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When is enough, enough.

marko kok prong

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Thanks for your input buddy,and also Eddy,slapping them i feel would not have done anything,much that i wanted too,we are talking back country peasants here,but what i don't get is i have given them a glimpse of a better future,yet they would rather wallow in filth,it's probably too late for the old man,i guess i should be gratefull he did not have a dump out there,but i ask and ask,and still they seem happy to wallow in filth.

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Well often its not the one act its an accumalation of relatively small events that together create the issue.

You have hit the preverbial "straw that broke the Camels back" by the sound of it.

The answer: well only you can really know how you feel, if it is the end or not. That's your call and yours alone.

If you feel maybe its worth trying, sit the little Lady down and set the ground rules (again) or time to call it a day and walk away.

Take some time out to think what's really right for you, as only you can really know.

Best of luck.

PS: read my signature line......

Excellent advise....

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Never quite a job, task/commitment in anger, was good advice I received and have followed for decades. Your marriage may be considered a commitment, so I would encourge you to kiss the little lady goodnight, get a good nights sleep, wake up tomorrow have a good breakfast and look at the situation from all angles and chices. Then do what looks best for you and the family.

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You're probably thinking about how much time and money you've invested and whether or not to kiss it goodbye.

Well all I can say is if you are not happy, and you haven't been happy for a long time, just leave.

I know it's not easy and I think you are the type of guy that worries what will happen to them if you aren't around to provide support but what I did with one long term relationship I was in was tell her I had to work away and slowly made my exit.

I visited every other week then every month then every few months and I haven't seen her for two years now but I still send her money just so she leaves me alone.


mate thanks as always for your input,yeah i was thinking iwould leave some money,but she has rice farm loans worth 1 mil,in her name ,my money,so i reckon thats enough,it is not her mate but her damn family that is screwing it, understand immpossible for her,immpossible for me.

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Jesus H mate you deserve to be made a saint, enduring this crap.

Tell the mrs you are moving to Pattaya and she is free to join you, NO ONE else, just you and her.

Her reaction may well let you know where you fit into the grand scheme of things.

I was in Pattaya the other month, spoke to some farang in a similair situation as you, couldnt believe what he told me.

His mrs gave him shyt for not wai ing her ex husband, the same husband that used to beat her up etc etc, Thai man no good blah blah blah.

To compound matters the girls mother backed her up.

The same farang now looks about 10 years younger and now has a smile on his face.

His ex is now back on Suk Rd Bkk looking for another mug.

Thanks mate,it is with a heavy heart i am doing this,i love my wife,but as the op said enough is enough,and she cannot change,and cannot see that her father,who can not even cook an egg or make a coffee for himself is a leech and is sucking her dry,but what can she do,it is a conumdrum terrible,as the french say.

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read these two threads,



The Dutchman got it right.

As has been pointed out, NEVER get involved with a Thai woman with baggage in tow, especially boys or Little Emperors, F F S even the much maligned on these forums Thai man can tell you that.

Do not believe all this crap about Thai men no good, listen to some of the tales of woe the Thai men can tell you.

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Thanks clawed warrior,

I think Luke cannot do what a lot of us can,also he is bereft of a sniff of wit or intelligence could that, would that help,no ,but i am sure he is to busy with his latest ladyboy 'conquest' to give us another thought.

You are out of your depth and what you have to do you are not capable of doing. Do yourself a favour and go join the Isaan bus stop brigade.

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what would you have done

Probably not got myself in the situation in the first place.

Ah,soi,unfortunatley,we don't all have the gift of hindsight,like you in your perfect no mistake,world,and stop showing that bulge in the lycra,you will be on the news section soon,and god help you there.

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