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Migrant workers in Thailand instructed to wear ID wristbands


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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png

Took the words right out of my mouth. sad.png

I was about to give the same response....!

It seems like the Thais are never able to learn from other parts of the world. ! maybe, they don't need to, because they are so smart.....!

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This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

I've just come back from a trip to Poland visiting a camp that my father was in during WW11. I agree what happened must not happen again but of course

it is happening today and will happen tomorrow as well.

All Thai's have to carry ID cards so why not legal migrant workers. Does it matter if the ID is in the wallet or on the wrist.

The UK does not have any official ID card and the illegal's run the Border Agency ragged. The Government was going to introduce ID cards years ago but some fool reckoned it was going to cost billions. More or less every other country in the world have ID's including EU countries.

ID's mean control, of course the people who do not wish to be recognized will object. But the rest of us will cheer when the UK illegals cannot claim benefits etc and the Police and Border Agency can catch these people.

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This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

I've just come back from a trip to Poland visiting a camp that my father was in during WW11. I agree what happened must not happen again but of course

it is happening today and will happen tomorrow as well.

All Thai's have to carry ID cards so why not legal migrant workers. Does it matter if the ID is in the wallet or on the wrist.

The UK does not have any official ID card and the illegal's run the Border Agency ragged. The Government was going to introduce ID cards years ago but some fool reckoned it was going to cost billions. More or less every other country in the world have ID's including EU countries.

ID's mean control, of course the people who do not wish to be recognized will object. But the rest of us will cheer when the UK illegals cannot claim benefits etc and the Police and Border Agency can catch these people.

Ok, for the UK. Except that...

Thaiand has no benefits for these poor people to claim, so that comparison here doesn't apply.

These migrants are not offered the jobs (or pay) that Thais would want.

The Thai economy is based around these poor people. They aren't addressing that, while vilifying the people taken advantage of by that.

It does actually matter if the ID is in the wallet or on the wrist, I think, because the second is degrading and dehumanizing, more like an animal.

The UK border is not 'run ragged', in my experience, it's extremely slow moving and methodical - I've yet to wait less than 30 minutes even with all the proper paperwork just to enter. They want to know more details about even a short trip than any other country besides the US - they are extreme. The poles and others are legally able to immigrate there, and people often complain about them as if they were illegal, but that's a bigger issue than actual illegals.

Instead of 'catching these people', why not go after the people who exploit them? That's where the problem begins, after all. These people are brought here to work horrible jobs for near-slave wages, have no benefits or probably decent places to stay, and the economy is based on them. That's a THAI problem, and rooted in the corruption Prayut is always talking about in generalities, but never in specifics. It seems pretty clear, that the reason the real issues aren't addressed, are financial.

Edited by No Apologist
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Also tattoo numbers on them in case the wristbands fall off. Maybe a microchip as well. And probably Thailand should charge those untrustworthy foreigners a large fee to cover the cost of hiring a Thai minder to watch them around the clock in case the foreigner is committing crimes.

I agree 100% with these ideas....

Every time a farang enters Thailand a new number should be tattooed on their forehead.

After their forehead is full.Then the rest of the body can be tattooed as needed.

After a strip search the police could easily know how many times a farang has been to Thailand

by the number of tattoos on their body...

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It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!

Absolutely right. This is not an attempt to segregate one section of society from another with political intent to get rid of them. It is simply an attempt (with the usual sprinkle of 'Thainess') to help the situation. I expect the bracelets will be sought after by people who can have some visible sign of legitimacy.

This forum is full of ignorant experts. I suppose nobody tells them to <deleted> like what happens in real life.

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Seems like for lots of op's a sensitive issue here, and i wished Mr. Bangkok whoever shows a little more respect.

Most Europenas among us were born during the war or just after. And some of us have horror stories to tell mr. Bangkok, please show some repect.

The police general in my opinion is in way over his head here and has not for one moment considered the consequences of his proposal. ( Probably copied from Madame TAT).

Guest workers, legal or no, like Laotians, Birmese or Cambodians, who are the target here, are looked upon by the thais as lower standard second class citizens and treated as such.

Giving them an item to wear as recognition for who they are is therefore blatent racism and cannot be tolerated. And I hope that human rights organizations will protest this and put it before the UN.

Another scandal in the making.

If I for one minute would have to wear a band brandishing me as a .....farang, I would immediately buy a ticket, never to return.

Social media have a way of dealing with issues.

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It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!

Absolutely right. This is not an attempt to segregate one section of society from another with political intent to get rid of them. It is simply an attempt (with the usual sprinkle of 'Thainess') to help the situation. I expect the bracelets will be sought after by people who can have some visible sign of legitimacy.

This forum is full of ignorant experts. I suppose nobody tells them to <deleted> like what happens in real life.

Don't forget to cheer on martial law and no freedom of the press, as per usual.

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As you are such a student of the nazi atrocities, please point out where an attempt to control illegal immigration has parallels with forced dispossession, internment, forced labour and genocide.

or are you making a mountain out of a molehill for a cheap shot at the current government?

What you're doing, is jumping to the extreme, final chapter of those atrocities, and purposely ignoring the smaller steps which led to them - arguing that if it's not the all out holocaust, then nothing to worry about. You wouldn't need someone to point that out to you, if you weren't just trying to be obstinate.

If you are willing to excuse the incremental steps - as long as it doesn't result in an exact parallel to the holocaust - then that is very weak ground for you to defend.

And you condemn a simple process as the primary in a sequence with no reason to suggest that such a sequence will eventuate. Tell me, what is the next step so that I can look out for it?

What's the next step to look out for, you ask?

Oh, I don't know....someone taking over the government at gun-point, electing themselves the new leader, ending the right to vote, ending freedom of the press, declaring endless martial law, and threatening journalists who ask questions?

I guess you missed those 'small steps' already.

Oh I don't know... someone intervening to stop murders by government terrorists, taking charge to implement political reform because the last lot would not, giving the most free and fair elections in Thailand for many years at the end of it, trying to tackle the disgraceful press reporting because many such establishments were bought-and-paid-for or threatened a long time ago, declaring endless martial law (which has ended lol) and tackling dirty journalists head-on instead of simply running away and letting the UDD leave grenades on their gateposts.

I guess you missed the point completely.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

who have registered with police will be required to wear the dark red wristbands in public places.

And what is to stop some enterprising indivdual from making fake wrist bands and selling them ?

One suspects a tatoo on their forearm with all their relevant details might be more effective ?

Teachers next then the expats with one year visa.

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It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!


when a farang comes to thailand you get a visa number in your passport

you are then registered by immigration

if you get a work permit you get a number and registered with labour department

when you start a bussiness you get a tax number and registered by revenue department

you are required by law already to carry ID in thailand

so what is the difference to this wrist band apart from it is publicly visible [instead of being in your pocket/wallet ]

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As you are such a student of the nazi atrocities, please point out where an attempt to control illegal immigration has parallels with forced dispossession, internment, forced labour and genocide.

or are you making a mountain out of a molehill for a cheap shot at the current government?

What you're doing, is jumping to the extreme, final chapter of those atrocities, and purposely ignoring the smaller steps which led to them - arguing that if it's not the all out holocaust, then nothing to worry about. You wouldn't need someone to point that out to you, if you weren't just trying to be obstinate.

If you are willing to excuse the incremental steps - as long as it doesn't result in an exact parallel to the holocaust - then that is very weak ground for you to defend.

And you condemn a simple process as the primary in a sequence with no reason to suggest that such a sequence will eventuate. Tell me, what is the next step so that I can look out for it?

What's the next step to look out for, you ask?

Oh, I don't know....someone taking over the government at gun-point, electing themselves the new leader, ending the right to vote, ending freedom of the press, declaring endless martial law, and threatening journalists who ask questions?

I guess you missed those 'small steps' already.

Oh I don't know... someone intervening to stop murders by government terrorists, taking charge to implement political reform because the last lot would not, giving the most free and fair elections in Thailand for many years at the end of it, trying to tackle the disgraceful press reporting because many such establishments were bought-and-paid-for or threatened a long time ago, declaring endless martial law (which has ended lol) and tackling dirty journalists head-on instead of simply running away and letting the UDD leave grenades on their gateposts.

I guess you missed the point completely.

As usual, you repeat one-sided propaganda about such violence in order to advance very questionable conclusions, and aren't able to comprehend that the violence happening was on both sides (as it always is). There are so many examples of such things, and you relying on extreme, one-sided statements like that, shows an almost purposeful ignornace on your part. You seem to have little or no understanding of what's behind those events, other than shouting about Thaksin, which is shallow understanding.

Martial law was expanded and renamed, and this is clear enough, that childish word games to avoid it, is no point to make. If you're afraid of admitting to it, that says a lot.

You calling them 'dirty journalists' for exposing a slavery ring in the fishing industry - in the example noted - is clear enough evidence that you choose propaganda over important issues.

It's not that Thailand wasn't having real problems - and I'm no fan of Thaksin or Yingluck. But, I respect the things you write here every day even less. Every day you make statements about how Thais don't deserve civil rights, or free press, etc. You just come off like an angry person who actually enjoys the idea that you can say those things, without any thought or understanding whatsoever.

Edited by No Apologist
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Do you all think he has to wear the band 24/7 or just while he is at work in the market.

Just at public , when at work? I'd rent my wrist band out for the time I'm not at work, share with a close friend. And you just know some enterprising official is gonna find a way to 'fine' these people for not wearing the wrist band in an acceptable manner.

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Well really, Thailand has sunk to a new low. This is a complete disregard for human rights, not that they have had much regard anyway. To treat legally documented and registered workers little better than common criminals is a disgrace. Next it will be yellow bands for tourists and green for non o ect.

Very sad state of affairs.

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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png

Was the first thing that came to my mind, first step towards many others if this will be accepted.

Remember the idea some Thai had that farangs should wear a wristband also, about 6 months ago (or more, time flies)

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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png

It is scary, it shows how close the current leader will go to..... very scary.....

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Well really, Thailand has sunk to a new low. This is a complete disregard for human rights, not that they have had much regard anyway. To treat legally documented and registered workers little better than common criminals is a disgrace. Next it will be yellow bands for tourists and green for non o ect.

Very sad state of affairs.

LOL, however, if I recall, someone a number of years back DID propose that tourists wear wristbands (not sure if they were yellow). Thankfully, that never got off the ground.

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It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!

You do make some good points.

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