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Does the 90-day online report service provide (at least) an e-mailed "Report_Confirmation" receipt, within 72-hours (max) ?

I got mine back in 24 hours last week, it was an email directing me to their website where I could print off the approved 90 day report.



Does the 90-day online report service provide (at least) an e-mailed "Report_Confirmation" receipt, within 72-hours (max) ?

Sometimes the email comes in, sometimes they miss to send.

(if I remember right in one of four reports I did not get the email).

And it is only a notification.

Just check the status daily and then go and print/download the slip.


Well its been a year now and I still have not had a successful online report. Am I the only one?

I can't because I have a very old entry to the country, Plus I have gotten a new passport since then, Was told by immigration to do a border hop to get a new entry if I wanted to report online.


Well its been a year now and I still have not had a successful online report. Am I the only one?

I can't because I have a very old entry to the country, Plus I have gotten a new passport since then, Was told by immigration to do a border hop to get a new entry if I wanted to report online.

I have heard/read here old entries can be a problem. Mine was March 2015.


Well its been a year now and I still have not had a successful online report. Am I the only one?

Me too. One year.

Well its been a year now and I still have not had a successful online report. Am I the only one?

Same here.

I have no confidence that they will ever get it to work properly.


Well its been a year now and I still have not had a successful online report. Am I the only one?

Same here.

I have no confidence that they will ever get it to work properly.

It does work. Unless you have an entry prior to 2013 (approximately ) or a new passport since the last entry then you should be able to do it online unless their is an error in your records.

Most people that say they cannot do it are trying to do it with the wrong browser or are not entering all the required info correctly.


Apparently a change of address breaks it as well, even if it has already been reported at Immigration on the appropriate forms.

My address is the only thing which has changed since my last successful online report in 2015, but now I cannot use the system at all.

There does not seem to be any way to correct this situation. I asked about that when I made my report in person, but a shrug and a blank stare were the only responses.

I note also that they have carefully designed the "window" periods for postal and online reporting such that before the latter is open the former has already closed, leaving a personal visit as the only option after the online failure.

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Apparently a change of address breaks it as well, even if it has already been reported at Immigration on the appropriate forms.

My address is the only thing which has changed since my last successful online report in 2015, but now I cannot use the system at all.

There does not seem to be any way to correct this situation. I asked about that when I made my report in person, but a shrug and a blank stare were the only responses.

I note also that they have carefully designed the "window" periods for postal and online reporting such that before the latter is open the former has already closed, leaving a personal visit as the only option after the online failure.

Can you get past the first page or are you getting the contact you local office message.

Your address does not get entered until after the first page.


No, I cannot get past the first page. As soon as I try to submit the form the error message appears. I have not at that stage entered any address. It seems that the mere fact that I have changed address since my last entry has disabled online reporting for me. I should probably stop complaining here about it, but it somehow seems far worse to have been spared the ordeal of reporting in person for almost a year, but now to have to endure it again periodically for the foreseeable future.


No, I cannot get past the first page. As soon as I try to submit the form the error message appears. I have not at that stage entered any address. It seems that the mere fact that I have changed address since my last entry has disabled online reporting for me. I should probably stop complaining here about it, but it somehow seems far worse to have been spared the ordeal of reporting in person for almost a year, but now to have to endure it again periodically for the foreseeable future.

Have you scrolled down to the bottom of the screen where they require you to check a box in order to get the Accept button to work ?


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Yes, of course I checked the box. It is not possible to access any of the forms on this site otherwise. I was able to enter all of my personal details, date of entry etc. Enter the Captcha code, press the button - and "contact immigration!". I never get as far as entering my address.

I know how to use the thing. It worked for me 3 times last year. I have changed address without any new entry; that seems to have broken it.

It isn't just me. When I reported in person the officer could not enter my details into the computer there. He had to go somewhere for a long time, then came back and started trying one thing after another, with a lot of head-scratching going on. I think I am condemned to indefinite repetitions of this tedious procedure.


Yes, of course I checked the box. It is not possible to access any of the forms on this site otherwise. I was able to enter all of my personal details, date of entry etc. Enter the Captcha code, press the button - and "contact immigration!". I never get as far as entering my address.

I know how to use the thing. It worked for me 3 times last year. I have changed address without any new entry; that seems to have broken it.

It isn't just me. When I reported in person the officer could not enter my details into the computer there. He had to go somewhere for a long time, then came back and started trying one thing after another, with a lot of head-scratching going on. I think I am condemned to indefinite repetitions of this tedious procedure.

how would changing address cause it to fail if you have not been able to tell it about your address change ?


Because I reported my change of address, in person at Immigration, soon after I moved. This is a requirement. In fact I had to make two separate reports, on two different forms. The first as owner of the property to say that a foreigner (I) was now living there, and the second as the foreigner (I) who now lives there, to inform them of my change of address! This is something like schizophrenia, or perhaps multiple-personality disorder. I literally have to be two people at once!

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Because I reported my change of address, in person at Immigration, soon after I moved. This is a requirement. In fact I had to make two separate reports, on two different forms. The first as owner of the property to say that a foreigner (I) was now living there, and the second as the foreigner (I) who now lives there, to inform them of my change of address! This is something like schizophrenia, or perhaps multiple-personality disorder. I literally have to be two people at once!

Not much consolation Roberta, but I changed address after doing my first online report.

I've continued to do them online ever since.

As you were previously successful,it sounds as though when you submitted your TM28 and TM30 an officer has changed/misspelt some of your basic personal information.

As UJ stated, your address details aren't required until the 2nd page.

Next time you have to visit your office, have them check your name, nationality, DOB, arrival date, and arrival card number for any typo errors, as those are the key points of information that must match in order to allow you to proceed to the 2nd page.


i think something has gone wrong with the system, as last week two of my colleagues successfully completed their online reports, but now it is impossible to get past the first page. As others have noticed, you just get a pop up window to contact your local Immigration Office! This wasn't happening last week.

As I was at Immigration yesterday but gave up waiting for the 90 day queue to go down (there were 150+ people ahead of me, and I'd already taken 3+ hours to get a Re-entry permit), thinking "I'll do it online", I'm going to give up!

In any case my report is due on 7 April and I will be leaving for a holiday on 13 April. I will just submit my usual postal report 90 days after I get back and see what happens.

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I'm getting the same error message having successfully done it online last time, but i've just come across the bit about having to do not more than 15 days before due date but not less than 7 days - something i wasn't aware of - i thought it was the same window of two weeks prior, one week after, when doing it in person.

Mine is due on the 8th April, in 3 days time, so i assume that is why i'm getting the error message - i'm outside of the one week window for doing it online.

Looks like a trip to Immigration is due. What joy. How i've missed those folks.


Because I reported my change of address, in person at Immigration, soon after I moved. This is a requirement. In fact I had to make two separate reports, on two different forms. The first as owner of the property to say that a foreigner (I) was now living there, and the second as the foreigner (I) who now lives there, to inform them of my change of address! This is something like schizophrenia, or perhaps multiple-personality disorder. I literally have to be two people at once!

Not much consolation Roberta, but I changed address after doing my first online report.

I've continued to do them online ever since.

As you were previously successful,it sounds as though when you submitted your TM28 and TM30 an officer has changed/misspelt some of your basic personal information.

As UJ stated, your address details aren't required until the 2nd page.

Next time you have to visit your office, have them check your name, nationality, DOB, arrival date, and arrival card number for any typo errors, as those are the key points of information that must match in order to allow you to proceed to the 2nd page.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. I went in and submitted the TM28 after a change of address (no TM30 though) and online reporting no longer worked, after 3 or 4 successful reports. As with Roberta, I could no longer get past the first page. I wasn't entirely surprised but it was pretty frustrating as I'd thought by doing the TM28 it might keep things working. I'll probably be making an overseas trip before the next report is due so maybe will get a fresh start?


did mine yesterday (2nd time) and all went smooth no issues......Chonburi

Just copied most of the stuff from my last application

now waiting approval


one year gone by, hundreds of posts on this topic, and still people having major issues with online 90 day reporting. will it ever get better, think not, as in their eyes there is nothing wrong.so why do so many people have problems ??

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one year gone by, hundreds of posts on this topic, and still people having major issues with online 90 day reporting. will it ever get better, think not, as in their eyes there is nothing wrong.so why do so many people have problems ??

Whilst there are known difficulties many of the "problems" are user generated.

The the on line 90 report service has always worked for me and many others.


Because I reported my change of address, in person at Immigration, soon after I moved. This is a requirement. In fact I had to make two separate reports, on two different forms. The first as owner of the property to say that a foreigner (I) was now living there, and the second as the foreigner (I) who now lives there, to inform them of my change of address! This is something like schizophrenia, or perhaps multiple-personality disorder. I literally have to be two people at once!

Not much consolation Roberta, but I changed address after doing my first online report.

I've continued to do them online ever since.

As you were previously successful,it sounds as though when you submitted your TM28 and TM30 an officer has changed/misspelt some of your basic personal information.

As UJ stated, your address details aren't required until the 2nd page.

Next time you have to visit your office, have them check your name, nationality, DOB, arrival date, and arrival card number for any typo errors, as those are the key points of information that must match in order to allow you to proceed to the 2nd page.

Thank you for the only constructive response so far. I think you may well be right. But I very much doubt I would ever be able to convince an officer to actually do as you suggest. The one I dealt with most recently refused to even believe in the possibility of online reporting. When I asked him if he could check for any reason why I could no longer report via internet, he said something like "Internet? No, cannot! You have to come here!". I was shouting to try to make myself heard above the general bedlam prevailing in the overcrowded room, and straining to hear what was said to me through a small aperture in the thick glass window, by someone who speaks little English, (and I less Thai). This is the usual situation at my nearest office. I hold little hope now of ever sorting out this mess.


one year gone by, hundreds of posts on this topic, and still people having major issues with online 90 day reporting. will it ever get better, think not, as in their eyes there is nothing wrong.so why do so many people have problems ??

Not exactly. I was told in person by the officer at immigration on my last visit (late March) that the "system is broken."

There you go.

From the horse's mouth.

Ergo: If you successfully filed a report online, consider yourself one of the lucky ones!


Appears to be broken today! Successful last couple of times but when entering the same info as last time get the "Report to ....." message when submitting the first page. No change in my details and not left the country since my last report.

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First I tried to do it using Firefox, then Chrome, and it did not work.

Then, after reading comments from "sunnyjim5" and "KhunBENQ" on page 80 (big thanks to both of them), I installed IE Tab extension for Chrome and opened the full link: >>>https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do<<< with Chrome in an IE based tab.

From there, everything went very smoothly.

Transaction date and time: Wednesday ,April 06,2016 12:05 PM (TH)

I found the approval email from [email protected] in my junk mail folder today, it was sent Fri, 8 Apr 2016 11:24:55

Hope this will help more people to be successful with the Online 90 day reporting as this is so convenient when it works...

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My experience (Phuket) using the online system its worked 3 of 4 times I've tried. Most recent was about three weeks ago all fine. Each time I've filled the online forms in etc and submitted before 10:30am and received an email with the approval by 4:30pm the same day.

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