policies and good deeds to the public.

I agree wholeheartedly but it's an impossible dream. Too many vested interests on both sides. It'll never happen. Unless the Thai populace do something about it, and that won't happen for a few more generations I think.

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