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Thailand backpacker death: Christina Annesley in mystery death on double Brit-murder island

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Come on, let the conspiracy games start.

Anyone cared to read some news that may not be so favoring for a murder conspiracy?


Christina 'had felt unwell'

It appears from her Twitter feed, that tragic Christina had been feeling unwell in the days before her death.

She wrote in one post: "Great, just as I finally make friends I have to shell out £60 for antibiotics and now can't afford to go out with them. <deleted> everything."

On Saturday she remarked how "two weeks of solid drinking" had left her feeling unwell.

Thanks for this eye opener for the TVF keyboard warriors. It looks more than a suicide considering the facts. But I'm not trying to make any assumptions.

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Come on, let the conspiracy games start.

Anyone cared to read some news that may not be so favoring for a murder conspiracy?


Christina 'had felt unwell'

It appears from her Twitter feed, that tragic Christina had been feeling unwell in the days before her death.

She wrote in one post: "Great, just as I finally make friends I have to shell out £60 for antibiotics and now can't afford to go out with them. <deleted> everything."

On Saturday she remarked how "two weeks of solid drinking" had left her feeling unwell.

Thanks for this eye opener for the TVF keyboard warriors. It looks more than a suicide considering the facts. But I'm not trying to make any assumptions.

If you want to keep the majority of TV members happy you will have to change that to assisted suicide I'm afraid.


A friend of mine overdosed on a combination of alcohol, tramadol and valium recently. They found her in time and got her to a hospital where she had her stomach pumped. So indeed an overdoes is the most likely scenario looking at the tweets and taking into account the lifestyle she led up to her death. Christina came from the same town where I used to live and from going from there to Thailand Ko Tao could well have given her that sense of freedom and immortality that in the folly of youth can lead to death. Not to say that I Don't feel that the area is corrupt, I do. I just have the sense that this instance is a reckless death by misadventure rather than anything more sinister.

You wouldn't believe how many foreigners in Thailand are dying overdosed. Might it be the wrong mixture of alcohol and downers, etc...or drugs like heroin.

Thailand, as THE holiday destination hides all the OD's. There's a place up in the north of this country, where plenty of foreigners die through an overdose of heroin.

I remember a time ten years ago, where they had eight unidentified dead foreigners; bodies in the hospital in Pai. Seven of them died overdosed, because they weren't used to the purity of the heroin, also called heroin number four.

These people then died of a heart attack, stroke, or similar, according to the officials. The son of a higher politician from London died overdosed in Ko Phangan, about five years ago. Some "officials" from England came and the dead body was brought back to the UK. Not much to read in the news.

Not everybody can control "sex and drugs and Rock N' Roll" as for example a "Rolling Stones" member does.

Yes, it's very sad that she had to die so young, but making up a new murder case is absolutely insane, after reading some facts.


greenchair is entitled to have his opinion as anyone else, but we know what to expect from him now, just ignore his poste is probably the best thing to do.

The last tweet on the 19th was A guy just jumped over a skipping rope made of fire butt naked. What a sight.

So she was obviously out and about

Fire show at AC bar? Quite possible if she was staying at Mon's resort


It really depends what time the maid went to her room. If she was due to check out on the 21st. Then she should not be expected until 12.00 o'clock. But she was found early in the morning. So what was the maid doing opening up the room.

Maybe Mon sent her as he didn't want to be first on the scene of this one.

Mon troubles me. Why were he and that dodgy copper trying to get Sean to take the rap for the double killing back in Sept. If they didn't KNOW if Sean was guilty then surely Mon and the copper would have wanted to know who it really was. It's all very well serving up a patsy but they're not the type to just let these things happen on their patch and not know / find out what happened. So if they were happy to set Sean up for it I think they know who did it. And then there was his unrealistic speed of his DNA test, 8 hours or so I believe, and days later even the lab in Bangkok said it was taking them 48 hours to process each sample.


As far as the maid being in the room early,,, it's "possible",,, on returning to the room, late at night, she may have asked the desk staff for a wake-up call to be able to stay on schedule with her antibiotics,,, and maybe being drunk, feared she wouldn't hear it, and asked them to make SURE she woke up to take them,,, but again,, I'm only speculating to possibly answer these type of questions,, before just assuming there's something nefarious going on,,,, Or,,, I guess it's quite possible,, the MAID was doing exactly what MAIDS do,,, cleaning the room,,, I guess that would depend on what time she actually entered the room wouldn't it?,,, I've had maids knock on the door as early as 9AM on occasions,,,


If it were a serial killer (which I am positive it isn't) they would have to be one of the dumbest serial killers in history.

Picking a teeny tiny island with only one way on or off where everyone can be easily accounted for and tracked. Then killing tourists.

Seriously all you tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Think about it. Some people just don't have critical thinking skills or are too lazy to use them I guess.


Let's just stick with the facts shall we.

There has been no toxology report. So nobody knows how many pills she took. There may or may not be pictures but at this time no pictures of her in the room passed out, have been made public.

She may or may not have vomited, but there has been no statement or evidence to support that theory. As what's his name says it was speculation on his part. I guess when one reads these posts one must take into account the wild imaginations of posters and be patient.

I will take the high Road and say if you want to speculate about this case,I will support your wish. That's the kind of person I am.


Let's just stick with the facts shall we.

There has been no toxology report. So nobody knows how many pills she took. There may or may not be pictures but at this time no pictures of her in the room passed out, have been made public.

She may or may not have vomited, but there has been no statement or evidence to support that theory. As what's his name says it was speculation on his part. I guess when one reads these posts one must take into account the wild imaginations of posters and be patient.

I will take the high Road and say if you want to speculate about this case,I will support your wish. That's the kind of person I am.

That's what we do here, and on other forums,,, we take the little pieces that the usually TERRIBLE reporting of these things give us,, and we try to come up with a lucid, proper explanation,,, I used what I'd read to try and develop a possible reason,, She'd stated herself,, she was taking several drugs, She'd stated herself she'd been nearly binge drinking for almost 2 weeks, She'd stated herself that she hadn't been feeling well,, (which would lead me to think maybe not eating well) So add those items up,,, Possibly empty stomach, (many pain killers WILL and DO cause nausea/vomiting esp on empty stomachs, which is why many state to be taken before/after a meal),,, Very drunk people DO tend to vomit, Very drunk people DO tend to pass out,, So again,, I was only speculating a POSSIBLE cause,, Throwing up on ones self while drunk, strip off clothes, crawl in bed, clean it up in the morning,, (she was found naked, and covered) Pass out while sleeping,, maybe being black-out drunk,, Vomit whilst like this, and asperate/choke on your own vomit,, WHY am I speculating this?,,,, It's not my imagination as EXACTLY this very thing happens many many times during a drug/drinking induced passout/blackout,,,, which means while it's possible she didn't die from an overdose of drugs in her system, but the situation I've just described..... I DIDN'T claim that's exactly what happened,, only that after considering what's been reported,, it's a VIABLE explanation, and may not have anything to do with suicide, or foul play,,, Hence it's deemed, "Natural causes",,, even though it's actually not that,, but a tragic accident.. IF this is what happened?,, it's possible it was explained that way to the family, (no need to make it public) which would give them a perfect explanation, and hence they were quick to accept the cause of death,, They'd have no need to publicly explain the details to anyone on social media would they?.. So again, IF that's the case,, it also explains the family's quick acceptance. The added fact it happened at the very place that's had a nefarious reputation could mean something, or could just be a cooincidince,,, Maybe being from the same Uni/area, she chose to stay in that exact inn,,, There's probably not that many other places to stay on that particular stretch of beach,, I don't know,, I've never been,,,


Oh no not again, no details yet accident or other? RIP young Christina

If your from Burma head for the hills.

Well said, It has been my personal opinion or thoughts that as time progresses more murders will happen on Killagains Island as the murderers have a building sense of immunity and bulletproofness.

Tragic loss for this poor girl and her family , may the truth now be sought by the British police, or all Burmese should leave Killagains Island.


Give it a fair go guys, as a million people have said, there are no Toxicololgy, Virology, Bacteriology or Blood Chemistry examination reports available and, given that it takes 2 full days to get the samples SECURELY to Bkk and then at least 3 days for the bac and tox reports, then 2 days to type approve and notify followed by 1 day to release to standard channels. I wouldn't mind betting that we will not see them until the end of the week. Stop speculating about Jack the Ripper or suicide by person or persons unknown. These circumstances are tragic but accidents at least do happen. Sit on your hands and wait, no good can come of seeing this as the forefront of a worldwide conspiracy to discredit Koh Tao on the part of a Chinese Tong army or whatever. You are mostly not helping anyone.


Oh dear. poor girl. My deepest condolences.

From her tweets one can see she is heavy on Tramadol, Valium and antibiotics, as well as alcohol, so there may be an explanation to the tragic death of natural causes.

3 different drugs and alcohol - natural causes ??? Wake up


As far as the maid being in the room early,,, it's "possible",,, on returning to the room, late at night, she may have asked the desk staff for a wake-up call to be able to stay on schedule with her antibiotics,,, and maybe being drunk, feared she wouldn't hear it, and asked them to make SURE she woke up to take them,,, but again,, I'm only speculating to possibly answer these type of questions,, before just assuming there's something nefarious going on,,,, Or,,, I guess it's quite possible,, the MAID was doing exactly what MAIDS do,,, cleaning the room,,, I guess that would depend on what time she actually entered the room wouldn't it?,,, I've had maids knock on the door as early as 9AM on occasions,,,

Not on checkout date, Duh!


Too many people here are trying to speculate about what happened, how Christina felt, her mother, what she drank and how much, what pills she popped and how many when in FACT, none of us knows a damn thing what really happened, how it happened and how it could happen she died, unless that person have been in her room when she died or heard HER talk and seen her walk the days before the tragedy happened.

What bugs me most about this is a few people trying their best to make the whole tragedy in to a "blame the dead person" with WILD speculations about her life, her health and her state of mind, her personality and frame of mind. And yet, no one have claimed to know her or even talked to her.

Some people even do their best to clear Koh Tao with a bunch of messerschmidt speculations when in FACT, they don't know anything and their speculations fuels the NEED to know what really happened.

I think most of the people here who still have their intellect intact, will agree with me on one thing, Koh Tao NEEDS to be cleared, but not by anyone of us in here, regardless what happened to Christina.


'died of natural causes after seeking treatment for a chest infection.'

not buying it .. ! people rarely die of chest infection if ever ....

People die of pneumonia very often.ermm.gif


A whole ream of off-topic personal attacks (and replies quoting those posts) have been removed. Both parties should stick to the topic, not each other. In the removal of those posts there was the removal of fair discussion. That is what will happen if you add personal attacks (flaming) to your posts.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

We (the moderators) don't have all day to edit out the important parts so we just have to remove the posts. If you want your points to remain then refrain from attacking each other.

Rather than responding to a personal attack simply report it using the report function and we'll review that post.

Thank you

penwithcris, on 23 Jan 2015 - 12:56, said:penwithcris, on 23 Jan 2015 - 12:56, said:

Looks as though the demon drink has claimed yet another victim

Alcohol is usually the common denominator in most deaths in Thailand

Why is it that people cannot enjoy themselves without getting blotto

I know I sound like a boring old fart but I've enjoyed an amazing time in Thailand over the years but only drink in moderation

Maybe a mix of alcohol, antibiotics and, possibly, drugs proved too much for even this young girl's body to cope with

Watched the first episode of 'Bangkok Airport' on TV - yet again highlighting a British obsession with getting wasted

All very embarrassing

Couldn't agree more. And especially about that programme on the BBC - seriously embarrassing . I'm very sorry this young lady has died but after reading through all her tweets, I get the feeling that reckless behaviour might have played a part in her demise.sad.png


Too many people here are trying to speculate about what happened, how Christina felt, her mother, what she drank and how much, what pills she popped and how many when in FACT, none of us knows a damn thing what really happened, how it happened and how it could happen she died, unless that person have been in her room when she died or heard HER talk and seen her walk the days before the tragedy happened.

What bugs me most about this is a few people trying their best to make the whole tragedy in to a "blame the dead person" with WILD speculations about her life, her health and her state of mind, her personality and frame of mind. And yet, no one have claimed to know her or even talked to her.

Some people even do their best to clear Koh Tao with a bunch of messerschmidt speculations when in FACT, they don't know anything and their speculations fuels the NEED to know what really happened.

I think most of the people here who still have their intellect intact, will agree with me on one thing, Koh Tao NEEDS to be cleared, but not by anyone of us in here, regardless what happened to Christina.

I agree. Yah the voice of sanity. Certain posters did the same to hannah. Painted her to be doing all sorts of things and made it look like it was her own fault and she deserved it. There were 3 bottles in her room. They were not empty. She was talking to her boyfriend at midnight and she was fine. She may have passed from any number of things. But due to the fact that this bar and owner were heavily implicated in a recent death of another girl. It should require a reasonable amount of investigation. If she was found anywhere else, we probably would not even be talking about this. But this Mon's hotel has got to be very unlucky.2, 23 year old girls died suddenly. Not dressed the way they should. And there's mon to supervise the clean up once again. The speed of which the scene of the incident was cleared and cause of death declared is grounds for concern.


I would think that it could very well be a combination of medication and drink. You can get such a lot of drugs 'over the counter' that wouldn't be allowed without a doctor's prescription in France.

But now, can't buy aspirin without a prescription.

Go figure.


'died of natural causes after seeking treatment for a chest infection.'

not buying it .. ! people rarely die of chest infection if ever ....

People die of pneumonia very often.ermm.gif

I should have been more specific ...

I expect it would be rare for a young healthy fit vibrant 23 year with an uncompromised immune system and no known medical conditions to succumb to natural causes from a chest infection.

In that she was not elderly and sick with a weak immune system.


If it were a serial killer (which I am positive it isn't) they would have to be one of the dumbest serial killers in history.

Picking a teeny tiny island with only one way on or off where everyone can be easily accounted for and tracked. Then killing tourists.

Seriously all you tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Think about it. Some people just don't have critical thinking skills or are too lazy to use them I guess.

Unless of course your family owned the island and the police, or at least a significant portion of it/them. Then it would be the perfect place to be a serial killer.

I have no comment on this particular case however. Almost no facts available here.


If it were a serial killer (which I am positive it isn't) they would have to be one of the dumbest serial killers in history.

Picking a teeny tiny island with only one way on or off where everyone can be easily accounted for and tracked. Then killing tourists.

Seriously all you tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Think about it. Some people just don't have critical thinking skills or are too lazy to use them I guess.

You are excused from your post as it shows that you clearly don't know anything about Thailand.


Back in the day we had Charles Sobraj hanging out at the Malaysia Hotel & Blue Fox Bar in Bangers.

These kids are the son's & daughters of the hippy generation, bit of moral high ground been taken on a lot of these posts.

2 weeks of heavy drinking, pills & thrills can do it to you though.

penwithcris, on 23 Jan 2015 - 12:56, said:penwithcris, on 23 Jan 2015 - 12:56, said:

Looks as though the demon drink has claimed yet another victim

Alcohol is usually the common denominator in most deaths in Thailand

Why is it that people cannot enjoy themselves without getting blotto

I know I sound like a boring old fart but I've enjoyed an amazing time in Thailand over the years but only drink in moderation

Maybe a mix of alcohol, antibiotics and, possibly, drugs proved too much for even this young girl's body to cope with

Watched the first episode of 'Bangkok Airport' on TV - yet again highlighting a British obsession with getting wasted

All very embarrassing

Couldn't agree more. And especially about that programme on the BBC - seriously embarrassing . I'm very sorry this young lady has died but after reading through all her tweets, I get the feeling that reckless behaviour might have played a part in her demise.sad.png

Yes, staying where she did while under the influence might well qualify as reckless behaviour.


Distasteful speculation from those with their own agendas. Why not just wait for the facts?

'Distasteful speculation' ... you are most certainly right about that.

Now, as to 'waiting for the facts', er... you may have noticed that facts have a tendency to be elusive around here, and that Koh Tao, in this respect, has a rather heavy record ?

Waiting for the facts, yes, absolutely, in contexts where facts do eventually arrive. In this part of the world, however, wild speculation is somewhat inevitable, wouldn't you say ?

greenchair, on 23 Jan 2015 - 07:56, said:

What was the reason, hotel staff felt they needed to check her room. If the door was not forced open. Obviously it was locked. The staff must have been going into the room for some reason, because they found her.

Why. ??????

Perhaps she was booked to leave the island on an early ferry, in which case reception would have been expecting her to check out early. Not everyone checks out at 12 noon.

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