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Airbus A320 crashes in France - Germanwings flight with 150 onboard


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That being said, it could be a good idea to study the feasibility of giving ground control means to override certain things or even to take complete control of the aircraft if technology allows that.

Great. Then we have just that many more combinations of people who can go postal.

I'd suggest that if you want to be safe you fly the plane yourself, but then I don't trust you. biggrin.png

Edited by NeverSure
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Maybe in the future we can have remote controlled cockpit doors on commercial planes? If anything like this happens a radio signal from the ground can be sent to the plane and override the pilot decision and open the door. Or every pilot can be given a a unique code that will open the door from the outside,

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Yes, there are certainly some open questions to be answered!

I still hold that 600 hours is not enough to be left in charge of a passenger jet.

Also this screwing down on pilot's pay and conditions is a bad move...

How many hours is enough to be in charge of a passenger jet ?

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Alone at controls, co-pilot sought to 'destroy' the plane

Interesting play on words and a lot of thought gone in to the diplomacy of this statement.

Dead is still dead, unfortunately.

Perfect catch-22 - of those you want to keep out of the cockpit and those you want controlling the flight with unmolested access to their station. There's a simple solution to hand. Let's see if the airlines work it out and take it up.

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until evidence is revealed, a play on words is all that can be put on stage...

the only question I see begging is that of why only one person on deck? - unless the safety guard 2nd person (a steward) did the deed?

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The second black box ( Flight Data Recorder (FDR) ) was found today

Any link?

Here a link in English : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/germanwings-plane-crash/11512011/Germanwings-crash-Second-black-box-found-in-Alps.html

the box was found buried 20 cm in the ground ( found by a female gendarme ) , in an already inspected place before

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Well, Andreas Lubitz, this was an incredibly EVIL act.

If you wanted to die in a plane, why didn't you just use a small plane on your day off? Why did 149 other people have to die?

And why did the parents not tell anybody about her son's mental problems? I 'm atheist, but in this case I hope there's a hell.

And a special hell for this guy Andreas Luebiz. With a lot of Mengeles to torture him. Why?

Edited by lostinisaan
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Amazing that these CVR's and FDR's have not been updated to reflect huge improvements in computer and locator technologies over the last couple of decades.

That such vital pieces of any accident investigation puzzle are located in such a fortuitous manner is really disgraceful. There is something seriously wrong within the ICAO organisation (a UN organisation) if they cannot ensure that, at the very least, both an improvement to the system of recovery of the recorders as well as an increase in the amount of data held by them, is implemented without delay

No doubt all the ICAO delegates that attend the multiple meetings in various exotic locations are working very hard to justify their exorbitant salaries and expenses.whistling.gif Would it be too much to expect some progress on issues of importance?

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Well, Andreas Lubitz, this was an incredibly EVIL act.

If you wanted to die in a plane, why didn't you just use a small plane on your day off? Why did 149 other people have to die?

And why did the parents not tell anybody about her son's mental problems? I 'm atheist, but in this case I hope there's a hell.

And a special hell for this guy Andreas Luebiz. With a lot of Mengeles to torture him. Why?

It's all well and good to place blame now, the girlfriend was aware he planned to do something terrible, the airline knew his mental state was impaired. I'm sure if any of them had any idea what he was going to do they would have stopped him well before.

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