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Thailand to upgrade fleet, chooses Chinese to provide three submarines


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why would anyone want to buy a sub from china ? they are not known for keeping things floating . 2 aircraft carriors , one has no planes and engines wont start . the other used as a luxery get-away hotel for top brass (brothel) . both are russki made , so tell us all about china subs in 25 words or less

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why would anyone want to buy a sub from china ? they are not known for keeping things floating . 2 aircraft carriors , one has no planes and engines wont start . the other used as a luxery get-away hotel for top brass (brothel) . both are russki made , so tell us all about china subs in 25 words or less

USS Kittyhawk Incident 2006.

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Yeah,....I guess military and politicians all over the world are the best in wasting there government's resources....and Thailand is certainly no exception.....

We better prepare ourselves to the flowing story's...."Officials received bribes for choosing Chinese Sub's" "submarine lost at sea"..."Submarines don't go out anymore after the first time, too costly"...or any mechanical problem, to save face........

Best regards....

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You can't reason with the highly emotional "..but, but, but Thaksin..." crowd. Everything the current administration has done, is doing and will ever do is justified by invoking the name of Mr T.

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I wonder if they would be so kind to publish the non confidential parts of the 6 million dollar budget allocation for the feasibility study that was undertaken on this procurement.

Or perhaps that budget has already been spent on numerous 'study' trips to China, Germany, South Korea for the selection Committee, along with their families and relatives.

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I suppose these subs will be used to covertly patrol the Gulf of Thailand looking for Chinese subs who are tracking the fishing fleet.

The fact is, there is no water deep enough in the gulf to safely operate submarines, its just too <deleted> shallow. facepalm.gif

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But how will the Thai military use submarines against their own people? More guns, rubber bullets and wire ties would be more useful.

the reds started the violence not the military

Nah ! of course not. The RTA only opened up with live ammunition and the stupid protesters moved a temple into the way. Even stuck nurses and foreign journo's out front. Those poor soldiers had no choice but to gun them down.

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Is this any surprise

The new elite, the military, are going to make the most of their time in power and the taxpayers down the line are going to foot the bill

Somewhat similar to marriage, it's not the initial investment that kills you, it's the upkeep

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I just wonder who the crews are going to be,will they put lady boys in them.

Whatever floats your boat.

Can you imagine the confusion when someone shouts 'prepare to go down lads'

Groannnnnnn. That was scraping the bottom a bit. surely

As opposed to "blow main ballast " ?

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"Chinese submarines .......... able to stay underwater longer."

No doubt. How good are they at re-surfacing?

Although weaponry and endurance important, the most critical factor is detectably.

If the enemy can track you it's all over.

Not really difficult to track a submarine in 50m of water!

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Handy, once we're part of China in the very near future it's mix and match.

Funny when the Dutch wanted to help with the flooding problem they hired the Chinese. See how that works. It's also the Dutch that built one of the best submarines to date in this class. See?

If you want a submarine, you can't go too far wrong with a German Diesel/electric, quietest boat in the world.......

Thais would probably fit it with a straight through exhaust to make it louder, and some LEDs for "hey look at me" effect.

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Again you guys don't understand it.

Those subs will be used in the Chao Praya to see where the flow is being jammed. After all preventing the city from flooding is #1 priority for the Thai.

Also they can be used against illegal fishery and human smuggling. You guys are never pleased it seems.wai2.gif

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Thais would probably fit it with a straight through exhaust to make it louder, and some LEDs for "hey look at me" effect.

Out of the mouths of babes............ They put LEDs on drones to make them harder to see. A similar system would work on a sub in shallow water.

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You guys laugh about Chinese subs being no good, look at what Canada bought from Britain.

4 rusty, outdated pieces of junk that have never been in service.

We're fighting ISIS with 35 year old fighters.

Thailand's military isn't near the joke my own country is.

At least Thailand isn't trying to be a player with their equipment.

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Reading the majority of posts, it seems that there is no intelligence in the East side of this planet.

What a shameful state of affairs, when you think of the facts.

The thought come to mind...Do intelligent humans feel ashamed of their despicable acts?

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But how will the Thai military use submarines against their own people? More guns, rubber bullets and wire ties would be more useful.

the reds started the violence not the military

How would submarines be used to address the violence you claim was started by the "reds"?

Can you provide one incident over the past decade where the "reds" initiated a deep sea violent act?

Much of Thailand's coast is relatively shallow. In case you don't know, submarines are not used in shallow waters.

Also please note that there are no inland seas in the Issan region or Bangkok.


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Handy, once we're part of China in the very near future it's mix and match.

Funny when the Dutch wanted to help with the flooding problem they hired the Chinese. See how that works. It's also the Dutch that built one of the best submarines to date in this class. See?

If you want a submarine, you can't go too far wrong with a German Diesel/electric, quietest boat in the world.......

Thais would probably fit it with a straight through exhaust to make it louder, and some LEDs for "hey look at me" effect.

Drag races in the Gulf of Thailand!

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I guess this is one way of calming a potential counter coup. Throw the rank and file a massive wedge to divvy up

But would any tea-money get as-far-down as the "rank and file" ?

Maybe not all the way to the bottom, but I have heard it gets a long ways down. Only way to keep them all in line

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