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Rachaburi woman thanks statue with 300 pig heads


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i really dont get it.

offering slaughtered pigs heads to buddha ???

buddhas MAIN teaching was about NOT HARMING ANY FORM OF LIFE!!!!

buddha was a noted Vegetarian!!

how on earth does this woman think she will get any sympathy from any form of buddhist deity by offering the exact opposite of what is taught? !!

offering a dead animal to Buddha is as like spitting at the the bank owners in hope they will cancel her loan.

Metaporically speaking?

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I wonder why she didn't donate the pig heads to poor people instead of the temples? If a poor person was starving to death they wouldn't be given one crumb left from the pig heads.

Poor people do go and eat at the temples.

Sure they do but they take the food to the temples. Maybe where you live the temples give food to the poor but in all my years here I have lived among the poor and have never seen that happen one time.

How many times have you seen the guys in the temples walking through a village handing out food to the poor? I have never seen it. How many times have you seen these guys in the temple buying poor children shoes or uniforms so they could go to school rather than having to drop out of school because the parents couldn't afford these things? I have never seen it. But I have seen plenty of these guys with smart phones and flying business class.

"How many times have you seen these guys in the temple buying poor children shoes or uniforms so they could go to school rather than having to drop out of school because the parents couldn't afford these things? I have never seen it."

I have, me... I lived in a temple in Khok Samrong, Lopburi for 5 years.. I bought clothes, shoes and gave school money to poor kids every day during that 5 years. There are some monks that do, so don't paint all with the same brush. coffee1.gif

As far as this 300 pigs head bullshit, I have no words... w00t.gif

Edited by khaowong1
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BITCH, what did the pigs offer? 300 severed human heads!! starting with HERS

What gives you the right to insult someone based on their beliefs? You have yours, she has hers.

Fact that you say you would be willing to cut off her head shows who is the barbarian here. If you can't accept the culture of some of the citizens of this country, you know the solution.

p/s; the heads were subsequently donated to some temples. Presumably, they were put to good use after that.

stupid beliefs based on nothing require stupid answers, now you upset my belief of cutting off other peoples heads HOW DARE YOU.......its my belief ,what give you the right to question it................you see the NONSeNSE YET?

I belong to the "head removal religion" and you have NO right to question this "my belief"

Lets not stop with pigs heads how about , female circumcision....how dare you question it, if I want to mutilate my 14 year old its my belief....right eh?

Edited by kannot
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Isn't it the year of the Sheep? Anyway whatever year it is, the Chinese always celebrate with pig meat wherever they are in the world . I guess it's because the animal is in abundance......except maybe Indonesia...

Perhaps she paid up 4 years early?

Had it been another year, 5, I wonder if she would have donated rat's heads.

At least a good idea to cull a few of those.

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I wonder why she didn't donate the pig heads to poor people instead of the temples? If a poor person was starving to death they wouldn't be given one crumb left from the pig heads.

Poor people do go and eat at the temples.

Sure they do but they take the food to the temples. Maybe where you live the temples give food to the poor but in all my years here I have lived among the poor and have never seen that happen one time.

How many times have you seen the guys in the temples walking through a village handing out food to the poor? I have never seen it. How many times have you seen these guys in the temple buying poor children shoes or uniforms so they could go to school rather than having to drop out of school because the parents couldn't afford these things? I have never seen it. But I have seen plenty of these guys with smart phones and flying business class.

"How many times have you seen these guys in the temple buying poor children shoes or uniforms so they could go to school rather than having to drop out of school because the parents couldn't afford these things? I have never seen it."

I have, me... I lived in a temple in Khok Samrong, Lopburi for 5 years.. I bought clothes, shoes and gave school money to poor kids every day during that 5 years. There are some monks that do, so don't paint all with the same brush. coffee1.gif

As far as this 300 pigs head bullshit, I have no words... w00t.gif

Kudos to you and your spirit of compassion toward helping these children. I expect there are a number of us who do likewise. You are the second person to respond saying they have seen monks helping in this manner and kudos to them. I wish it happened more often. I have liven in three different areas of Isaan and never seen it. It is always a one way street so to speak. One thing that has made me so opinionated is when my gf's mother died last September. She paid six monks 28,000 Baht to come to the house six times to chant plus the final chant at the cremation. Needless to say I objected to this and was told "you don't understand, all Thais do this and some people give the monks a lot more. It is to insure mother is happy on her journey after death."

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A few points worth noting:

The heads remained on display for a while, after which the heads were distributed to other (several) temples. I doubt that there will be any smell of decay and all will be eaten, if not by the poor then by the monks.

Laobali is correct. As long as she did not kill, she violated no Buddhist tenet. Buddhism forbids killing, but historically Thai leaders were sometimes beaten to death while in a silk sack as changes in government occurred. Now it’s forbidden to beat someone to death, but when the person was put into a sack so that person could not be seen and beaten to death, then apparently that was ok. (Historical fact).

Buddhism is intimately interconnected with animism. It’s all around you. Look at the spirit houses. Often there are two, one large, one small. The large honors the spirit of the land who will protect the land. The small doesn’t honor, it appeases the spirit of the building so that it does not cause trouble.

Look at the trees covered in ribbons. Some will tell you Buddha sat there, but in reality it’s a tree spirit that is being honored.

Buddhism and animism and Hinduism are intricately connected. When you visit Doi Suthep, if you look real hard, the most fascinating item that I have seen there is almost hidden behind the gaudy gold statues but you will find it if you look hard. It’s a hand carved wooden Buddha statue with a number of cobra heads behind Buddha’s head. I’ll bet it’s at least a few hundred years and may be many hundreds of years old.

Bear with me..

The cobra heads tie in with the Hindu God Shesha who is the “thousand head snake.” Vishna is often found sitting on Shesha. How does this fit in with the OP? Well, Hindi beliefs are that Buddha is the 9th reincarnation of Vishna. So I believe that the particular most wonderful statue at Doi Suthep, in my eyes shows the interconnectedness of animism-Hindu-Buddhism. Now consider if Buddha is the 9th reincarnation of Vishna, then look at this statue of Vishna:


Here Vishna is shown as sporting a pig (boar’s) head. So I suspect that 300 boars (pigs) heads tie in with the interconnectedness of Buddhism and the Hindu God Vishna¸ especially since the heads were to be distributed as food to the monks.

Mot Dang wrote:

This has got nothing to do with Buddhism. The woman is sadly disillusioned if she thinks the Lord Buddha would view this favorably. I don't know what it is, I would not call it paganism, maybe it is more of an animistic practice.

Exactly, it is an animistic practice but my point of view is that it does have to do with Buddhism. I think it’s a neat example of the complexity of understanding Buddhism.

Very good explanation. Yes, practices such as this are in the roots of the development of Buddhism. Just as Jesus was a Jew, the Lord Buddha was a Hindu (of sorts), and Hinduism had its roots in animism. In most religions some of the older practices are still reflected in the more contemporary belief. We should not be critical of other peoples religious beliefs, except if they are cruel or inhuman. I expect some flaming here, but who would not say that some of the practices that go on in the Vatican are not superstitious.

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I told me thai aunt in law recently ...

who am I, that, when I pray, to the supposed god, call him what you want

that I assume that HE has time for me to listen to my wishes & wantings, longings ??????

I also said : did BUDDHA himself not teach, that wanting is suffering ?

If you long for something you can't get , that it will make you unhappy ?

I said : I am happy with what I have, I don't need more this, bigger house, more cars, ....

SILENCE on her part

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A woman offered 300 severed pig heads on platters to a Buddha statue

...then the statue spoke: "Thanks, dear woman, but I am full already, I can't manage another morsel, let alone 300 pig heads..., well if you insist, I'll give it my best shot - did you bring any ketchup?"

Perhaps just one wafer thin after-dinner mint....?

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Didn't Lord Buddha promote vegetarianism?

In fact, he died of food poisoning after eating tainted boar/pig (at least that is one interpretation of the sutta, which refers to 'tender pig').

Maybe this lady was thinking in terms of pay-back.... :-)

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Huh blink.png

She defaulted on a loan and was asking the statue for help Then offered 300 pig heads No wonder she was having financial problems

Must have cost a lot whistling.gif

Who says she was having financial problems? She was owed money and the offering is giving thanks for getting her money back.

You should learn to read and comprehend better.

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I suppose the woman is entitled to do this. For me, i find these ostentatious acts quite sickening and am always reminded of the Thai saying "pit thong lang phra" or stick gold leaf on the back of the Buddha image meaning to do good by stealth. How much better are the many Thais who reject these public displays and make merit by doing genuine good in their communities without seeking public recognition. I have met many and am humbled by them just as the ostentatious inspire only the opposite feelings.

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Notice how many people have jumped on the barbaric band wagon. It happened in Thailand not in your home country how many animals are slaughtered daily around the world for food? Barbaric how dare they.

The heads will not have gone to waste, this is part of the Thai culture accept and learn to get along with it, when a pigs head becomes to much then maybe its time to move on.

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Notice how many people have jumped on the barbaric band wagon. It happened in Thailand not in your home country how many animals are slaughtered daily around the world for food? Barbaric how dare they.

The heads will not have gone to waste, this is part of the Thai culture accept and learn to get along with it, when a pigs head becomes to much then maybe its time to move on.

And severing pigs heads to put on display (to also gain face likely) isn't barbaric?

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Notice how many people have jumped on the barbaric band wagon. It happened in Thailand not in your home country how many animals are slaughtered daily around the world for food? Barbaric how dare they.

The heads will not have gone to waste, this is part of the Thai culture accept and learn to get along with it, when a pigs head becomes to much then maybe its time to move on.

And severing pigs heads to put on display (to also gain face likely) isn't barbaric?

Unfortunately daveAustin this is part of Thai life and gaining / maintaining face is a major issue for Thai's.

If another human being is willing to take another humans life because of loss of face that should give you a good idea how serious the issue of gaining and losing face means to a Thai.

Best you keep away from the local market some of the sights in there ARE barbaric

I'm not agreeing with the whole episode but.................................

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ah 2015

and people still believe that ........

this is going to be a smelly to avoid place soon

i think the dead pigs heads have more brain cells than the donor

They appear to be cooked which is usual. My family do it with 2 or 3 heads on special occasions to thank Buddha which is common, but inexplicably they also believe vegetarianism is virtuous. We non-Thais just do not understand Thai-ism and it our fault and our loss.

I still think Buddha would not approve! (But what do I know? I'm not Thai!!!!!!!!!!)

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Notice how many people have jumped on the barbaric band wagon. It happened in Thailand not in your home country how many animals are slaughtered daily around the world for food? Barbaric how dare they.

The heads will not have gone to waste, this is part of the Thai culture accept and learn to get along with it, when a pigs head becomes to much then maybe its time to move on.

And severing pigs heads to put on display (to also gain face likely) isn't barbaric?

Um, she just gained 300 faces!!!

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