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Refused to pay for Thai gf's flight to Europe and now she's mad. Am I being unreasonable?


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I guess it all depends on how serious you are with the girl.


I think this way ...she is not serious about you but you are probably yes.

To be honest I already tasted similar scenarios by myself in past.

100% same like yours scenario mate until I did found one who actually is not willing to come to Aus at all.......

1.She said she can not afford it even if I pay half....

2.She said that she is affraid of being in different culture even on vacation because that much she knows from media and how farangs are behaving in Thailand

she must know me better.

Now when she finaly know me better and madly in love with me ...she would like to save some money for herself to feel independent on trip like that but she still say "I am not ready"

As you see there is a lot of different ladies in los.

You are still young and have huge potential in your life.

Don't waste you feelings on such ladies who don't have decency to understand others.

They are purely after easy life .

Beside...woman wants to be on same level as a man hence ok treat it 50/50

If not then look fir another one

There is tons of it.

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Oh come on guys, who pays is realistically going to be what kind of a budget someone is on. Everybody here isn't a old codger living with a guaranteed pension every month, a student living on a loan isn't going to be able to pay for everything. The girl has a job, so she can pay also. Who said the trip was for him, are you really going to imply that she wouldn't enjoy a trip to Europe? You gotta be kidding me. My vote says she pays her own way in this situation .

I wouldnt pay hard earned money to visit europe, especially if I was making a thai wage.

I agree. What is there worth seeing in Europe if you've already seen it once?

Why not invite your family and european friends to visit you in Thailand --

for them a lower cost than traveling in Europe and more fun here.

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I guess it all depends on how serious you are with the girl.


I think this way ...she is not serious about you but you are probably yes.

To be honest I already tasted similar scenarios by myself in past.

100% same like yours scenario mate until I did found one who actually is not willing to come to Aus at all.......

1.She said she can not afford it even if I pay half....

2.She said that she is affraid of being in different culture even on vacation because that much she knows from media and how farangs are behaving in Thailand

she must know me better.

Now when she finaly know me better and madly in love with me ...she would like to save some money for herself to feel independent on trip like that but she still say "I am not ready"

As you see there is a lot of different ladies in los.

You are still young and have huge potential in your life.

Don't waste you feelings on such ladies who don't have decency to understand others.

They are purely after easy life .

Beside...woman wants to be on same level as a man hence ok treat it 50/50

If not then look fir another one

There is tons of it.


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Got super drunk before christmas and bought ex falang gf bussiness class to come see me here in thai smile.png Obv massive regret next day when i woke up.

Had the best holidays ever with her and thai gf sleeping same bed.

So stop beeing a cheap <deleted> and buy your gf a plane ticket. Can prob find offers for like 500€ or so 2 way if you know where to look.

Oh and stop listening to old rusty expats on tv lol. YOLO bro.

My suggestion to the OP, don't listen to anyone who advises throwing money at women.

In Japan, they have a term of derision for such guys -- it roughly translates as "The space under their nose

is too long." Such blokes are seen as naive and gullible and they attract all the wrong kind of ladies.

Sensible guys take a more calm and conservative approach and in the long run the best type of ladies will

appreciate their good sense and practical judgment. Of course, if you have money to burn and just need a

bed warmer for the night, that's an option too, but don't ever look at such a lady as a "keeper."

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I think the OP is looking for some sympathy , anyone know where it can be found?

I agree, and no, I have no idea where any can be found. And he must be a bit of a Brad Pitt type, to get away with not offering any financial support to his woman. There is a time and a place for all rules to be broken. Just suck it up, be a man, and buy her the ticket. You can always split the cost of the $20 sandwiches, once you are there.

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"My girlfriend has been planning a trip to Europe with me for a while."

I think you statement is misleading, and it is you that perhaps suggested or even invited that she come to Europe with you...hence why she was under the impression.

After all, it's your decision if you want her to come to Europe with you...not hers. So, you opening comment is false.

Yes, you are unreasonable...and get used to having to provide some financial support if you want a Thai girlfriend.

Buy the ticket.

It sounds like you are getting free sex already. Pretty good in Thailand

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Whats the point in her dating a Farang if you arent going to pay for her? She may as well get a Thai BF..

Believe it or not some Thai girls like handsome (not bar girl handsome we are all like that) farangs. Kinda like some guys prefer Asian girls.

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"My girlfriend has been planning a trip to Europe with me for a while."

I think you statement is misleading, and it is you that perhaps suggested or even invited that she come to Europe with you...hence why she was under the impression.

After all, it's your decision if you want her to come to Europe with you...not hers. So, you opening comment is false.

Yes, you are unreasonable...and get used to having to provide some financial support if you want a Thai girlfriend.

Buy the ticket.

Nah, nah, nah...wait a minute now. This is so simple and men who need to buy companionship ought not be listened to.

She wants to visit Europe, right?

Could she go without out you?

Case closed.

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Does she have a Visa ? Hard to get sometimes ... Somewhere in getting the visa - seems that there would have been a discussion about who is the guest and who is the host... ??!?!?!!!?

you are correct, my wife is thai and very few countries allow her in without a visa, tho countries that are covered by the shenghen agreement will allow her to cross borders i am led to believe.

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I think the OP is looking for some sympathy , anyone know where it can be found?

The gay forum, or the ladies' forum are normally more supportive, but he might struggle to make it relevant; unless I've made a gross faux pas in my assumption that he's a bloke (I was about to say 'gentleman' but that would cross the line between politeness and sarcasm).


Edited by StreetCowboy
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I would advise you check all the hoops you and her have to go through for her to get a visa. Your whole trip has to be planned showing every single day what and where you are going and staying. You will need to show tickets and hotel bookings or letters from your parents if your staying with them. She is working and will need a letter from her employer allowing her time off and guarantee her job is waiting for her when she returns. You will have to also show you have the funds to support her while travelling in Europe. You both sound quite young which makes it even harder to get a visa. Good luck.

Anyway, she'll get over it if you tell her you cant afford it or you should get a girl friend that doesn't think Farang's are walking ATMs. Good luck with that one too wink.png

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If you're not willing to pay her ticket (and sort out her visa) it doesn't seem like much of a relationship, and you miight as we'll just limit it to carrying on taking advantage of her for cheap sex whenever you are in Thailand, for as long as you can get away with it


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She's probably pissed of to see that her milk cow,(you), is not as productive as she was hoping for...

If u don't mind having a fake relationship, enjoy.. If u want a real one.. Love and other niceties.. Get a real girlfriend..

Am I the only one getting tired of these stupid questions? Like how much to pay for my gf for this and that... Can't u see that love shouldn't be a cattle market?

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hmmm, we're doing Europe in 6 months time, for 3 months.

I just paid the basic travel costs to the agent so far at AU6000.

This all works great for us...

  • I pay.
  • Missus tells all her Thai friends, sisters etc that she paid it all...

The point is that we are going no matter what - and wherever the money came from only matters to those HiSo's who want to keep thinking the dumb farang is poor, always poor, and missus is supporting him.

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I think the OP is looking for some sympathy , anyone know where it can be found?

Yes, between syphilis and and sycophant in the dictionary.

Your dictionary should start listing the words alphabetically; "sycophant" comes before "syphilis," which comes after "sympathy."

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